Yevgeniy Bugayev


Новый Год на хуторе близ Диканьки. От заката до рассвета
Grandson, granddaughter and grandfather are going to the village of Dykanka for the New Year. There they are waiting for unexpected meetings and fun adventures.
Звериные войны
На одной из маленьких планет, которая вращается вокруг небольшого солнца, две расы- Громилы и Крушилы решили перенести свои распри на спортивную арену и сыграть в ИГРУ. Победитель в ИГРЕ будет править планетой до следующего солнечного затмения. Лучшему игроку Крушил – Медведю Эдду подбросили фальшивый чек на 100,000 долларов. Он должен доказать свою невиновность и вернуться на поле, чтобы спасти свою команду от поражения.
Садистские стишки
The animation is based on the famous ditty verses, where folk "black humor" is taken as the basis of the work.
В стране Альхоков
Animation about an unknown land somewhere near the North Pole. As a result of the magnetic anomaly, a tropical climate is preserved there. An expedition is sent in search of this land. Their plane crashes, and travelers find themselves on this very land, where not only tropical jungles grow, but prehistoric animals are still preserved. In addition, people live there - the Alkhok tribe.
В стране Альхоков
Animation about an unknown land somewhere near the North Pole. As a result of the magnetic anomaly, a tropical climate is preserved there. An expedition is sent in search of this land. Their plane crashes, and travelers find themselves on this very land, where not only tropical jungles grow, but prehistoric animals are still preserved. In addition, people live there - the Alkhok tribe.