Anne Kreis

Anne Kreis

Рождение : , France


Anne Kreis


Parole contre parole
Responsable Association
The Mask From San
An African mask, lost in some western collection, is returned to its native Mali, while its keeper becomes over time a kind of ferryman from one world to another and from western to African civilization. Constructed as an ethnological road movie, the film progresses with each step taken deeper into the African bush, into a zone where magic and reality take turns providing the answers.
Шагреневая кожа
Madame Gaudin
Рафаэль де Валентен молод, честолюбив и беден. Он мечтает разбогатеть и прославиться, опубликовав философское эссе о великих мыслителях. Однако издатель возвращает ему рукопись. Он влюбляется в светскую львицу Феодору — холодная и расчетливая красавица отвергает его. Проиграв в казино последние деньги, он в отчаянии решает покончить с собой. Но судьбе было угодно, чтобы в этот момент он стал обладателем шагреневой кожи, магического талисмана, который осуществляет любое желание человека, но взамен сокращает отведенное тому время на земле. Заключив роковую сделку, Рафаэль получает все и сразу: солидную должность, огромное наследство, толпы поклонников его писательского дара, любовь женщин, пиры, оргии, вакханалии…
La grande peur dans la montagne
La mère de Victorine
As Luck Would Have It
Mme La Juge
Jean-Pierre is a literature professor in Switzerland. Due to the vagarities of Swiss law, he is selected, basically at random, to be the guardian of a parentless teenage boy named Antoine. Conflict comes into the story as Jean-Pierre, who has just accepted a major promotion, must now deal with caring for a teenage boy he doesn't want to care for, as well as handling his own jealous boyfriend. Then his wife steps into the picture. Things get complicated from there as Jean-Pierre tries to get out of his guardianship.
Vincent, a down-at-the-heels French cab driver, desparately in need of cash for child support is intrigued when Thelma charters his cab for a trip to Crete. As they travel, talk and flirt, they become friends but the situation grows complicated when Vincent discovers that Telma is a trans woman. Will Vincent decide to explore a country that he's never been to?
В 1615 году юный Д`Артаньян тайно покинул родной дом в поисках приключений. И они не заставили себя ждать. Он подвергся нападению грабителей и потерял коня и отцовскую шпагу. Он встретил необузданную и прекрасную разбойницу Радегонду и подружился с молодыми мушкетерами Атосом, Портосом и Арамисом. А затем Д`Артаньян стал случайным свидетелем коварных планов кардинала Ришелье, задумавшего похитить невесту короля Людовика, испанскую принцессу Анну. Не раздумывая ни секунды, Д`Артаньян вместе с тремя друзьями-мушкетерами и их учителем, воином-монахом Гранденом, бросается в бой за спасение будущей королевы Франции.
Место преступления
Pénélope's Mother
Двое полицейских из отдела убийств, Фабиан и Гомес, расследуют исчезновение девушки Мари. Это дело выводит их на след серийного убийцы. Чем ближе они к раскрытию страшной правды, тем больше их жизнь наполняется грязью и извращенностью окружающего мира. Фабиан и Гомес были друзьями и партнерами в течение многих лет, но это расследование станет их последним совместным делом.
Charmants voisins
Melle Burnand
La voie est libre
This comedy is about a Métro worker, Jules, who penned seventeen unanswered letters to France's Minister of Transportation protesting being fired. When he learns that the Minister is to appear in person at the Lyons station to dedicate a new rail line, Jules is there hoping to speak with him in person; he carries a concealed gun and when he is unable to speak to the Minister, the normally mild Jules snaps and takes an entire train car hostage
Fred's mother
Max is a kind of modern Zadig embarked upon an existential and sentimental quest. Jewish and Russian all rolled into one, he quickly feels cramped in his native Ukraine. One day, he leaves his parents, family and enemies for the city of his dreams: Paris. He discovers the capital and the occasionally ferocious and complex ways of its natives.
False Pregnancy
Perhaps you have to love dogs in order to sell tins of slimy mystery meat to their owners. At any rate Martin, who is indifferent to pets in general, isn't doing all too well in his marketing job at Floppy Dog Foods. But right now this is the least of his problems: he has made a British au-pair pregnant in a one night stand; and while he is trying to figure out how to deal with this, his ex-wife (who divorced him over his not wanting children) and his mother (a militant anti-overpopulation, pro-birth control, pro-abortion activist) have a few comments to offer on the situation. Before his own child is born, Martin clearly has some growing up of his own to do.
False Pregnancy
La femme sage
Perhaps you have to love dogs in order to sell tins of slimy mystery meat to their owners. At any rate Martin, who is indifferent to pets in general, isn't doing all too well in his marketing job at Floppy Dog Foods. But right now this is the least of his problems: he has made a British au-pair pregnant in a one night stand; and while he is trying to figure out how to deal with this, his ex-wife (who divorced him over his not wanting children) and his mother (a militant anti-overpopulation, pro-birth control, pro-abortion activist) have a few comments to offer on the situation. Before his own child is born, Martin clearly has some growing up of his own to do.
La cavale des fous
This comedy brings Pierre Richard and Michel Piccoli together onscreen once again. In the story, former professor Henri Toussaint Piccoli has been locked away in a psychiatric ward for some years for trying to strangle his wife when he found her in bed with another man. Now she has a terminal illness, and wants some sort of reconciliation with him. His therapist (Richard) decides to permit him to visit with her, provided he comes along. Except for his wide mood swings and occasional outbursts of lewd muttering, the professor "passes" for sane fairly easily. Not so the psychotic (Dominique Pinon) who stows away in the psychiatrist's car, who constantly calls attention to the other two.
La fortune de Gaspard
La mère Thomas
Gaspard is a brilliant pupil who makes a clean sweep of all the prizes every year. He despises his family, and do not want to remain a crude peasant like them. Two businessmen, Mister Fereor and Mister Frolichein, want him to work in their factories. The former wins the contest. Gaspard is a young Turk who wants to make his way of life at any cost. He steals ideas from other young men and becomes an occasional informer. He wins his boss over and, as this tycoon has no son, he is adopted by him even though his biological parents are still alive. But unfair competition threatens Fereor's business and Gaspard is forced to marry Frolichein's daughter, Mina.
Romuald et Juliette
A company president gets framed with a food-poisoning scandal and the only person who can help him is the evening cleaning-woman, who always seems to be at the right place at the right time.
Если бы солнце не всходило
The residents of a remote Swiss mountain village come to believe an ancient oracle in this drama taken from the novel by Charles Ferdinand Ramuz. With news of the Spanish Civil War on the radio, the people begin to believe the sun will not return and the world will be forever darkened.
Макс, моя любовь
Питер, английский дипломат в Париже, подозревает свою жену Маргарет в измене и нанимает частного детектива. От него он узнает, что жена снимает квартиру, в которой с кем-то встречается. Улучив момент, Питер врывается в квартиру и застает Маргарет в постели с шимпанзе по имени Макс.
French Postcards
French Postcards rings both comic and true. The believable, fresh-faced characters are young naives from American colleges spending their French-English dictionaries, they compulsively seek out hundreds of monuments, romanticize the nomadic artist's life, and look for grown-up love. The French tutor them well, as befits their reputation. Jean Rochefort is the harassed headmaster with a hankering for affairs, and Marie-France Pisier is his very sexy wife. Watch for a newcomer named Debra Winger, and another-Mandy Patinkin.
Ускользающая любовь
Heroine in Cinema (uncredited)
Главному герою перевалило за 30. Он работает корректором в издательстве и пишет прозу. Имеет любовницу — продавщицу музыкальных пластинок Сабину и попутно разводится с женой Кристиной, причем их развод оказывается первым во Франции, оформленным по обоюдному согласию. Жизнь его течет своим чередом, пока однажды Колетте, бывшей возлюбленной Дуанеля, не попадается на глаза его роман, во многом автобиографический…
The tennis player
Найдена изнасилованная и убитая молодая девушка. По подозрению в убийстве арестован молодой человек, с которым она накануне вечером ушла из бильярдного клуба. Мать юноши (Софи Лорен ) в отчаянии приходит к судье, который должен вести это дело (Жан Габен), но тот не желает, да и не может по закону, слушать ее. Тогда мать обвиненного идет на самый отчаянный шаг, пытаясь заставить судью выполнить все ее требования…
The Edifying and Joyous Story of Colinot
Colinot's world is turned upside down when his fiancee is kidnapped.
Le cygne
Les Rois Maudits
Marie de Cressay
Set during the reigns of the last five kings of the Capetian dynasty and the first two kings of the House of Valois, Tha Accursed Kings begins as the French King Philip the Fair, already surrounded by scandal and intrigue, brings a curse upon his family when he persecutes the Knights Templar. The succession of monarchs that follows leads France and England to the Hundred Years' War.
Такая красотка как я
Молодой социолог Станислас Превин пишет диссертацию о женской преступности. Ему разрешают встретиться и взять интервью у преступницы, которая отбывает тюремный срок за убийство. Камилла Блисс, так зовут заключённую, рассказывает Станисласу всю свою жизнь и историю своих любовных похождений. Она пристраивается по ходу дела, где сможет и к кому сможет, лишь бы у того были деньги.