Giuseppe Porelli

Giuseppe Porelli


Giuseppe Porelli
Giuseppe Porelli


Stasera mi butto
Summer Late sixties, Want to sing, Of Sun. Of golden skin from tanning. Of endless beaches. And relaxing baths. For everyone: young and old. Singles and couples. In the endless consumption of flirtation and new knowledge, the musical background goes crazy with the famous screamer. Famous personalities like Lola Falana emerge from famous people. They get confused. They are inserted between these alleged stars. But above all, they have fun like crazy ...
Le sedicenni
Жандарм из Сен-Тропе
Harper aka Ferguson
Получив повышение, в уютный курортный городок Сен-Тропе приезжает бравый жандарм Крюшо с красоткой-дочерью Николь. Добрые, но недотепистые местные жандармы с радостью принимают Крюшо в свой круг. Но их радость быстро проходит: не такой добряк, но еще более придурковатый Крюшо с рвением бросается на защиту закона даже тогда, когда закон в его защите не нуждается.С приездом в Сен-Тропе жандарма Крюшо «мирная» жизнь городка заканчивается: охота на нудистов, поиски украденной из музея бесценной картины
Avventura al motel
statuina di porcellana di Capodimonte
A series of sketches about people who have illicit affairs in a motel: among them a starlet and a pilot, two bit Casanovas, an industry manager and his secretary.
Il mio amico Benito
Il capo divisione
A clerk has had a picture taken during W.W.I with the future Italian dictator Mussolini and tries to exploit the situation pretending he is a dear friend of his. When he finds out who Mussolini really is he changes his mind and goes back to his bleak life.
The Last Judgment
l'accompagnatore delle personalità
The Last Judgement (Italian: Il giudizio universale) is a 1961 commedia all'italiana film by Italian director Vittorio De Sica. It was coproduced with France. It has an all-star Italian and international cast, including Americans Jack Palance, Ernest Borgnine; Greek Melina Mercouri and French Fernandel, Anouk Aimée and Lino Ventura. The film was a huge flop, massacred by critics and audiences when it was released. It was filmed in black and white, but the last sequence, the dance at theatre, is in color.
Дон Камилло монсеньор... но не слишком
Il dottor Galluzzi
На этот раз монсеньор дон Камилло и его извечный противник сенатор Пеппоне возвращаются в родной городок из Рима, чтобы разрешить спор по поводу старой маленькой часовни. Городские власти решили снести часовню и на ее месте построить жилой дом. И снова начинаются извечные козни между непримиримыми соперниками доном Камилло и Пеппоне…
An English teacher seduces a young student in the company of his wife to help him in an ambitious plan with the kidnapping of a newborn baby of a wealthy businessman.
I piaceri del sabato notte
Il commendator Paolo Iavecchia
Behind the facade of a fashionable Milanese home, headed by Arabella, lies an efficient ring of high prostitution.
A Mistress for the Summer
Philippe, a little known artist, has a mistress, Viviane, a woman he does not love. When he learns the bailiffs are about to seize his paintings, Philippe decides to leave alone for the French Riviera and spend, as he regularly does, comfortable and carefree holidays in the luxurious villa of his friend Paule. But, on his way, he meets Manette, a beautiful but poor girl to whom he offers to become his companion for the Summer. Manette accepts the strange deal in exchange for bed and board. As Philippe always comes in the company of his mistress of the time, the presence of Manette does not pose a problem. But the young woman soon feels ill-at-ease in such a dubious environment. moreover, she realizes that she is falling in love with Philippe, who might not be so cynical as he wants to appear... - Written by Guy Bellinger on IMDB
Noi duri
Lieutenant Bombardone is in Paris to wipe out a gang of drug traffickers.
Genitori in blue-jeans
Some middle-aged Italian men try to have affairs with much-younger girls.
Nights of the Teddy Boys
An Italian drama directed by Leopoldo Savona.
Carousel of songs
Salvatore Apicella
Il bacio del sole
The story of homeless boys on the streets of Naples and of a priest who uses unusual methods to try to help them.
I prepotenti
Cesare, from Rome, and Mimì, from Naples, don't agree with their children marriage, so the young couple runs away from their home.
Holiday Island
The judge
Intersecting lives on an island holiday: A lawyer anxious he caused a youth's death.An engineer suspecting his wife after being teased by pranksters.A young man falling for a nurse.A Frenchman seeing his wife wooed by a local.
Donatella is a simple and honest roman girl, daughter of a bookbinder and girlfriend of Guido, a gas station owner. One day she finds a woman's handbag containing valuables and documents, and decides to return it to her owner, a wealthy American lady, who offers Donatella a job as a secretary as a reward: she has to manage the lady's villa during her absences. There, Donatella casually meets Maurizio, a rich, elegant and well-educated young man, and ends up falling in love.
The Two Orphans
Дом Рикорди
История семьи Рикорди, самого престижного музыкального издателя во всей Италии.
Neapolitan Carousel
Il fotografo
Music, ballet, folk dances and mime eliciting the spirit of Naples across the ages are loosely tied together by the comedic wanderings and exploits of the Esposito family.
Бедность и благородство
Феличе Шошаммокка — писарь и Паскуале — фотограф живут со своими семьями, еле сводя концы с концами, не всегда имея возможность даже пообедать. Но случается так, что молодой маркиз Эудженио влюбляется в балерину Джемму. И вот незадача: несмотря на то, что Джемма — дочь разбогатевшего повара, Эудженио, не может открыться в своей любви отцу и к тому же он в ссоре с ним. Но чтобы получить согласие отца Джеммы на ее замужество, он уговаривает Феличе и Паскуале сыграть роли своих дяди и отца.
Siamo ricchi e poveri
Gennaro Tropea
Mid-Century Loves
Anthology of tragic love. A noblewoman falls for a commoner. A doctor keeps quiet about his patients' infidelities. Expectant father is sent to fight in WWI. A 1920s fascist enjoys Rome's nightlife. WWII airman falls for a girl in Naples.
Daughters of Destiny
Gorgias (segment "Lysistrata")
Three stories, very different in space and time. Lysistrata, a dancer from ancient times, Jeanne d'Arc, medieval warrior and Elisabeth, American war widow who comes on pilgrimage in Italy.
L'incantevole nemica
Giovanni, il cameriere
The owner of a cheese factory fears communists and mistakes a meek youth who works for him for one of them. He invites him to his house to win his confidence and the youth falls in love with his daughter.
Noi cannibali
Commissario di P.S.
Saluti e baci
Carlo Mastelli, the young radio presenter of "New Voices" has run short of ideas and his program is likely to be suspended from the radio schedule if he does not find any new ones.
Terminal Station
Gentleman Passenger
An American woman tries to break off her relationship with her Italian lover at Rome's Stazione Termini train station. This is Vittorio De Sica's original 89-minute "Terminal Station" which was released first in April 1953 as "Stazione Termini," the Italian title of Cesare Zavattini's story. A year later in May 1954, Columbia Pictures released a different version with the alternative title "Indiscretion of an American Wife" which producer David O. Selznick had re-edited and cut to a shortened 64 minutes, dramatically altering characterization by removing its establishing shots and neorealist touches.
Siamo tutti inquilini
Inquilino Ammalato
Anna was the maid of a lady who inherited an apartment in a building in the center of Rome.
Era lei che lo voleva!
commendator Invernaghi
Вокзал Термини
Gallant Traveler
Щемящая история, лишенная и катастрофического взрыва и катарсиса. Напряжение мрачно нарастает ввиду непроясненных и бесперспективных отношений замужней американки Мэри и итальянца Джанни Дориа. Блуждания и бесконечные объяснения любовников на вокзале, ссоры, пощечина. Вмешательство полиции, инкриминирующей двум порядочным людям публичный поцелуй в вагоне стоящего поезда и препровождающей пару в участок, чтобы, потрепав нервы и унизив, просто отпустить. В том упорстве, с каким режиссер сохраняет бессюжетность, кроется формула драматизма. Это фильм о том, что любовь может быть одновременно мимолетной и настоящей
Wir tanzen auf dem Regenbogen
Melody of Love
Don Raffaele Scotto
A comedy with lots of Neapolitan songs and shots of the Bay of Naples finds Maria Morelli unable to marry her singing sailor/lover, Giacomo because her father, Don Salvatdore Morelli objects. She can't elope because her father has an heart ailment and uses it to hold Maria. Giacomo misunderstands and takes off on a global singing tour.
I, Hamlet
Paris Is Always Paris
Raffaele D'Amore
A group of Italian soccer fans arrive in Paris for a match, but most of them go their separate ways to explore the sights, have a bit of an adventure, and maybe even find some romance.
Damn the Taxes!!
Conte Raffaele Borracciolo
Count Borraccilo lives in luxury but does not pay taxes and for this he is targeted by the tax agent Gaetano Pellecchia, who asks his friend Mario for help.
Ours are coming
Barone Ropelli
A ruthless businessman wants to bring a penniless nobleman financially on his knees because he wants to marry the man's daughter. It is the family chauffeur who puts things right.
The King's Guerrillas
Ferdinando King of Borbonne
Diavolo's bandits fight Napoleon's troops and so King Ferdinand IV, the Neapolitan king, makes Fra Diavolo a Colonel. In the meantime the bandit also falls in love with Marietta, the king's illegitimate child.
Il poliziotto brasiliano
Legge di sangue
"Law of Blood" - Rosa has been engaged for years with Antonio. But Antonio is in the military service and Rosa is seduced by Alberto. Returning to the village, Antonio learns what happened during his absence.
Unkown Men of San Marino
A Driver
A mysterious man, who had lost his memory, arrives in San Marino among other refugees during the Second World War.
Sperduti nel buio
Naples of the early twentieth century. A thug keeps a girl completely submissive and, having discovered that she is the daughter of a nobleman, tries to blackmail the father.
Cronaca nera
A mob boss seeks refuge from the police at the home of an ordinary family.
Peddlin' in Society
L'amministratore Bonifazio
Thanks to wartime smuggling Gioconda Perfetti, a roman fruit vendor, becomes very rich. She leaves her shop and moves to a magnificent villa which once belonged to a count. She also becomes involved with some very dubious characters who profit from her ignorance and cheat her out of her money.
Non canto più
A woman, a theatrical impresario, simulates the theft of a precious necklace for marketing purposes. A young singer living in the province is believed to be responsible for the theft and is arrested.
Il fiore sotto gli occhi
L'amministratore Renato Falessi
Ti conosco, mascherina!
An unscrupulous theatrical agent introduces his latest "discovery" to an elderly baron who becomes infatuated with her.
T'amerò sempre
Seduced by count Diego and then abandoned, Adriana finds a job at a large hairdresser shop, so she can lead a dignified life together with her daughter.
Gli assi della risata
An anthology of several segments about everyday Italian life.
Il viaggio del signor Perrichon
Giovanna leaves her husband and son for a short holiday and casually finds an old boyfriend in trouble.
Il bazar delle idee
Annna, a rich lady, decides to finance in great secrecy a singular enterprise: the founding of a real center for the creation of ideas, directed by Mario Morelli, a poet and songwriter perpetually waiting for great success, and a painter, Enrico Bovio, who cannot find the inspiration or the model for a portrait of a woman he wants to finish. Both are short of money and, convinced of the brilliance of their ideas, wish to open that bizarre business, called precisely the "Bazaar of Ideas".
Trappola d'amore
Lord Dicky, nobile collezionista
Scandalo per bene
Called to perform at the Scala, a young baritone begins a transatlantic romance with a famous pianist. The singer, having been skewered by a critic after his last performance in Milan, attempts to find a way to win over the audience and the critics, while wooing his love interest.
Two Millions For a Smile
Spinelli, il segretario
An Italian industrialist who has made a fortune in America returns to Italy planning to make a film about a beautiful woman who smiled at him before he left his home country years before.
Bionda sottochiave
A famous American director is looking for a special type of girl he needs to play in his next film.
La casa del peccato
Fuochi d'artificio
La mazurka di papà
Napoli d'altri tempi
Napoli d'altri tempi
Felicita Colombo
In the center of Milan, Felicita Colombo successfully manages a delicatessen that has among its customers the best bourgeoisie of the city.
30 Seconds of Love
Avv. Ferrini
A married woman hits a pedestrian with her car who requests that she must perform a particular punishment as a penance.
Oggi sposi
The operator
Two different couples on blind dates get mixed up when they pick the same location to meet.