Barrie Ingham

Barrie Ingham

Рождение : 1934-02-10, Halifax, Yorkshire, England, UK

Смерть : 2015-01-23


Barrie Ingham


Джекилл и Хайд: Мюзикл
Sir Danvers Carew
Мюзикл о докторе Джекилле, который провел на себе эксперимент, что привело к освобождению его темной стороны, второго Я, мистера Хайда.
Josh Kirby... Time Warrior: Last Battle for the Universe
Irwin 1138
In the sixth Josh Kirby adventure, typical American teenager Josh Kirby (Corbin Allred) is once again thrust from the 20th century into the future, where he finds himself trying to save Earth from total destruction as he comes into contact with a race of mushroom people.
Josh Kirby... Time Warrior: Trapped on Toyworld
Irwin 1138
For Josh Kirby, time is one big banana peel. Just as he's whooshing safely into hypertime, he takes a cosmic header and ends u in a bizarre place called Toyworld. The odds against Josh being relocated by his far-off crew: exactly 5,487,603 to 1. The odds that pursuing mad metalhead Dr. Zoetrope will find him are... Sorry, Josh, it's a slam dunk. But Josh has allies. The lifelike toy creations of fuddy-duddy tinkerer rally to his cause.
Josh Kirby... Time Warrior: Planet of the Dino-Knights
Irwin 1138
Josh Kirby Time Warrior Chapter 1 Planet of the Dino-Knights: In the 25th century mankind has found a device capable of destroying the universe. Irwin 1138 separates the Nullifier into 6 pieces which he scatters throughout time. When the evil Dr. Zoetrope goes after the pieces, Irwin 1138 must try to stop him, with the help of a 20th century teenager, Josh Kirby, and a half-human warrior named Azabeth Siege. The race is on.
The Tale of Little Pig Robinson
Mr. Pepperill
Adapted from the Beatrix Potter story tells the story of the pignap of Little Pig Robinson by Captain Barnabus Butcher who fools Robinson into believing he is being taken on a trip to visit the land of the Bong tree; the truth of the matter is more sinister.
The Princess Who Had Never Laughed
There was once a very serious kingdom. So serious, that the King demanded to be addressed as Your Seriousness...
Великий мышиный сыщик
Basil of Baker Street / Bartholomew (voice)
Оливия обращается за помощью к Базилю с Бэйкер-стрит. Она просит найти исчезнувшего отца. Базиль, его друг и соратник доктор Доусон, а также пес Тоби берутся за расследование. Следы ведут к профессору Ратигану, крупному преступнику, которому Базилю и придется противостоять.
The Emperor's New Clothes
Finance Minister
Two con men take advantage of an emperor's vanity.
Secret Weapons
General Suslev
Soviet high school girls are sent to the U.S. where they are taught to become secret agents and use sex to find information.
The Jerk, Too
Carl the Butler
Navin Johnson heads to Los Angeles to attend the wedding of his pen pal, Marie. On the way, he runs across a gang of hobos whose leader, Diesel, takes him to Las Vegas after learning of his skills at poker.
Сверкающий цианид
Eric Kidderminster
Семь человек собираются в ресторане на торжественный ужин по случаю годовщины свадьбы четы Бартонов. Розмари Бартон умирает прямо за столом от отравления цианистым калием. Полиция считает одной из вероятных причин смерти самоубийство, вызванное депрессией. Позже ее муж Джордж Бартон получает анонимное письмо, в котором утверждается, что Розмари была убита. Пытаясь самостоятельно разрешить загадку смерти жены, он приглашает в тот же ресторан всех участников того злополучного ужина. Актрису, удивительно похожую на его покойную жену, он просит сыграть ее роль. Однако актриса так и не приходит…
Charley's Aunt
Charley's Aunt is a farce in three acts written by Brandon Thomas. The story centres on Lord Fancourt Babberley, an undergraduate whose friends Jack and Charley persuade him to impersonate the latter's aunt.
Night Call
A dramatised road safety film. Following a fatal motorway crash, a doctor talks to a journalist about what makes a good driver. But the journalist turns out to be the ghost of the man killed in the crash.
День Шакала
St. Clair
Фильм, действие которого происходит во Франции в начале 60-х годов, основан на реальных событиях. Картина воспроизводит историю покушения на жизнь президента Франции Шарля де Голля, предпринятую ультраправой террористической организации ОАС. Исполнителем воли преступников стал опытный наемный убийца по кличке Шакал, согласившийся выполнить эту работу на полмиллиона долларов.
A Challenge for Robin Hood
Robin de Courtenay, alias Robin Hood
After being falsely accused of murder, Sir Robin of Loxley takes refuge in the untamed wilderness of Sherwood Forest where he stumbles across a group of outlaws. Although initially suspicious of the aristocrat's motives, the men are soon won over by his integrity and prowess and Robin transforms them into a formidable fighting force, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. As word of his fame and valour spreads, a legend is born.
Doctor Who: The Myth Makers
When the TARDIS arrives on the plains of Asia Minor not far from the besieged city of Troy, the Doctor is hailed by Achilles as the mighty god Zeus and taken to the Greek camp. He meets Agamemnon and Odysseus. Forced to admit he is a mere mortal — albeit a traveller in space and time — he is given two days to devise a scheme to capture Troy. Steven and Vicki, meanwhile, have been taken prisoner by the Trojans. Vicki, believed to possess supernatural powers, is given two days to banish the Greeks to prove she is not a spy.
Major Muncaster
Routine tests on a traffic accident victim lead to shocking discoveries when the man's blood is found to be unidentifiable and x-rays reveal a disc embedded in his brain. His fabulous tale of being an escaped prisoner from an alien spaceship takes a turn for the sinister when the hospital staff realise that they're under a state of siege...
Доктор Кто и Далеки
Доктор Кто случайно активирует свое новое изобретение «Tardis» (Time And Relative Dimensions In Space) — машину времени, сделанную под вид телефонной будки. Вместе со своими внучками Сюзан и Барбарой, а также их другом Яном, он переносится сквозь время на планету Скаро, которая опустошена ядерной войной. Вскоре путешественники во времени обнаруживают металлический город, где мирная раса «талов» находится в угнетении со стороны других обитателей планеты, роботов-мутантов «далеков»…
The Snag
Ed Crayshaw
When developer John Goggin plans to build a civic center, only Emma Mannering's corset shop stands in the way, and she refuses to sell, so he sends his unscrupulous assistant Ed Crayshaw to "fix" things, but instead, he's double-crossed.