Heinz Marecek

Heinz Marecek

Рождение : 1945-09-17, Wien, Austria


Heinz Marecek


Лети, майский жук!
Ранняя весна 1945-го года, небогатый район Вены. Близок конец войны и связанная с ним пора надежд. Семья менее чем скромного достатка: дедушка-часовщик, бабушка-домохозяйка, папа — раненый солдат немецкого вермахта, а потом и дезертир, мама и сестра. Перенеся невзгоды войны, им предстоит пережить конец Третьего рейха и освобождение Австрии советскими солдатами, видевшими в них врагов.
Franz Antel - Meister der Unterhaltung
A documentary directed by Wolfgang Liemberger.
Africa Cries Out to You
Jonathan Gold
The vet Markus received the offer of taking over an animal centre in Africa. There he mets Arianne, a woman who is going through a troubled marriage.
Homecoming with Obstacles
Ludwig Hackl
German/Austrian-TV-movie with Hansi Hinterseer.
Liebe, Babys und ein Stückchen Heimat
Bernd Waller
Molly & Mops - Ein Mops kommt selten allein
Molly & Mops – Das Leben ist kein Gugelhupf
Erdbeereis mit Liebe
Claudio Versetti
Die Geschworene
Prof. Gustl Bayer
Die Liebe hat das letzte Wort
After the death of his spouse Robert Senden,professor of literature in Graz (Austria) has become a solitary man.His housekeeper, the Italian Maria hardly tolerates his pedantry.Suddenly Maria must travel to Italy for family reasons and Robert Senden will take care of Rick, Maria's godchild till Thomas, the father of Ricky can come for him.But bad news Thomas had an accident and stays now in an hospital.Ricky is desperate and escape from Graz to Italy and Robert Senden will follow him and now begins some days of rest in the house of Maria's mother.
Принцесса Мария Бонапарт
Вопрос «Чего хотят женщины?» в той или иной степени заботит каждого мужчину на Земле. В своё время найти на него ответ пытался и доктор Фрэйд. В качестве «пациентки» была выбрана Мария Бонапарт, принцесса Греции и Дании, наследница Наполеона. Однако вскоре началась Вторая мировая война. Гонения на евреев не обошли стороной и известного психолога. Пытаясь помочь Фрэйду покинуть Европу, Мария попадает под пристальное наблюдение Гестапо. С этого момента началась новая жизнь Марии - жизнь между страхом и надеждой…
Der Bockerer IV - Prager Frühling
In the year 1968, the “Bockerer” has decided, after many attempts, to marry his long-time widowed housekeeper, Anna. Gustl, whom he as taken in like a son after the war, will open a butchery in the Czech small town Kostelec and invites the Bockerers to spend their wedding journey with him and his Elena. The “Prague Spring”, of which everywhere is talked so much about, promises a nice honeymoon, and their friend Hatzinger is taken along on the journey as well. Soon after their arrival, the Bockerer has to realize that “Communism with a human face” is still an idle wish.
Ein Hund kam in die Küche
Inspektor Lehner
Jetzt bringen wir unsere Männer um
Chefinspektor Richter
Two humiliated wives decide to kill their husbands - each other's. But despite an ingenious plan, they fail to implement it. Now they decide to turn the tables: they want to appear as if they were the victims of assassination attempts by their husbands. The murderous castling really does go as planned, but then the men suddenly change their plan.
Vino Santo – Es lebe die Liebe, es lebe der Wein
Half-Italian Gioia loves Max, but leaves her son's son to cheat her as a fiancé. When Mama invites the family to the Italian winery for Grandpa's 80th birthday, the feelings are on the table alongside pasta, pesto and vino, because Gioia happens to meet Max again ...
Der Bockerer III - Die Brücke von Andau
Vienna, 1956. Viennese butcher Karl Bockerer goes to Hungary to buy meat. Along with his foster son and grandchild, he is caught up in the turmoil of the Hungarian revolt against the Soviet occupiers. With some luck and a great deal of cunning, Bockerer and his family manage to escape, but the Austrian border is closed - except for the bridge to Andau...
Eine Hand schmiert die andere
Herr Kranz
Der Bockerer II - Österreich ist frei
Sg. Dr. Rosenblatt
Vienna, 1947. Bockerer and his wife Binerl have survived the war, though his butcher's shop was destroyed by bombs. Karl Bockerer opens up a new establishment in the center of the city. Post-war Vienna is divided into four zones in which the Allies run things and ensure that law and order prevails. This is the story of two lovers: Gustl, just returned form a POW camp, and the Russian interpreter Elena. Bockerer becomes the patron of their love. Elena's father was executed by Stalin, and the only way she can escape a similar fate is to marry an Austrian. Bockerer "buys" a husband for Elena and, full of tricks as ever, he succeeds in pulling the wool over the Russian occupier's eyes.
Potasch und Perlmutter
Die spanische Fliege
Pension Schöller
Harry and Harriet
Peter Graf
A bodyswitch comedy directed by Cyril Frankel.
Höchste Eisenbahn
Karli Novak
Drei Schwestern
Zerbrochene Brücken
Viktor Adler
Geheimsender 1212
Ohne Ball und ohne Netz
Hansi Schlögl
The (male) members of the "Fussballclub Reith" are so focused on their passion for football playing that their neglected wives plot against them to "force" them back into fulfilling their "marital duties"...
Der Narr von Wien
Karl Kraus
A politically naive Viennese butcher (Bockerer) manages to survive the Nazi occupation of Austria and the second world war.
Der Gute
Florian Liwanetz
Die weiße Stadt
Beiß die Zähne zusammen
Das Veilchen
Hurra - ein Junge
Dr. Moritz Mohr
Die goldene Rose von Montreux
A Little Night Music
Fredrik Egerman is very happy in his marriage to a seventeen-year-old virgin, Anne. Only she's been a virgin for the whole eleven months of the marriage, and being a bit restless, Fredrik goes to see an old flame, the famous actress Desiree Armfeldt. Desiree is getting tired of her life, and is thinkin of settling down, and sets her sights on Fredrik, despite his marriage, and her own married lover Count Carl-Magnus. She gets her mother to invite the Egermans to her country estate for the weekend. But when Carl-Magnus and his wife Charlotte appear, too, things begin to get farcical (Send in the Clowns), and the night must smile for the third time before all the lovers are united.
Bediensteter Vogt
Es war die Lerche
Duett zu dritt
Der letzte Werkelmann
Vienna, a few days before the shots in Sarajevo which would trigger what was first called the Great, later simply the First World War: Job seekers from the crown lands flock to the capital of the empire in search of a better life, even if it's the factory hell . A new social class is growing faster and faster, the city overflows with the poor, lower-class workers and the unemployed. Labor fighters can be heard louder, better, clearer, every day. The nobility strongly suspects its end.
Slaughter Day
Michael considers himself a genius criminal and plans the big coup. He forms three new gangs who know nothing about each other and each only know part of his plan. In the background Michael pulls the strings and mercilessly plays the actors on his stage against each other. This strategy also poses unsolvable problems for the police until something goes wrong and the house of cards collapses.
Lauter liebe Leute
Heinz Beierl
Alkeste - Die Bedeutung, Protektion zu haben
Adi (Admitos) is under the protection of Apollo, the son of a man with money and relationships. The two are in jail, suspected of murder, but without evidence. So they are released. Adi loves Claudia (Alkeste), the domestic partner of his arch enemy, who finds death in a - metaphysical - duel. The power of Apollo is with Adi, who subsequently even finds out how to overcome death, after the apocalypse.