N.B. Stone Jr.

Смерть : 1967-09-27


Скачи по высокогорью
Бывшему шерифу Стиву Джадду предлагают работу: перевезти золото из высокогорного поселка старателей в банк. Стив предлагает старому другу, Гилу Веструму, поработать вместе с ним. Но Гилу интересней получить большой куш, чем 40 долларов.
Man with the Gun
A stranger comes to town looking for his estranged wife. He finds her running the local girls. He also finds a town and sheriff afraid of their own shadow, scared of a landowner they never see who rules through his rowdy sidekicks. The stranger is a town tamer by trade, and he accepts a $500 commission to sort things out.
Man with the Gun
A stranger comes to town looking for his estranged wife. He finds her running the local girls. He also finds a town and sheriff afraid of their own shadow, scared of a landowner they never see who rules through his rowdy sidekicks. The stranger is a town tamer by trade, and he accepts a $500 commission to sort things out.