Self (archive footage)
Screen icon Charlotte Rampling has fascinated the world of cinema, fashion and photography with her mysterious and almost inaccessible beauty. A major figure in genre and auteur films, she is unclassifiable: between presence and absence, shyness and audacity, she's always hypnotic, magnetic and fascinating. From her film debut in the mid-1960s in England, to her unconventional career path, through the tragic loss suicide of her older sister that will irremediably mark her acting, this film is a dive into the existential quest of a complex actress, whose every facet is discovered through her roles. Through a conversation with the actress herself, along with personal archives and extracts from her films, this documentary raws a dazzling portrait of her life and career.
A father tells his story to his eight-year-old son. Pictures of his past in Algeria come back in flashback : Bab El Oued, la Madrague, Sidi Ferruch, Chenoua, Tipasa, Oran, Constantine, Candle , the Kabylie, the light, the noises, the music, the events, the last hopes.
On stage, the actress talks about her life in the 20th-century French theatre, the great authors she played and the famous stage directors of the time who directed her.
On stage, the actress talks about her life in the 20th-century French theatre, the great authors she played and the famous stage directors of the time who directed her.
A crime comedy directed by Nicolas Gessner.
Aurélie, la Folle de Chaillot
Madame Bastier-Wagener
Прожигатель жизни и авантюрист Луи встречает на дороге странную девушку, чудом выжившую в страшной аварии и подсаживает ее в свою машину. Цирковые метатели ножей преследуют юношу за какие-то таинственные грехи прошлого. Случайный свидетель убийства становится объектом преследования не только бандитов, но и родственников жертвы совсем другого преступления.
Mme Larivière
The Tunisian born hero of the film decides to break with his disorganized yet habit-ridden life in Paris, and sets off to discover his homeland, which he left at 6 years old, and to rekindle the memory of his mother, who died when he was a child.
Comtesse de Labarthe
OSS 177 goes on holiday to Brazil, but is called into action when he finds himself being stalked by a double.
Giuditta Passani
Юный Лалло приезжает в Милан после смерти отца, чтобы посетить его похороны. Лалло решает пойти по стопам отца и стать жиголо.
Tante Flo
A writer discovers a link between a vegetarian restaurant and a series of mysterious deaths.
Dona Lucrezia
Пьер Марсэ выходит вечером из кинотеатра и погибает под колёсами автомобиля, которым управляет полковник Робертс. Полковник отправляется к вдове, чтобы успокоить её, и узнаёт, что погибший заказал убийство своей жены…
Mlle Raucourt
Фильм состоит из четырёх новелл, рассказывающих о знаменитых любовных историях, но не претендующих при этом на историческую достоверность.
Françoise Sellier
Пьер Каро за свою жизнь написал, сыграл и опубликовал более 130 пьес. Он искал счастье, но оно постоянно ускользало, а когда нашел, то оно оказалось чужим. Всё это его вдохновило написать книгу "Жизнь вдвоем" - самое его любимое произведение. Пьер уже не молод и годы дают о себе знать, здоровье ухудшается. Поэтому он решает написать завещание, но прямых наследников у него нет. Тогда он решает оставить свое состояние тем, кто стал его персонажем на бумаге...
Viviane Gobillot
Адвокат Андре Гобийо — немолодой, импозантный, преуспевающий и женатый мужчина — и все это он готов принести в жертву ради всепоглощающей страсти к юной прелестнице. Иветт попалась на вооруженном ограблении ювелирной лавки и ей грозит тюрьма. Она является к дорогому адвокату, предлагая себя в уплату за услуги. Андре знает, что у нее есть любовник и она ведет двойную игру, но он целиком оказывается во власти ее чар.
Quand la Femme S'en Mele (When the Woman Butts In) stars French film favorite Edwige Feuillere as a high-class gangster's moll named Maine. When Maine's first husband and daughter pay a visit, it's an awkward time for our heroine and her current amour, gang boss Godot (Jean Servais). In addition to fielding a lot of embarrassing questions, Godot also has to deal with a pesky turf war with a rival mobster. Not that the ex-husband is a paragon of virtue: he's busy trying to get even with a crooked business associate.
Princesse Nadia Vronskaïa
Princesse Nadia Vronskaïa is a veteran con artist who uses her feminine wiles to bilk wealthy, susceptible old men. Inevitably, she outsmarts herself when she falls in love with one of her victims. In concert with her new beau, she turns the tables on her former partners in crime.
Sabine Gravières
Sabine Gravières, married to Edouard, the High Commissioner for Criminal Youth, has a problem: Juliette, her daughter, is not only pregnant but she also refuses to marry Claude, the young man who got her pregnant. It is fair to say that the model set by Juliette's parents is far from ideal. Aware at last of the problem, Sabine decides to try and make it up with her husband.
Mme Dalleray, « la dame en blanc »
16-летний Фил и 15-летняя Винка проводят каникулы на бретонском пляже со своими семьями. Они выросли вместе как брат и сестра. Однажды Фил знакомится с дамой в возрасте, которая решает соблазнить его, ведь возможно это будет её последняя победа. Фил проводит с ней время, а Винка страдает от ревности...
Denise Aubusson
Andre Noblet, a 21-year-old French artist falls madly in love with Christine, the mother of two children. He tells Chistine he will tell all to her husband and demand her freedom. Christine learns that her husband has been carrying on a romance of his own and they have a meeting.
Lyria, a faded beauty who runs a seedy waterfront bar, is madly in love with Bob, a crooked attorney. Bob can't bring himself to confess his love for Minnie, the pretty daughter of Simon, a safe cracker. In order to run away with her, Bob, one of the masterminds of a big-time robbery, betrays his friends. But Lyria, who has found out what is happening, makes Minnie fall into a deadly trap.
Mademoiselle Julie
Оливия недавно поступила в пансион для девушек, но, как и другие ученицы, благоговеет перед Жюли, преподавательницей английского. Когда Жюли, сгорая от невысказанной любви к Оливии, хочет уехать из пансиона и порвать связь со своей сестрой Карой, последняя кончает с собой.
Suppose lost and found objects could talk... But they can! At least four of them... : -A statuette of Osiris remembers how two ex-lovers, a model and a good for nothing who claimed to be an Egyptologist, met again one Christmas Eve. -A violin has things to say about Raoul, a humble policeman who lost Solange, a widowed grocer he loved, to a god-dam seducing busker also named Raoul. -A scarf was witness to an eerie romance between a young madman and girl he had saved from suicide. -A funeral wreath lets us know how it caused a young woman to believe her lover dead. After having told their respective story, the objects return to their customary stillness.
Julie de Carneilhan
A penniless aristocrat is fooled by her ex-husband, a crook.
Colette Marly
A confirmed bachelor and a woman who claims to hate men get together and find romance.
Natasha, la Reine
В некоей германо-говорящей стране (напоминающей Австрию во время упадка), королева-вдова приезжает в замок Кранц, чтобы дать бал в честь годовщины своей свадьбы и находИться подальше от преследующей её эрц-герцогини, матери покойного короля. Десять лет одиночества сломили дух молодой вдовы — она готова расстаться с жизнью и носит с собой яд. Ночью, в её покои попадает раненный анархист и поэт Станислас, похожий на короля как две капли воды...
Christine Jourdan is a highly rated sculptor who, to oust her impresario Ancelin, invented a lover named Nicolas. Soon she marries Jacques, but he proves to be jealous of the supposed lover. The newspapers publishing the death of a Nicolas, Christine takes the opportunity to announce the death of her lover. But the man in question was murdered by a woman. Jacques and Ancelin suspect Christine and indulge in the worst eccentricities.
Muichkine, a young Russian prince, returns home to St. Petersburg from a mental institution, determined to spread decency and kindness in the harsh and cruel world. He becomes betrothed to an innocent young girl while trying to save a less-innocent woman from her own travail, but jealousy and his own naivete conjoin to bring about unimaginable tragedy.
Following a trivial road accident, Ariane, an international adventuress, falls in love with Bernard Fleuret, a young artist-painter with diseased lungs. Being pursued by the police, she chooses to hide in the sanatorium where the young man is treated. Ariane proves so smitten by love that she finally changes her ways: she decides to let herself be arrested, sure as she is she will be reunited with her loved one later on.
Agnès Noblet
A violinist passes on to his daughter three rings which represent three passions of his romantic past, and urges her to save each for men who truly deserve one.She squanders them all on one man who is undeserving.
Lucrèce, a famous actress, is bothered first, then flattered by the passionate testimonies of love given to her by François, a 12th grade student infatuated with her. Taking pity on the boy, Lucrèce decides to heal him of his madness and with this in mind she invites him for a working holiday on her farm. Instead, she falls in love with the cherub. At a time, her young lover grows so jealous of her that he attempts suicide. The mature actress then understands that their love story is going nowhere. She will remain alone while François will forget her.
Catherine Roussel
Catherine's technique to sell her clocks is to blackmail illegitimate couples such as Jacques and Gisèle. However when Gisèle's husband Pierre walks in on them, Catherine pretends to be Jacques's lover to save the day. Jacques then gets caught up in her schemes when the next couple she deals with turn out to be jewel thieves who kidnap them.
Antoinette de Langeais
Edwige Feuillère and Pierre Richard-Willm star in director Jacques de Baroncelli's adaptation of the Balzac novella The Duchesse de Langeais, which tells the tale of a Parisian socialite who is romantically pursued by a Napoleonic war hero. With a screenplay by Jean Giraudoux.
Cora Pearl
Cora Pearl, a demi-mondaine under the Second Empire, falls in love with a legitimist while she is the mistress of Jérôme Bonaparte, the cousin of Napoleon III.
La comtesse Sophie Chotek
Франц Фердинанд, наследник Австро-Венгерской империи, выбирает себе в жены особу некоролевских кровей. Этим, а также своими политическими взглядами, он развязывает руки недругам. В июне 1914 года он и его жена Софи едут в Сараево, где и находят свою смерть.
Evelyn (Babs) Morin
Evelyne, a woman of bourgeois origin, now reduced to dancing in a sleazy nightclub, is reunited with her first love, who has become a successful doctor.
Fearing a gangster's vengeance,his moll sails away to South Africa ,where many emigrants intend to work in the mines there.
Véra Vronsky
Old friends of Vera Vronsky remind her of her past and try to blackmail her.
During the Rif War, a lieutenant commands a torpedo boat. He finds in an abandoned yacht, a beautiful portrait of a woman, and soon meets this one who is married to a brutal and jealous baron.
Audrey Greenwood
Unhappy with her humdrum life as a provincial schoolteacher, Audrey Greenwood marries Major Carter, an officer in the British Army whom she does not love. Not long after the wedding Carter is on his way to Malaysia, accompanied by his wife, to take up a post in the British colony. During the long sea voyage, Audrey becomes acquainted with the handsome Prince Selim, the heir to the Malaysian throne. Life in the province of Malacca soon proves disagreeable to the free-spirited Englishwoman and she becomes a social outcast when her amorous affair with the prince is discovered.
Marthe Richard
Fictionalized reconstruction of the life of the French spy Marthe Richard who decided to contact the secret services during the First World War.
Lady Helena Scarlett
While still behind bars, a crook manages several schemes including one that almost gets his penniless young lawyer into trouble.The crook's mistress, married to a rich man, then becomes attracted to the lawyer.
It is only the prospect of having a child that draws the otherwise strictly urban new wife, Suzanne, to a family farm, she really doesn't care for the countryside of for her in laws.
Venice Film Festival 1935
Lucrezia Borgia
French silent film pioneer Abel Gance directs this 1935 classic about Lucrezia Borgia, her brother, Cesare. and her father, Pope Alexander VI -- one of history's most ruthless and ambitious crime families.
From Constantinople to Marseilles, aboard a cargo ship, an intrigue full of adventures brings together a courageous young girl and a young risk-taker who succeeds in thwarting a series of long-planned crimes.
Claudia Procula
The final days of Jesus from the time he enters the city of Jerusalem. Viewed as a threat, it is decided that he must be captured, tried, and executed as a criminal, a plan aided and abetted by disciple Judas Iscariot.
Fernande Genissier
Попавший в тюрьму Санте по обвинению в финансовых махинациях, банкир Жюль Тафар самовольно покидает это заведение и под именем месье Гедеона находит место ночного сторожа в прозябающем магазинчике женского белья «Корсеты Сильфиды». Однако талант под спудом не утаишь: деловая хватка и умение располагать к себе людей помогли ночному сторожу быстро дослужиться до коммерческого директора и заручиться безграничным доверием семейства Жениссье – владельцев магазина. Но пока последние радуются росту обороту и расширению производства, месье Гедеон строит собственную экономическую империю, начавшуюся со скупки подержанных вещей и вышедшую, в конце концов, на международный рынок торговли оружием.
Good King Pausole selects a wife for every day in the year, but one protests when he spends her day searching for young Princess Aline who has eloped with Giglio, a visiting airman stranded in the kingdom. Giglio comes from a modern and different world and this gives Queen for a Day some ideas about how to make her title a lasting one.
Helena Schweringen
In 1917, a French deserter entered the service of German counterintelligence, but Villard (number 33) was a real French spy. Discovered, he is saved by a German spy who betrays her country for love.
Suzy Courtois
A tale of a socially inept schoolmaster who must confront his own principles.
A woman of the world has fallen in love with a metalworker, and one evening gives herself to him. Some time later, the worker becomes blind. One last time, he will touch with his hands the machines with which he will no longer work while the countess returns to her life of pleasures.
Misfortunes and disarray of the little clown Leroy who is upstaged by a comrade, Bertini, and sees himself abandoned by his girlfriend Ginette, preferring his collaborator to him.
Sophisticated romantic comedy of suspicious husbands, straying wives, handsome lovers, with various misunderstandings thrown in for good measure. (Including a gender-reversal of the old Pirandello plot twist from "The Late Mathias Pascal" of the protagonist changing identities after supposedly perishing in a train wreck.)
A jeweler's clerk accidentally swallows a pearl worth three million. The jeweler accepts his marriage to his daughter if the clerk agrees to have the operation. The adventures follow one another until the day when the clerk admits that he has not swallowed the pearl, but as he has become a famous man, the jeweler accepts him as his son-in-law.
Countess Peggy Riccardi
Monsieur Albert is a very elegant and much-appreciated butler. One day he falls in love with a client, Sylvia Robertson, and follows her to a winter sports resort. Sylvia does not recognize him and imagines that he is related to a king who goes incognito.
Célestin, the organist of a convent, has written and composed a light operetta under the name of Floridor. One day, the Mother Superior asks him to chaperone one of the boarders, Denise de Flavigny, who is returning home to get married. Now, Denise, for all her goody goody looks, soon proves as saucy as can be. Things get even more complicated when Célestin starts courting Corinne, the star of his operetta, to the great displeasure of a commander of dragons, the young woman's lover. Worse, the latter is none other than the Mother Superior's brother... To say nothing of Lieutenant Fernand de Champlatreux, who happens to fall in love with Denise, his fiancée that he has never seen before...!
Cora Lynn : Mado, la maîtresse
Constance Middleton