Arthur Lowe

Arthur Lowe

Рождение : 1915-09-22, Hayfield, Derbyshire, England

Смерть : 1982-04-15


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Arthur Lowe (22 September 1915 – 15 April 1982) was a BAFTA Award winning English actor. He was best known for playing Captain George Mainwaring in the popular British sitcom Dad's Army from 1968 until 1977. Description above from the Wikipedia article Arthur Lowe, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Arthur Lowe


A Life on the Box: Arthur Lowe
Terry Wogan presents a compilation programme celebrating the unique talent of Arthur Lowe. Featuring interviews with those who knew him, and footage from both his classic comedy performances and his many straight roles.
Госпиталь «Британия»
Guest Patient
Комедия абсурда, действие которой происходит в госпитале. Группы непонятно против чего протестующих людей, нетерпеливые пациенты, сумасшедший доктор — вот далеко еще не все участники этого веселого зрелища в жанре черной комедии. Комичность всей этой нерезберихи усиливается еще и визитом Королевы Матери.
Sweet William
Captain Walton
William McClusky (Sam Waterston) is a dashing and eccentric Scotsman whose charms rapidly overwhelm the sweet and naive Ann Walton (Jenny Agutter), but she nearly as quickly begins to comprehend that her new beau is anything but a one-woman man. In addition to his two ex-wives, with whom he remains remarkably close, William exhibits a disturbing attraction for nearly any female who crosses his path -- Ann's friends among them.
Red, White, and Zero
Composed of three shorts – Ride of the Valkyrie, The White Bus, and Red and Blue – from three of Britain’s most-celebrated directors - Lindsay Anderson, Peter Brook, and Tony Richardson. Comic legend Zero Mostel stars as an opera singer (in full costume) navigating the London transport network as he attempts to reach Covent Garden in 'Ride of the Valkyrie'. Scripted by Shelagh Delaney, 'The White Bus' blends realism, drama, and poetry as a despondent young woman travels home to the North of England. And Vanessa Redgrave stars in Tony Richardson’s romantic reverie and musical featurette 'Red and Blue'. Produced in 1967, but ultimately shelved.
The Plank
Shorter Workman
Classic short British comedy, full of stars, about two workmen delivering planks to a building site. This is done with music and a sort of "wordless dialogue" which consists of a few mumbled sounds to convey the appropriate emotion. TV remake of the 1967 short.
Леди исчезает
Jeremy Charters
В поезде-экспрессе, едущем по довоенной Германии, случается странное: молодая девушка, американская наследница Аманда Келли оказывает небольшую помощь старушке, мисс Фрой. Но спустя некоторое время мисс Фрой исчезает, как будто ее и вовсе не было, а попутчики все как один отрицают, что когда-либо видели ее.
Daphne Laureola
A young man becomes infatuated with the exotic Lady Pitts whose much older husband is not pleased.
Oh What A Lovely Report
A humorous look at the preparation and writing of reports. Details the essential elements of good report writing. Intended for management in industry, commerce and public service. This film features Jeff Rawle as the young employee and Arthur Lowe as his boss (and some other characters as well).
Странная история конца цивилизации, какой мы её знаем
Dr. John H. Watson
Внук профессора Джеймса Мориарти пообещал миру, что ему осталось жить всего пять дней. Мориарти - мастер маскировки, великолепный стрелок и очень настойчивый. Несколько правительственных деятелей застрелены, и кажется, что это действительно конец цивилизации, каким мы его знаем, - пока президент не узнает, что внук Шерлока Холмса живёт на Бейкер-стрит 221Б, и направляет комиссара полиции Скотланд-Ярда чтобы нанять его.
Philby, Burgess and Maclean
Herbert Morrison
Recruited by the Russians during their days at Cambridge, three young Englishmen rise to become high-ranked MI5 agents until their exposure in 1949.
The Bawdy Adventures of Tom Jones
Another stab at Henry Fielding's hilarious novel about the amorous misadventures of a dashing young man in 18th century England. The brilliant 1963 version, starring Albert Finney as the lusty hero, won four Oscars. Joan Collins does a great job as a Wicked Lady style highwaywoman.
Man About the House
An unscrupulous property developer wants to flatten the street to make way for new buildings.Householder George Roper is happy to take the offered money and run but his wife Mildred and their lodgers join with other residents to take a stand and keep things as they are, finally winning the day
No Sex Please: We're British
Mr Bromley
A porn-store owner orders some new stuff from his supplier, but the delivery address gets mixed with the address of the local Barclays Bank. Here, David (the bank's assistant manager) and his new wife are shocked when photos, then films and finally two girls are sent to them in their bank-supplied flat. They and the banks' head cashier then hatch a plan to get rid of the porn—without letting their boss, the local police and David's mother in on what is happening.
Adolf Hitler - My Part in His Downfall
Maj. Drysdale
London, 1940. Aspiring jazz musician and future comedy legend Terence "Spike" Milligan reluctantly obeys his call-up and joins the Royal Artillery regiment at Bexhill, where he begins training to take part in the War. But along the way Spike and his friends get involved in many amusing - and some not-so amusing - scrapes. A film adaptation of the first volume of Spike Milligan's war diaries.
О, счастливчик
Mr. Duff / Charlie Johnson / Dr. Munda
Молодой англичанин Майкл Трэвис — пока ещё не джентльмен ищет себя в этом «безумном, безумном, безумном мире!». Как приятно начать свой путь в бизнес с запасов кофе, личного автомобиля, блестящего (натурально!) костюма с иголочки и — почти весь мир у тебя в кармане! Но дальше начинается жизненная дорога в прямом и переносном смысле. Джентльменский набор киногероя: карьера, надежда, обман, путешествие, катастрофа, любовь, музыка, котелок с тростью, снова обман… И единственная удача, которая обязательно придёт, если всегда оставаться самим собой!
Театр крови
Horace Sprout
В Лондоне объявляется оригинальный убийца — его жертвами становятся театральные критики, а сами убийства выглядят словно сошедшими со страниц Уильяма Шекспира. Полицейские начинают подозревать в преступлениях некоего Эдварда Лайонхарта, эгоцентричного актёра, недавно совершившего самоубийство из-за того, что очередная награда обошла его стороной. У подозрений полиции есть все основания, ведь тело Лайонхарта так и не было найдено.
Правящий класс
Когда лорд Гурни нелепым образом умирает, его титул и наследство переходят неуравновешенному сыну Джеку, который считает себя реинкарнацией Иисуса Христа. Другие лорды решают организовать хитрый план, чтобы лишить Джека титула и отправить в очередную лечебницу, но задумка выливается в нечто ужасное…
Dad's Army
Capt. George Mainwaring
Dad's Army was a 1971 feature film based on the BBC television sitcom Dad's Army. Directed by Norman Cohen, it was filmed between series three and four and was based upon material from the early episodes of the television series. The film told the story of the Home Guard platoon's formation and their subsequent endeavours at a training exercise.
A Hole Lot of Trouble
Three workmen assigned to dig a hole in a road for an electrical cable run into problems with local officials who believe the hole is being dug in the wrong place and should be closer to the home of a prissy fashion designer.
The Rise and Rise of Michael Rimmer
Fresh-faced young Michael Rimmer worms his way into an opinion poll company and is soon running the place. He uses this as a springboard to get into politics and in the mini-skirted flared-trousered world of 1970 Britain starts to rise through the Tory ranks.
Spring and Port Wine
Mr. Aspinall
A stern father and lenient mother try to deal with the ups and downs of their four children's lives in working class Bolton.
Фрагмент страха
Mr. Nugent
Тим — бывший наркоман, живет в Лондоне. Ему удается избавиться от своей пагубной привычки и даже написать книгу, рассказывающую о своей жизни наркомана. У Тима есть невеста Джульет. Однажды Тим отправляется отдыхать на итальянский курорт вместе со своей тетей Люси. Тетушка рассказывает Тиму, что с несколькими своими друзьями она организовала благотворительное общество, призванное помогать бывшим заключенным. Это было после того, как убили ее мужа. Общество было призвано помогать вышедшим из тюрьмы преступникам получить работу. Но вскоре Люси обнаруживают задушенной…
Some Will, Some Won't
Police Sergeant
Four people go to great lengths to obtain the fortune left in a will by a very wealthy practical joker.
The Bed Sitting Room
In the hazy aftermath of World War III, the fallout from a 'nuclear misunderstanding' is producing strange mutations amongst the survivors, and the noble Lord Fortnum finds himself transforming into a bed sitting room.
It All Goes to Show
Councillor Henry Parker
A fading seaside resort attempt to revive its fortunes with a summer show.
Mr. Kemp
Действия разворачиваются в английской школе, где царят старые порядки — школьников бьют хлыстами за провинности, старшеклассники шефствуют и издеваются над младшими. У группы старшеклассников созревает план протеста…
-about 'The White Bus'
Follows the creation of Lindsay Anderson's The White Bus (1968), from pre-production to the shoot and in post.
Белый автобус
The Mayor
Фильм основан на рассказе Шилы Дилейни. Молодая женщина утомлена своей скучной жизнью и работой, вызывающей мысли о самоубийстве. Закончив очередной рабочий день, она выходит на улицу и, встречая по пути различных странных персонажей, отправляется на вокзал и садится в вагон, забитый футбольными болельщиками. Прибыв в неназванный город на севере Англии (на самом деле это Манчестер), девушка присоединяется к группе туристов, совершающей сюрреалистическую экскурсию по городу на белом автобусе. Как ни странно, среди экскурсантов находятся мэр и хранитель церемониального жезла, которые регулярно выступают с разъяснениями по поводу осматриваемых фабрик, заводов, учреждений культуры и прочего...
You Must Be Joking
A motley group of soldiers are set loose on swinging England in an initiative test to collect a selection of esoteric items
The Snag
When developer John Goggin plans to build a civic center, only Emma Mannering's corset shop stands in the way, and she refuses to sell, so he sends his unscrupulous assistant Ed Crayshaw to "fix" things, but instead, he's double-crossed.
Такова спортивная жизнь
Charles Slomer
Бывший шахтер Фрэнк Мачин решает заняться профессиональным регби, потому что он здоров, силен, и потому что это намного лучшее занятие, чем рубить уголек под землей. Быстро сделав первые успешные шаги, он начинает чувствовать вкус славы, вокруг него падают в обморок восторженные поклонницы, у него деньги вываливаются изо всех карманов, но трагедия уже не за горами.
Go to Blazes
A gang of aspiring bank robbers involve themselves with arsonists and purchase their very own fire truck in an attempt to create the ultimate diversion. But posing as firemen leads them to disaster.
День, когда ограбили английский банк
Bank Official (uncredited)
Трое ирландских революционеров собираются украсть всё золото из подвалов банка Англии. Норгат, их главарь, находит слабое место в защите банка: забытую канализационную трубу прямо под подвалом.
A Night Out
Mr King
Against the wishes of his domineering mother, Albert Stokes attends a work party. But the evening is not the escape he was hoping for.
Stormy Crossing
Garage Owne
After murdering his lover, cross-channel swimmer Joy Webster, Derek Bond attempts to do same to her other boyfriend, Sheldon Lawrence. John Ireland plays an Interpol detective who stems Bond's homicidal hijinks. Black Tide was produced by Monty Berman in his pre-Saint days.
Blind Spot
US Army Officer Dan Adams, blinded during the war, is framed for a diamond smuggling rap. Upon regaining his sight, Adams goes after the real thieves in an effort to clear his name. In order to trap the wily criminals, Adams pretends that he's still bereft of his vision.
Stranger in Town
A vacationing journalist investigates the mysterious death of a composer and debunks the theory that it was suicide.
Hour of Decision
Caligraphy Expert
A reporter tries to prove that his wife is not responsible for the murder of a famous newspaper columnist.
The Green Man
Radio Salesman
Unknown to everyone but his shady Middle Eastern bosses, watchmaker Hawkins is actually a professional hired assassin with a predilection for killing his targets with bombs. After disposing of a dictator and millionaire, Hawkins is assigned to kill a politician who is heading to a remote hotel, The Green Man, for a secret tryst with his secretary. There, however, Hawkins' plot is discovered by vacuum salesman William Blake, who determines to stop him.
When Johnny Matlock whisks away a cold war secret from under the noses of Berlin's top secret agents, his every move is followed when he returns to England. His girlfriend Paula is kidnapped but her handbag is discovered at the scene of the crime by the aristocratic private eye, Duke Martin. Inside it he discovers the secret formula that the agents are searching for and tracks down her sister Paula. As Johnny grows frantic for the safe return of his girlfriend, Duke Martin plays a deadly game of double bluff with the enemy agents.
Кто это сделал?
Shop demonstrator (uncredited)
В этом дебютном фильме для дерзкого британского телевизионного комика Бенни Хилла заставляют Бенни оставить свою работу уборщиком после того, как он выиграл немного денег. Он становится частным детективом и расследует заговор с целью убийства британских ученых.
One Way Out
A tragedy played in standard cops and robbers costume. A policeman faced with deep moral choices finds that once he's set foot on the path of corruption he is trapped by an ever more complex web of lies and intrigue. A lifetime of personal honour is at stake and we wonder if redemption is possible.
The Reluctant Bride
Mr. Fogarty
A money-to-burn and girl-chasing Texas oilman, and a sensitive, dignified entomologist find themselves in charge of a brood of wild kids whose parents, both famous explorers, are reported lost while on an African safari.
Final Appointment
A pair of reporters try to discover the link between three unsolved, seemingly isolated murders. The only connection between them is they all took place on the same day in three successive years. The police don't trust their instincts - but as 10th July nears again, a solicitor has started receiving threatening letters...
The Mirror and Markheim
Arthur Henry
Based on a short gothic horror story “Markheim” by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Cage of Gold
Short Man (uncredited)
A young woman, Judith Moray, deserts her prospective fiance, the nice doctor Alan Kearn, for an old flame, the dashing but roguish former wing commander Bill Glennan. Glennan makes her pregnant and marries her, but leaves her on the morning after the wedding when he learns that her father can't offer him financial support. Two years later she - having been told that Glennan is dead - has married Kearn and borne him a son. But then Glennan suddenly reappears and begins to blackmail her.
The Spider and the Fly
Town Clerk
"The Spider and the Fly is set in Paris during the cloud-cuckoo days before WW I. The storyline intertwines the destinies of three people. Guy Rolfe plays Phillipe de Ledocq, a resourceful safecracker who always manages to elude arrest. Eric Portman is cast as police-chief Maubert, who will not rest until Ledocq is behind bars. And Nadia Gray is Madeleine, the woman beloved by both Ledocq and Maubert. Just as Maubert has managed to capture his man, Ledocq is released at the behest of the government, who wants him to steal secrets from the German embassy revealing the whereabouts of the Kaiser's secret agents. And just how does Madeleine figure into all of this? Spider and the Fly is a diverting precursor to the 1960s TV series It Takes a Thief." ~ Hal Erickson, Rovi
Добрые сердца и короны
The Reporter
1902-ой год. Несправедливо обвинённый в убийстве дальнего родственника английский пэр Луис Маццини, герцог Шелфонтский, сидит в тюрьме и пишет откровенные мемуары…
Stop Press Girl
Archibald (uncredited)
A young woman leaves her backwards hometown to go to London to find a runaway suitor. What she doesn't know is that she has inherited a strange ability; if she's in the vicinity of a machine for more than fifteen minutes, it stops working.
Une femme disparaît