Jason Lockhart

Jason Lockhart


Jason Lockhart is a Talent Agent from Los Angeles who relocated to the Southeast market in 2017 as the Head of TV & Film at one of the most prestigious agencies in Atlanta. He is also an accomplished filmmaker, having worked with National Lampoon and sold two feature films as an award-winning Writer/Director, one of which The CW picked up as a Movie of the Week. Having grown up as a child actor, Jason has over 25 years of experience & education in the industry, but after bouncing around several seats in Hollywood, he finds it most rewarding behind the talent agent's desk, helping others pursue their dreams. In 2020, that passion led to him becoming a #1 Best Selling author for his book Ask an Agent: Brutally Answered Questions for Actors of All Stages, and he continually writes for Backstage Magazine as one of their "Expert Contributors."


Jason Lockhart


Moon Creek Cemetery
In the 1830's emigrants from Salem, Massachusetts fled their satanic legacy and came to settle in LaSalle County,Illinois. They brought along with them some of their more unpleasant, unsavory past. There were plain wars between settlers and Indians and whites put together a massacre and mass buried them in what became the cemetery. The Moon family were the curators of the plots. Local legend began after such things as farmers being woken up in the middle of the night with loud crashes coming from the cemetery, and then investigating and seeing all the tombstones knocked over. And then there were the murders.
Последний урок
Сводные братья попадаются на выходке, которую они устраивают в последний учебный день в школе. За это им дают наставника на лето — владельца бара, Тайлера. Когда Тайлер отправляет мальчиков сделать доставку на частную вечеринку, они невольно сталкиваются с андеграундной тусовкой и ее грязными секретами…
Американская бикини-автомойка
Джек Миллер – типичный парень, которому всю жизнь устроила семья, его родители крайне обеспеченные люди, он владел огромным домом и новой машиной. Джек не слишком любил учёбу, как в принципе и работу, но всё же, за дом, да и на мелкие расходы требовались. И к парню приходит отличная идея, у него в доме очень много комнат, которые не используются, а также много друзей, нуждающиеся в том чтобы съехать от своих родителей, так он и начал сдавать комнаты в аренду своим приятелям, решив и их и свою проблемы. Но внезапно для паренька на лестнице дома появляется отец, обеспокоенный тем, что сын не отвечает звонки, и папа решает проведать, не приключилось ли ничего плохого с его любимым сыном.
Invisible Centerfolds
A comely centerfold finds her way to winning a coveted Miss February slot may lie in a professor's invisibility formula in this erotic fantasy.
Bikini Avengers
When the Jade Empress steals the world's largest diamonds, super heroes Bikini Avenger and Thong Girl must stop her before she uses the gems to build a dangerous sci-fi weapon.
Fork You
A deformed killer named ForkFace comes back to a town after years of being missing to get vengeance against the townspeople who made him this way the only way he knows how, by forking them all to death.
Casting Couch
Chase Lockwood
Desperate to meet new girls, six down-on-their-luck guys come up with the ultimate plan to hook up - cast a fake movie. When tons of hot chicks show up for the audition, it's a matter of who's willing to go the farthest to get the part.
Casting Couch
Desperate to meet new girls, six down-on-their-luck guys come up with the ultimate plan to hook up - cast a fake movie. When tons of hot chicks show up for the audition, it's a matter of who's willing to go the farthest to get the part.
Casting Couch
Desperate to meet new girls, six down-on-their-luck guys come up with the ultimate plan to hook up - cast a fake movie. When tons of hot chicks show up for the audition, it's a matter of who's willing to go the farthest to get the part.
Тихо, да верно
Пожилых людей пытается убить киллер в маске, затесавшийся в их небольшое пенсионерское сообщество.
Тихо, да верно
Пожилых людей пытается убить киллер в маске, затесавшийся в их небольшое пенсионерское сообщество.
Aliens vs Avatars
Six college friends blowing off steam on a camping trip, find themselves caught up in a cat and mouse hunt with an Alien monster. Not knowing what to do or who to trust, they struggle to protect themselves. Reluctantly, they join forces with another, seemingly friendly, alien, Ava, who orbits the Earth and appears to them in the form of an avatar. Having only one chance at stopping the monster, they must race to locate and repair the Ava’s earth sent robot, before it slaughters them one by one.
Vampire Boys
Jasin and his vampire brood's time is running out. In order for them to survive, Jasin needs to find a mortal to turn into a vampire to spend eternity with. Los Angeles provides plenty of young candidates. The brood has their eyes set on Tara, a young, gorgeous blond college student. Tara is open to the idea of becoming a vampire, but someone else enters the picture to disrupt the brood's plans. Caleb, a fresh face college student new to Los Angeles, keeps dreaming of a mysterious stranger. At school, Caleb meets the stranger, Jasin, and they have an instant connection. The problem is that time is short, and Jasin needs to convince Caleb that eternity as a vampire can be a very sweet life.
Семнадцатилетний рубеж
Лето 1984 года. Эрик Хантер, только что перешедший в последний класс школы, начинает познавать пока новый для себя мир. Его смущает его влечение к парням, но он чувствует, что скоро в его жизни должно что-то произойти…
After moving in an old lake house, Tristan and his husband Ryan soon regret their choice, realizing too late that by buying this house they also have become the owner of all its secrets including the bloodiest.