Nathalie l'infirmière
Заядлого холостяка Адриана родственники просят подготовить торжественный тост к скорой свадьбе сестры. Адриана охватывает паника. Он не любит выступать на публике, но еще больше ненавидит свадьбы. Убежденному браконенавистнику предстоит настоящее испытание, и самое сложное в нем — не превратить свадьбу сестры в семейную разборку, где может достаться всем!
Sunil Pratham, aka Sun, is a 30-year-old delivery boy of Indian descent. He leads a hectic life in today's Paris, but everything threatens to stop the day his Chinese employers put an end to their illegal activities. To continue working, Sun decides to set up a real courier company. His plan was quickly complicated by the unexpected arrival of his cousin, a sitar player who had come to Paris for a career, and to whom Sun had to promise a concert at the Olympia. Caught in his lies, Sun will therefore find it very difficult to invent a future ...