Kornelije Kovač


The Years of the Sweet Sin
The biggest Balkan star Lepa Brena in the documentary speaks about the fame but also reveals and yet unknown details from her biography. From childhood in Brcko, growing up in the working family to the achievement of the most successful career in the former Yugoslavia. How she built the brand, what was the role of her manager Raka Djokic, in the success of Lepa Brena and "Slatki greh" and how it looked like a tour that lasted for 9 years. The film is featured by prominent artists and public workers of a time brought by artists like Lepa Brena today.
Awakening from the Dead
The story takes place at the beginning of the bombing, both in Belgrade and in one small town in Serbia, at the end of March 1999. Forty-year-old Mickey, an unaccomplished writer, a disillusioned assistant professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts, a discouraged democrat and a columnist, dismissed from a famous daily newspaper, emerges from his own grave and enters into his own life. Within 48 hours, he will try to achieve all those things he couldn't while he was alive. At the same time, post-mortem, he will try to save the dignity of his own community and his tribe, not taking too much care of himself.
Awakening from the Dead
The story takes place at the beginning of the bombing, both in Belgrade and in one small town in Serbia, at the end of March 1999. Forty-year-old Mickey, an unaccomplished writer, a disillusioned assistant professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts, a discouraged democrat and a columnist, dismissed from a famous daily newspaper, emerges from his own grave and enters into his own life. Within 48 hours, he will try to achieve all those things he couldn't while he was alive. At the same time, post-mortem, he will try to save the dignity of his own community and his tribe, not taking too much care of himself.
The State of the Dead
When the war in Yugoslavia breaks out, an army officer who's ethnic Slovenian yet still believes in Yugoslavia, decides to move to Belgrade. The country continues to fall apart and so does his family failing to find acceptance there.
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История Лепы Брены, ее путешествия и приключений во время одного из туров по Югославии.
The Igman March
The story of a forced march of the first proletarian shock brigade during World War II.
Original Music Composer
Тридцатисемилетняя Мэрилин Джордан изнывает от благополучной, богатой и размеренной жизни в шикарном особняке под Стокгольмом. Ей наскучили почтенный преуспевающий муж и повседневная умиротворяющая рутина. Душа и тело Мэрилин жаждут безумной страсти и острых ощущений. Внезапно подвернувшийся случай позволяет ей совершить захватывающее и опасное путешествие в эмигрантские трущобы, где Мэрилин знакомится с забавным югославом с ножом во лбу, начинающей стриптизершей и таинственным человеком по имени Монтенегро, который перевернет ее жизнь.
Season of Peace in Paris
Original Music Composer
A Yugoslavian man meets a woman in Paris, where he has come to do some research, and their mutual attraction leads to a liaison and shared adventures, not many good.
I Sing All Day, I Sing All Night
Zdravko Čolić is the biggest pop star in Yugoslavia. We follow him during his "Traveling Earthquake Tour", lerning who is the man behind the microphone, dancers, glittery suits... and in front of the audience.
I Sing All Day, I Sing All Night
Zdravko Čolić is the biggest pop star in Yugoslavia. We follow him during his "Traveling Earthquake Tour", lerning who is the man behind the microphone, dancers, glittery suits... and in front of the audience.
The Role of My Family in the World Revolution
After WW2, a group of partisans comes to a bourgeois family in order to teach them singing and declamation of new songs. The family soon forgets their old customs and principles.
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