Kevin Hooks

Kevin Hooks

Рождение : 1958-09-19, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA


​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.   Kevin Hooks (born September 19, 1958) is an American actor, and a television and film director; he is notable from his roles in Aaron Loves Angela & Sounder, but may be best-known as Morris Thorpe from TV's The White Shadow. In 1986, he starred in the short-lived ABC sitcom He's the Mayor. He directed Wesley Snipes in Passenger 57 and also Laurence Fishburne and Stephen Baldwin in Fled. Hooks worked as a director and producer on the series Prison Break. He also directed two episodes from the first season of Lost, "White Rabbit" and "Homecoming". In 2003, Hooks revisited Sounder. He directed ABC's Wonderful World of Disney's TV remake of the film, with Paul Winfield, his co-star from the original, playing a different role. Hooks was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the son of Yvonne, a state employee, and Robert Hooks, a director and actor who starred in many films in the 1970s. Kevin's nickname amongst his friends is "King Royal".


Kevin Hooks


Four college students get roped into solving crimes when one of them creates a high-tech communication device that intercepts conversations throughout the West Coast.
Побег из тюрьмы: Финальный побег
Сару арестовывают за убийство матери Майкла и отправляют в тюрьму, и она все ещё носит его ребёнка под сердцем. На сей раз всё меняется местами: тюремный врач становится заключённым, а Майкл остаётся на свободе. В кинофильме задействована большая часть героев сериала: Майкл, Линкольн, Сара, Сукрэ, Бэгвел, Махоуни и… Грэтхен. Каков же будет исход и финальный побег?.. Всё вновь зависит от гениального инженера-строителя.
This is a coming-of-age story of a boy living in the Depression era of the South. "Boy" (Daniel Lee Robertson III) learns the hard way about the realities of being black, poor and unable to read. But he also learns about the deep love of family, the long-suffering loyalty of a dog and the importance of words, faith, stories & truth.
The Color of Friendship
Mahree Bok lives on a farm in South Africa. Her father is a policeman who cannot hide his joy when activist Steve Biko is caught by the South African authorities. Piper Dellums is the daughter of a US congressman from California and who lives in a nice home in Washington DC. When Mahree is chosen to spend a semester at the Dellums' house, she doesn't expect that her host family would be black. Nor do her hosts suspect that she is not a black South African.
The Color of Friendship
Mahree Bok lives on a farm in South Africa. Her father is a policeman who cannot hide his joy when activist Steve Biko is caught by the South African authorities. Piper Dellums is the daughter of a US congressman from California and who lives in a nice home in Washington DC. When Mahree is chosen to spend a semester at the Dellums' house, she doesn't expect that her host family would be black. Nor do her hosts suspect that she is not a black South African.
Fact-based story about 300 predominantly black sailors who were killed on July 17, 1944 while loading munitions on a ship in San Francisco. Three weeks later, 50 survivors were court-martialed for refusing to load another shipment. The men cited the Navy's lack of care for their safety.
Чёрный пёс
Водитель-дальнобойщик Джек Круз только что вышел из тюрьмы и сейчас находится под полицейским надзором. Однако, обстоятельства вынуждают его, ради благополучия жены и ребенка, согласиться на перевозку левого груза.
Glory & Honor
The true story about Robert Peary's forgotten African American employee Mathew Henson who proved crucial in their race to North Pole.
Пайпер - крепкий орешек, Додж - компьютерный хакер, связь которого с 25 миллионами украденных долларов как магнит притягивает толпы наемных убийц и коррумпированных государственных чиновников. Внезапно действие принимает неожиданный оборот...
Неотвратимая сила
Собравшемуся было на пенсию сержанту полиции дают новую напарницу — бойкую энтузиастку Шарлотту Геллер, умеющую находить приключения на свою голову. Вдвоём им придётся разобраться с террористами, захватившими супермаркет.
Пассажир 57
Чарльз Рейн — безжалостный и неистовый убийца-террорист. Джон Каттер — хладнокровный полицейский из службы безопасности авиакомпании. Схватка хорошего и плохого парней начинается в воздухе, затем продолжится на земле…
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Married Man
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