Viviane Romance

Viviane Romance

Рождение : 1912-07-04, Roubaix, Nord, France

Смерть : 1991-09-25


Viviane Romance (July 4, 1912 – September 25, 1991) was a French actress. Born Pauline Ronacher Ortmanns in Roubaix, France, Romance began her career as a dancer at the Moulin Rouge in Paris and was elected Miss Paris of 1930 before she made her film debut in 1931 with a cameo role in La Chienne. Romance caused a small scandal winning Miss Paris because she had a child. She appeared in several films over the next few years before making a strong impression in La belle équipe (1936). From this time to the late 1950s she was regarded as one of France's leading cinematic actresses and played dozens of femme fatales, fallen women (with hearts of gold) and vamps. Her acting roles after 1956 were few, and she retired in 1974.


Viviane Romance
Viviane Romance
Viviane Romance


Madame Gabrielle
Агрессивно настроенная бригада левых радикалов под названием NADA совершает дерзкое похищение американского посла во время его визита в парижский бордель. С этого момента и власти в лице полиции, и революционеры-анархисты ввергают страну в водоворот насилия и хаоса. Похитителям удается покинуть город и скрыться в загородном доме. Там они держат свою жертву, дожидаясь ответа властей на их требования…
Мелодия из подвала
Шарль, старый гангстер с богатым послужным списком, планирует последнее в своей жизни ограбление, после которого собирается уйти на покой. В подельники он приглашает нескольких начинающих бандитов, в том числе и Франсиса. Им кажется, что план очистки сейфа казино на французской Ривьере безупречен, и уже можно думать о светлом будущем…
The Case of Poisons
Catherine Deshayes, dite La Voisin
Madame de Montespan, the Maîtresse-en-titre of Louis XIV, has been in disgrace since the King set eyes on a younger beauty, Marie-Angélique Scorailles. Having had enough of the situation, the rejected mistress decides to visit La Voisin, a woman known as a fortune teller, a doctor, a midwife and who is also said to arrange black masses and sell poisons. Some time later Marie-Angélique, now Duchess of Fontanges, dies mysteriously aged only twenty...
Gueule d'ange
Loïna Gauthier
Le tournant dangereux
Lucienne Courtois
The adventures of Daniele as he tries to find love with Lucienne despite being framed for murder and cocaine smuggling.
Flesh and Desire
Mylène Valdès
Giuseppe is accused of killing his employer Matthias who is actually in a hospital with amnesia.
Trouble for the Legion
Man, Beast and Virtue
Assunta Perella
Paolino, a teacher at an elementary school near Naples, appears nervous for a few days and his friends do not know why. The man is the lover of Assunta, the mother of one of his pupils, and he discovers that she has become pregnant.
Woman Are Angels
Edmée Clotier
In order to inherit her husband's old aunt more quickly, a greedy peasant woman engages in various dishonest maneuvers.
Семь смертных грехов
Mrs. Blanc (segment "Lust")
На воскресной ярмарке молодой повеса Жерар Филип зазывает публику в свой балаганчик, приглашая соревноваться в меткости метания мяча в куклы изображающие смертные грехи: зависть, скупость, блуд, обжорство, гордость, лень и гнев.
Heart of the Casbah
Maria Pilar is the second wife of a gangster of Algiers who has just been arrested. Michel, her husband's son by a first marriage, arrives in Algiers, the town in which he was born but that he left long ago. Charmed by the teenager, his stepmother soon feels a burning passion for Michel. Michel tries to defend himself, but in vain. When he falls for young Sylvie, Maria Pilar gets beside herself with rage.
Marie Charbonnier
An unhappy wife who has had a child by her lover lives a daily drama under the watchful eye of her husband who hates them both.
Based on a venerable Legend of the Sea, the story concerns a pliable prostitute named Bella (Romance) who is all things to all men. No matter what sort of woman her client wants, she will become that woman -- at least for the night. When a middle-aged man named Jean insists that Bella is his long-lost sweetheart, she plays along, hoping to escape her sordid lifestyle. The emotional tragedy that follows is meant to explain how Bella became "Maya," the living embodiment of Lost Souls.
Bella dite Maya
Based on a venerable Legend of the Sea, the story concerns a pliable prostitute named Bella (Romance) who is all things to all men. No matter what sort of woman her client wants, she will become that woman -- at least for the night. When a middle-aged man named Jean insists that Bella is his long-lost sweetheart, she plays along, hoping to escape her sordid lifestyle. The emotional tragedy that follows is meant to explain how Bella became "Maya," the living embodiment of Lost Souls.
Crossroads of Passion
Irène Dumesnil
The House Under the Sea
A stranger named Constant disrupts the life of Flora, who is seemingly happy with her husband Lucien. But she suddenly experiences a passionate love, taking refuge with Constant in a cave they call “home under the sea.”
Anger of the Gods
Sylvain, sentenced to death, assures the visiting priest that his life could have been completely different, and invents different situations.
Alice, maîtresse d'Alfred
Бандит убил старушку. Господин Ир, чудак, живущий в этом же квартале и ненавидимый всеми соседями, заявляет, будто у него есть неопровержимое доказательство, которое позволит опознать убийцу.
Queen's Necklace
La comtesse Jeanne de la Motte-Valois
The adventurer Jeanne de Valois-Saint-Rémy, descendant (by the left hand) of the king of France Henri II, and who claims to be "Countess de la Motte", imagines a tortuous plan to steal a magnificent diamond necklace that the queen Marie-Antoinette refused to buy from the jewelers Boehmer and Bassange.
La route du bagne
Paris, 1865. In a music-hall Manon accidentally kills her partner who was trying take sexual advantage of her. She is condemned to twenty years of hard labor first and then to be deported to marry a released convict. On the ship where she sails with her female fellow-sufferers she gets to know a young doctor and helps to suppress a revolt. Once arrived at her destination, Manon hesitates between her official fiancé and the doctor whose household she does not want to break...
Box of Dreams
Nicole tries to seduce a young man who lead a bohemian life in an untidy flat with his three pals.
Box of Dreams
Nicole Payen-Laurel
Nicole tries to seduce a young man who lead a bohemian life in an untidy flat with his three pals.
По новелле Проспера Мериме. Драматическая история любви Кармен, цыганки, и Дона Хосе, бригадира драконов. Из любви к прекрасному Дон Хосе становится дезертиром. Но она оставляет его ради привлекательного тореадора Лукаса. Раздираемый ревностью, солдат совершает непоправимое, убивая Кармен.
Sacred Fire
Paulette Vernier
A young woman from the countryside travels to Paris to become an actress. Despite all kinds of difficulties, affronts and emotional adventures, she succeeded in gaining a place in the world of entertainment and becomes a great movie star.
Cartacalha, reine des gitans
The gypsy dancer Cartacalha is elected queen of the gypsies. She loves a horse breeder, the Galejon, but following misunderstandings and perfidy, she leaves for Paris, invited by a playwright who predicts a total success on stage. Having become a star, she returns to the Camargue where, still abused, she tries to commit suicide.
Blind Venus
Vénus aveugle (Blind Venus) is a 1941 French film melodrama, directed by Abel Gance, and one of the first films to be undertaken in France during the German occupation. Although the film is not set in any specified period, Gance wanted it to be seen as relevant to the contemporary situation in France. He wrote, "...La Vénus aveugle is at the crossroads of reality and legend... The heroine ... gradually sinks deeper and deeper into despair. Only when she has reached the bottom of the abyss does she encounter the smile of Providence that life reserves for those who have faith in it, and she can then go serenely back up the slope towards happiness. If I have been able to show in this film that elevated feelings are the only force that can triumph over Fate, then my efforts will not have been in vain."
Blood Red Rose
La Tradition de minuit
Clara Véry
Five people are gathered in a cafe because of a phone call they have all received. The plot thickens when they discover a dead body in a bedroom upstairs.The five people all become suspects.
Pasha's Wives
Mireille, l'épouse française
Mireille, a Frenchwoman, marries a westernized Turkish diplomat and, thinking that she will live a dream life in an Arabian Nights setting, follows him back to his native country, only to discover that, in a staunchly traditional society, she will not be a free woman there any longer.
Prisons de femmes
Juliette, an innocent woman, is wrongly sentenced to prison for attempted murder. After her release, she married an industrialist to whom she did not speak of her tumultuous past. But, victim of a rampant blackmail, she cannot continue to hide her prison past and the scandal breaks out.
Town trollop Safia, much against her better judgment, falls in love with Matteo, a beggar and mystic in the native quarter of Sirocco. She flees to France, first as the mistress and then wife of a wealthy archaeologist, and bears him Matteo's child, whom he believes to be his own. Complications arise years later when Matteo finds Safia, and a ring of blackmailers uncover her past and exposes her to her husband.
Le joueur
Blanche du Placet
Strange M. Victor
Adrienne Robineau
Outwardly, Monsieur Victor would appear to be the model citizen. A respectable Toulon shopkeeper, he has a devoted wife and is courteous and considerate to all who know him. However, beneath this veneer of respectability hides a notorious receiver of stolen goods, who trades with hardened criminals. Victor manages to keep up his double life without any difficulty until the fateful day when one of his partners in crime threatens to expose him. Fearing a scandal, Victor kills the crook in a moment of panic, using a shoemaker's tool. Naturally, the murder is blamed on a local shoemaker, who is sentenced to ten years' hard labour. Seven years later, the former shoemaker reappears in Toulon, having escaped from prison. The first person to recognise him is Monsieur Victor...
Сети шпионажа
Mercedes Garcia
Один за другим взрываются и тонут британские суда. Англичане предполагают, что это диверсия, и что немецкое шпионское гнездо находится на британской военно-морской базе в Гибралтаре. Загадкой для англичан является и то, как врагу удается взрывать тщательно охраняемые суда.
The Puritan
A religious fanatic finds his entire life and philosophy turned upside-down as he falls in love with a girl and kills her in a jealous rage. His search is for peace of mind and a desire to justify the murder of the girl to himself. His mind becomes distraught as he gropes trying to rationalize his deed and his world falls apart around him. A police inspector patiently and tirelessly stays on Barrault's trail, without putting him under arrest, though convinced he is the murderer, and waiting for the moment when he feels Barrault will break under the strain of his own religious fanaticism (IMDb).
Naples Under the Kiss of Fire
Mario Esposito, who sings in a Neapolitan restaurant, is in love with Assunta, the niece of Teresa, the owner of the place. He shares his apartment with Michel, his best friend. This one has fallen under the spell of Lolita, a gorgeous adventuress he met at the cathedral where he officiates as the organist. But things go awry as, while Michel intercedes with Aunt Teresa for Assunta's hand in his favor, Mario in turn falls in love with Lolita. On the very day of his wedding with Assunta, Mario runs away with Lolita, thus betraying both his love and his friend. But it does not take long before the young singer realizes the big mistake he has made.
Le club des aristocrates
Serge loves living it up but painting the town red has a price... too high for him! What to do then? Alfred, his servant and former pickpocket, has the solution : steal of course! No sooner said than done ! Or rather: No sooner said than tried... For when Serge, assisted by his mistress Gloriane acting as bait, he tries to rob a jeweler on the Place Vendôme of a precious diamond bracelet, he realizes that a gang of thieves have preceded him. Later on, he will learn that the boss of the gang is a Polish noblewoman, Countess Waldapowska.
Street of Shadows
Gaby, la chanteuse de cabaret
A slippery femme fatale, a spy for Germany during the Great War, is sent to Thessaloniki in Greece and becomes involved with a man on the other side, a French military officer.
L'ange du foyer
Jacques de Chardin, runner of women, marries a rich and young American, Mary-Ann. He does not give up, however, his conquests and has an affair with Chouquette. His wife and her friend, Baron Sigismond, decide to fake an affair in order to get revenge.
A Man to Kill
Captain Benoit successfully completes a mission in Berlin, but when he returns to Paris he escapes attacks by German agents.
Славная компания
Пять бедняков выигрывают в лотерею и решает открыть придорожную закусочную около реки Марна. Но благие намерения этой славной компании разрушает неизменные «спутники» Человека – слабости и пороки...
Une gueule en or
The Marquis de Barfleur, an unattractive man, decides to resort to plastic surgery to ensure the fidelity of Colette, his young mistress. Now endowed with a face to die for, he is about to achieve his goal. But the Marchioness de Barfleur, the Marquis' loving wife, does not hear it that way. She has her revenge claiming everywhere that her husband is... dead! An assertion people believe since they do not recognize the Marquis! When her vengeance has lasted long enough, she forgives the Marquis and husband and wife fall into each other's arms.
Return to Paradise
Trying to acclimatize a group of overworked city dwellers from very different backgrounds to the open air and work in the fields, such is the unusual challenge that an original practitioner, the curious doctor Bouvard, is attempting. The trial, which involves many risks, gives unexpected but not disappointing results.
Princess Tam Tam
Lucie's Friend
A French novelist passes off an African shepherdess as a princess.
Flight Into Darkness
Une girl
During the First World War, before joining a squadron at the front in 1918, Herbillon (Jean-Pierre Aumont) has a liaison with Helene (Annabella), a married woman. The young man discovers that his mistress is none other than the wife of Maury (Charles Vanel), an aviator friend.
Батальон иностранного легиона
la fille de Barcelone
Пьер Гилиет, совершив убийство в Париже, бежит в Барселону и оказывается без гроша в кармане. Он вступает в Испанский Иностранный легион, где встречает двух земляков: Муло и Лукаса. Пьер пытается забыть о своем преступлении, но очень скоро обнаруживает, что дружба Лукаса совсем не бескорыстна...
Second Bureau
Captain Benoît manages to take possession of the plans of a new German airplane. The German counter-espionage assigns one of their agents, beautiful Erna Fiedler, to seduce Benoît and to eliminate him. But the two spies fall in love.
Black Eyes
la comtesse
In 1913, in Russia, a widower hides from his daughter that he is butler in a restaurant of rendezvous. She meets a banker who seeks to seduce her and takes her to this restaurant. The father, knowing the decadent life of this client, immediately sends his daughter back home. The pure love that her piano teacher gives her will allow the girl to console herself for her disillusions.
Justin de Marseille
Une pensionnaire de Madame Olympe
A respected gangster, Justin, finds himself in a deadly feud with his rival, the unscrupulous Esposito. The latter plans to steal a cargo of opium bound for China and to have Justin killed.
Mam'zelle Spahi
Two mistresses snubbed by their respective lovers crash a military ball and their lovers then resort to an unusual strategy to win them back.
N'aimer que toi
A great singer eager to know the love of a sincere woman, in love with him and not with his glory, disguises himself as a worker. He meets the girl of his dreams. A commitment takes her away, she tries to kill herself but he comes back in time and they can love each other without constraint.
La marchande de cigarettes - Cigarette Girl
Two women love the same man in a world of few prospects. In Budapest, Liliom is a "public figure," a rascal who's a carousel barker, loved by the experienced merry-go-round owner and by a young, innocent maid. The maid, Julie, loses her job after going out with Liliom; he's fired by his jealous employer for going out with Julie. The two lovers move in with Julie's aunt; unemployment emasculates him and a local weasel tempts him with crime. Julie, now wan, is true to Liliom even in his bad temper. Meanwhile, a stolid widower, a carpenter, wants to marry Julie. Is there any future on this earth for Julie and Liliom, whose love is passionate rather than ideal?
The Hawk
The wife of a Hungarian gentleman tires of helping him cheat and becomes the mistress of a diplomat.When she re-encounters her husband he is enfeebled and ill, so she takes pity on him.
A mistress
Duparquet is the controller of Les Halles, and plays matchmaker between the young farm-girl Ciboulette and Antonin, a young spoiled aristocrat.
He Is Charming
A French musical comedy film, one of the many operetta films made in the 1930s. Rejected for the law after cheating with his fellow students, a frivolous youth gets a job as a notary in the provinces where he hires his girlfriend and they have a fine musical time.
Mam'zelle Nitouche
Célestin, the organist of a convent, has written and composed a light operetta under the name of Floridor. One day, the Mother Superior asks him to chaperone one of the boarders, Denise de Flavigny, who is returning home to get married. Now, Denise, for all her goody goody looks, soon proves as saucy as can be. Things get even more complicated when Célestin starts courting Corinne, the star of his operetta, to the great displeasure of a commander of dragons, the young woman's lover. Worse, the latter is none other than the Mother Superior's brother... To say nothing of Lieutenant Fernand de Champlatreux, who happens to fall in love with Denise, his fiancée that he has never seen before...!
Кассир Морис Легран женат на Адель, которая постоянно его терроризирует. Однажды он встречает Лулу, которая становится его любовницей. Ему кажется, что он наконец встретил свою настоящую любовь, но Лулу — проститутка, испытывающая чувства к своему сутенеру Деде и пытающаяся вытянуть деньги из Леграна…