A famous conductor named Frederick falls with his plane in the house of a woman who spends a few days with her daughter. He was feeling increasingly disappointed with his fiancee, love of fame, and there is a crush at the time.
Many years ago Thaddeus Hartington quarreled with his son David. Now he is seriously ill, but only wants to undergo a risky heart surgery, if he had the opportunity to reconcile with David. His dedicated doctor Kate sets out to find the missing person. She finds him in a small south English town, where he lives with his son Jeffrey. With charm and openness, Kate manages to win David's trust and eventually his heart. However, when he learns that Kate is on his father's behalf, this puts the young love to the test.
Лето 1944 года. Юная баронесса Барбара выходит замуж. Ее супруг, Александр, оставив Барбаре символ любви, янтарный амулет, уходит на фронт и пропадает без вести. В поместье родителей Барбары размещаются советские солдаты под командованием майора Беляева. Барбара влюбляется в русского офицера, но отказывается уехать с ним в Москву, так и не сказав ему, что ждет от него ребенка. Вернувшийся из плена Александр воспитывает сына Беляева как своего. Но после июньского восстания 1953 года суд ГДР приговаривает Александра по обвинению в шпионаже к 20 годам заключения. Единственный, кто может помочь Барбаре добиться освобождения мужа и переправить всю семью на запад — это Беляев…
Pepe Nietnagel and his fellow students of the Mommsen school come up with all kinds of ideas to get out of doing any actual school work. This includes simulating suicides, setting off the air-raid sirens and abusing the school director's new broadcasting system. They succeed in sending their teacher to a sanatorium and get a replacement that turns out to not be so bad after all.