Wu Ye
A battle of a ferocious gang against a hunk-turned pacifier! The entire Special Ops Team was annihilated due to Zhou Yong's mistake. He felt guilty ever since. One day, two children knocked on his door. They were actually the children of the late Special Ops Team Leader, and Zhou Yong was forced to take care of them. The gang that they had engaged before are approaching Zhou Yong and the children for their revenge. With burning anger inside his heart, Zhou Yong plays a cruel game of survival with the approaching gang.
В начале XX века после крушения династии Цинь Китай погружается в хаос гражданских войн. Множество группировок в различных регионах страны берут власть в свои руки, параллельно враждуя друг с другом. Группа селян из отдалённой деревни объединяется, чтобы дать отпор лидеру жестокой вооружённой банды.