Alberto Moriani


L'allenatore nel pallone 2
Leone e Giampiero
Con le unghie e con i denti
An italian comedy
A due passi dal cielo
Джонатан - друг медведей
Мальчик становится свидетелем убийства своих родителей. Позже, когда он вырастет, он подружится с медведем в пустыне и вождем местного индейского племени, и он остается с индейцами, но становится врагом сына вождя. Когда он вступает во взрослую жизнь, он намеревается найти мужчин, ответственных за смерть его родителей.
Hunt for the Golden Scorpion
In the deepest, most remote part of the Amazon, a treasure is hidden! A treasure so valuable that men would kill for it, women would undress for it, and entire armies would fight for it !
Last Flight To Hell
Reb Brown stars as a highly trained DEA agent who goes to Southeast Asia on a high-risk mission to free a drug dealer (Mike Monty) from nasty terrorists so that he can face trial back in the U.S.
An action-packed, brought to us by Ignazio Dolce - the guy who directed several other 'Nam action flicks including "The Last Platoon". It's a plot less little exploitation movie, filmed on a shoestring budget in the Philippines.
The House of Witchcraft
A man discharged from the hospital after suffering a nervous breakdown is taken to a remote Italian villa by his strangely-behaving wife. But he has strong premonitions that the house is possessed by some force of witchcraft, which he has been experiencing in his recurring nightmare.
The House of Lost Souls
A handful of young geologists are unlucky enough to be forced to stay at a rundown hotel in the middle of nowhere. What they don't know is that the hotel has been abandoned for twenty years because the owner of the hotel had killed his family and all the guests two decades ago. Strange things begin to happen, and suddenly murders are committed...
Last Platoon
After ex-cop and highly decorated war hero Chet Costa's Vietnamese girlfriend disappears, he accepts a risky mission: he shall blow up a bridge at the Vietnamese border to close the Vietcong's line of communication. He's given a group of prisoners to accompany him. Already on the way there their helicopter is shot down; a march through the wilderness begins. When his soldiers recognize that they're effectively on a suicide mission, they decide to get rid of their Seargent and to flee to Bangkok.
The Last American Soldier
Commander and his small band of freedom fighters make life difficult for the VC after the Vietnam War is over. They free Vietnamese prisoners, and destroy enemy convoys every chance they can get. This severely upsets the evil Russian Vlasov, who is working with the VC in various nefarious enterprises. An ultra-violent, Rambo style movie filmed in the Philippines.
Пожиратели плоти 2
В одной из стран Юго-Восточной Азии в секретной лаборатории происходит попытка украсть некую вакцину, побочное действие которой в том, что люди становятся зомби. Похищение срывается, а один из похитителей становится зомби. Когда же его труп сжигают происходит заражение близлежащей территории.
Thunder II
Indian sheriff Thunder is transferred to a small town in the desert. He learns that the corrupt deputy is paid by the drug mob. To protect himself, the deputy sets a trap for Thunder and gets him convicted as dealer. Thunder manages to break out of the brutal prison camp and takes bloody revenge. However he cannot sufficiently protect his pregnant wife.
Миссия «Кобра»
Через 10 лет поле окончания войны во Вьетнаме, четверо ветеранов встречаются на свадьбе дочери одного из них. Из всех четверых преуспел только Роджер (чья дочка и выходит замуж), остальные трое влачат жалкое существование, так и не найдя себе места в мирной жизни. Получив информацию о том, что во Вьетнаме до сих пор находятся американские военнопленные и правительство ничего не хочет делать для их спасения, наша дружная четверка решает взять инициативу в свои руки и спасти несчастных...
Commando Leopard
A cruel dictator rules a Latin American state. Corruption, brutality and exploitation are present every day. A few people begin to organise resistance. Under the leader "El Leopardo" a small group of guerillas fights against the violent government.
Jungle Raiders
An expedition enters an unexplored jungle to search for a legendary ruby.
The Ark of the Sun God
A safecracker takes a job where he must go to Istanbul and steal a scepter that once belonged to the god Gilgamesh but is now in the temple of a secret cult.
Due strani papà
Sfrattato cerca casa equo canone
Marino Stroppaghetti is a breadwinner in a layoff fund who, in order to make some money, arranges himself by doing small tailoring jobs at home. Desperate for having received the eviction, he turns to the City of Rome, where he discovers that there are as many as 80 thousand questions before his. How to do?
Yor, the Hunter from the Future
In prehistoric times, the muscular Yor saves his cave-babe from a dinosaur just before they get zapped into the future to battle bad guys in the familiar desolate wasteland.
Massimamente folle
The film presents a series of unrelated "pictures": a police commissioner who, faced with four friars stripped by two women, must decide whether they are real or false friars (but he can't); a professor who, suffering from acute dysentery, is dismissed for unworthiness by the Institute Council; a football referee trying to escape the ire of angry fans; an endless marathon in Piazza Navona; a true but crazy producer, a not crazy but fake producer and a group of actors who want to take revenge on one and the other; a "club of toasts" that spends its time toasting to this and that, to elect new members and honorary members; finally, a censorship commission that, aboard an old and very battered car, fails to reach his workplace.
É forte un casino
Some friends in an earl's mansion (where one of them works), try to get rich quick by scamming an Arab sheik and then invite a rich Californian heiress to Rome, interested in weaving a relationship with an Italian nobleman.
Охотники за золотой коброй
Основные события этого фильма происходит на Филлиппинах в 1944-1945 годах. Разведчики союзников англичанин Фрэнкс и американец Джексон, претерпев массу жутких испытаний (ядовитые змеи, огнедышащие вулканы, пропасти, кровожадные дикари и т. п.), находят «золотую кобру» - ритуальный предмет, имеющий чудодейственное, судьбоносное значение для народов региона
Desirable Teacher 2
Pierino has again flunked the exams. Therefore, his desperate parents send him to boarding school.
A Policewoman in New York
A Texan travels to Rome to hire two police officers to impersonate a mobster's girlfriend and his most ruthless hitman.
Пиерино против всех
Пиерино — неприятный и неистовый ребенок. Он мучение для своей сестры Сабрины, горе для своих родителей и кошмар для своих учителей.
Crema, cioccolata e... Paprika
Professor Bonifazi runs a luxury clinic owned by his wife.
La moglie in bianco... l'amante al pepe
In order to get his hands on his father's inheritance and pay all his debts, Don Peppino must see his son Gianluca married and produce an heir within a year. Problem is everybody suspects the boy of playing for the other team.
I carabbimatti
Gay Salomé
In Rome's notorious gay club, the Alibi, men date, love and quarrel. Meanwhile, on stage, the classic drama of Salomé is played but with surprising variations, In the end, a clown goes out through the city's streets saying a monologue that explains it all, while satirizing the bourgeoisie.
La settimana bianca
A group of employees, on a winter vacation, rather than skiing, spend their time in an attempt to impress the beautiful Angela and a sexy servant girl.
Последний охотник
У капитана Генри Морриса важное задание — прорваться в лагерь вьетконговцев и взорвать радиомаяк. Для выполнения миссии Моррис собирает своих солдат и отправляется на задание. Вместе с ними отправляется журналистка Джейн Фостер. Героям предстоит нелегкий путь через адские джунгли Вьетнама.
Zombie Holocaust
After Malukan immigrants engage in a string of corpse mutilations at various New York City hospitals, a doctor and a morgue assistant travel to the Maluku Islands to investigate.
Flying Sex
An ice queen takes a plane ride and discovers that flying is her g-spot, or least the gateway to sexual inhibition.
College Girl on Vacation
Massimo Castaldi is a social climber married to Violante who comes from a rich family. His relationship with his mistress Laura is jeopardised when the family moves to their summer house on the Pugliese coast. Nevertheless, Massimo seems to find a solution. His raunchy daughter Sonia failed in Italian and he plans to present Laura as a nun who will give Sonia private lessons for her compensation exam. On the other hand, there are two dim-witted criminals, Terenzio and Fulgenzio, who are planning to abduct a Castaldi family member for good ransom money.
Лицеистка, дьявол и святая вода
Фильм-антология в котором ангел-хранитель влюбляется в красивую танцовщицу, полицейский должен следить за арестованным трансгендером, а зубной техник продает свою душу дьяволу, но не удовлетворен результатом.
Лицеистка соблазняет преподавателей
В выпускном классе появляется новая ученица Анджела, племянница директора лицея. Чтобы улучшить успеваемость своего кузена и самой получить хорошую оценку на экзамене, Анджела решает соблазнить строгого учителя истории…
Where Can You Go Without the Little Vice?
Two detectives are hired to discover if a rich industrialist is having an affair. The detectives pose as a gay butler and as a female cook in order to spy on all of the happenings within the house.
Night Nurse
A dentist invites a elderly patient to stay at his home to recover, unaware that he is a jewel thief. He plans to steal a valuable diamond but then runs into a beautiful nurse who, aside from constantly stripping nude, has plans of her own.
School Teacher in the House
Luisa De Dominicus is a Milanese piano teacher who moves to Lucca to be with the man she loves: Ferdinando 'Bonci' Marinotti, a city councilman campaigning for mayor on a platform of moral values. She is of the belief that Fernando is single, living with his ailing mother. This, of course, is far from the case. The boys living in her apartment building mistakenly believe Luisa is a call-girl who uses piano teaching as a cover for her true profession, and word soon spreads among the building's dirty old men. The resourceful boys drill a well-concealed hole in the wall between Signorina Luisa's flat and the bedroom of the landlord's son, Marcello Busatti, allowing them a spectacular view of their spectacular neighbor. Marcello quickly becomes infatuated with Luisa, but is also conflicted regarding her supposed profession. Eventually Luisa learns of Fernando's philandering nature, and after a vigorous misunderstanding, satisfies Marcello's unrequited lust/love.
Эммануэль и каннибалы
Эммануэль, работающая журналисткой, во время подготовки материала о психбольнице сталкивается с девушкой — людоедкой, у которой на лобке нанесена необычная татуировка. Такие знаки принадлежали считавшемуся вымершим племени каннибалов из непроходимых джунглей Амазонки. Чтобы выяснить истину, Эммануэль отправляется в полную опасностей экспедицию.
For the Love of Poppea
Two scoundrels - Tizio and Caio - didn't want to get into the military service so they decide to escape dressed in women's clothes, but were caught by the guards. Without being able to confirm their right to freedom, the unlucky fugitives were sold into slavery. But everything what happens - happens for the better and slave girls Ticiâ and Kaya become personal servants of the Empress Poppea...
A Man Called Magnum
A drug deal goes bad and the heroin is stolen. One mob boss doesn't have his drugs and the other doesn't get his money. People are going to die until they discover who double-crossed them. Into this backdrop, Inspector Dario Mauri arrives from Milan to help clean-up Naples. His mission – find the drugs and stop the killing.
Личная секретарша моего отца
Глава процветающей компании Армандо Понциани вместе со своей женой попадает в автокатастрофу. Теперь оба супруга закованы в гипс, но даже в такой ситуации Армандо видит для себя плюсы. Ведь ему нужно продолжать управлять предприятием, а для этого требуется секретарша. Конечно, его жена тщательно следит, чтобы Армандо не окружал себя красивыми женщинами, но теперь она прикована к постели и не может помешать мужу нанять по совету своего заместителя очаровательную девушку Луизу. А чтобы дражайшая супруга ничего не заподозрила, был составлен настоящий заговор, в который вошли сам Армандо, его сын Франко и приятель последнего – Оскар. Молодым людям тоже очень понравилась новая сотрудница компании, и они не смогли отказать отцу и патрону в его маленькой просьбе…
Giorgia and her sister inherit a villa and decide to turn it into a pension. When the sister orders the advertising, the brochure, together with the name, Pension Paradise, leads people to believe it is a whore house.
Classe mista
Dagmar Lassander is the stunning new teacher that every male student yearns for. Her sultry looks virtually guarantee that every boy makes it to class. School attendance is way up and no longer is staying after school considered a punishment!
Скандал в провинции
Старый Граф умирает и вся его семья очень взволнована кто же получит наследство. Начинается целая война между этой семейкой. Сестра Графа нанимает бывшего заключённого чтобы он совратил жену графа и тем самым скомпрометировал её. Но тут появляется незаконнорожденная дочка Графа Сьюзи и все интриги начинают идти не так как было запланировано. Кто получит наследство Графа?
Il sergente Rompiglioni diventa... caporale
An inept sergeant is mistaken for a secret agent and charged with finding a spy, but he is so stupid he is demoted and becomes a corporal.
Pasqualino Cammarata... capitano di fregata
Assistant Editor
Pasqualino Cammarata is an Italian naval officer who has been disliked by his admiral because of his high-level knowledge, given that he is quite incapable as an officer.
Il sergente Rompiglioni
A satire of army life in which a tough army sergeant who loves opera clashes with his soldiers who love rock music and have formed a band.
Ancora una volta prima di lasciarci
Two spouses, whose marriage is shipwrecked, recall during a last meeting, scenes and episodes of their life as a couple.