Chef - Maskenbildnerin
The eccentric actress Anna finds herself at the rock bottom of her career and has to realize that her life actually passed her by. The theater premier was a disaster on her account, her ex is already dating a new girl and she definitely exceeded the certain age where it is still okay to get dragged out of the mess by daddy. The house of cards she built so carefully seems to be more fragile than expected. Everything in Annas life begs for a new start to get her back on track. But the only thing coming around at the moment is a firefighter.
Anna Molnar
The eccentric actress Anna finds herself at the rock bottom of her career and has to realize that her life actually passed her by. The theater premier was a disaster on her account, her ex is already dating a new girl and she definitely exceeded the certain age where it is still okay to get dragged out of the mess by daddy. The house of cards she built so carefully seems to be more fragile than expected. Everything in Annas life begs for a new start to get her back on track. But the only thing coming around at the moment is a firefighter.
Вернувшись домой после летних каникул, Фил обнаруживает, что мать и сестра перестали разговаривать друг с другом. Не желая ввязываться в семейные ссоры, последние дни перед школой Фил проводит шатаясь по городу с лучшей подругой, поедая мороженое и просто дурачась. С началом учебного года в их классе появляется новый ученик, Николас. Мальчик производит на Фила неожиданное впечатление: он чувствует себя смущенным и даже как будто влюбленным. Фил тайком наблюдает за Николасом, и совершенно неожиданно тот отвечает взаимностью на его чувства.
Variety Show Director
Эгон Шиле — один из самых скандальных и провокационных художников Вены первой половины XX века. Неисправимый ловелас, вечно искавший вдохновения в объятиях прекрасного пола, Шиле, тем не менее, пронёс через всю жизнь привязанность к двум самым важным для него женщинам. Это Герти, его младшая сестра и первая муза, и Валли, первая любовь художника, увековеченная им на знаменитой картине «Смерть и дева».
Helga Herrnstadt
According to true events, the moving drama "The Children of Villa Emma" tells of a dangerous escape that took place during the Second World War. In 1942/1943, the Italian village of Nonantola was indeed a refuge for 73 Jewish children who wanted to escape the merciless access of the National Socialists on their way to the "Promised Land" of Palestine. Director Nikolaus Leytner describes the dangerous journey as an exciting test, presented by a talented young cast.
Sandra Holm
Sophie Haas and her team are forced to state everything they know about the committed crime in the nearby village.
Ute Kassler
Берлин, наши дни. На заброшенном пустыре возвращается к жизни черный кошмар XX века — Адольф Гитлер, кровавый диктатор, погрузивший Германию, а за нею и половину человечества в ужас Второй мировой войны, непосредственный виновник десятков миллионов смертей. Ни власти, ни сторонников, ни жилья, ни денег у него теперь нет, но есть опыт восхождения со дна на вершины и твердая вера в победу национал-социализма. Неподготовленный мир принимает бывшего диктатора за гениального актера, его гневные речи взрывают интернет, и… Гитлер второй раз в жизни обретает статус суперзвезды. Чем же это обернется в наше время?
Richterin Pieper
In Ethiopia, Frank Michalka has found a new home and left his criminal past behind. But happiness does not last long and the former offender must go back to Germany. Once there, he immediately falls back into old patterns and robbed a bank.
Birte Schottenhammel
Весь мир рушится для «правильной» девушки Лени, когда она случайно через видеочат замечает голую девушку в квартире своего возлюбленного. Теперь она одна и от безысходности решает переехать в общежитие к своей сестре Ханне. Лени сразу находит общий язык с соседкой сестры Вивьен, которая считает, что лучший способ избавиться от любовных страданий — это переспать с как можно большим количеством мужчин. Также мама Лени, Марго, переживает не самые лучшие времена из-за развода с мужем после 30-летнего брака. Обе женщины пытаются переосмыслить прошлое и открыть новую страницу в своей жизни. И вот в этом женском царстве появляется Он — Йозеф...
Blond, half-long hair floats in a seepage pond. A well-to-do lady calls the police, and departmental inspector Franzi fishes out a scalp.
Fourteen-year-old Jasmin longs to be near her biological mother, Eva. Following her mother’s release from prison, an excursion into the country together becomes a first test for the fledgling mother-daughter relationship. They smoke, dance and stroll together – the mood is promising. But time and again, it is revealed that their needs and expectations are light years apart. For the moment, neither Eva nor Jasmin seem up to the task of fulfilling each other’s need for identity and support. (Talea is Italian for scion, a detached shoot or twig containing buds from a woody plant, used in grafting.)
André, 55, lives with his mother Louise, 80, and leads an unspectacular life. He works as a taxi driver while the elderly diva dreams of bygone days as an actress in Hollywood. One day the charismatic Bill, 50, an American, turns up on their doorstep - a stranger who will soon turn their quiet life upside down.
Sophie Höpfl
Вскоре после того как на стене дома школьного директора Хёпфла появилась надпись "Умри, свинья!", его тело нашли на железнодорожных путях. Франц Эберхофер - детектив полиции маленького баварского городка, подозревает, что директора убили. На сонный город, в котором крайне редко происходит что-то серьёзное, это событие произвело сильное впечатление. Эберхофер расследует преступление при поддержке своего друга Руди Биркенбергера, с которым они раньше вместе работали в Мюнхене. Дело осложняется, когда находится второй труп - наркомана, с которым Хёпфл был близко знаком. Ситуация окончательно выходит из-под контроля, когда Франц узнаёт, что у его возлюбленной Сюзи роман на стороне.
Sabine Marquart
It is a fetish, a mantra, a secret religion to modern man: work. In times of the financial crisis and massive job reductions, this documentary movie questions work as our 'hallow' sense in life in a way that both humors and pains us.
18-year-old Stella lives with her mother Clarissa on a picturesque lodge in the South African bush. When Clarissa one day died in a tragic car accident, the young woman makes a surprising discovery: Obviously, her mother was not a South African, but the daughter of a rich industrial family from Austria. But why did she leave her homeland, change her name and even lied to her daughter over the years? To find out the truth, Stella travels to Styria.
Gini Much
Ilona Weber
Rosina Hornung
Aline Puvogel
Эпическое киноповествование о судьбах трех поколений династии Будденброков — немецких коммерсантов, ярко воплотивших в себе устои и мировосприятие бюргерского сословия. Дела идут в гору, торговля бурно развивается, и Будденброки становятся одними из самых влиятельных промышленников в городе.
Petra Wendt
Elfi Redlich
Daniela Berg
Журналист Людо, схлопотавший восемь месяцев тюрьмы, освобожден на испытательный срок при условии, что он обязательно пройдет курс трудотерапии. Ему предстоит отработать триста часов в местном детском саду. Как ухаживать за 8-летними оболтусами, Людо не очень представляет, но в группе работает его старая знакомая — еще в школе он изводил ее своими выходками.
Elfi Redlich
Five former high school friends reunite for an evening of fun, remembrance and sadness in this Altmanesque portrait of female friendship. A look at how youthful idealism turns into adult pragmatism, and how one can fight such changes, from the director of Free Radicals.
Gigi Dargatz
A murderous community of heirs is looking forward to big money too soon. After a long time, the Dargatz family meets again for the grandmother's funeral on her farm. Leo, the local priest, is entrusted with the regulation of family affairs and the opening of the will. What begins as a harmonious family gathering is slowly becoming a drama about hidden passion, greed and lust for murder. And the devout Leo must learn that not everything that is meant well ends well.
Two young women kidnap the manager of the German telephone provider and start making strange demands while getting to know their captive a little better
Elfi Redlich
Пойман и арестован серийный убийца, психопат, который убивал детей, а затем их кровью писал картины. Жертвами маньяка стали по меньшей мере дюжина мальчиков-подростков. Вина убийцы полностью доказана, но полиция полагает, что на его совести есть и другие смерти. Эта история получает неожиданное развитие в маленьком городке близ Берлина, где живет полицейский по имени Майкл Мартенс. Не так давно в кругу Майкла случилась трагедия — была зверски убита молодая девушка, подруга его сына.
Майкл полностью поглощен расследованием обстоятельств этой смерти. Будучи уверенным, что девушка стала одной из многочисленных жертв маньяка, он отправляется в Берлин, чтобы лично встретиться с преступником. Неожиданно убийца, до сих пор отказывавшийся давать показания, соглашается на встречу с Майклом. Он сообщает полицейскому о том, что знает, кто убил девушку и даже был свидетелем этого преступления. Казалось бы, все выяснилось, и Майкл может ехать домой.
Felice Frank
For more than ten years, the Viennese children's book dealer Felice Frank has not heard from Alexander Helsing, the father of her little daughter Lilli. All the more surprised is the young woman, when she suddenly learns of the death of Alexander. But not only that: at the opening of the will in Hamburg, it turns out that the deceased bequeathed all his company shares in the family large shipping company to his daughter Lilli - and to the age of majority of the child Felice should manage these shares. However, the dead man's conservative family does everything in his power to disgust the unpleasant business partner.
Vienna in 1931. Fanny, the daughter of a Vienna police trainer , meets the Chinese police officer Ma Yunlong , who is completing specialist training in Vienna . The shy acquaintance quickly turns into great love . Against the will of her parents , Fanny travels to Germany on her 18th birthday.Birthday to China to marry Yunlong . At his side , Fanny begins a new life in the Middle Kingdom , which is characterized by deprivation and painful turns due to the multiple political upheavals .
Lena is homeless. She couldn't get a foothold in the big city, she hasn't been at home in the country for a long time and she only knows the big, wide world, which she allegedly traveled as a waitress on a cruise ship, from hearsay. Her grandfather's funeral is now both an occasion and an excuse for her to return to the village in the hope of finding her place in life here after all.
Kurt Gerstein—a member of the Institute for Hygiene of the Waffen-SS—is horrified by what he sees in the death camps. he is then shocked to learn that the process he used to purify water for his troops by using Zyklon-B, is now used to kill people in gas chambers.
Katrin Wagner
A famous author receives a letter from a stranger that reveals how, without him having ever known anything, she dedicated her life to and burned her love for him.
Bianca Wondraschek
Crime novelist Leo Leitner tries to overcome his creative crisis on Gran Canaria. His lively roommate Bianca puts him on the trail of a real crime. The imprisoned millionaire fraudster Horst Rogner is said to have hidden his loot on the island. The money is being chased by prosecutor Anja Krüger, inspector Eva Kollek and police chief Miguel Gonzales. For Leitner, all three are suspects.
История о женщине и мужчине, в котором она – воплощение любви, жертвенности, преданности и нежности, а он – эгоистичное, легкомысленное и поверхностное существо, не знающее настоящих чувств.
Mitzi Rihoscheck
Austria in the last years of the monarchy: Wilhelm Kasda, Lieutenant of the Infantry, lives the life of a young officer. These include small, irrelevant affairs like those with Steffi. Steffi is a simple young woman. Kasda does not realize that her devotion is real love. After a night at the hotel, Kasda gives her a bill and disappears. A few years later, in June 1914, Kasda was visited by a former comrade, Lieutenant von Bogner. He had to resign years ago for gambling debts, is now married, works as a cashier in an office and has embezzled money.
Angelika Lanz
В Вене бушует конкуренция между службами скорой помощи: «Kreuzretter» и «Rettungsbund». Вражда скоро переходит в открытую войну. Бывший полицейский Брэннер - флегматичный водитель скорой,желающий покоя. А между тем в его окружении происходят одна за другой таинственные смерти. Среди жертв есть и любовники, застреленные во время секса...
Two young girls who live in a small town in Lower Austria dream of America, men and love. They live in Ternitz, they dream of Tennessee.
The seedy underbelly of Vienna at night. Mercedes is a femme fatale from Mexico, newly arrived at the Vienna airport with her German boyfriend Rainer, where they have smuggled a kilo of cocaine through customs. Unfortunately for them, the city has just had a major drug crackdown, leaving them without buyers and money. Disgusted with Rainer, Mercedes ditches him and hooks up with Harry, a lonely and bored cab driver who agrees to help her find a buyer for the drugs so she can get some cash and go home. She offers Harry a deal he can't refuse. Is he just another pawn for Mercedes or will her promises help him achieve his hope and dreams? The story careens through the night streets of Vienna, following two amateurs navigating their way through the treacherous world of the drug trade. It's a mood piece with the backdrop of a stifling urban loneliness.
Sandra and Iris are experiencing a down point in their relationship and decide that having a baby is what's required. While Sandra in uncertain, Iris locates a potential father, Antonio, a workmate of Sandra's. What Iris doesn't know is that chemistry is developing between Sandra and Antonio.
Jasmin Schmid
Vienna, 1995. Jasmin, Tamara, Valentin, Senad and Roman live near the northern border of Austria. Their lives repeatedly intersect and drift apart. The characters involved are young migrants from the former Yugoslavia, Romania, Poland and Austria itself. Strangers in a strange land, they feel a sense of loss in their new, temporary environment. The five-some meet and get close to each other, hopelessly clinging to friendships and relationships with no future. They frequent cafés and train stations dreaming of a better tomorrow. Often, they just fall back on the prospect of short-term affection in yet another doomed romantic or sexual encounter. Trying hard to suppress the memories of war and alienation, they try to find moral strength and warmth through one another.
Nana Iaschwili, a teacher from East Europe, wants to emigrate to America to start a new life. After landing in Vienna, the authorities notice her falsified visa and arrest her. Nana, threatened with deportation, would prefer anything except being sent back and escapes.
She must keep on the move constantly. The police are hot on her trail. Together with other illegal aliens, Nana, alias "Suzie Washington", flees to the so-called "green border", the no-man's-land between East and West. The police, cows and lonely men keep getting in her way.
Margit Krcal
Herbert Krcal (Roland Düringer) and his wife Margit (Nina Proll) dream of owning a home. They prefer to do this in the "Blue Lagoon", a prefabricated house park in the south of Vienna, where they regularly go on pilgrimage with their son Philipp. Just as regularly, they have to recognize the bitter truth that they cannot actually afford the dream house they have visited.
Short film about a woman and a little girl.
langhaarige Blondine in Katis Büro
Kati, successful advertising manager, dreams of a family with Jonas, who has been her boyfriend since eight years. As he doesn't like the plan at all, they start an argument. Kati finally decides to go to her sister Luise on Christmas instead of flying to Mauritius with Jonas. This turns out to be a bad idea because she isn't the only guest Luise's family has to bear... Kati, successful advertising manager, dreams of a family with Jonas, who has been her boyfriend since eight years. As he doesn't like the plan at all, they start an argument. Kati finally decides to go to her sister Luise on Christmas instead of flying to Mauritius with Jonas. This turns out to be a bad idea because she isn't the only guest Luise's family has to bear...
Lawyer Fröhlich has specialised in divorce cases and has become a star in this field. Along the way, he also divorced his own marriage. But his daughter and former wife are an integral part of his life, as is his marriage-mad father.
A woman discovers that her husband is having an affair. She demands a divorce, her husband does not agree to it. She decides to sleep with ten men, then her husband will surely divorce her.