Немецкое ретро о любовных и политических забавах молодых дрезденцев в 1961 году. ГДР глазами юного провинциала предстает страной первых поцелуев, ночных денс-клубов и безбашенных драчунов с режимом. Вскоре, однако, невинные шалости непуганой молодежи перерастают в серьезные стычки с Системой, романтическое увлечение — в любовную драму, а Берлин оказывается разделенным легендарной Стеной.
Adapted from Eduard von Keyserling’s 1911 novel of the same title, Waves depicts both the lives and loves of an aristocratic German family during a summer holiday on the Baltic coast of what is now Lithuania, as well as the twilight of a social order and its mores in a world soon to be plunged into the cataclysm of world war.
Josef Bertholt is head of operations of the Munich Police's drug squad. When his wife Lily is the victim of a hit by drug dealers, he becomes even more obsessed with his work.
Simon, the leader of a police special unit, becomes caught up in a complex scheme involving bribery and money-laundering, as well as an affair with the beautiful wife of a government official investigating organized crime and political corruption. After the official is kidnapped, the chase leads to a dramatic conclusion high in the Bavarian Alps.