Emmanuel Salinger

Рождение : 1964-01-01,


The Pot-au-Feu
Eugenie, an esteemed cook, has been working for over the last 20 years for Dodin, a fine gourmet. Growing fonder of one another, their bond turns into a romance and gives rise to delicious dishes that impress even the world’s most illustrious chefs. When Dodin is faced with Eugenie’s reluctance to commit to him, he decides to start cooking for her.
Summer Frost
Général Paquin (voice)
It’s summer and France is hit by a polar cold. Ten lone and lost souls find each other, a profound meeting as a last chance to hope and fear, to love and dream. Ten tales as tribute to Monet’s Water Lilies, ten tales portraying an impressionist painting of today’s France.
L'histoire d'Annette Zelman
Paris in 1942. Annette is 20 years old, Jean is barely older, they love each other and the future is bright for them. But the deportation of the Jews of France will change their destiny. Upset at the idea of their only son marrying a Jewish woman, Jean Jausion's parents decide to keep young Annette Zelman away from them... and denounce her to the Gestapo. The machine was launched, but it was too late. Annette was deported to Auschwitz on June 22, 1942.
Jugé sans justice
Le commandant Defils
A father is arrested for murder and a kidnap attempt three years ago. Through the police station's one-way mirror, 16-year-old Claire is sure she recognizes Gustavo as the man who tried to kidnap her and killed her father while fleeing.
2 ou 3 choses de Marie Jacobson
Marie is a doctor. She smokes and reads a lot. And speaks from time to time with the dead. Today, she learns that it is her turn to die. She only has to live a few weeks. It’s short. She must act quikly, dream, laugh and still live.
André Korben
Париж 30-х годов XX века, город декаданса и роскоши. Красавицы американки, сестры Лора и Кэти Барлоу, приезжают туда, чтобы провести спиритические сеансы. Знаменитый кинопродюсер Андрэ Корбен решает, что с их помощью ему удастся поправить пошатнувшиеся дела. Показ «оживших» духов на большом экране принесет ему новую славу и богатство. Лора будет главной звездой его будущего блокбастера. Но что если сестры — вовсе не медиумы, не посредники между миром живых и миром мертвых, а обычные шарлатанки. Похоже, месье Корбена это совсем не волнует, он зачарован божественной красотой Лоры и необъяснимыми талантами Кэти…
La plage
Under the sun, the feet in the water, even at the beach people does not succeed to relax. Nobody may deny than something wrong is happening right beside them but everyone fake to not see anything...
Par accident
One evening, Amra, a young Algerian living in France, accidentally runs over a pedestrian. Riddled with guilt and the certainty that she will lose her French identity papers, Amra is miraculously proved innocent by Angélique, a beautiful redhead who is as open and without any hang-ups as Amra is unsociable and introverted. The two young women become friends, but then Angélique's attitude becomes increasingly strange, indeed, even troubling...
The Girls
The Father
It's the summer. Charlotte is working in a tollbooth on the Autoroute du Sud motorway and training for the amateur football match organised by her sister Nathalie.
The Wheel of Emotions
Georges Erwin
Marc is an intern in the prestigious neuroscience lab of Professor Georges Erwin. He is working on an experiment that enables to make people laugh, and, in term, maybe to control one's emotions. He has met Elsa, a first year student in the school where he works. The young woman troubles him. One night, he offers her to try his device, but she starts crying instead of laughing... Bewildered and embarrassed, he does not know if he should report this unusual reaction to his professor. And that is when he discovers that Elsa has a tumultuous and secret relationship with the eminent George Erwin...
Blue Pills
Docteur Fremont
The shy comic book writer JB meets the newly divorced young mother Laura at a party. Love magic rises. But Laura and her son Oscar are both HIV positive.
I'm Not Dead
Yacine lives with his brother Jamel in a cramped Parisian apartment. He works as a motorcycle courier, although he is also a brilliant political science student. When a delivery job takes him to the home of his professor Richard Artaud, his life is thrown off course. Both the professor and his wife, an actress, show an extraordinary, if disturbingly paternalistic interest in him. Shortly thereafter, the professor suddenly dies and Yacine makes a strange confession to Eléonore: "I am not dead"
Comment je me suis réveillé
Au cas où je n'aurais pas la palme d'or
Le cousin radiologue / Emmanuel Salinger
Simon, a forty-year-old filmmaker, is more prone to shooting himself in the foot than he is to shooting films. After losing a bet, he shaves off his hair and discovers a strange bump on top of his scull. Believing he's got a terminal illness, he gathers his family, friends and actors at his house in the Lilas neighborhood in Paris to shoot the comedy of his life !
The Sentiment of the Flesh
Mr Hector
During a medical exam, Helena, a student in anatomical drawing, meets Benoit, a young radiologist. Their mutual fascination for the human body incites them to start a passionate romance. Helena's capability to memorize every detail of Benoit's body and Benoit's irresistible curiosity to uncover the 'interior' secrets of Helena's body lead them to a dangerous journey with no limits...
Low Cost (Claude Jutra)
Since he is 9 years old, David Miller has known the date of the day he dies. As it nears, he meets those he cares about for the last time, obsessed by the idea of learning how to tie a tie and by the the fall into water of the Quebecker filmmaker Claude Jutra. Shot with a cellphone over a decade, from Lausanne to Ouagadougou, Low Cost (Claude Jutra) is a small fiction about the market value of a human life in a time when everything is discounted. Life is priceless, death, however, negotiates…
Большая жизнь
Учитель философии Грегуар, сдержанный и благоразумный, преподает в школе провинциального городка Сент-Этьен и пытается привить своим нерадивым ученикам основы мудрости. В силу обстоятельств Грегуар попадает в Париж, где его ждет неожиданная встреча с необычным учеником. Патрик — взрослый мужчина, звезда телевидения на пике славы, но при этом он несчастен. Он жаждет знаний, он хочет изменить свою жизнь и требует, чтобы Грегуар стал его наставником…
Большая жизнь
Учитель философии Грегуар, сдержанный и благоразумный, преподает в школе провинциального городка Сент-Этьен и пытается привить своим нерадивым ученикам основы мудрости. В силу обстоятельств Грегуар попадает в Париж, где его ждет неожиданная встреча с необычным учеником. Патрик — взрослый мужчина, звезда телевидения на пике славы, но при этом он несчастен. Он жаждет знаний, он хочет изменить свою жизнь и требует, чтобы Грегуар стал его наставником…
Nulle Part, Terre Promise
A group of Kurdish refugees tries to get to Great Britain. A female student travels through Europa. A young executive relocates a factory to Hungary.
The Key
Le médecin
Depuis peu Eric Vincent, trentenaire sans histoire, a un fort sentiment de malaise. Est-ce la peur d'avoir un enfant ou celle de voir brutalement resurgir le fantôme d'un père qu'il n'a jamais connu ? Un matin, un inconnu l'appelle pour lui proposer de récupérer les cendres de son père. D'abord réticent, il finit par accepter et se retrouve plongé au coeur d'une machination infernale.
Макс и его компания
С раннего детства Макс знал, что когда он вырастет, обязательно найдет своего знаменитого отца, Джонни Бигуда, который бесследно исчез вскоре после его рождения. Годы пролетели, а Макс не забыл своей давней мечты, и однажды он отправляется в путешествие. На пути к заветной цели мальчика ждут удивительные приключения и новые верные друзья.
A group of friends blessed with the privileges of birth and status are about to leave for a short break. Carl is the first to arrive and discovers that the four-star hotel they've booked is nothing more than an ordinary family pension. This means the beginning of social clashes and unexpected approaches.
Тройной агент
То философские, то бытовые, то любовные, то политические беседы белогвардейского генерала Николая Скоблина (в фильме этот исторический персонаж выписан под именем Федор), который в годы, предшествовавшие Второй мировой, проживал с туберкулезной женой в Париже и работал шпионом одновременно белых, красных и нацистов. Возможно, 84-летний режиссер, чья киноантология словопрений неизбежно идет к концу, захотел таким образом резюмировать: все слова таят предательство, и любые пересуды беспредметны.
Captains of April
Story of the 1974 coup that overthrew the right-wing Portuguese dictatorship--which continued the fascist policies of long-time dictator Antonio Salazar--and of two young army captains who were involved in it.
Across the Road
Inspecteur Ruault
Author Jean Dorset has suffered from a bad case of writer's block since his first novel became a bestseller. He lives in a small apartment in Paris with his wife Michelle and, in spite of their ostensible success, the couple are having trouble making ends meet. One day they receive the utterly unexpected news that they are the sole inheritors of a wealthy neighbor, M. Guillemet, whom they have never met. Guillemet has left them his old townhouse along with all of his belongings, but with two conditions -- the first is that the dead man's papers be left untouched, and the second is that his live-in maid Clemence Richbourg remain employed at the estate. The Dorsets soon learn why they were the recipients of such strange generosity. Guillemet had set up a camera with a massive zoom lens pointing to their bedroom window. The couple is shocked and disgusted, but not enough to give up their new tony digs.
Kill by Inches
Thomas Klamm
An anxious young tailor dominated by his father, a master of the craft, is eager to do well with his clients; but his inadequacy in measuring leaves him frustrated and humiliated. His younger sister - an expert seamstress - arrives back in town, discovers his measuring weakness and begins a cruel reign of terror over him, humiliating him endlessly in front of customers. Pushed to the edge, the young tailor heads down the nightmarish road to insanity and murder.
Прекрасное лето 1914 года
le docteur Moreau
Пригород Парижа. Лето. Последнее прекрасное лето перед войной. На холме в окружении девственных лесов стоит замок, хозяин которого потомок древнего обедневшего рода. Он пытается спасти свое родовое имение от полного разорения и превращения его в клинику для тяжело больных туберкулезом. Для этого он решает сдать часть опустевшего огромного дома отдыхающим семьям из столицы. Казалось бы простейший выход из сложившейся ситуации, но судьба уготовила всем странную и печальную участь. Неожиданно страсть, любовь и ревность врывается в тихий мирок обитателей этого дома.
My Sex Life... or How I Got Into an Argument
Paul Dedalus is at a crossroads in his life. He has to make several decisions; should he complete his doctorate, does he want to become a full professor, does he really love his long-standing girlfriend, or should he re-start with one of his other lovers?
Don't Forget You're Going to Die
Benoit has planned out his life. Unfortunately he has forgotten the military duty. After he is called to duty he tries everything to get around. He goes to a psychiatrist who gives him medicine against depression. As this doesn't work out he tries suicide. The story gets even worse as he is told by a military doctor that he is HIV positive. Benoit tumbles down into the drug scene. Then he goes to Italy and meets Claudia. Things seem to improve, but only for a short time...
Don't Forget You're Going to Die
Military Doctor
Benoit has planned out his life. Unfortunately he has forgotten the military duty. After he is called to duty he tries everything to get around. He goes to a psychiatrist who gives him medicine against depression. As this doesn't work out he tries suicide. The story gets even worse as he is told by a military doctor that he is HIV positive. Benoit tumbles down into the drug scene. Then he goes to Italy and meets Claudia. Things seem to improve, but only for a short time...
Сто и одна ночь Симона Синема
Vincent, revenant des Indes
Главный герой фильма носит имя Симон Синема. Симону около ста лет, и он является фанатично преданным синематографу веселым стариканом-бонвиваном. Он живет в старинном шато, доверху наполненном всем, что имеет отношение к кино - старыми фотографиями актеров, журналами, афишами, пленками. К ста годам память его начинает слабеть, и он нанимает хорошенькую студенточку Камиллу, чтобы она рассказывала ему разные истории про кино: и пересказывала фильмы в течение сто и одной ночи. Но это только начало истории. Шехерезада оказывается, как ей и положено, коварной. Вместе с дружком Микой, начинающим режиссером, который считает себя талантливее всех, но не имеет денег снимать фильм, она решает выкрасть у старика его кинематографические сокровища, продать их, а на вырученные деньги запустить Микино кино.
Forget Me
Nathalie is together with Antoine, who really loves her, despite of her obvious tendency go get away from him. Eric, the former partner of Nathalie, does not want to be with her anymore, but she can not accept this. In her dispair she tortures herself, Antoine, and Eric. She even suggests Eric to get married. However, she must accept that things are as they are, even if you don't like it, and finally tries to get back to Antoine.
Forget Me
Nathalie is together with Antoine, who really loves her, despite of her obvious tendency go get away from him. Eric, the former partner of Nathalie, does not want to be with her anymore, but she can not accept this. In her dispair she tortures herself, Antoine, and Eric. She even suggests Eric to get married. However, she must accept that things are as they are, even if you don't like it, and finally tries to get back to Antoine.
Королева Марго
Du Bartas
Август 1572 года. Францию раздирает религиозная война. Чтобы восстановить мир в стране, прекрасная и гордая принцесса Марго, сестра католического короля Карла IX, должна выйти замуж за протестанта Генриха Наваррского. А после свадьбы произошла кровавая резня Варфоломеевской ночи, организованная жестокой и коварной Екатериной Медичи. Погибли тысячи протестантов, а один из них, тяжело раненный дворянин по имени Ла Моль, в отчаянной попытке спасти свою жизнь постучался в дверь Марго.
Shattered Lives
August 1939. The fate of four young people, Ramona, Georges, Brigitte and Hans is upset by the outbreak of war.
Grande petite
An indecisive, shy young woman is profiled in this French drama. Benedicte is 20 years old and lives with Henri who is considerably older. She is still haunted by two former loves, Pierre, whom she still cares for, and Paul, who still cares for her. She is faced with a major decision when she finds a bag filled with a fortune of francs and a gun. Should she keep it for herself, or should she return it? This question plagues her; she gets no help from family, friends, or lovers.
Poorly Extinguished Fires
A French army journalist bears witness to the atrocities of the Algerian war in 1962 in this gripping French war movie. It is based on the 1967 novel by Philippe Labro. The film begins in Paris as Jerome Carier, ready to embark to Algiers, is beaten and questioned about the politically sensitive photographs he has. The photos were sent to him by Francois, a friend stationed in Algiers. Francoise is trying to get the French and the Algerians to reconcile. Jerome arrives in the war-torn country and finds himself faced with unbelievable carnage. The French are behind most of it. Because he took the pictures, Francois life is in jeopardy. He is murdered and Jerome finds himself attracted to his girl friend, a radio station announcer. The film contains graphic pictures of the slaughter.
Le secret d'Elissa Rhaïs
After a confinement in a harem, an illiterate Algerian takes her revenge by reinventing herself as a writer. Under the name of Elissa Rhaïs, she becomes the darling of the literary Paris of the inter-war period, in search of oriental fantasies.
A young man who has just committed a hold-up finds refuge in an old house.
The Sentinel
A medical intern finds himself drawn into a world of international intrigue after discovering a shrunken human head in his luggage.
The Sentinel
Mathias Barillet
A medical intern finds himself drawn into a world of international intrigue after discovering a shrunken human head in his luggage.
Жизнь мертвецов
Bob O'Madden Burke
20-летний Патрик пытался покончить с собой. В то время как он находится в больнице в коме, четыре колена его семьи оказываются в особняке на севере Франции.
Tell Me Yes, Tell Me No
Cécile thinks one thing and its opposite. She wants one thing and its opposite. She doesn't know what she thinks or what she wants. So she talks about one thing and its opposite.
Tell Me Yes, Tell Me No
Cécile thinks one thing and its opposite. She wants one thing and its opposite. She doesn't know what she thinks or what she wants. So she talks about one thing and its opposite.
Palais de Tokyo
A short film about the Palais de Tokyo commissioned by the IDHEC.