Michael Sideris

Michael Sideris

Рождение : 1964-08-26, Sindelfingen, Germany


Michael Sideris


До конца ночи
Victor Arth
Полицейскому Роберту поручили опасное дело под прикрытием. Вместе с Лени герою предстоит изображать пару и тем самым привлечь внимание лидера наркокартеля Виктора. Если миссия провалится, дуэт либо погибнет от рук преступника, либо отправится в тюрьму.
The Mayoress
Herr Bäumer
Claudia Voss, honorary mayoress, is presented with a fait accompli when her Southern German district decides to build a refugee centre in her town. Some of the population are fuming and resistance grows, but there are equal amounts of willingness to help and empathy. Unexpectedly, the committed wife and mother attracts the attention of right-wing circles and faces attempts to intimidate her. The more Claudia Voss tries to mediate, the stronger the hostility becomes. A gripping contemporary thriller which paints a nuanced picture of the challenges brought by an increasingly polarized political reality. No exception, but instead a widespread, alarming phenomenon in today’s democratic societies.
Eine riskante Entscheidung
Dr. Friedrichs
Johannes Kepler - Storming the Heavens
Kaiser Rudolf
Nowadays we associate Johannes Kepler with his famous laws of planetary motion. But the history of his discoveries is a drama of Shakespearian proportions - full of intrigue, passion, depravity and corruption.
‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ in a new robe. KAISER translates Hans Christian Andersen fairytale into a company in the 21st century. A dystopian yet colorful narrative about power, hierarchies and invisible caterpillars.
Kaltes Blut – Julia Durant ermittelt
Rolf Grumack
Der Kroatien-Krimi: Der Henker
Niko Kerum
Dengler Fremde Wasser
Konstantinos Kolidis
Too Hard to Handle
It's no surprise when Karo is fired. She is loud, over-emotional and egocentric, more so than the average Berliner wise-ass, says her best friend Anna. Karo is not one to give up easily, though: she opts for radical change and goes into therapy. Although her therapist advises her to keep calm, Karo throws herself into it.
Der Fall Bruckner
Katharina Bruckner, 50, has to deal with many serious cases in the youth welfare office. Even at home she is under stress: Her husband, a surgeon, she sees arm in arm with a younger. And her daughter, who has to go to Marrakech for work, quickly incurs her grandson. In this situation, school psychologist Schubert asks her for help: The city-renowned architect Bremer has appeared with him with her seven-year-old son because of its over-activity in school. The boy looks scared, claims that the Bremer is not his mother, suddenly seems to have disappeared.
Reiff für die Insel – Katharina und die Dänen
Рико, Оскар и тени темнее тёмного
Herr Kessler
Рико — не совсем обычный ребенок, многие элементарные вещи даются ему с большим трудом. «Необычно одаренный» — называет его любящая мама. «Придурок» — попросту говорит злобный сосед сверху. С таким, как Рико, мало кто хочет дружить, но однажды ему повезло — он познакомился с Оскаром (тоже не совсем обычным мальчиком — вундеркиндом, который на всякий случай никогда не снимает с головы синий мотоциклетный шлем). И ради своего нового друга Рико берется распутывать дело, которое уже полгода ставит в тупик всю полицию Берлина.
Love of the Children
Two single parents decide to move in together and their two teenage children fall in love.
In letzter Sekunde
David Wagner
The Man at Her Side
After Effect
Berlin in the 3rd millenium. Rather by chance Kai Starel gets into the newly founded CC Institute "Carl Celler Culture", where hip creative minds buzz around in bleak spaces and think about company logos with animals. This brings up art, campaigns or something inbetween - and a liaison between the designer queen Rena Yazka (Sabine Timoteo) and Kai, who becomes her model.
Secret Love: The Schoolboy and the Mailwoman
Dr. Köster
A 17 year old boy falls in love with a 37 year old woman. As if this wouldn't be enough they are of different social classes and she is married.
Красный террор
Гангстер, помешанный на автомобилях, отчаянный гонщик, покоритель женщин, террорист. Андреас Баадер превратил свою короткую жизнь в грандиозный фильм с ним и его возлюбленной Гудрун Энсслин в главных ролях. Изящество, с которым он угонял машины, потреблял наркотики, грабил банки, убивал полицейских и взрывал бомбы, восхищало интеллектуалов типа журналистки Ульрике Майнхоф и юриста Курта Вагнера. Организовав одну из самых опасных террористических организаций Европы — «Фракцию Красной армии» — и пройдя подготовку на Ближнем Востоке, они развязали настоящую войну против буржуазного государства…
Passing Summer
A woman faces a variety of emotional crises as she spends the summer interacting in various ways with friends, family, and lovers.
Fußball ist unser Leben
The Hamburg friends Walter, Ricco and Floyd take each day as it comes between the estates of tower blocks and fast food restaurants. All three are in their early twenties and are dreaming of another life when Floyd suddenly takes a job on a freighter going to Singapore…
Places in Cities
The Man
Mimmi is a very lonely girl, not knowing what to do with her life. On the search for friends and boyfriends, she wanders around alone in different cities.