Allan Edwall

Allan Edwall

Рождение : 1924-08-25, Rödön, Jämtlands län, Sweden

Смерть : 1997-02-07


Johan Allan Edwall was a Swedish stage and screen actor, singer, writer and director. He graduated from the Royal Dramatic Theatre's Acting School in 1952. Growing up in the landscape of Jämtland, Edwall spent some time working on a ship before he arrived in Stockholm in the 1940s, just barely making a living as a writer, painter and poet before he was admitted to the Royal Dramatic Theater's acting school in 1949. After graduation he worked at the theater in the 1950s and 1960s  but he was mainly a jack-of-all-trades, appearing on the stage, in movies as well as recording and publishing his own songs. He is remembered for a string of queer roles, such as Emil's father in the Emil of Lönneberga films, the cheerful vagabond in the Rasmus and the vagabond movie, the dying father in Ingmar Bergman's Fanny and Alexander as well as Carlsson in the TV adaptation of Strindberg's Hemsöborna. In the later part of his life he owned his own theater, Brunnsgatan 4, in Stockholm. Biography by Mattias Thuresson.


Allan Edwall
Allan Edwall


Bättre Utan Hund
Bättre Utan Hund
A tribute to Swedish film, which was made to celebrate the 100th anniversary of film in 1995 and consists of about a hundred clips from Swedish film history with many of its stars.
Duo jag
The old boyfriend
Gösta Ekman and Kent Andersson play two men, living together for a long time. One a small, skinny and unknown poet - the other a large, famous and celebrated actor.
Doktor Glas
A one man show based on Hjalmar Söderberg's book about Doctor Glas and his dilemma with his patient.
Doktor Glas
A one man show based on Hjalmar Söderberg's book about Doctor Glas and his dilemma with his patient.
Doktor Glas
Doktor Glas
A one man show based on Hjalmar Söderberg's book about Doctor Glas and his dilemma with his patient.
The Journey to Melonia
Prospero (voice)
When a ship sinks during a storm, a slave from the industrial island of Plutonia is washed up on the beaches of paradise island Melonia, where the "all-powerful" wizard Prospero and his strange friends reside.
A documentary on Sven Nykvist lighting the movie-set during the shooting of Andrei Tarkovsky's film "The Sacrifice."
Pirates of the Lake
It is the first day of the summer vacation. Jojje, Jerker and Fabian wants to borrow a sailing boat to take a boat trip so they steal it. They plan to examine all of Lake Maelaren, but a storm breaks out and the boat sinks. They go ashore, steal food and a new boat. While everybody else believes them to be dead, they have a wonderful time. They meet a crazy Count and find a dead body.
Pirates of the Lake
Frans i Flinta
It is the first day of the summer vacation. Jojje, Jerker and Fabian wants to borrow a sailing boat to take a boat trip so they steal it. They plan to examine all of Lake Maelaren, but a storm breaks out and the boat sinks. They go ashore, steal food and a new boat. While everybody else believes them to be dead, they have a wonderful time. They meet a crazy Count and find a dead body.
Pirates of the Lake
It is the first day of the summer vacation. Jojje, Jerker and Fabian wants to borrow a sailing boat to take a boat trip so they steal it. They plan to examine all of Lake Maelaren, but a storm breaks out and the boat sinks. They go ashore, steal food and a new boat. While everybody else believes them to be dead, they have a wonderful time. They meet a crazy Count and find a dead body.
Профессорская семья живёт в уединённом живописном уголке Швеции. Александр — в прошлом актёр, писатель, его жена — молодая актриса, его дети — дочь и немой сын («Маленький человек»), испытывают муки и ужасы приближающегося конца света, в связи с началом атомной войны. У Александра день рождения. Но он может стать и общим днём смерти, так как уже запущены ядерные ракеты. Александр заключает пакт с Богом… Чем надо пожертвовать, чтобы спасти мир от надвигающейся катастрофы? Своим имуществом, своим образом жизни, а, может быть, своей жизнью? Что положит герой фильма на алтарь Всемогущего Творца, если последний, конечно, существует? «Фильм и делается специально таким образом, чтобы быть истолкованным по-разному», — писал о нём сам Тарковский.
Ронья, дочь разбойника
Высоко на скале в середине огромного леса стояла большая крепость. В той крепости жила банда разбойников, которые грабили невинных людей, которые проезжали через лес. Предводителем банды был Маттис. Однажды ночью случилась ужасная гроза. Огромная молния ударила в скалу и разделила ее и крепость надвое. В ту же ночь в крепости родилось двое детей — у Маттиса родилась дочь, а у Борки, ставшего предводителем второй части банды, которая поделилась надвое, как и крепость, родился сын. С тех пор между двумя бандами была вражда. Казалось, ничего не могло соединить их снова, но есть две вещи, которые преодолевают все обстоятельства — любовь и дружба. Дети росли, и однажды отправились в путешествие в лес. Путешествие предстояло нелегким, в пути их ждали фантастические приключения, странные и опасные существа и новые друзья…
Åke and His World
Åke and his world is a long, lyrical study of a Swedish country doctor of the 1930s. Åke is the doctor's six-year-old son, from whose point of view the film is told. His best friend is Kalle Nubb. Åke is very frightened of the janitor Bergström as well as the lunatic Anne-Marie.
Åke and His World
Principal Godeman
Åke and his world is a long, lyrical study of a Swedish country doctor of the 1930s. Åke is the doctor's six-year-old son, from whose point of view the film is told. His best friend is Kalle Nubb. Åke is very frightened of the janitor Bergström as well as the lunatic Anne-Marie.
Åke and His World
Åke and his world is a long, lyrical study of a Swedish country doctor of the 1930s. Åke is the doctor's six-year-old son, from whose point of view the film is told. His best friend is Kalle Nubb. Åke is very frightened of the janitor Bergström as well as the lunatic Anne-Marie.
Фанни и Александр. Хроника создания фильма
Документальная лента о создании фильма «Фанни и Александр» Ингмара Бергмана.
The School of Wives
The elderly Arnolphe has decided to marry a young woman, Agnes, whom he has fallen in love with. She is too young and innocent to realize what plans he has for her. But Agnes and Arnolphe's young friend, the dandy Horace, have fallen in love with each other. Their love is a threat to Arnolphe's attempt at getting married. Can the cunning Arnolphe stop them?
P & B
Josef "Stavros" Bendel
Pettersson and Bendel are both worn, run-down and broke. Despite this they decide to start a business and become rich. Unexperienced they are open to any deal. They tamper, scam and exploit loopholes that exist.
Limpan is an alcoholic who has been put into a caretaking home for alcoholics. He's promised a job on the 'outside', but he's not released from the home, so he runs away. He misses the job and gets caught and is brought back, but they won't accept him, since it's after closing time. During a couple of days, he wanders back and forth between the home and the world, meeting several different people who all have their different problems, which Limpan confronts and all the time, there's the question of alcohol; to drink or not to drink.
Sture Charles 'Limpan' Lindberg
Limpan is an alcoholic who has been put into a caretaking home for alcoholics. He's promised a job on the 'outside', but he's not released from the home, so he runs away. He misses the job and gets caught and is brought back, but they won't accept him, since it's after closing time. During a couple of days, he wanders back and forth between the home and the world, meeting several different people who all have their different problems, which Limpan confronts and all the time, there's the question of alcohol; to drink or not to drink.
Фанни и Александр
Oscar Ekdahl
История семьи Экдаль, увиденная глазами двух детей — сестры и брата Фанни и Александра. Пока семья едина и неразлучна, дети счастливы и без страха могут предаваться чудесным мечтам. С потерей близких людей в них растет чувство горечи и неприязни к миру. Но там, где Фанни пытается сохранить чистую душу, Александр замыкается в тёмном и жестоком внутреннем мирке.
История о приключениях мальчика Расмуса, сбежавшего из приюта, и его друга — странствующего поэта Оскара. Действие происходит в Швеции в начале XX века. Расмус — мальчик, который живёт в приюте. Не выдерживая тюремных порядков и придирок управляющей фрекен Хёк, он убегает из приюта и присоединяется к бродяге и барду по прозвищу Оскар Перекати-поле. Они начинают вместе путешествовать по стране. Ему предстоит пережить немало неожиданных и таинственных приключений и наконец обрести счастье домашнего очага. По мотивам одноименной повести Астрид Линдгрен.
The Rooster
In 1944, Cederqvist comes to a small cloth factory to see how the all-women employees can work more efficiently. At the beginning he is greeted with suspicion and his efforts at courting the young ladies are futile. But as soon as he buys himself a car it becomes much easier, especially since he has the power to relocate people to an easier line of work. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
Thorbjörn Fälldin
One Monday morning, a thousand children leave the suburb of Farsta and go to Stockholm to occupy the Royal Castle. The children have formed a group called S.O.P.O.R. as a protest against the way adults treat them and have destroyed their future. They demand that the robots in the industry are replaced by humans to create job opportunities. They take the royal family as hostages.
Midsommardröm i fattighuset
Blind-Jonas is in a poorhouse dreaming about his past, in contrast the young girl Cecilia shows up dreaming about her future.
Мадикен из Юнибаккена
Herr Nilsson
Мадикен — озорная девочка. Ей почти 7 лет, и она живёт в Юнибаккене вместе с мамой, папой, сестрёнкой Лисабет и работницей Альвой. В жизни Мадикен каждый день происходят интересные события — мамин день рождения, школьная экскурсия, Рождество, и весёлые школьные будни. Каждую Мадикен и Лисабет выдумывают что-нибудь новое, с ними невозможно соскучится.
Sverige åt svenskarna
Doktor Karl Otto
This farce cocerns Sweden's King Gustav (Per Oscarsson who plays all the lead roles). The royal monarchs of three major European countries are patiently or not-so-patiently hovering on the sidelines while watching the future King Gustav closely. No single king appears to possess the brains he was born with, so history seems to be made by default, as it were. Gustav does blunder around, but not enough to miss being crowned king. As a result, France, England, and Germany invade Sweden hoping to take by force what they could not gain by incompetence.
To Be a Millionaire
Allan Persson
The terrorist Fors arrested after an attack on a OPEC meeting. Shortly afterwards town minister's daughter gets kidnapped by two men who require Fors be released and that he will flight phase to Albania. SÄPO agent Olsson will handle the case.
Ты с ума сошла, Мадикен
Herr Nilsson
Мадикен — озорная, упрямая и смелая девочка, полная жизни; радуется и печалится от души, проказничает и делает добрые дела. А еще у нее есть враги, друзья и любящая семья. Что еще нужно для счастливого детства?
A story about Frida, Jonas and their wedding in Småland.
Братья Львиное сердце
Что ждёт нас после завершения жизни? Пустота? Облака и арфы? Реинкарнация в бабочку? А может — новый, удивительный мир, наполненный красками, беседами у тёплого костра и приключениями, о которых не смеешь и мечтать? Девятилетний Карл Лейон по прозвищу Сухарик болеет туберкулезом и знает, что вскоре умрет. Его старший брат Юнатан пытается его как-то утешить и обещает, что однажды они встретятся в волшебной стране Нангияле. Неожиданно Юнатан погибает при пожаре. Вскоре умирает и Сухарик. Они встречаются в Нангияле…
Mondays with Fanny
Robert works at a warehouse and as a cinema usher and lives in a strained marriage. Every monday, he visits his ill father at the hospital. There he meets the orderly Fanny.
Games of Love and Loneliness
This co-production between Norway and Sweden is the first film that Anja Breien has made since Wives. She has adapted a novel by Hjalmar Soderberg. who also wrote 'Gertrud' from which Carl Dreyer's last film was made, and Doctor Glas' (made into a film by Mai Zetterhng) Games of Love and Loneliness, concerns the manners and mores of Scandinavian society between the years 1897 and 1912. A young journalist, Arvid, falls in love with a girl but won't commit himself to marrying her. She marries an older and richer man and he's pushed into marrying the girl he's been sleeping with. He meets his first love again, and she leaves her husband to have an affair with him, but he still cannot bring himself to leave his wife. Although Anja Breien has changed the character of the girl to make her less of a femme fatale and more of an emancipated woman, the film's central concern is the young man who cannot make up his mind what to do with his life.
Elvis! Elvis!
Elvis' Grandfather
The adventures of a small boy (Elvis), his mother and a male friend.
Nisse och Greta
Nisse and Greta, a middle-aged married couple, sit and watch TV. To their surprise they get to experience their own life's in a TV show being broadcasted.
When Nisse's son breaks his arm, Johan has to pull into the club team in shot put. In a competition he hits 32.47 meters, a world record. Only two remaining officials witness the incident, which is so incredible that the officials and Johan remain seated, unaware of how to deal with the incident.
Emil and the Piglet
Anton Svensson
Nursing a piglet back to life because it's the runt of the litter earns Emil a friend for life.
Vem älskar Yngve Frej
A tragicomic story about rural extinction and the meeting between the local shoemaker Gustafsson and Pettersson from Stockholm.
The Ghost Sonata
The Ghost Sonata relates the adventures of a young student, who idealizes the lives of the inhabitants of a stylish apartment building in Stockholm. He makes the acquaintance of the mysterious Jacob Hummel, who helps him to find his way into the apartment, only to find that it is a nest of betrayal and sickness. The world, the student learns, is hell and human beings must suffer to achieve salvation. The play centers on a family of strangers who meet for the sake of meeting. They exchange no dialogue, nor gestures, they simply sit and bask in their own misfortune.
New Mischief by Emil
Emil's reputation for being a troublemaker makes the Svensson family's neighbours take up a collection for sending the boy off to America. But even if he among other unfortunate mishaps causes his father to get stuck in the outhouse window and get bitten by crawfish, all is forgotten when he skillfully wins the family a free horse. And when Alfred the farmhand gets seriously ill, Emil puts his own life on the line, venturing into a snow storm to get his best friend to a doctor before it is too late.
Вторая часть экранизации тетралогии «Эмигранты» Вильгельма Муберга. Семейство Нильссонов прибывают из Швеции в Северную Америку. На берегу живописного озера Миннесоты, они начинают осваивать земли и собирают вокруг себя небольшое поселение из шведских эмигрантов. Люди попадают в суровую и жестокую действительность, и вынуждены терпеть лишения, трудности и голод. Ведя строительство нового дома, Нильссоны занимаются земледелием и скотоводством, рожают детей, хоронят стариков, до боли в сердце привязываясь к новой земле...
Эмиль из Лённеберге
Anton Svensson
Эмиль живет на хуторе с папой, мамой и маленькой сестренкой Идой. Проделки этого сорванца известны на всю округу. Эмиль — большой фантазер и следопыт! Как только в доме Свенссонов завелась крыса, Эмиль тут же нашел место, где поставить ловушку…
Первая часть экранизации тетралогии «Эмигранты» Вильгельма Муберга. 19 век. Семья Нильссонов из южной Швеции, уставшая выживать на клочке принадлежащей им неплодородной земли, продает все свое имущество и вместе с другими фермерами на корабле отправляются к берегам Северной Америки.
Good-Bye Nana
A film that questions the right of parents to force their children into the adult world's rational behavior. A 6-year-old revolt by going to a lawyer and ask for a divorce from their parents.
We Are All Demons
A veteran sea captain abducts his niece for what he believes is his last chance at love. As the sad demon of the ocean Klabautermanden watches the passing of doomed ships, the niece awakens in her uncle's cabin. She makes him marry her but never allows the tyrannical captain to ever touch her. For eight years, the ship never docks as the malnourished crew wishes for death.
The Bookseller Who Gave Up Bathing
A sleepy village around 1910. Jacob, the owner of a book store in a small town is a member of a club who baths together every Sunday. He is uninterested in women until Amelie Arbel moves into the town. She is both rich and seductive and he marries her. After the marriage he discovers that she can be very troublesome.
Eriksson is a divorced engineer without intellectual interests. He lives alone in a friendly, rundown tenement where the neighbors' intimate relationships can be easily listened to through the walls.
Eriksson is a divorced engineer without intellectual interests. He lives alone in a friendly, rundown tenement where the neighbors' intimate relationships can be easily listened to through the walls.
Eriksson - Verkstadsarbetare
Eriksson is a divorced engineer without intellectual interests. He lives alone in a friendly, rundown tenement where the neighbors' intimate relationships can be easily listened to through the walls.
Mördaren - en helt vanlig person
People on a train get murdered. Who is the murderer? Everybody on the train is a suspect. One of them is the homosexual dope fiend played by Heinz Hopf. Things might get out of hand in this exciting thriller in true Hitchcockian style.
Here Is Your Life
A working class teenager comes of age in 1910s rural Sweden, moving through a series of jobs and romances that gradually shape his future.
The plot revolves around a sadistic doctor, a macabre gravedigger, an innocent girl, sabotage, sex and violent death. The beautiful Vivi Sander is living a rough life and is deeply in debt. She tries to force her family to sell the house to make ends meet. Vivi's car crash after a sabotage. She is injured and brought to a medical center where she meets the perverted Dr. Wester.
The Devil's Instrument
A jazz bassist who surveys a beautiful girl at a gig decides to try to get her home. But the devil is getting into the game too.
The Devotion
A punctuation during a theater rehearsal between actor and director.
The Banquet Room
A young girl is a confidante to four men who regularly visit her in her apartment.
My Home Is Copacabana
Homeless children in the slums of Rio are driven out of their temporary shelters by ruthless gangsters in this somber drama. The kids survive by shining shoes, stealing, and cutting the strings of the kites to sell them later to others. Tired of life on the streets, one boy turns himself over to the police in hopes he will be sent to reform school in a last desperate attempt to survive. This feature from acclaimed Swedish director Arne Sucksdorff appeared at the 1965 Cannes Film Festival.
4 x 4
Four short stories from Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland.
Interlude in the Marshland
It's the mid 1930s and brakeman Kvist had enough of working on the train, jumps off and starts to walk on the train tracks in the middle of nowhere in Lapland, Northern Sweden, hoping to find new work and adventures. Based on the novella by famous Swedish author Eyvind Johnson.
Не говоря о всех этих женщинах
Претенциозный критик Корнелиус пишет биографию известного виолончелиста. Он решает провести небольшое исследование его жизни, и приезжает погостить к музыканту в дом на несколько дней. У Корнелиуса никак не получается взять интервью, однако разговаривая со всеми женщинами, которые живут в доме прославленного музыканта, биографисту удается создать подлинную картину личной жизни виолончилиста. Тогда Корнелиус решается шантажировать звезду написанным материалом…
Игра снов
Дочь бога Индры спускается на Землю, чтобы на собственной шкуре проверить и испытать человеческую жизнь.
Albert Topaze
A shy but righteous teacher - Topaze - with no social skills what so ever, gradually becomes aware of the realities of human societies and finally learns to master the rules at level far superior to his former mentor, Laurent Castel-Benac.
Algot Frövik
В одно из промозглых воскресений сельский священник из небольшого прихода выступает с утренней проповедью перед редкими прихожанами. Он болен, терзаем сомнениями и внутренним беспокойством. С потерей любимой жены жизнь пастора потеряла прежний смысл. Ему кажется, что он утратил связь с Богом и это угнетает его. Погруженный в собственные переживания, он не в силах помочь ближним, нуждающимся в его поддержке. Он страдает от отсутствия любви, не замечая рядом женщины, которая его страстно любит.
Kort är sommaren
The doctor
Lieutenant Glahn arrives in a small village in northern Norway. He wants to live in peace in the company of his dog. The young Edvarda stirs emotions in the lieutenant.
Old man
An Old Man and Old Woman frantically prepare chairs for a series of invisible guests who are coming to hear an orator reveal the old man's discovery.
The Brig Three Lilies
Simon Toking
On the coast of Sweden in 1888, a 12-year-old orphan finds adventure and new hope that his missing father survived a shipwreck years before.
Ljuvlig är sommarnatten
The vagrant
Someone is murdered. Who is the killer? Members of all star cast are all suspects...
On a Bench in a Park
Street character
Sam Persson is released from a mental hospital. He goes to Stockholm to meet a man he hates, theater manager Stig Brender. In Brender's office they get into a fight...
Дьявольское око
Целомудренная девушка для дьявола, в буквальном смысле, что бельмо на глазу. Чтобы избавить себя от этой напасти, властитель ада призывает Дон Жуана. Великий грешник должен соблазнить 20-летнюю дочь пастора, очаровательную Бритт-Мари прежде, чем она выйдет замуж и потеряет девственность. В распоряжении распутника всего лишь день и ночь…
The Wedding Day
Anders and Sylvia are set to be married, but Sylvia says 'no' and runs away at the altar.
Av hjärtans lust
The Baron of Qvinnevad Castle has financial problems and is forced to show the estate to tourists. The baron finds out that an unknown person is trying to acquire the castle.
The Die Is Cast
Dag Seren
A member of a highly successful crime drama series is found murdered in a television studio. The screenwriter of the TV-series is found as prime suspect but claims his innocence and tries to clear his name. But who is the murderer and what is his motive?
Девичий источник
Источникам всегда приписывают целебные свойства, и их происхождение часто связывают с чудесами, которым не всегда предшествуют радостные события… И эта скандинавская средневековая легенда тому подтверждение.
Narrator (voice)
Young Greasers, known as Raggare in Sweden, gather at a café outside Stockholm. Roffe is the toughest greaser and kidnaps his girlfriend Bibban, when he discovers that she is out riding with other guys. Bibban falls in love with the sensitive Lasse.
The Phantom Carriage
The third film adaptation of Selma Lagerlöf's novel of the same name. The drinker David Holm gets killed right on the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve will face the death coachman, which happens to be his old friend Georges. Together, reliving the events of the past, and David becomes aware that he ruined the lives of two women who both loved him.
Ingen morgondag
The poet
It is in a battlefield in Karelia, Finland during the Continuation war (1941-1944). Intensive shooting between Finnish and Soviet troops takes place. The Soviet occupation is strong, and on the Finnish side it is ordered to withdraw. But Captain Viktor Aaltonen does not listen to the order but wants to shorten a wounded companion's suffering. Aaltonen is taken to the Soviet prison camp, Vorkuta, where he will spend a decade.
Girls Without Rooms
Fransiska is visited by a social worker when she's in the custody. She tells him her lives story, about her mother who was an alcoholic, her father a night watchman and how she and her five year old little sister was left. Her boyfriend was unemployed and needed money and to help him she stole money.
"Wild birds" - A Swedish film noir with the character of a French noir ('Quai des brumes', 'Le jour se lève'). Two worlds meet for a brief experience of happiness ended by a violent tragedy. In one world the unhappy prostitute (Ulla) finds a drunken young man (Nisse) who had previously failed in many occupations. She takes him home. Her feelings are like those for a younger brother.
Dance on Roses
Olsson, journalist
Marianne is a dancer at the Lilla Teatern. The theatre has financial troubles and its existence is under threat. Marianne falls in love with Stig Broman, the owner of the theatre. After a few problems, the actors manage to set up a show, with Marianne as leading lady, which will decide the fate of the theatre.
David, a young woodsman with a family, is leasing a farm. The family are welcomed by the locals until it becomes known that David is the son of a notorious drifter.
Путь к тебе
Bendix' composer
Они познакомились в ресторане — молодой служащий Эмиль и исполнительница эстрадных песен Гун. Голос и красота девушки покорили Эмиля. Молодые люди полюбили друг друга и вскоре решили пожениться. Но ни у Эмиля, ни у Гун нет денег на свадебное путешествие, которое они так хотели бы совершить. И как часто бывает, враги молодых влюблённых — ревность и неопытность разлучают Эмиля и Гун. Пути их расходятся. Но ненадолго: любовь и верность в конце концов помогают их сердцам найти дорогу друг к другу.
Nattens konung