(archive footage)
Robert Preston hosts this documentary that shows what people of the 1930s were watching as they were battling the Depression as well as eventually getting ready for another World War.
Himself (archive footage)
Out-takes (mostly from Warner Bros.), promotional shorts, movie premieres, public service pleas, wardrobe tests, documentary material, and archival footage make up this star-studded voyeuristic look at the Golden age of Hollywood during the 30s, 40, and 50.
il Granduca di Forilarì
There was once upon a time the Grand Duchy of Forilalì where Aladdin lived. After taking part in many robberies, he decided to turn honest for the love of the beautiful Princess Esmeralda. But his intention lasted only a few days. Afterward he found himself in jail with his old companions. They were freed by the magician Magrebì and in a night of lunar eclipse, Aladdin found a magic lamp. He succeeded in cleaning his sister Adalgisa's house with the help of the genie and then, with no help at all, to marry Esmeralda. But evil powers were in action.
Обаятельный мошенник Ники женился несколько раз, а через некоторое время его богатые жёны "случайно" погибали. На этот раз выбрал себе в жертвы молодую итальянскую вдову Франческу , но от неё оказалось не так-то просто избавиться. Особенно, когда она узнала о планах своего муженька и решила взять реванш...
Jonathan, the Elf Foreman
Sam Whipple, an attorney in once-upon-a-time-land, is startled to receive a visit from Santa Claus shortly before Christmas. It seems that when he was a child, Sam wrote a letter thanking Santa for the presents he'd received, and offering to return the favor someday. That day is now - a mean old soul named Phineas Prune, who holds the deed to the North Pole, is demanding back rent. Otherwise, he's going to evict Santa, Mrs. Claus and the elves and take all the Christmas toys. It's up to Sam and Santa to find a way to pay off Prune and prevent Christmas from being canceled.
Barone Miscia
A pair of brothers, Baby Toto and Pietro, sons of different mothers, live stealing suitcases at the Termini Station in Rome. After a theft they discover that the stolen suitcase they got from an apparent sweet old lady actually contains a corpse. In an attempt to discard the suitcase they mistakenly exchange it with the one of two German hitchhikers, Helga and Inga. Forced to retrieve the "corpus delicti" they are discovered by Count Mischa who blackmail them: in exchange for his silence with the police, they will help him to kill his rich wife. After killing the woman, and following a binge of marjuana mistaken for lettuce by the brothers, Baby Toto will turn into a sadist serial killer. After killing the Count and a half-dozen people, he will soon start torturing his brother.
Four episodes preceded with a narrator in the role of psychiatrist who tells some cases of female madness.
Two clumsy mobsters on a mission in Paris.
Colonel & President
Lt Commander Badger, RN: an exceptionally likeable fellow, the Artful Bodger has one besetting sin a shining honesty which compels him to say the right thing at entirely the wrong time! When untimely remarks to some new recruits are splashed across the tabloids, the rush is on to find him a new posting somewhere far away.
Le baron Lionel de Balconi
An FBI agent works to arrest David Griffin, a murderous drug trafficker, and protect Juliette, the beautiful widow of Griffin's late partner.
The Master of the King's Music
A king misses the butter on his slice of bread.
A French animal lover protects a dog and a mouse wanted by Soviet scientists for their space program.
Le professeur Koranoff
Yes, Doudou (or, more respectfully, Edouard Doucin) is both heir to a big sugar refinery and its managing director but he is also an incorrigibly bashful bachelor, which just exasperates his aunt Agatha. Summoned to marry as soon as possible, Doudou is fortunate enough to meet Babette , an elegant young lady who wishes to introduce him to her parents. When he comes to visit them, he mistakes the floor out of nervousness. In fact,he finds himself at the Lautiers' not the Olivaros'. Now, chance has it that this couple of shopkeepers also have a marriageable daughter. And as Poupette is romantic, passionate and adorable, Doudou can't find the nerve to disappoint her. As a result the young man gets engaged...twice ! How the devil will he cope ?
Jacques Forestier, also a choreographer, an art decorator and a stage producer, is the very competent manager of "Tabarin", a renowned Parisian music-hall. A hard worker, he always wants the best for the public, at the expense of his health. He is assisted in his task by his wife Rosine and his lively secretary Mimi. Chance has it that one of the dancers he auditions for a new show is Florence, his former lover. He doesn't want her in the show but the spiteful belle has a rich influential protector who imposes her anyway. Some time later, Jacques falls victim of a heart attack.
Cyril Boran
Haute Couture mannequin in Paris becomes involved in the activities of two rival jewel thief gangs.
Charles Magne
Elisabeth is persuaded to have killed her noisy upstairs neighbor, scientist Charles Magne. To save her, Mr. Matheu, Elisabeth's father, accuses himself while Pierrot, Elisabeth's fiancé gets rid of the body in order to save father and daughter. For his part, a gangster also believes he has killed the scientist but he gets shot down by a taxidermist, who runs for life. The girl, her daddy and her boyfriend also run away. But Magne is not dead. A bum is mistaken for him and a police inspector makes everyone believe that he is the one who shot the gangster. At the end of this crazy chain of events all the protagonists are reunited at the station house and everybody dances to express their relief.
Hector, the Maitre D'
Монте-Карло — столица Монако — крохотного государства на берегу Средиземного моря, котороеможно пересечь пешком всего за несколько часов. Это место престижного отдыха, знаменитоесвоими фешенебельными отелями, дорогими ресторанами, шикарными магазинами и казино. Именно казино привлекает больше всего на свете разорившегося графа Фиаба. Наш герой уже давно заложил, а потом и проиграл свое наследство, единственное, что у негоосталось из жилья — это небольшая яхта. Но он не унывает и каждый вечер, заняв пару сотенфранков, тайком попадет в казино, где пробует отыграться. Однажды друзья дают ему дельныйсовет, — хватит проигрывать в рулетку, пора просто жениться на богатой вдове и «дело в шляпе».Богатое приданое — вот его новая цель, и она быстро найдена. Эта цель — вновь прибывшая накурорт мадам Мария де Кревекуэр.
Nightclub entertainer Jean Clery discovers too late that the 'baby' he agreed to take care of is a wild, shapely sex kitten.
In a region of Andalusia, all the men lust after the miller's young wife.
l'écrivain médiocre et alcoolique
Жаклин Мартин (Этшика Шуро) влюблена в молодого человека Жоржа Рише (Луи Вель). Но родители девушки (Мишель Симон и Габи Морлэй), а тем более, молодого человека (Жан Брошар и Рене Пассэ), не одобряют этот выбор. Не то сословие, разный уровень. Но молодые на это не обращают внимания... Луи де Фюнес в роли дяди Жаклин.
Grand-Duc Alexis
Молодая Фру-Фру была столь мила, что очаровала сразу четырех состоятельных господ, заключивших договор, по которому они обязались вывести ее в свет. Фру-Фру становится певичкой, затем ее ждет длинная череда приключений, очарований и разочарований, из которых особо можно отметить русскую революцию, от которой героиня еле унесла ноги.
Историю своей жизни Фру-Фру рассказывает дочери.
Луи де Фюнес здесь играет одного из четырех покровителей Фру-Фру, не самого выдающегося, впрочем.
По одноименному роману Вики Баум.
Элиза и Софи – очаровательные студентки Венской консерватории – соперничают в своем увлечении молодым преподавателем-профессором Эриком Вальтером. Однако, в конце концов, к мэтру возвращается любимая им жена. Мари отменила свое решение о разводе, и любовный треугольник распался, во славу семейного очага...
The Professor
Мистер Грегори Аркадин - успешный миллионер, обладающий огромной властью, однако и у него есть тщательно скрываемая ото всех проблема – ему ничего не известно о своем прошлом. Мужчина не помнит, что с ним происходило вплоть до 1927 года, когда Грегори пришел в себя, зная лишь собственное имя.Желая раскопать правду о себе, богач обращается к профессионалу в подобных делах – Ван Страттену, который начинает распутывать таинственные события из прошлого Аркадина. А тем временем люди, знавшие что-то о жизни этого человека до 1927 года, начинают умирать один за другим...
Comte Marcel de Sarliac
An archetypal Englishman returns from a jaunt abroad to face a dastardly foreign count in a screwball duel for the hand of a beautiful mademoiselle.
Bernard Stork
Three men consider selling their souls to Satan in order to possess a beautiful woman.
Danilo Biruski
Милан. Середина августа, жара. Но скромный бухгалтер Пеппино Бьянканеве ещё в городе, он готовит речь, чтобы просить руки дочери ювелира. Но скоро он попадает в вереницу бед и недоразумений. Сначала обнаруживает, что был ограблен его автомобиль. Но когда он преследует предполагаемого вора Мирко, вместе с ним задерживают и Пеппино и помещают в камеру...
Ali Imagu
A former OSS agent is assigned to rescue two atomic scientists from the dastardly Russians and spirit them away from behind the Iron Curtain.
Alec Shaw
A convict is forced to participate in a prison break even though he only has a year left on his sentence.
A plain-Jane math professor (Joan Davis) at a small midwestern college is talked into journeying to New York on behalf of a colleague who has written a steamy bestseller under an assumed name. When she arrives she gets a bump on the head which brings on a form of amnesia and she begins to believe she is the author of the book. Hijinks and adventures follow.
Gregory Petrovich Rogozhin
An actress becomes taken with Hitty, a young orphan prone to dreaming. Julie soon finds out that she is ill and has only a short time to live. She decides to adopt the child so that her husband Bill will not be alone when she dies. Unfortunately, Bill is not charmed by Hitty.
Nikita "Nikki" Starloff
Десять незнакомых друг с другом людей приглашены таинственным человеком в его замок, находящийся на небольшом острове в океане. Гости размещаются в замке в ожидании появления хозяина. Но вместо этого за ужином они слышат запись голоса незнакомого человека, который обвиняет каждого прибывшего в тех или иных черных делишках, начиная с неуплаты налогов и заканчивая убийством. Голос говорит, что каждого из оказавшихся здесь ждет неминуемая кара за совершенные им преступление. Этим же вечером один из гостей погибает, отравившись подсыпанным в его бокал цианистым калием. И вот встревоженные гости понимают, что предупреждение незнакомца было не шуткой. Но покинуть остров им оказывается не под силу. Им ничего не остается, как попытаться остаться в живых или вычислить убийцу, которым несомненно является кто-то из них самих…
Mikhail Mikhailovich
Monty Brewster is a pennyless, former U.S. Army soldier back from World War II Europe who learns that he has inherited $8 million from a distant relative. But there's a catch: he must spend $1 million of that money in less than two months before his 30th birthday in order to inherit the rest.
Captain Sukov
Catherine the Great falls in love with an army officer who is plotting against her.
Newly-married Gary Ainsworth (Dennis O'Keefe) once gave his former sweetheart Mabel (Gail Patrick) a sexy negligee with his initials embroidered in the lacework. It is Gary's unenviable task to retrieve the incriminating undergarment from Mabel's room before his wife Geraldine (Marjorie Reynolds) gets wise.
Russell Paxton
Лайза Эллиотт - успешный главный редактор модного журнала, выпускаемого Кендаллом Несбиттом. Эллиотт состоит в серьезных отношениях с Несбиттом. Они хотят пожениться, они не могут, поскольку проживающая отдельно жена Кендалла отказывается дать развод. У Лайзы недавно начались головные боли и странные дурные сны. Вдобавок ко всему ей приходится иметь дело с менеджером по маркетингу Чарли Джонсоном, который сильно ее раздражает и гордится этим. Лайза соглашается пройти сеансы психоанализа у доктора Алекса Брукса...
Mischa Auer
Bandleader Kay Kyser takes his troupe of nutty musicians, goofball comics and pretty girl singers on a tour around the world to entertain the troops during World War II.
Nicolai Cherupin
Mike Abbott just wants to spend a quiet evening at home with his wife, but her collection of zany friends make hash of his hopes.
Stanislaus "Charlie" Noodnick
Elmer Whippet inherits the Whippet Pickles company and sets out to meet the two stars, Mary Reynolds and John Stowe, of the radio program sponsored by his company, as he thinks their on-air quarreling is real. Two former associates, Jules Kinsey and J.M. Snow cross him up by substituting Susan Blair, an office secretary, for Mary and Elmer thinks the show's writer Paul Stevens is John.
Олсен и Джонсон, пара сценических комиков, пытаются превратить свою пьесу в фильм и объединить влюбленную пару, одновременно разбивая четвертую стену на каждом шагу.
Clipper Canovan
Deciding to quit his singing act and become a tourist guide, Pete Fleming escorts wealthy Mrs. Floto and her three nieces to Hawaii for a vacation. Behind his back, Pete's three bandmates stowaway and tag along.
In this musical, an idealistic college graduate is bitten by the show business bug after he finds success writing and producing the campus variety show. Wanting to launch his career, he convinces his father to allow him to create a production using the workers at the old man's clothing factory. Unfortunately, the young man is naive and an unscrupulous producer bilks his father's advance money from him.
Two bumbling service station attendants are left as the sole beneficiaries in a gangster's will. Their trip to claim their fortune is sidetracked when they are stranded in a haunted house along with several other strangers.
1841 год. Новый Орлеан. Красавица, певица и международная авантюристка Клэр Леду, она же Лили, готовится выйти замуж за богатого банкира Чарльза Жиро. Но в «свободное» от будущего супруга время, она встречается с бедным, но красивым морским капитаном Робертом Латуром и не видит никакого вреда в этом развлечении. При всем этом она окружает себя интригами и заговорами, в которые становятся вовлеченными многие ее знакомые и не знакомые сограждане, ведь ее конечная цель- это не романтические встречи, а реальные деньги богатых кавалеров...
Boris Kabikoff
A young man in a small town wins $5000 in a radio contest. He goes to New York City to propose to his girlfriend, but gets mixed up with a crooked attorney and two con men...
A reporter goes undercover to break up an outlaw gang.
Бижу - красивая певица кабаре в Южных Морях, где базируется Военно-морской флот США. Девушка вынуждена кочевать из одного салона в другой с острова на остров, доставляя немало хлопот местным «красоткам», привлекая к себе внимание всех мужчин и разбивая их сердца. Но однажды она влюбляется в морского офицера Дэна Брента. Их роман прекрасен и Дэн предлагает Бижу руку и сердце. Руководящие чины, зная дискредитирующее прошлое Бижу, пробуют отговорить Дэна от брака, дабы спасти его многообещающую карьеру...
Симпатичная девушка крестьянка Илонка Толнэй из горной деревушки направляется на ярмарку в ближайший городок, где птица цыгана вытаскивает ей записку-предсказание с обещанием счастливой судьбоносной встречи и скорой свадьбы. Девушка, волею судьбы, попадает в Вену, в дом пекаря, который поставляет выпечку императору. Однажды она встречает армейского барабанщика Гарри Мартена, тайно мечтающего стать композитором и дирижером. К сожалению, военный устав запрещает молодому капралу создавать свою собственную музыку. На помощь загрустившему таланту приходит предприимчивая и наивная Илонка. Девушка отправляет листы с нотами вместе с ежедневной порцией печенья во дворец. С этого момента начинают сбываться волшебное предсказание цыгана…
When a waiter gives a society girl a public spanking for attending a Communist rally, her soup-tycoon uncle makes the waiter a vice-president of his company.
Newlyweds Bret (Tom Brown) and Margie (Nan Grey) both aspire to show-biz careers: he wants to be a songwriter, while she is desirous of becoming a radio scripter. Inevitably, Bret and Margie quarrel and break up, only to be reunited by their efforts to snag "banana king" Gomez (Mischa Auer) for a lucrative radio contract. The old 1920s tune "Margie" is heard throughout the proceedings, frequently fitted out with ludicrous new lyrics ("Bananas! We're Always Thikin' of Bananas!" etc.) by a zany songwriting team (Eddie Quillan and Wally Vernon).
Felix Lobo Smith
Mary and Joe Phillips' (Nan Grey and Tom Brown) attempts to improve their financial status are alternately aided and endangered by the antics of their two-year-old, Sandy.
A hillbilly deacon, who is actually a cardsharp in disguise, becomes involved in a small-town fight game.
Опытная проститутка, испытавшая в этой жизни абсолютно все, перебывала в объятиях сотни мужчин, но не утратила нежного, ранимого сердца, которое, как и много лет назад, открыто любви и верности, которое готово раскрыться навстречу искреннему чувству. Даже если это будет стоить жизни. И вот в маленьком, захолустном американском городишке появляется странноватый парень по имени Том Дестри. Он вежлив, вроде умен, довольно красив. И он один встает против всего города, чтобы навести порядок и установить торжество закона.
Boris Bebenko
Jimmy Hanley learns that his former dancing partner has been killed, leaving a baby boy Sandy, so he takes the baby to live with him and his roommate Boris Bebenko. Theatre manager Allen Rand threatens to fire Jimmy for neglecting his work, but Jimmy's girlfriend Diana squares things by going to dinner with Rand over Jimmy's objections. Sandy catches measles and the quarantine causes Jimmy and Boris to miss a big audition.
A man finds himself the father, by proxy, of a ten-month-old baby and becomes involved in the turbulent lives of the child's family.
Leo Kronk
Бродвейский театр празднует шестую годовщину самой успешной постановки последних лет «Возлюбленные». Все эти шесть счастливых лет супруги Гвен Марлоу и Эрнест Лэйн выходили на сцену, исполняя главные роли. Их имена не менее известны, чем сам спектакль и, самое интересное, что в этот же день у них шестая годовщина свадьбы. Но праздничный вечер не будет столь же приятным, как хотелось бы. Вездесущий продюсер Голливуда Норман Трумпетт, пробовавший неудачно в течение шести лет подписать с Гвен и Эрнестом контракт на съемки в кино, придумал новый хитрый план для выполнения своей миссии. Он будет делать все возможное, чтобы супруги бросили сцену и переехали в кино-столицу Америки. Интриги, ложь, подлог и обман — вот его козыри в этой нечестной игре, но планам негодяя не суждено сбыться: он будет выведен на чистую воду и посрамлен, a супруги вновь взойдут на подмостки театра исполнить самую лучшую песню Бродвея.
Dr. Trenkle
A society matron invites the gang to her estate as playmates for her spoiled brat son.
Glamorous and efficient Helen Murphy runs a service that will provide any type of assistance to wealthy customers, but what she's really looking for is a man who can take care of himself.
Boris Kolenkhov
Тони — сын одного из самых богатых воротил бизнеса в Нью-Йорке влюблен в Алису — простую девушку секретаря и молодые хотят обвенчаться. Однако эксцентричное поведение родственников и друзей будущей невесты наводит родителей жениха на мысль, что у них с головами не все в порядке. Их дом — это клуб по интересам «городских сумасшедших».
Мать Алисы — Пенни пишет пьесы, потому что пишущую машинку когда-то доставили в их дом по ошибке. Ее бездарная сестра Эсси грезит балетом и берет уроки танца у сумасшедшего русского по имени Потап Коленков, который не прочь отобедать за чужой счет. Папа с друзьями Алисы тратит все свое время, создавая фейерверки и запуская их прямо в доме.
Но больше всех отличается эксцентричным поведением дедушка, который отказывается платить налоги по убеждениям. Весь этот балаган шумит, поёт, танцует и прыгает одновременно, под аккомпанемент губной гармоники дедушки и ксилофона мужа Эсси, мешая делать большой бизнес корпорации Энтони П. Кирби — отца Тони.
Mike, Head Waiter
Nicole has no job and is several weeks behind with her rent. Her solution to her problems is to try and snare a rich husband. Enlisting the help of her friend Gloria and the maitre'd at a ritzy New York City hotel, the trio plot to have Gloria catch the eye of Bill Duncan, a millionaire staying at the hotel. The plan works and the two quickly become engaged. Nicole's plan may be thwarted by Bill's friend, Jim Trevor, who's met Nicole before and sees through her plot.
Count Sandor
In this romance, a detective teams up with a count and travels to Budapest in search of an embezzler. While there, the two get involved with a female physician in whose house the criminal is concealed (the doctor doesn't know this). Soon the detective and the doctor are involved.
Two screwy characters travel to Hollywood and cause mischief.
Патриция — дочь безработного музыканта. Её отец когда-то играл в известном и популярном симфоническом оркестре, но пришли тяжелые времена, и он потерял работу и остался без средств. Патриция решает помочь. Она собирает оркестр из безработных музыкантов. Девушка находит мецената, который соглашается субсидировать оркестр, при условии, что она сможет уговорить знаменитого Леопольда Стоковски, стать руководителем нового коллектива. Патриция сумела убедить Стоковски, что работа с оркестром из ста мужчин и одной девушки это то, что нужно великому американскому дирижеру…
Baron Rene de Montigny
Jimmy Barnes arrives from Europe to be educated by his multi-millionaire uncle, Edward J. Barnes and in five years the extravagant escapes of Jimmy, now a lawyer, are the talk of San Francisco. Linda Gray is a mouse-like secretary to the elder Barnes who has fallen in love with Jimmy, but he favors actress Constance "Connie" Marlowe. Mr. Barnes dies and leaves everything to Linda but he has urged his partner, Alexander Duncan, to plan things so that Jimmy and Linda will get married. Coached by Duncan, Linda accepts the inheritance and announces that she is departing for New York on a wild spending spree. He tells Jimmy that the will can be broken but only after many months and he suggests that Jimmy follow Linda and curb her spending or there won't be any money left. In New York, Linda hires Jimmy as her private secretary. Connie also arrives in New York, as does the ingenious Baron Rene de Montigny with the intention of marrying the wealthy Miss Gray.
Prince Muratov
An early Technicolor musical that concentrates on the fashions of the late 1930s, this film was reissued under the title All This and Glamour Too. The top models of the era, including several who are advertising household products, are in the cast. The plot centers around a chic boutique, whose owner, George Curson (Warner Baxter), tries hard to please his customers while keeping peace with his unhappy wife. A wealthy young woman, Wendy Van Klettering (Joan Bennett), decides to take a job as a model at the fashion house, just to amuse herself, but her presence annoys Curson, who must put together the best possible show to compete with rival fashion houses at the Seven Arts Ball. The film includes several hit songs, including the Oscar-nominated "That Old Feeling" by Sammy Fain and Lew Brown.
Dimitri Ryeff
Frantic screwball comedy about a meek personal assistant (Frank McHugh) who is promoted to managing editor of a newspaper features syndicate that is owned by and staffed with cuckoos.
Rinaldo Lopez
A Cinderella story of a young country girl who comes to Hollywood and achieves movie stardom with the help of a publicity man.
In this musical set in swingin' Manhattan, an heiress plans a ballet in the famous Moonbeam ballroom located atop a 100-story skyscraper. Unfortunately, the attending audience is quite bored until someone starts the place swinging. Musical numbers include: "Blame It on the Rhumba," "Where Are You?" "Jamboree," "Top of the Town," "I Feel That Foolish Feeling Coming On," "There's No Two Ways About It," "Fireman Save My Child"
Enrico Mussetti
A trio of American crooks board a ship bound for Europe, intending to get rid of $100,000 in stolen dough. With detective John Wade breathing down their necks, the crooks stash the loot in the trunk belonging to vacationing schoolmarm Mary Smith.
Nikki Martin (Lily Pons), a beautiful French opera star, stows away on an ocean liner in hopes of escaping her jealous fiancee. Once aboard, she joins an American swing band and falls in love with its leader, who, after hearing her sing, eventually comes to reciprocate her feelings.
Count Arisztid
Три сестры Крейг проживают со своей матерью в Швейцарии. Из газет они узнают, что их отец, который развелся с матерью 10 лет назад, собирается жениться вновь на самой «мисс очарование США» - Донне Лайонс. Возмущенные таким оборотом дела, сестры направляются в Америку. Они хотят предотвратить предстоящую свадьбу и убедить папашу вернуться к их матери. Прибыв в Нью-Йорк, сестры обнаруживают, что добиться цели будет нелегко, потому что белокурая невеста и её эксцентричная мамаша уже давно нацелились на состояние их, уже далеко не молодого, отца. Свернуть их с этой дороги смогут только очень большие деньги любого другого кандидата в женихи. Сестры с помощью друзей и своих поклонников разрабатывают хитроумный план, который поможет им восстановить семью и вернуть заблудшего папочку в родной дом.
Ticket Taker at Door
College students rally to save a struggling hotel from closing. Comedy.
A man is determined to find the real culprit behind the crime for which his father was wrongly executed.
Во время Великой Депрессии некая игра заносит богатую, избалованную, но очаровательную Айрин Буллок, а также ее стервозную сестру Корнелию к городской свалке, где они встречают бездомного Годфри. Встреча заканчивается тем, что Айрин нанимает его дворецким. Работая у нее, он выясняет, что Буллоки — воплощение праздных, своенравных и избалованных богачей. Вскоре Айрин влюбляется в своего «протеже», однако он чувствует, что роман между слугой и хозяйкой невозможен, независимо от таинственного прошлого Годфри…
A Swedish princess boards an ocean liner in Europe en route to an acting career in America, and finds herself getting inconveniently attached to a bandleader returning home. To complicate matters, a blackmailer on board apparently knows she is not who she claims to be - and he has his sights set on other passengers with secrets of their own. In the meantime an escaped killer has stowed away under someone else's identity, and is killing again to cover his tracks; five international police detectives on board are heading the investigation to find him. When evidence points to the princess and bandleader, they must find the killer themselves - before he finds them.
German Spy
Broadway star Jimmy Canfield stars in a patriotic show on the great white way during WWI. He plays the heroic soldier, but he is doesn't want to join the Army. To evade some troubles with fellow actress Berenice, he acts like joining the forces going over there, but that turns out to be real. In France he falls in love with a French barmaid and is arrested as spy. He escapes from prison, only to end in the uniform of a German officer leading "his" soldiers in an Allied trap. But being escaped from prison and wearing the enemy's uniform isn't that healthy in wartime.
Stage Actor
Suave French actor Philippe Martin provokes a scandal when, in a darkened theater, he mistakes young Monique for his mistress, Yvonne, and tries to kiss her. Charged with assault, the quick-thinking Philippe claims it's French tradition to do as he did, and is let go. To his surprise, Philippe learns that Monique has paid his fine. As the tabloids exploit the situation, Monique dates Philippe, until a photo appears of him kissing Yvonne.
Victor Demetrius
The story of diplomatic courier Tony Carleton, who's been entrusted with a secret message vital to the cause of International peace. En route to Geneva by train, Tony is drugged by sexy cabaret dancer Raquel, who promptly steals the message -- only to be murdered by sinister master spy Sebastian, owner of a posh gambling casino known as The House of a Thousand Candles.
Donovan unknowingly becomes tangled up with jewel thieves when Evelyn Howard gives him a cigarette lighter containing some hot rocks.
Американский фильм «Крепкий парень» был основан на идее, что в каждом человеке есть что-то хорошее — просто нужно разбудить это — даже в гангстере, который хладнокровно стреляет в полицейского после ограбления банка. Находясь в бегах, он был вынужден похитить мальчика, который стремится домой из-за любви к собаке.
Opera singer Chivo is currently playing a singing cowboy, and Mexican bandito Braganza kidnaps him (along with Jane, an heiress) so he can learn to become more like the American movie gangsters he admires.
Lefty Berger
A cop, who plays by his own rules, brings down a notorious gangster.
Darcy's Pianist
Аннет Манард обучается своим дядей, который хочет из нее сделать оперную певицу, а девушка так молода, что не помышляет об оперной карьере, а хочет жить сейчас и сегодня. А сегодня — карнавал. Суровый дядя грозиться запереть ее в монастырь, но девушка сбегает вечером через окно, чтобы напоследок насладиться воздухом свободы и, в буквальном смысле слова, сваливается на голову молодому дарованию Джонатану, который мнит себя будущим великим композитором.
После небольшой перепалки молодые идут вместе гулять, не пропуская по дороге ни одно питейное заведение, в результате чего, проснувшись на следующий день Джонатан увидел в своей комнате спящую девушку, которая оказалась его женой…
After a series of murders, a man finds out that his mother was bitten by a vampire bat during her pregnancy, and he believes that he may be the vampire committing the murders.
A 12 episode serial starring Rex, the King of the Wild Horses and Rin-Tin-Tin, Jr. Rex is brought from the island of Sujan, where he is worshiped as a God-Horse, to the U.S. to be trained as a polo pony. He escapes, meets Rinty and with the help of Frank Bradley is returned to Sujan. The natives have been persuaded to turn against their God-Horse, however he is rescued just in time before he is burned as a sacrifice.
Иерусалим захвачен войском Саладина - владыки Сирии и Египта. Жителей продают в рабство. Третий крестовый поход уже начался. Король Англии Ричард Львиное Сердце решает принять участие в походе, чтобы избежать женитьбы на принцессе Франции, дороге он женится на Беренгарии, но она попадает в плен к Саладину, и тот отвозит ее в Иерусалим. Жизни Ричарда грозит смертельная опасность.
Kamchukan Consul (Uncredited)
A traitor is lurking somewhere aboard the USS Carolina, and Lt. Tom Randolph is determined to find the offender. First a revolutionary new piece of technology -- an electric firing device -- is sabotaged. Then one of the cruiser's crew is murdered. In order to catch the killer, the captain locks down the ship. With foreign dignitaries, corporate goons and even Tom's girlfriend, Betty, trapped on the vessel, there is no shortage of suspects.
Suraj Ud Dowlah
Fort St. David, Cuddalore, southern India, 1748. While colonial empires battle to seize an enormous territory, rich in spices and precious metals beyond the wildest dreams, and try to gain the favor of the local kings, Robert Clive (1725-1774), a frustrated but talented clerk who works for the East Indian Company and struggles to earn his fortune, makes a bold decision that will change his life forever.
Captured Afridi (uncredited)
Северо-Западная Индия. Алан МакГрегор — молодой лейтенант 41-го уланского полка, опытный военный пограничник, но, прежде всего, он человек, а потом солдат и всегда говорит то, что думает, может и не выполнить приказ и от этого вступает в конфликт с начальством.
Полная противоположность — его командир, полковник Стоун, настоящий служака, которому предстоит отставка, но перед этим он узнает, что его сын лейтенант Дональд прибывает в полк и будет служить вместе со своим другом лейтенантом Форсайтом. Им всем предстоит предотвратить восстание индусов и блокировать попытки местного вождя захватить 2 млн. патронов у дружественного эмира Гопала…
A French military officer is convicted of treason and sent to Devil's Island. His wife takes it upon herself to obtain the stolen document and prove his innocence.
Mr. Rabinowitz (uncredited)
Everyweek Newsmagazine editor Richard Kurt pursues famous free-spirited portrait artist Marion Forsythe on her return to the states from Europe, seeking to convince her to write her biography as a feature for his magazine. One of Marion's old beaus, now running for U.S. Senator from their home state, also comes calling.
Servant (uncredited)
At Phwitterby-on-Thames, England, a murder has occurred and Philo Holmes and Dr. Watkins are out to investigate it. Seems as if there is a second will and changes have been made in who will receive what. Philo is the ace detective, and he brings everyone from the nightclub to see him solve the case.
Sikh Cop
A philosophy professor accompanies his school's rowing team on a worldwide tour.
Bulldog Drummond finds himself immersed in another adventure when he stumbles upon a corpse in the mysterious London mansion of Prince Achmed. Enlisting the help of his old friend Algy and the beautiful Lola, Drummond uncovers a scheme to ship illegal cargo into the country. He must rely on his cunning to survive when the prince offers a reward for his capture.
Ameel Roberts
In 1915, German Counter-Intelligence Chief Von Sturm learns that someone is providing the British with critical strategic planning for the Turkish theater. He suspects Ali Bey, Turkish commander for the Dardanelles, and dispatches Annemarie to Constantinople to secure the proof. En route, she becomes involved with Douglas Beall, a footloose American. Complications ensue, requiring Annemarie to engage in some dangerous improvisations.
Catherine and Mack and their close friends Chris and Madge graduate from a West Coast college and fly to New York City to find work.
Military Attaché (uncredited)
Беллетризованная биография Панчо Вильи, одного из лидеров повстанцев во время Мексиканской революции. Он родился в бедной крестьянской семье и рано потерял отца, в молодости трудился на ферме. Но однажды Панчо убил надзирателя и вынужден был бежать в горы. Там в 1910 году он познакомился с американским репортером Джонни Сайкесом. Они подружились, вместе вышли из тени и Панчо Вилья начал восхождение к оппозицонной власти. Ему предрекли будущее генерала революции. «Да здравствует Вилья!» — будут выкрикивать в его честь повстанцы. Цель революционера — свергнуть власть и самому править Мексикой.
Dr. Wagner
Jerry Beall, a young newspaper reporter, intrigued by the charm and beauty of Barbara Hammond, a girl accused of murdering a female radio-star, sets out to prove her innocence in the face of a damaging array of circumstantial evidence, abetted by the lack of truth in many of Barbara's statements. But Barbara winds up in a romantic clinch instead of the electric chair, after a series of sequences that reveal the fallacy of jumping to conclusions.
On the wharfs of San Francisco, saloon girl Toy, also known as Mary, lives over Mother Bright's bar. When Como Murphy, a fugitive from the law, hides in her room, she falls in love with him. He explains that after he spoke out about the rights of man to a crowd, a riot ensued, during which a policeman was killed. Como took the gun from the killer, but is thought to be guilty of the crime himself. Como, who reciprocates Mary's love, spends the night with her, but leaves to keep her out of danger. He joins the crew of a ship sailing to China after he is befriended by Turk, a big lumbering sailor who is also in love with Mary. Each man is unaware that they love the same woman.
In this comedy, a Tennessee art school student wins a scholarship to paint in Paris. He is thrilled until he arrives and discovers that his style is hopelessly passe and is considered trashy. The enterprising artist immediately changes style and begins painting highly-abstract moderns.
Village Priest
In a deeply cloistered convent, nun Dorothea Wieck (Mädchen in Uniform) raises a foundling to be Evelyn Venable. But at 17, what if, guided by a kindly doctor, she sees the world and finds love?
Agent Lehan
When war is declared in 1914, glamorous Russian Carla Vanirska manages to get to Vienna from Luxembourg, with the help of Captain Rudolph Ritter of the Austrian army. Meanwhile, Ritter is assigned to detect the identity of a spy.
High Priest
Mary Brooks' father, who has been studying ancient tribes, falls into the hands of "the people of Zar, god of the Emerald Fingers." Tarzan helps Mary locate her father, rescues everyone from the High Priest of Zar, and takes Mary to his cave.
Manu--High Priest
A pilot and his dog crash-land on an island run by a psycho who owns a motel--and most of the locals.
A young lawyer is elected mayor of the city and promises to rid it of the corruption it's famous for. The problem is that most of the corruption he's vowed to eliminate is caused by the crooked political machine that helped elect him.
Piano Accompanist
Vicki Meredith, an American ballet student in Paris, falls in love with Randall Williams, another American studying architecture in Paree, and they set up some light housekeeping together until she learns that Randall has forgotten to mention that he has a wife back in the USA. This miffs Vicki to the point where she ups and heads for South America where she meets and falls in love with Philip Fletcher, a construction engineer from America. But he hustles off to build Boulder Dam. They meet again in New York City and discover their separation has made their love even stronger. Then, Randall and his wife show up and sophistication rears its ugly head.
Gavrilo Princip (uncredited)
Sarajevo June 28, 1914. Dushan, the Serbian mayor of a Hungarian town, has come to see the parade of Archduke Ferdinand. While there he runs into Geza, an old friend in the Hungarian Army and invites him to come to his house and visit him and his new wife.
This pre-Code comedy-thriller centers on Robert Holden, a broke and discouraged veteran, who meets fellow American Elinor Green at a cafe in Paris. After their first encounter, Holden's attempt to return Green's thought-to-be stolen purse ends up rendering him a stowaway on board a ship bound for America. Also aboard is a collection of characters, including Green's banker fiancé, a famed scientist, and an opera singer. Romance begins to blossom between Holden and Green, just as a radiogram claims that an “infernal machine,” or bomb, is aboard the ship. Quickly each passenger accuses the others of planting the bomb until eventually Holden, jealous of Green's attention to her undeserving fiancé, falsely admits to being the culprit. In his role as assumed perpetrator, Holden tests the group further.
Mr. Thieson (uncredited)
A political hack becomes President during the height of the Depression and undergoes a metamorphosis into an incorruptible statesman after a near-fatal accident.
Wild Man
A murder is committed aboard a cruise ship just before it sinks in a storm. The survivors, including the killer, land on a mysterious jungle island.
Swami Yomurda
A phony spiritualist hypnotizes the daughter of a wealthy banker in a scheme to swindle the banker out of his money. A reporter investigating the swami discovers the plot, determines to expose it.
A playboy asks his friend to borrow his yacht to entertain his girlfriend.
Arab leader (uncredited)
Buckley is an unethical reporter who manipulates the news for his own benefit as much as he reports it. When he is in Paris to get a medal for being rescued from his alleged kidnappers, he finds that his boss, Stevens, at the Chicago Globe is going with his old gal Dolly. When Stevens learns that Dolly is staying with Buckley in Moscow, he fires Buckley. To get his job back, Buckley and Lefty stage a great news story about the shooting of the last Romanoff, but the plan backfires and they are now in line to be shot by the Commissar.
Butler Pouring Drinks at Party (uncredited)
Это история о приближении ко двору и убийстве Григория Распутина. А так же последовавшей за этим гибели царской семьи. Этот фильм не является в полной мере исторической драмой. События и факты сильно искажены, равно как и имена некоторых героев. Фильм знаменит главным образом тем, что в нём приняли участие сразу трое представителей актёрской семьи Берриморов.
Abu Eyd
A film producer is found murdered on a ship, and among the suspects are a young woman whose mother was mistreated by him and his recently fired electrician.
Agitator in Restaurant (Uncredited)
A high-spirited, short-tempered, young woman hates her father and loves to rebel against him. She marries a man whom her father hates but her marriage fails and she learns the errors of her ways.
Sergei (Uncredited)
During the Russian Revolution, a young nobleman and his peasant maid flee from their homeland to Constantinople where they marry and begin a challenging new life.
When Tim Barrett rides into Carabinas, his reputation as a lawman precedes him. Rescuing Polly Loomis from the unwanted attentions of a saloon ruffian, he learns her mother married ranch foreman Nick Grindel shortly before her death, and left everything to him in her will. Nick has proposed marriage to his stepdaughter, and she fears violence if her hot-blooded brother Dick finds out. When a body is found at the Bow Knot, Tim barely rescues Dick from a necktie party and is deputized to investigate when Dick confesses to a crime he didn't commit.
A pretty young lawyer discovers that her father needs an expensive operation to save his life. She goes to a nearby city and takes out an ad offering to marry whoever will pay her $5000, the cost of the operation. She soon finds herself involved with a newspaperman looking for a story, a drunken playboy and a con artist and his girlfriend out to fleece the playboy.
Russian Policeman (uncredited)
Russian beauty Anita Mellikovna, traveling by train with a forged passport and carrying jewels, finds the police on her tail.
Herman Bauer
Director Richard Thorpe's 1932 film follows the romantic exploits of two depression-era manicurists, one of whom is being woo'd by a true gentleman of means, the other of whom lets herself become a pawn of operators of a call-girl ring.
Natty Bumppo, known as Hawk-Eye, is a frontiersman in the American wilderness. Together with his Indian friends Chingachgook and Uncas, he fights battles against nefarious white soldiers as well as the vicious Indian Magua and his cohorts.
Dummy Black
A cub reporter rashly makes a promise to solve a murder mystery within 24 hours, then must make good on his boast.
Louvre Tour Guide (uncredited)
A charming and very daring thief known as Arsene Lupin is terrorizing the wealthy of Paris, he even goes so far as to threaten the Mona Lisa. But the police, led by the great Guerchard, think they know Arsene Lupin's identity, and they have a secret weapon to catch him.
During a séance at an elderly millionaire's house, the millionaire is murdered. The detectives investigating the crime discover that everyone who was at the séance had a motive for killing the man.
Mad scientist works on a death ray in his mountain hideaway.
Hanns Krug
Ruth Earlton has come home to her ancestral mansion to claim her inheritance. Accompanied by her boyfriend, she discovers that her father died suddenly under suspicious circumstances. Now it's her turn, as her deranged and relentless uncle targets her for death with the help of his wife and son, plus a very unhappy ape.
A comic group of Europeans coming to the USA have romantic and immigration troubles.
Firing Squad Victim (uncredited)
В картине Джорджа Фицмориса великая Гарбо играет роковую женщину, внезапно без памяти влюбившуюся в русского офицера, забывшую о своих шпионских обязанностях и погибшую из-за своих чувств. Влюбленная Гарбо - что могло быть притягательнее для зрителя. MGM использовало этот рецепт успеха снова и снова. В качестве её возлюбленного, русского офицера Розанова, выступил Рамон Новарро, единственный актёр того времени, который мог сравниться с ней в красоте. Обидно, что этот блестящий дуэт ни разу более не повторялся на экране. Они продемонстрировали редкую гармонию, особенно в финальной сцене перед казнью.
Elsie's Boyfriend
Two sisters from Indiana, the wide-eyed and innocent Mae Thorpe, and her sister June, more streetwise, move into the Rolf House for Homeless Girls in New York. With June's help, Mae obtains a job as a stenographer for scientist Joseph von Schraeder, while June gets work as a telegraph operator at Western Union.
A young Russian girl is forced into a life of prostitution in Czarist Russia, and she and a British journalist find their lives endangered when she reveals to him information regarding the social crimes rampant in her country.
Prince Nicolai Poliakoff
At a hotel in the middle of the Sahara, an old man and his daughter try to keep the location of a hidden treasure from a collection of thieves and criminals staying at the hotel who are determined to get it. A suave gentleman thief arrives at the hotel one day with his own plan to get the loot, but complications ensue when he begins to fall for the daughter.
A young couple pose as criminals in order to get the goods on their crooked bosses.
Hassan's Aide
Marines Flagg and Quirt fought together in WWI and Panama. After some time in New York they go to Sweden and compete for the love of Else. Next they go to Nicaragua and help earthquake victims. Then to Egypt where Else is now in Prince Hassan's harem.
Man in Cafe
1931 picture starring Kay Johnson.
A mad doctor is determined to take revenge on the family he believes is responsible for his daughter's death.
Prince Dakka
Richard Grant, imprisoned in India for a crime he did not commit, escapes and makes his way to Africa.
Duke Charles
Prince Alexis of Kordovia refuses to do his duty under threat of war. Recently arrested actor Peter Fedor conveniently bears a striking resemblance to the prince. The King and Queen hatch a plan to force the prince to do his duty.
Theater usherette Bunny O'Day (Clara Bow) inadvertently becomes hostess of a private gambling den, and gets involved in a romance with a ne'er-do-well gambler.
В 1980 году воздушный транспорт вытесняет автомобильные средства передвижения. Граждане именуются по номерам, и правосудие постоянно вторгается в частную жизнь людей - например, для того, чтобы решить, кто из двух соперников женится на обожаемой ими девушке. Тот, постановляют судьи, кто совершит наиболее славный подвиг. Итак, у Джей-21 есть всего 4 месяца, чтобы свершить героическое деяние и завоевать руку и сердце Эл-Эн-18. Один учёный предлагает ему экспедицию на Марс. Джей-21 и его лучший друг отправляются туда, прихватив с собой третьего компаньона - мошенника, умершего в 1930 году, но оживлённого благодаря научному прогрессу.
A gambler wanted for murder hides under the guise of a clergyman.
During World War I, German spies will stop at nothing to spy on the allied war plans stored at Gibraltar.
Thug (Murder Will Out) (uncredited)
This 1930 film, a collection of songs and sketches showcasing Paramount Studios' contract stars, credits 11 directors
Albert Brecker (uncredited)
Циничный и безжалостный биржевой маклер убит в своём шикарном загородном поместье. Фило Вэнс, случайно оказавшийся на месте преступления, решает выяснить, кто убийца.
In this melodrama set during WW I, a gangster joins the army and is promoted to major. He then returns from war torn Europe to tell a family that their beloved son had died in his arms during a battle. The major then falls in love with the late soldier's sister and decides to accept a position in town as the new police commissioner.
Grant's Secretary
Philandering actor Richard Hardell is murdered at a movie studio. His jealous wife Blanche, his director Rupert Borka, and a girl he mistreated, Helen MacDonald, all have substantial reasons for having wanted him dead.
Man Dancing at The Boiler (uncredited)
A flapper unwittingly falls for the boss' son.
Menjou is a gentleman for sale to the daughter of any millionaire who will pay his debts and support him in the style to which he is accustomed.