Rune Palving


Sound Re-Recording Mixer
История об одном дне из жизни огромной семьи, которая вместе с семилетней девочкой Сол готовит сюрприз ко дню рождения её отца, художника по имени Тона. Однако мероприятие станет и прощальной церемонией для больного и ослабевшего мужчины, который, скорее всего, не проживет ещё один год.
Bird Boy
When 12-year-old Reshat looks around him, he sees the oil fields of Azerbaijan. When he looks up dreamily, he sees pigeons flying to heaven. He misses his father, who died a year ago, and who also loved these birds. Reshat cautiously approaches the best pigeon keeper in the village. Will he teach him to train pigeons? His father taught him that he should be kind to birds, because souls fly to heaven on their wings. While Reshat is learning all about pigeons, he discovers what he really wants. Part of the "Kids on the Silk Road" documentary project.
Word of God
Sound Designer
It is the 1980s. Jens and his brothers live in a single-family house in Risskov, a suburb of Aarhus, Denmark. Here, the family's patriarch psychologist and self-appointed God, Uffe, rules the roost in his dressing gown and underwear. Changes threaten the peace when Uffe decides to write his memoirs.
The Man
Sound Designer
Simon is the king of the Danish art scene - eccentric, successful, wealthy, with a beautiful wife and a young mistress. Life is beautiful, until the day his unknown son Casper turns up and attracts all the attention. It turns out that Casper is the world-famous graffiti artist “The Ghost”. This is a provocation and a challenge to Simon, and the relationship between father and son is put to a serious test. However, against all odds he two slowly grow closer to each other, but the question is whether blood ties are enough? Because after all Simon has no plans of being a father, and Casper has other plans with his father than simply getting to know him…
Мистериум. Тьма в бутылке
Sound Designer
Выброшенная на берег моря бутылка с леденящим душу посланием, написанным восемь лет назад, привлекает внимание особого отдела полиции Копенгагена. За расследование берутся детективы Карл Мёрк и Ассад. Они выходят на след убийцы-психопата и раскрывают жуткую историю похищенных детей, об исчезновении которых никто не заявлял.
In Real Life
Sound Recordist
In every moment we make choices that define our being; choices that create shapes and patterns and carve out our lives. Until the pattern is broken – by faith, decision or coincidence. In Real Life is about such moments, where lives are drastically changed. As a multi-plot drama, created out of three years of acting improvisations, In Real Life follows three story threads with characters who come together by internet dating and by their persistent search for some kind of meaning in life between love and sheer survival.
Daisy Diamond
Sound Designer
A tragic story about Anna who dreams of one thing only: making it as an actress. She moves from Sweden to Copenhagen to pursue her dream. But fate has something else in store for her. Though she struggles to give her 4-month-old daughter a good start in life, she ultimately fails to unite her dream of acting with a safe and loving environment for her child, culminating in a desperate act that has fatal consequences for Anna and her daughter.
Итальянский для начинающих
Original Music Composer
Жителям тихого датского городка вдруг приспичило выучить итальянский язык. С каждым днем число фанатиков растет, хотя в группе даже учителя нет — но всем по барабану: одинокие люди, испытывавшие поначалу чувство отчуждения, постепенно приходят к выводу, что счастье искать никогда не поздно. Занятия обретают неслыханную популярность. В группу для новичков зачастила даже коренная итальянка.
Tom Merritt
Sound Designer
Based on Edgar Lee Master's "Spoon River Anthology" from 1915, this is the story of Tom Merritt.