The grim news made international headlines: On August 21, 1971, prison authorities discovered a gun on famed Soledad Brother author, activist and San Quentin inmate George Jackson. A shootout ensued, killing Jackson, two other inmates and three guards, and wounding three more officers. Authorities asserted that only lawyer Stephen Bingham could have smuggled the weapon into the prison. Fearing that a conviction for abetting the guards’ deaths would lead to his own murder, the attorney fled, beginning a long, strange odyssey of pseudonymous exile. Strange indeed for the Yale-graduate scion of politically prominent New England elites.
The Cherokee Word for Water is a feature-length motion picture that tells the story of the work that led Wilma Mankiller to become the first modern female Chief of the Cherokee Nation. Set in the early 1980s, The Cherokee Word for Water begins in the homes of a small town in rural Oklahoma where many houses lack running water and others are little more than shacks. The movie is told from the perspective of Wilma Mankiller and full-blood Cherokee organizer Charlie Soap who join forces to battle opposition and build a 16-mile waterline system using a community of volunteers. In the process, they inspire the townspeople to trust each other, to trust their way of thinking, and to spark a reawakening of the universal indigenous values of reciprocity and interconnectedness. This project also inspired a self-help movement in Indian Country that continues to this day. The movie is dedicated to Wilma Mankiller’s vision, compassion and incredible grace.
The Cherokee Word for Water is a feature-length motion picture that tells the story of the work that led Wilma Mankiller to become the first modern female Chief of the Cherokee Nation. Set in the early 1980s, The Cherokee Word for Water begins in the homes of a small town in rural Oklahoma where many houses lack running water and others are little more than shacks. The movie is told from the perspective of Wilma Mankiller and full-blood Cherokee organizer Charlie Soap who join forces to battle opposition and build a 16-mile waterline system using a community of volunteers. In the process, they inspire the townspeople to trust each other, to trust their way of thinking, and to spark a reawakening of the universal indigenous values of reciprocity and interconnectedness. This project also inspired a self-help movement in Indian Country that continues to this day. The movie is dedicated to Wilma Mankiller’s vision, compassion and incredible grace.
The Cherokee Word for Water is a feature-length motion picture that tells the story of the work that led Wilma Mankiller to become the first modern female Chief of the Cherokee Nation. Set in the early 1980s, The Cherokee Word for Water begins in the homes of a small town in rural Oklahoma where many houses lack running water and others are little more than shacks. The movie is told from the perspective of Wilma Mankiller and full-blood Cherokee organizer Charlie Soap who join forces to battle opposition and build a 16-mile waterline system using a community of volunteers. In the process, they inspire the townspeople to trust each other, to trust their way of thinking, and to spark a reawakening of the universal indigenous values of reciprocity and interconnectedness. This project also inspired a self-help movement in Indian Country that continues to this day. The movie is dedicated to Wilma Mankiller’s vision, compassion and incredible grace.
Войска Земной Федерации переходят в контрнаступление и успешно уничтожают колонии злобных инсектойдов. Но твари не cдаются — они разработали мощное биологическое оружие, способное уничтожить землян…
In the seventh film in the series, in April 1916, a disillusioned Indy hops the ocean to Europe where he figures the Great War might offer him a greater sense of purpose.
In the fifth film in the series, in 1910, the Jones family attends a meeting of the Theosophy movement in Benares, India. There young Indy befriends a young boy named Jiddu Krishnamurti who is presented by the society to be the next world teacher and possible messiah. Traveling on to China, mother Jones takes Miss Seymour and Indy on a sightseeing trip while father meets with Chinese translator Yen Fu. Indy becomes ill during a rain storm and the travelers seek shelter with a poor Chinese family. Despite the misgivings of his mother, a local doctor is allowed to treat the boy with acupuncture.
In the third film in the series, in 1908, Henry Jones Sr. takes his wife, son and the boy's tutor to the world's first psycho-analytical conference in Viena, Austria. Young Indy meets Princess Sophie of Austia, daughter of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and develops deep feelings for her. He even asks Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung and Alfred Adler for love advice. On their next stop in Florence, Anna Jones becomes the object of affection for the persuasive opera composer Giacomo Puccini. With her husband away in Rome, Anna is torn between her feelings for her husband and the impulsive Italian.
На глазах у 12-летного Джеймса умирает мать. Его отец, женившись на другой, практически забывает о сыне. Жизнь одинокого, убитого горем мальчика становится настоящей мукой… Пока однажды он не встречается со странной старой женщиной, живущей на маяке.
In the seventeenth film in the series, in 1918, a top-secret mission for French Intelligence brings Indy to Istanbul. Exploring the city's dark and dangerous streets, he is thrust into a web of betrayal and murder when he discovers a vile Turkish plot to assassinate French espionage agents. Evil of a more enduring kind awaits him in Transylvania, where he engages in mortal combat with bloodthirsty Vlad the Impaler and his horrific army of the living dead. With his very life at stake, Indy must garner all his strength and wits in order to defeat the fiend and save mankind.
В Европе грохочет Первая Мировая война. Французская разведка поручает Индиане два очень важных и опасных задания. Инди будет сопровождать двух отпрысков королевской крови в столицу враждебной Австрии, где им предстоит тайно обсудить возможность подписания мирного договора с императором Карлом. Вена прямо-таки кишит зловещими агентами разведки, так что проникнуть во дворец императора будет весьма сложно… Ну а в революционном Петрограде Инди с риском для жизни выполнит еще одну ответственную миссию и познакомится с самим Лениным…
Очередная серия о приключениях молодого Индианы Джонса.
In the ninth film in the series, in September 1916, young Indiana Jones - going by the alias of "Henri Defense" - has become a motorcycle courier stationed near the trenches at Verdun. His friend Remy is still in the trenches, and both grow more disillusioned about the war each day. Chosen to sneak into enemy territory on account of his gift for languages, Indy overhears German officers speaking of the imminent arrival of their most powerful artillery guns, nicknamed "Big Bertha." A month later, Indy and Remy are granted leave to Paris, where Indiana meets the exotic dancer Mata Hari at a dinner party. He falls for her immediately, but soon finds out she is dating other men as well, including the French Minister of War.
1916 год. Принстон — Мексика. Редко у кого случаются столь бурные весенние каникулы! Все началось с того, что юный Инди решил с шиком отправиться на школьный бал в престижном автомобиле «Бугатти», дабы утереть нос всем ребятам в классе. Но своенравная машина, собранная в далекой Европе, предательски сломалась, поставив планы Инди под большой вопрос.
Former fashion photographer Randall Harris debuts with this gritty drama about justice and redemption in rural Georgia during the Great Depression. Jesse Banks Rhodes (Harry Connick, Jr.) is suddenly and inexplicably released from jail after serving part of a life sentence on a trumped up charge for murder. He heads back for Georgia to reclaim his life and finds himself staying with farmer Ben Alexander (Pete Postlethwaite). Initially, Ben's family is mistrustful of the ex-con, but slowly they begin to warm to him, particularly Ben's fragile daughter Wesley (Patricia Clarkson). After witnessing the murder of a black worker at the hands of his drunken white racist boss, Jesse vows to make things right.
In the twenty-first film in the series, in 1920's New York, twenty-year-old Indiana Jones is working backstage at George White's Scandals. Having just arrived in the Big Apple, Indy manages to woo no less than three girls in as many days: singer Peggy, poet Kate and socialite Gloria. He manages to get Peggy a song to sing by his good friend George Gershwin, Kate and her friends at the Vicious circle will review the show and Gloria's father helps out to back the show when White needs financial help.
Очередная серия о приключениях молодого Индианы Джонса.
Sixteen-year-old Indiana Jones joins an international trio of spies plotting against their German counterparts in the neutral city of Barcelona. Then later the same year, Indiana is reassigned to Prague where he is to receive an important phone call.
Блестящего хирурга лишают лицензии за употребление наркотиков — у него под ножом умерла пациентка. Избрав себе в качестве утешителя синтетический заменитель героина, он большую часть времени пребывает в состоянии, позволяющем забыть о прошлом и будущем. При покупке очередной дозы в баре, он становится свидетелем бандитской разборки и спасает жизнь одному из раненых, применив свой талант хирурга. Глава одной из группировок предлагает доктору практиковать нелегально. 10000 за операцию — а пациентов хватает — оказываются веским аргументом, да и у самого хирурга руки тоскуют по скальпелю. Он соглашается…
In 1920's South America a small group of Americans struggle to prove they can offer a reliable airmail service over the Andes. When one of the young pilots crashes on such a flight he has to try and get back to civilization on foot. Back home, his wife and colleagues start to fear the worst.
Нина, успешный, но очень уставший арт-дилер, с удивлением обнаружила, что ее обычный массажист Дуглас, послал замену - Фитча - обеспечить ей регулярный ежедневный массаж в ее доме. Нина и Фитч считают, что оба они полная противоположность друг другу. Их различия в темпераменте и образе жизни создают постоянное трение при общении. Но через ежедневные разговоры и воспоминания о прошлом оказывается,что у них много общего....
История опасного приключения капитана Чарльза Марлоу, отправившегося с ценным грузом в дебри африканских джунглей.
Additional Editing
Заключительная часть знаменитой гангстерской эпопеи, в которой продолжается рассказ о делах «семьи» дона Корлеоне. Через двадцать лет после событий, описанных в предыдущей картине, Майкл Корлеоне решает заняться легальным бизнесом. Однако противодействие внутри клана заставляет его вспомнить об испытанных кровавых методах общения с противником, что приводит к трагическому итогу.
ADR Editor
Престон Такер был мечтателем и бунтовщиком, чей гений и передовой дизайн в производстве автомобилей угрожал благополучию могущественных индустриальных гигантов США и политиков, которые их защищали. Его нововведения 40-х годов, такие, как пристежные ремни, система вспрыска топлива и дисковые тормоза, используются и по сей день.
First Assistant Editor
Престон Такер был мечтателем и бунтовщиком, чей гений и передовой дизайн в производстве автомобилей угрожал благополучию могущественных индустриальных гигантов США и политиков, которые их защищали. Его нововведения 40-х годов, такие, как пристежные ремни, система вспрыска топлива и дисковые тормоза, используются и по сей день.