Malcolm-Jamal Warner

Malcolm-Jamal Warner

Рождение : 1970-08-18, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA


Malcolm-Jamal Warner
Malcolm-Jamal Warner
Malcolm-Jamal Warner
Malcolm-Jamal Warner


EMT Jones
One bullet. Three lives. Everyone pays. On an average Los Angeles day, a couple on the verge of divorce and a bullied teenager find their lives desperately changed when the boy's illegal gun goes off.
Megachurch Murder
Hamilton Spears
After popular and charismatic megachurch leader Hamilton Spears commits suicide, his teenage daughter Hannah's life goes off the rails. The only thing keeping her together is her new boyfriend, Oliver. When she finds evidence pointing to a church conspiracy and threats toward her father, she is determined to prove that Hamilton's death was murder not suicide. As she gets closer to the truth, she realizes her own mother may be involved in her father's murder...and that the boy she is falling in love with is the son of his killer.
King of the Underground
Part true story, part fiction, King of the Underground is a dark comedy about a frustrated rap artist who goes on an all out murderous killing spree after years of being rejected by the music industry.
Золото дураков
История о двух кладоискателях, которые сначала развелись, разочаровавшись в своём увлечении и друг в друге, а затем разом напали на след настоящего сокровища.
The List
Ever been dumped? In front of 20,000 people at a stadium, on live television!? LEWIS BOND, a dashing young executive, decides to get serious after this experience and creates a list (litmus test) that the right woman should match, to avoid another humiliation. However, when he thinks he has found her, she turns out to be not as perfect as he thought, leaving the risk averse Lewis to choose between what his head or heart tells him.
Genius. A Night for Ray Charles
В великолепном концерте в память о Рэе Чарльзе, чьи бесчисленные хиты повлияли на многих талантливых музыкантов, приняли участие легендарные исполнители и современные артисты, в числе которых Элтон Джон, Ашер, Нора Джонс, Том Круз, Джейми Фокс, на которых музыка Рэя оказала большое влияние. Куинси Джонс, Морган Фриман, Джейми Фокс и Реджина Кинг организовали концерт в память о музыканте и человеке большой души.
The Cosby Show: A Look Back
Self / Theo Huxtable (archive footage)
A retrospective of the phenomenally popular 1984-1992 situation comedy, "The Cosby Show," complete with memorable clips, bloopers and comments from series stars, producers and Bill Cosby himself.
The Legend of the Candy Cane
Rusty (voice)
The night a mysterious stranger rode into the lonely prairie town of West Sage, no one realized their lives would never be the same.
A Fare to Remember
Winter Valen
A high powered business executive takes on an assignment on Christmas Eve, knowing she is to get married immediately after the holiday. Arriving at the Seattle airport, she discovered all flights are canceled and she has to get to LA. She then hires an obnoxious cabbie to transport her to LA. However, the cabbie eventually proves to be rather endearing while she maintains her upper class posturing.
A few young waiters at a popular New Jersey restaurant are dreaming of becoming actors or otherwise getting into the artistic community.
Saturday Night Live: The Best of Phil Hartman
Theo Huxtable
Classic Saturday Night Live skits featuring the hilarious Phil Hartman.
Пилоты из Таскиги
Leroy Cappy
Фильм основан на реальных событиях. Третий год бушует Вторая мировая война. Театр военных действий простирается от Европы до Африки и Тихого океана. В США, на базе ВВС «Таскиги» обучаются цветные пилоты — лучшие из лучших представителей «низшей» рассы, каждый из которых, прежде чем стать курсантом, прошел долгий путь, полный унижений и презрения со стороны белых сограждан. Курсанты достойно проходят обучение, но командование не спешит отправлять их в действующую армию, не веря в возможности цветных пилотов. Вскоре группу из Таскиги перебрасывают в Западную Европу, где бомбардировочная авиация США несет огромные потери от истребителей Люфтваффе. Здесь группа получает новенькие истребители P-51 «Мустанг» и уже в первом боевом вылете сбивает несколько немецких Мессершмитов Bf-109. Поначалу, отношение белых пилотов «Летающих крепостей» к группе из Таскиги оставляет желать лучшего, но с каждым новым боевым вылетом цветные пилоты завоевывают все большее уважение.
Rory Holloway
Фильм основан на книге «Огонь и Страх» Хосе Торреса и рассказывает о жизни знаменитого американского чернокожего боксера Майка Тайсона, начиная с детства и до того печального момента, когда он был приговорен к шести годам тюрьмы за изнасилование девушки, принимавшей участие в конкурсе красоты на звание «Мисс Черная Америка». Детство у парня было тяжелое - у него было 40 приводов в полицию. Огромную роль в его жизни и спортивной карьере сыграл его тренер, усыновивший его после смерти матери.
Зона высадки
Terry Nessip
Полицейский и его брат перевозили преступника, специалиста по компьютерам, для дачи показаний в суде. В самолете, в котором они везли этого компьютерного гения, на них напали террористы.Они взорвали кусок обшивки и выпрыгнули с парашютами, прихватив с собой этого ценного парня, столь нужного им для «работы». При этом брат полицейского погиб, а его самого отстранили от расследования, так как этого требовали правила следствия. Но полицейский, естественно, оставить этого так не мог. Он начинает поиски убийц.
Time Out: The Truth About HIV, AIDS and You
Join stars Paula Abdul, Luke Perry, Sinbad, Pauly Shore, Jaleel White and many, many more as they take an entertaining, music-filled and honest look at HIV and AIDS. You'll get all the latest facts, important dos and don'ts, and you'll meet some wonderful people. Co-hosts Arsenio Hall and Earvin "Magic" Johnson even hit the court for a little one-on-one, and then take "time out" for an informative heart-to-heart! For people who already know about HIV and AIDS, and for those who don't, TIME OUT is a video you can't afford to miss.
Time Out: The Truth About HIV, AIDS and You
Join stars Paula Abdul, Luke Perry, Sinbad, Pauly Shore, Jaleel White and many, many more as they take an entertaining, music-filled and honest look at HIV and AIDS. You'll get all the latest facts, important dos and don'ts, and you'll meet some wonderful people. Co-hosts Arsenio Hall and Earvin "Magic" Johnson even hit the court for a little one-on-one, and then take "time out" for an informative heart-to-heart! For people who already know about HIV and AIDS, and for those who don't, TIME OUT is a video you can't afford to miss.
The Earth Day Special
Theo Huxtable
The Earth Day Special is a television special revolving around Earth Day that aired on ABC on April 22, 1990. Sponsored by Time Warner, the two hour special featured an all-star cast addressing concerns about global warming, deforestation, and other environmental ills.
Mother's Day
Cullen Sturgis
A young black man is arrested for a crime. Now the police and the D.A. are convinced that he is guilty, but his mother doesn't believe this and sets out to prove his innocence.
The Father Clements Story
In this provocative made-for-television drama, an African American Chicago priest takes on the Catholic church during his fight to adopt a troubled teen and save him from life on the streets.
Disneyland's Summer Vacation Party
Disneyland's Summer Vacation Party (1986)
Show Off! How to Be Cool at Parties
A kids humorous instructional tape on how to do gags and party tricks. It is from 1986, so the hair and wardrobe alone makes this tape comic gold. It is hosted by a young Malcolm Jamal Warner (Cosby Show) and features the likes of Fred Newman, Madman Magician Friedhoffer (who uses this strange Hasidic Jewish accent that doesn't fit his character at all) and comedian Frankie Pace. Learn how to do the Hawaiian nose hum and beatbox at the same time! Learn how to levitate, and how to juggle.
Andy Williams and the NBC Kids Search for Santa
Andy and the NBC kids search for Santa, starring from Finland.
Night of 100 Stars II
This special is the second "Night of 100 Stars" to benefit The Actors Fund of America. Edited from a seven-hour live entertainment marathon that was taped February 17, 1985, at New York's Radio City Music Hall, this sequel to the 1982 "Night of 100 Stars" special features 288 celebrities.