Yehuda Efroni

Yehuda Efroni

Рождение : 1931-01-18, Tel Aviv, Israel

Смерть : 2017-04-11


Yehuda Efroni


The Cities of My Youth
The ageless man walks in the apocalyptic streets of Tel Aviv. In the eyes of two restless teenagers he finds his lost youth. They will tease him, they will seduce him, they will surrender.
The Killing Grounds
Set against the backdrop of a violent gang war, the police commissioner must find who is killing young children before the next innocent victim dies.
Lemon Popsicle 9: The Party Goes On
School's Principal
This movie is a sequel to the saga of movies about 3 guys in the middle of the 50's during their sex urges and other funny incidents.
It could have been a sweet story about a sweet couple. Unfortunately, it turns into something completely different.
Код «Омега»
In this spiritual thriller, an ancient prophecy is about to be fulfilled as a secret code brings the world to the edge of Apocalypse. Gillen Lane (Casper Van Dien) is a expert on theology and mythology who has gained international fame as a motivational speaker.
A group of criminals storm into a Berlin Bank and escape through a tunnel, which they built earlier.
Смертельный захват
Dr. David Berg
В мире терроризма только один человек может спасти страну от смертельной угрозы. Полковник Бэрон решил отомстить всему миру за то, что его вынудили уйти в отставку и предусмотрел все, кроме появления на своем пути сержанта Даттона Хетфилда.
Улицы смерти
A young Marine is kidnapped by terrorists in Lebanon. His twin brother, frustrated at his inability to get any kind of information from the government about his brother's plight, travels to Lebanon with a plan for his own rescue operation.
A Man Called Sarge
Father Bruce
In the midst of WWII, a group of half-witted soldiers lead by a slightly smarter sergeant, battle the Germans and especially Von Kraut in the desert.
Десять негритят
Dr. Hans Yokem Werner
Десять не знакомых между собой людей собираются в африканской саванне по приглашению некоего мистера Оуэна.
Синдбад: Легенда семи морей
Синдбад должен найти пять волшебных камней, чтобы освободить город Басру от страшного проклятия. Путешествие приводит его на остров мертвых, где Синдбад сражается с воинами-призраками и, в конце концов, с собственным двойником.
Американский ниндзя 3: Кровавая охота
General Andreas
Шон Дэвидсон, потерявший родителей и воспитанный учителем-японцем в традициях ниндзя, приезжает на международный турнир каратэ. Злоумышленники разрабатывают здесь в секретной лаборатории смертоносный вирус, чтобы испытать его на победителе чемпионата. Но американский ниндзя и двое его друзей сокрушают лабораторию, спасая мир.
Hanna's War
Hanna's War is the true story of Hanna Senesh, a Hungarian-Jewish WW2 resistance fighter, who would become Israel's "Joan of Arc". As a young person, she fled Nazi-occupied Hungary for Palestine, where she was recruited and trained by the British to serve as a commando. After completing her training in Britain, she parachutes into Yugoslavia with a commando team to establish escape routes across the Hungarian-Yugoslavian border for downed British pilots. Her attempts to save Hungarian Jews in Nazi-occupied Hungary, however, leads to her capture, torture and demise at the hands of the Gestapo and the Nazi-controlled Hungarian police.
Брэддок: Без вести пропавшие 3
Rev. Polanski
Полковник Брэддок, которому удалось бежать из жестокого плена, возвращается обратно во Вьетнам на поиски жены, которую он считал погибшей во время бомбежки в последние дни перед уходом американцев.
The Emperor's New Clothes
Head Guard
In Europe several several centuries ago, a group of prisoners about to be executed are freed as part of the celebration of the upcoming marriage of the emperor's daughter, Princess Gilda, to a very rich prince from another country. Sid Caesar composed the song "Clothes Make the Man". Ran 93 minutes on German TV.
Отряд «Дельта»
David Rosovsky
Когда опасные террористы захватывают американских туристов и переправляют их в Бейрут, президент направляет отряд «Дельта» — бригаду первоклассных бойцов под командованием полковника Ника Александера и майора Скотта Маккоя, чтобы освободить их. Вскоре после переброски на Средний Восток элитный спасательный отряд получает сведения, что женщин и детей отпустили, но мужчин банда фанатичных преступников по — прежнему удерживает в здании школы, расположенном на берегу моря. Сметая все на своем пути, сквозь огонь и взрывы отряд «Дельта» прорывается в лагерь террористов и, не оставляя пленных, освобождает заложников. Однако на этом миссия не заканчивается. Бандиты успели перевезти нескольких заложников в Тегеран, и теперь в битве за их спасение время работает против Александера и Маккоя. Они обязаны успеть — ведь на кону жизнь людей и честь родины.
Поднимайте якорь
Captain - Sherry's Father
В этом фильме наши друзья вербуются на туристическое судно в качестве матросов... Теперь наших друзей лишь двое. Момо уехал в Америку. Из Америки Момо не перестает зажигать своих друзей подробносями своих похождений. В порыве страсти, Юдале запутался в половой связи с одной девушкой. Убегая от разъяренного отца девушки Юдале прихватывает Бенци и вербуется вместе с ним на судно бороздящее Средиземное Море. К своему удивлению и ужасу узнает Юдале в боцмане разъяренного отца своей дамочки. Все развивается очень стремительно. Похождения, вновь романтическая любовь Бенци, на сей раз к капитанской дочке и даже приключения с бриллиантами...
The 17th Bride
Based on Ladislav Grossman's novel "The Bride", this drama was filmed back in 1984 in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, then the crew stopped filming, because protagonist Lisa Hartman had to promote her feature film "Where The Boys Are '84" in the States and they finally finished it on location in Wasserburg, Germany!
Operation Shtreimel
This wacky comedy takes place in the weeks leading up to the Allied invasion of Normandy during World War II. With the Allies uncertain as to what the Germans have in store for them after the invasion, it's up to one Jewish paratrooper to sneak into Germany's top-secret army base and steal the plans!
Soldier of the Night
Directed by Dan Wolman.
Сюжет фильма пересказывает историю противостояния мифических героев Геркулеса и царя Миноса, пытающегося захватить мировое господство. С горы Олимпия, находящейся на Луне, Боги решают испытать людей. Тем временем рождается сын царя по имени Геркулес. Но королевство оказывается захваченным капитаном охранников Миносом и его дочерью Арианной. Бог Зевс спасает младенца и оставляет его колыбель плыть по реке. Ее находит супружеская чета и берет мальчугана себе. Проходит много лет. Геркулес становится охранником принцессы Кассиопеи и влюбляется в нее. Но когда Кассиопею похищает Арианна, Геркулесу не остается ничего другого, как отправиться на ее поиски. Он попадает на остров колдуньи Сирс, купается в озере Хейдс и, наконец, добирается до затонувшего континента Атлантида…
The Seven Magnificent Gladiators
A bandit leader endowed with supernatural powers by his sorceress mother makes yearly raids on a peasant village. However, the women of the village come into possession of a magic sword, and go in search of a hero who is able to wield it and save their village from the evil bandit.
In Zola's Paris, an ingenue arrives at a tony bordello: she's Nana, guileless, but quickly learning to use her erotic innocence to get what she wants. She's an actress for a soft-core filmmaker and soon is the most popular courtesan in Paris, parlaying this into a house, bought for her by a wealthy banker. She tosses him and takes up with her neighbor, a count of impeccable rectitude, and with the count's impressionable son. The count is soon fetching sticks like a dog and mortgaging his lands to satisfy her whims.
Remembrance Of Love
Joe Rabin is a Holocaust survivor. After the war he went to America, married someone and had a family. Today, he is on his way to Israel for a reunion of Holocaust survivors. It seems that he has another reason for going. It seems like during the war, he had a girlfriend and they were separated and she was pregnant. He has never found out what happened to her, or their baby, he hopes to find out now.
A Woman Called Golda
Dr. Landau
The story of the Russian-born, Wisconsin-raised woman who rose to become Israel's prime minister in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
The New Media Bible: Book of Genesis
Abraham's Servant
Mary and Joseph: A Story of Faith
A religious drama about Christ's parents, the events leading up to his birth, and the effect on the lives of the well-known biblical figures of the time.
The Magician of Lublin
Yasha is a Jewish stage magician who tours through eastern Europe while destroying his career through personal problems. He has one more chance at theatrical success, but he needs to do a brand new trick in a Warsaw theater.
Lupo Goes to New York
Lupo is leaving Israel moving to New York and misses his family.
The Story of David
Younger Abner
The "David and Goliath" legend is presented as credibly as possible, while David's later disastrous romance with Bathsheba is handled with taste and decorum. Also in the cast are Anthony Quayle as King Saul, and Terence Hardiman as Bathsheba's unfortunate warrior husband Uriah.
Charles Hodgson is a British aristocrat who decides to become a thief as a way of getting at his twin brother, Earl, a security expert who has built a supposedly impregnable vault in Tel Aviv, which holds a cache of diamonds. For the caper, Charles enlists Archie, a heist expert, and Sally. He also becomes acquainted with an American woman, Zelda Shapiro, who is in Israel looking for a new husband.
The Story of Jacob and Joseph
This film recounts the tales of the Biblical figures, Jacob and Joseph. The first part tells the story of Jacob fleeing his tribe when he cheats his brother out of his birthright, gets cheated himself in his exile years while learning of the need to make amends. The second part is of the story of Jacob's favorite son, Joseph. Betrayed and sold into slavery by his brothers, he meets and overcomes all adversity to become the Prime Minister of Egypt, second only to the Pharaoh.
Escape to the Sun
Two young university students wish to escape the oppressive Soviet Union. But their plans are monitored by the KGB, who try to intimidate them. One of them is taken into custody and tortured, which spurs them to make an escape attempt that could cost them their lives
The Great Telephone Robbery
Meshulam, a lowly bank clerk, has two hobbies: crime novels, and the ability to calculate investment interest in his head. When he learns of a local gang's plot to rob the bank, Meshulam realizes that this is his chance to make himself the hero of his own crime story -- by stopping them, in his own unique way!
The story of Salomonico who works in the Tel Aviv Port and tries to defend his house and his life.
Menahem Golan directs this warmhearted comedy. A wily widower that deals in used furniture fights progress (and city hall). His home slated to be bulldozed, his business in trouble and his daughter poised to leave the nest with her wealthy fiancé, small-time Tel Aviv junk dealer Lupo (Yehuda Barkan) still finds the courage to keep his life, and his pride, intact.