Composer Johann Sebastian Bach is introduced to King Frederick II of Prussia in 1747. The aging composer and the young monarch clash and a battle of egos ensues.
Original Music Composer
В 1828 году поместье одной очаровательной маркизы превращается в место проведения шахматного турнира. Маркиза полагает, что эта игра — не просто передвигание фигур с места на место. Она наделяет шахматы мистическим смыслом и надеется, что со временем ее усадьба станет местом проведения мирового чемпионата по игре в шахматы. Главный приз первого турнира — любимая дочь маркизы: тот, кто победит, возьмет в жены прелестную девушку. Основных претендентов — двое: эксцентричный и непредсказуемый Макс и уравновешенный британец лорд Стоунтон…
The Inquisition is in full swing in 16th century Flanders. Wanted for his dissident writings, the alchemist doctor Zeno has been wandering Europe under an assumed name for twenty years. But he remains a non-conformist. He returns to his native Bruges, where he thinks he has been forgotten. In this silent labyrinth where the faces of the past resurface, he rediscovers his identity and thus signs his death warrant.
Молодой сценарист приходит к известной романистке, чтобы выяснить, что послужило основой для романа, написанного ею 20 лет назад. В процессе её рассказа он начинает представлять себе эту любовную историю: молодая женщина-пианистка, влюбляется в немолодого, но харизматического итальянца. Понимая, что он её обманывает, женщина не в силах порвать путы его очарования.
A filmed essay about the painter Bouts.
Original Music Composer
A married, middle-aged professor meets a mysterious woman in the woods and has an affair with her.
Original Music Composer
In 1917, the First World War is raging. Julien is from Luxemburg, so instead of having to go to war he studies piano in Paris. One day his friend Jacques, also a musician and now a fighter pilot on the front, invites him to spend a few days in his family's empty house in Bray. The housekeeper, a beautiful stoic woman lets Julien in, but his friend is late and he is obliged to wait. In the meantime, he starts reminiscing of the pre-war days spent with his friend and Jacques' girlfriend Odile.
The Belgian linguistics professor Matthias is going through a difficult period in relations with his girlfriend Anne. She is French, he is Belgian, and, oddly enough for an enlightened Europe and a doubly enlightened university environment, this small difference is a shadow on the couple’s personal life. One day, during a train ride, Anne disappears and Mathias goes looking for her in an unknown city.
Original Music Composer
The Belgian linguistics professor Matthias is going through a difficult period in relations with his girlfriend Anne. She is French, he is Belgian, and, oddly enough for an enlightened Europe and a doubly enlightened university environment, this small difference is a shadow on the couple’s personal life. One day, during a train ride, Anne disappears and Mathias goes looking for her in an unknown city.
Original Music Composer
Govert Miereveld is a lawyer from a small Flemish town who also teaches in a school for girls. He harbors a secret love for one of his young students, Fran, whom he loses touch with after her graduation. Some time later, Miereveld has to attend an autopsy, and the shock of the experience deeply affects his mental balance. He finds out - or he believes so - that Fran has become a popular singer. He arranges to meet her to finally reveal his feelings. An ambiguous but perhaps tragic denouement follows which might be a figment of the protagonist's disturbed mind.
An nobleman question an aged grave warden, whose sickness seems to be due to the ghosts who haunt his workplace.