Mike and Susanne are a loving couple who keep afloat through petty crime. When they are pursued by the police following a robbery at a jewelry store, they seek refuge in a slaughterhouse.
Because her husband, crime novel author Bert, prefers to spend the evenings with milieu and girl studies in the pubs, Conny files for divorce and moves with the two children from Berlin to Munich. There, she mistakes the new teacher of her daughter with the renovating carpenter, which is quite alright with the teacher as this gives him plenty of opportunity to enjoy Conny’s company. Meanwhile, however, Bert as well has started to understand how good it is to have a cosy home. He comes to Munich in order to win Conny back.
George, an aging elderly gentleman, finds himself in the middle of a mid-life crisis. An affair with a younger woman makes him blossom. However, his wife soon finds out what her husband is up to without her and takes this as license to have an affair with a younger man. Turbulent complications are the result, because everyone tries to keep everything a secret from the other. That can only go haywire.
Никки Мозер, блондинистый бабник, заключил сделку с бургомистром. Тот дал ему денег в долг на покупку отеля, а за это Никки должен жениться на его дочери Марианне. И загвоздка даже не в том, что дочка баварского городского головы — мулатка, а в том, что Ники не хочется связывать себя узами брака с кем бы то ни было. Приятель Тони подкидывает бедолаге идею — взять кредит, отдать деньги /бургомистру и послать его подальше вместе с доченькой. Однако сказать — не значит сделать. Пробить кредит — дело сложное...