Vic Damone

Vic Damone

Рождение : 1928-06-12,


Vic Damone (born Vito Rocco Farinola in New York, June 12, 1928) is an American singer and entertainer. His father was an electrician; and his mother taught piano. His cousin was the actress and singer Doretta Morrow. Inspired by his favorite singer, Frank Sinatra, Damone began taking voice lessons. By mid 1947, Damone had signed a contract with Mercury Records. His first release, "I Have But One Heart", reached #7 on the Billboard chart. "You Do" reached the same peak. These were followed by a number of other hits. In 1948 he got his own weekly radio show, Saturday Night Serenade. In 1951, Damone appeared in two movies: The Strip and Rich, Young and Pretty. From 1951 to 1953 he served in the United States Army, but before going into the service he recorded a number of songs which were released during that time. After leaving the service, he married the Italian actress Pier Angeli (Anna Maria Pierangeli), and in 1954 made two more movies: Deep in My Heart and Athena. He also made some guest appearances on Milton Berle's television show in 1954. He has been married five times; besides to Pier Angeli also to actress and singer Diahann Carroll.


Vic Damone


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Self (archive footage)
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Night of 100 Stars II
This special is the second "Night of 100 Stars" to benefit The Actors Fund of America. Edited from a seven-hour live entertainment marathon that was taped February 17, 1985, at New York's Radio City Music Hall, this sequel to the 1982 "Night of 100 Stars" special features 288 celebrities.
That's Entertainment!
(archive footage)
Various MGM stars from yesterday present their favorite musical moments from the studio's 50 year history.
This documentary on the nightlife of Las Vegas was filmed primarily at the Topicana and Dunes Hotels, respectively, in 1962-63. Musical numbers performed by the film's stars aside, "Spree" also includes scenes of gambling casinos, cock fights and boxing.
The Dangerous Christmas of Red Riding Hood
Everyone knows the story of Red Riding Hood. But every story has two sides and now the wolf has finally told his. This original musical comedy special, with songs by Jule Styne and Bob Merrill, first aired on November 28, 1965 on ABC.
Из ада в вечность
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Незабываемый роман
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Встречай меня в Лас-Вегасе
Vic Damone (uncredited)
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