Mario Pisu

Mario Pisu

Рождение : 1910-05-21, Montecchio Emilia, Emilia-Romagna, Italy

Смерть : 1976-07-17


Mario Pisu
Mario Pisu


Nick the Sting
Nick Hezard, a young con man, wants to avenge the death of a friend of his and organizes a swindle trying to cheat Robert Turner, an American businessman he thinks responsible for his friend's death. He succeeds in getting a hundred thousand swiss francs and uses them to carry out the second part of his plan.
Sorbole... che romagnola!
The Vicar
Due to a mistake by the travel agency she works for, a young woman finds herself deeply in debt and stranded in a tourist resort full of incredibly stuck-up travelers. As these tourists all insist they are all incredibly thin attractive people despite evidence to the contrary, she decides to open up a boutique in which she strives to transform them into beautiful people.
Чувственная медсестра
Leonida Bottacin
Семья нанимает хорошенькую медсестру, чтобы свести в могилу больного главу семейства.
Нужно хорошо заниматься любовью
Такое могли придумать только итальянцы и только в 1970-е годы. И вообще додуматься до такого сюжета ещё надо сильно постараться... Итак, перед нами очередная эротическая комедия из Италии...
Il giustiziere di mezzogiorno
capo della polizia
Franco is abandoned by his wife and daughter who wrongly accuse him of being a wimp. Besides he's bossed around and sexually harassed at work. He decides to take justice into his own hands and get rough with the world. He soon gets his family's respect back.
Blue Jeans
Mario Mauri
Tells the story of young Daniela ‘Blue Jeans’ Anselmi, a free-spirited drifter who makes her way in life by selling sexual favors and practicing petty-crime. After Daniela is arrested, the man who might be her long-lost father is called into her life to look after her.
Count Orsani
A corrupt businessman obtains a castle through surreptitious means. He has a series of affairs while his ill wife remains bed-ridden and after her death he marries one of his mistresses. But she was the daughter of the man from whom the castle was stolen and she has her own agenda...
Orders Signed in White
After a phone call has been intercepted (an industrialist is going to receive a huge amount of money from a foreign bank), Mafioso Luca Albanese is assigned to set up a big robbery. He and his gang (three men and three women) then hide-out in a remote mountainous region, but soon at each other's throats. Moreover, someone is killing Albanese's men one by one, leaving white paint on the victim's faces...
Orders Signed in White
After a phone call has been intercepted (an industrialist is going to receive a huge amount of money from a foreign bank), Mafioso Luca Albanese is assigned to set up a big robbery. He and his gang (three men and three women) then hide-out in a remote mountainous region, but soon at each other's throats. Moreover, someone is killing Albanese's men one by one, leaving white paint on the victim's faces...
Orders Signed in White
Attorney General
After a phone call has been intercepted (an industrialist is going to receive a huge amount of money from a foreign bank), Mafioso Luca Albanese is assigned to set up a big robbery. He and his gang (three men and three women) then hide-out in a remote mountainous region, but soon at each other's throats. Moreover, someone is killing Albanese's men one by one, leaving white paint on the victim's faces...
Io e lui
Rico is a not too successful screen-player. He is also a repressed sex addict. His life changes when he starts to talk to his own penis, which incredibly answers him! All his relationships and views about reality are seriously impacted by his new "friend", his penis! The "two" in fact, often have different opinions, and sometimes the personality of "it" is stronger than its owner.
Without Warning
A discredited police inspector is given a second chance, in the form of a dangerous assignment. Chosen because of his uncanny resemblance to a Lt. Revere, the inspector impersonates him in order to penetrate a group of mercenaries with orders to assassinate its leader.
Ник Ланцета работает на Дона Даниэлло, а он в свою очередь подчиняется главарю сицилийской мафии Дону Корраско. Однажды дочь Дона Даниэлло похищают мафиози из калабрийского клана. Это их месть за убитых членов семьи. Вызволить её должен Ник, но Дон Даниэлло всё же хочет пойти на сговор с калабрийцами и выкупить дочь. Ланцета убивает своего начальника и постепенно занимает его место, но он ещё не знает, что Дон Корраско уже заключил союз с полицией, политиками и калабрийцами, а цена такого союза — смерть Ланцеты…
The Sensuous Sicilian
Principe Lorenzo Banchieri
From his youth, Paolo Castorini, a Sicilian baron, is as attracted to women as they to him. Giovanna, a servant girl, Lillian, a serious girlfriend in Rome, a hostess at a post-war party, Paolo makes love to them all. He also feels dissatisfied with a life only of the body, compared to his journalist friend Vincenzo and his own father, a sober and serious thinker. When his father is on his deathbed, Paolo learns of syphilis in the family and something of the curse of dissolution. Some years later, he resolves to marry Katrina, the pure daughter of the woman he should have married. He wants her purity to redeem him so he can make something of his life. But is it too late?
Задержанный в ожидании суда
Владелец итальянской строительной фирмы Джузеппе Ди Нои, работавший в Швеции в течение семи лет, едет на свою родину со своей шведской женой и детьми провести там отпуск. Задержанный на границе без объяснения причин и оказавшись в тюрьме, он попадает в лапы итальянской тюремной системы...
Morire gratis
A young artist, living and working in Rome, drives his car for a long trip to Paris. Into the car also his last work, a sculpture. During the trip he meets Michelle, young french woman. The artist in Paris hopes to sell his sculpture.
L'amore è come il sole
Marisa and Silvia's father
Franco, singer in search of success, falls in love with Marisa. But she walks away from him to stay close to her sick cousin.
Леди Гамильтон
King Ferdinand of Naples
История головокружительного взлёта простой английской крестьянки от деревенской пастушки до жены лорда. Эмма, будущая леди Гамильтон, приезжает в Лондон работать натурщицей у знаменитого художника Джоржа Ромни. За время проживания в доме художника девушка обучается этикету и получает образование. Пройдя тернистый путь, героиня становится женой лорда Гамильтона и подругой королевы Италии.
Spia spione
Eurospy movie
Johnny Banco
A hustler of humble origins steals $200,000 from a gangster and heads to Monte Carlo.
The Looters
Patrick O'Hara
Morgan, a lapsed burglar, is drugged and shanghaied on board a yacht by beautiful Colleen. When he comes to, the athletic young man learns that Colleen and her friends want him to break open the vaults of a Carribean island where a ruthless dictator has deposited a treasure stolen from his people. Despite the way he has been treated, Morgan accepts the mission. The group, supported by local resistant fighters, storm the fortress, but Colleen's father gets killed during the attack. The treasure is finally retrieved and is returned to the people. Morgan and Colleen will say yes to each other for better or for worse.
La scommessa
Avv. Giulio Cesare
Pardon, Are You for or Against?
Barone Renato Santambrogio
A successful fifty-year-old entrepreneur, Tullio Conforti, opposed to divorce for religious reasons, is in fact separated from his wife and leads a frenetic life divided between numerous lovers.
Наши мужья
il medico condotto
Три режиссера предложили три истории о проблемах современных им женатых мужчин. Мужчины страдают от эмансипации, давящего чувства ответственности и собственной ревности.
Измена по-итальянски
Марта (Катрин Спаак), уличив своего незадачливого муженька Франко (Нино Манфреди) в измене с ее лучшей подругой Глорией (Мария Грация Буччелла), решает нанести ответный удар. Она заявляет , что не подаст на развод только в том случае, если он разрешит ей ответную измену с любым, понравившимся ей мужчиной. Франко приходится согласиться с ультиматумом жены, но он устанавливает за супругой слежку, в надежде узнать, кто станет ее тайным избранником....
How We Robbed the Bank of Italy
Dim-wits Franco and Cicco try to come up with a plan to rob the safes of the Bank of Italy, but with one muddle after another, they find themselves empty-handed after each attempt to do so.
Te lo leggo negli occhi
A girl from a country village goes to town and falls in love with a songwriter struggling for success. Soon however their life-paths go different ways and they split. Only for a short time naturally : a song he writes will help them to reunite.
Я, я, я... и другие
Winner of the 'Capranica'
Сандро — известный журналист, размышляющий над статьей о нравах общества сегодня и вчера. Семья, дети, любовь, равнодушие, неприязнь, война, власть, церковь и, конечно же, красавица жена Титта со своим мужем — все это попадает в поле зрения журналиста и, так или иначе, относится к теме его статьи «Я, я, я и другие»…
Сделано в Италии
The Lawyer (segment "2 'Il Lavoro', episode 2")
Несколько смешных и грустных историй из жизни итальянцев.
Episodic comedy about the corrupting influence of money.
Жандарм в Нью-Йорке
Adjutant Renzo
Дружная бригада французских полицейских отправляется в Нью — Йорк, где им поручено представлять Францию на международном конгрессе полицейских. Крюшо, Мерло, Фугас, Трикар и Берлико во главе с сержантом Жербером пускаются в дальний путь.Как не уронить чести мундира, если вас ждет страна соблазнов, да и по — английски вы не знаете ни слова? К тому же Крюшо с ужасом обнаруживает, что его дочь Николь, вопреки воле отца, зайцем отправляется в Нью — Йорк на поиски мужчины своей жизни. Если это откроется — его карьере конец…
Джульетта и духи
Giorgio (Giulietta's husband)
Жена весьма уважаемого синьора узнаёт о том, что он ей изменяет. И она сама пытается избавиться от всевозможных духов и навязчивых маний.
Arms of the Avenger
Eusebio Pimperval
Using Leonardo Da Vinci's innovative designs for weapons of war, flying engines and other machinery, three brothers join forces to fight a wicked and powerful Duke in early-Renaissance Italy.
Фильм снят по сценарию Адже и Скарпелли и с участием международной группы актеров: Марчелло Мастроянни, Ренато Сальваторе, Анни Жирардо, Бернарда Блие, а также при участии очень юной Раффаэллы Карра. Мастер итальянской комедии воссоздает трагикомичную историю о туринских рабочих конца 19 века. В этом фильме Марчелло Мастроянни сыграл одну из лучших своих киноролей.
Totò Sexy
Two strange street musicians end up in jail and exchange sexy stories to while away time.
Zorro and the Three Musketeers
Count of Tequel
In the first half of the 1600's, France is at war with Spain. The cousin of the king of Spain, Isabella, is held captive in the French castle, and the Count of Seville is sent to France as a diplomat. While there, he is escorted by the Three Musketeers, who discover that he has secretly made a deal with Cardinal Richelieu to disclose Spanish military secrets in exchange for Isabella's release. However, he is merely bluffing and plans to take Isabella by force. When the musketeers discover this, they come to his aid, and together the four of them work at freeing the Countess. Meanwhile, the Count doubles as Zorro to free the Spanish court from a treacherous suitor.
8 с половиной
Mario Mezzabotta
Фильм — парафраз виртуозности и поэтичности творческого процесса режиссера: кризис, поиск, каверзы воображения, тупики, интеллектуальный климат, неразрывный поток субъективного и объективного.И, конечно, обилие женщин, окружающих героя, его иллюзорный гарем, в котором все без исключения любят его, хотя идиллия перемежается с бунтом, подавлять который приходится с помощью хлыста.
I motorizzati
A guy is about to become the millionth citizen to buy a car in Rome. Frightened, he decides to remain pedestrian, and recalls several stories, with new car owners as protagonists. Episodic comedy.
Lo smemorato di Collegno
avvocato Dell'Orso
A man is hospitalized in a neurological clinic, suffering from amnesia. After seeing his photo in the newspaper, Mrs. Ballerini realizes that he is her husband and brings him home; then Mrs. Polacich recognizes him as her husband.
Инспектор инкогнито
Италия, 1937-й год. У власти в стране Бенито Муссолини. В небольшом городке страховой агент Омеро Баттифьори ищет новых клиентов. По нелепому, почти гоголевскому стечению обстоятельств городские власти начинают думать, будто бы герой фильма — столичный ревизор, приехавший к ним с проверкой. Администрация города в панике начинает совершать одну ошибку за другой. Кто бы мог подумать, что в конечном счете это приведет к такой катастрофе...
Mariti a congresso
Сага о талантливом полководце Ганнибале, перешедшем со своей армией через Альпы, и железной волей сломившем великую Римскую империю
Totò all'inferno
After several attempts at suicide, depressed thief Antonio Marchi accidentally drowns in a river and ends up in hell.
Human Torpedoes
(Voice dubbing for Emilio Cigoli)
A team of highly trained Italian seamen are taken to the island of Stampalia where there are to take their torpedo-laden attack craft on a daring attack on the port of Suda.
La grande avventura
The adventures of Count Angelo de Marchis as he tries to reach his besieged allies in Rome with much needed funds from England. Can he evade the pursuing "Contessa Sara Mondini" and her Milanese henchmen?
La grande avventura
The adventures of Count Angelo de Marchis as he tries to reach his besieged allies in Rome with much needed funds from England. Can he evade the pursuing "Contessa Sara Mondini" and her Milanese henchmen?
Di qua, di là del Piave
10 love songs to save
The plot concerns a songwriter, played by Jacques Sernas who leaves his sweetheart and publisher when he learns that he is going blind.
Il mago per forza
In the prison of San Vittore there is, among other detainees, a strange type that they call "Il Cavaliere". The latter suffers a conviction for theft and his fellow prisoners have a certain respect for him.
Io sono il capataz
The young Uguccione is mistaken for Rascelito Villa called "C6", a dangerous revolutionary, and then immediately sent to Parazuela where he leads the insurrectionist troops.
Le sei mogli di Barbablù
Sergio (uncredited)
Young swain Toto Esposito tries to abduct his beloved to marry her, but he makes a mistake: he kidnaps an ugly woman named Carmela, who loves him--and chases him when he escapes.
Margherita da Cortona
Il diavolo in convento
Padre Claudio
Professor, My Son
Ettore Giraldi
During Fascism and after WWII, a school porter sacrifices himself so his son, who is slightly ashamed of a lowly background, can become a respected professor.The film also takes a few jabs at Italy's rapid governmental reshuffles.
Il canto della vita
The Rape of the Sabine
Alberto Randoni
Ernesto is the teacher of the village, he is married and he is dominated by his wife. He has the passion of the theatre and he has written a drama in verse named "Il ratto delle Sabine". Unfortunately he has only an admirer and she is their servant Rosina. When the touring company of Prof. Tromboni arrives in the village, Ernesto decides to let them perform his play, though anonymously. So the day arrives and the theatre is sadly empty. But when the news that the author is the teacher spreads far and wide...
Lettere al sottotenente
La locandiera
Il cappello da prete
Giorgio Di Sauro (voice)
The baron of Santafusca, descended from a noble family, leads a dissipated life. To pay debts he is forced to sell his house. He tries to steal from the house of a very rich priest and, surprised during the theft, he kills the priest, and then throws the body in an abandoned well. He continues his life of revelries and luxury, until the remorse for the crime trigger a process of self-destruction. The nightmares of the baron, tormented by the only evidence left of the murder, the hat of the priest ,drags him into a daring and hallucinated series of ups and downs to the brink of insanity and jail.
Il nostro prossimo
Don Luigi
Manovre d'amore
Il tenente medico Skafos
Re di danari
Franco Marino
Destiny Unknown
Gianni Casati
Based on fact, Passaporto Rosso (Red Passport) details the plight of a group of poor Italian immigrants who are hired as railroad workers in turn-of-the-century South America. In addition to facing poverty, deprivation, and prejudice, the immigrants are also bedeviled by a raging fever epidemic. Finally achieving a measure of prosperity, the Italians are forced to confront tragedy once more when their grown children march off to WWI. Though Isa Miranda is top-billed, she has very little to do in comparison with male lead Filippo Scelso. Passaporto Rosso was released in the U.S. as Destiny Unknown.