Tohru Emori

Tohru Emori

Рождение : 1944-01-25, Tokyo, Japan


Tohru Emori


AIBOU: The Movie IV
Takanobu Iwai
A mysterious international crime organization makes a demand of 900 million yen from the Japanese government for the release of hostages. The group then targets a victory parade of a world sports game to commit indiscriminate terror.
Princess Toyotomi
Urushibara Shuuzou
National Audit Bureau member Hajime Matsudaira (Shinichi Tsutsumi), Tadako Torii (Haruka Ayase) & Asahi Gainsbourg (Masaki Okada) travel from their homebase of Tokyo to the city of Osaka. Their mission is to discover any financial irregularities & to ensure the correct use of federal money in the Osaka city government. Their initial audits go smoothly, but things turn more interesting once they enter the Karahori shopping district - the area with a long history reaching back to the Meiji era.
The Tragedy of W
Shigeru Watsuji
The lakeside at Lake Yamanaka is covered with snow. In the vacation house in such a quiet area owned by the chairman of Watsuji Seiyaku, one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in Japan, the tragedy suddenly breaks out. ”I have killed my granduncle!!” says Mako, who is loved by everybody in the Watsuji family. She has stabbed her granduncle, Yohei, to death. Soon after the domestic homicide, the entire family joining together in an attempt to make it look like a crime committed by somebody outside the family, begins to engage in imitative deception...
Raise the Castle!
Three men are possessed by the spirits of ancient samurai determined to build their master's castle, even if they must use cardboard.
Where The Legend Lives
Kohei Miyazaki (Naoto Takenaka), a former railroad worker, has become obsessed with discovering the ancient country of Yamataikoku. His obsession sprouted from a day when he discovered ancient ceramics while repairing railroad tracks. Now completely blind, Kohei relies on his wife (Sayuri Yoshinaga) to guide him through the country and read the maps in their pursuit of Yamataikoku.
Ichiro Maebara
Tomoki Sakai is your average junior-high student. Fascinated by the diving skills of Yōichi Fujitani, an elite athlete born into a family of former Olympic divers, Tomoki joins the Mizuki Diving Club (MDC) where Yōichi trains. However, the club is in the red, and its very survival is under question. Beautiful Kayoko Asaki has just returned from the US and joins the club as a new coach, with the mission to save MDC. Her goal is for the club to produce an athlete capable of competing in the Olympics. She brings in Shibuki Okitsu, a skillful diver with a wild streak from Tsugaru. Meanwhile, Kayoko discovers that Tomoki possesses a unique ability called "diamond eyes" and inspires him to begin serious training. Tomoki, Yōichi, and Shibuki have to overcome personal problems and struggle through conflicts and setbacks in the sport to achieve their dreams.
Johnen: Love of Sada
When photographer Ishida first sees Sada, the wife of a new acquaintance, his photo shoot with Sada turns quickly into a steamy affair of mind-blowing proportions
Банзай, режиссер!
Higashi Oizumi
Виртуозная клюква. Суп и алкогольный коктейль в одном флаконе от пожилого и талантливого японского парализованного клоуна, жонглирующего семью чудесными жанрами одновременно. Китано упорно, входя в ту же воду (комедия) доказывет, что его чувство юмора универсально, а талант в его возрасте смешивается с самоироничным живительным шоу-маразмом естественным человечным способом.
За тех, кого мы любим
Этот фильм рассказывает о тех людях, кому начальством и судьбой был приготовлен билет в один конец, о том, как они жили, чем дышали, как любили, как их готовили и как они умирали в самоубийственных атаках во славу императора.
Seijiro Inui (voice)
Устройство DC Mini позволяет терапевтам проникать в сны пациентов, а также записывать их на пленку. Три таких устройства были украдены, что дает их владельцу возможность не только проникать в фантазии людей, но также проникать в сознание и открывать им путь в собственные фантазии. Задача героев состоит в возвращении устройств, в выполнении которой на помощь приходит загадочная девушка Паприка.
Kosuke is 31, and tired of his hometown where nothing happens. On a whim, he departs for New York with dreams of making it big. 6 months later, he straggles home... defeated, and saddled with debt. Awaiting him are his old friends, a caring sister, a disgruntled father ...and a bowl of noodles. Namely, "udon" noodles. The town is built around udon, sustained by udon, nationally famous for udon.
Однажды в Токио
Gin (voice)
Трое бездомных — алкоголик-бродяга Джин, трансвестит Хана и беглая беспризорница Миюки живут на улицах Токио. Они уже давно позабыли, как это: иметь крышу над головой и есть три раза в день. Им уже ничего не нужно от жизни, и та равнодушно проходит мимо них, нанизывая друг на друга бесконечные серые будни. Но однажды в Сочельник эта троица находит на улице потерянную новорожденную девочку. И в опустившихся бродяжках просыпаются забытые было человеческие чувства. Герои решают во что бы то ни стало найти родителей малютки, еще не подозревая, что, став ее ангелами-хранителями, они прикоснутся к чуду Рождества и получат шанс изменить свою собственную жизнь…
The Making of Tokyo Godfathers
Interviews with Satoshi Kon, voice actors and others about the acclaimed 2003 Japanese animated film.
Yu Miri is a writer who's just become pregnant by her married lover. When she decides to keep the baby without his help, her ex-boyfriend Yutaka, decides to help raise him.
Dawn of a New Day: The Man Behind VHS
Terayama (President of Sony)
A Japanese film that tells the tale of the birth of VHS. It follows Kagatani Shizuo, an electronics employee who rallies his coworkers to save their jobs by increasing sales. They do this by developing the VHS standard. They battle with Sony and their standard and ultimately prevail.
Tales of the Bizarre: 2002 Spring Special
Hosted by veteran comedian Tamori, "Bizarre Tales 2002 Spring Special" presents five tales. 1. Mushi Game (Ignore the Game) - starring Uchiyama Rina 2. Okashina Machi (Funny Town) - starring Yanagiba Toshiro 3. Tokage no Shippo (Lizard's Tail) - starring Kashiwabara Takashi 4. Yogisha no Otoko (Man's Night Train) - starring Osugi Ren 5. Manhole - starring Kagawa Teruyuki
Kumamoto Stories
Paekche nobleman
Jidai-geki period / folklore type stories that were comissioned by the Kumamoto prefacture of Kyushu island in 1996 and filmed over a period of three years. Kumamoto Monogatari is a 2002 omnibus which includes the three short films: Zuiketsu Genso: Tonkararin Yume Densetsu, Kikuchi-jo Monogatari: Sakimori-tachi no Uta, Onna Kunishuu Ikki.
Produced for Fuji TV in 2000, the film reinterprets the story of a special samurai force - the Shinsengumi - at the end of the Edo period.
Story of Kikuchi Castle: Song of the Defenders
Paekche nobleman
Kikuchi-jo Monogatari: Sakimori-tachi no Uta is a 2001 Japanese historical drama directed by Takashi Miike. It is one of three historical films included in the 2002 DVD compilation, Kumamoto Monogatari. The other two are Zuiketsu Genso: Tonkararin Yume Densetsu and Onna Kunishuu Ikki, both also directed by Miike.
Prosecutor Michihiko Kusama
The psychiatric evaluation of a young actor arrested for a brutal double murder concludes he may be unfit for trial. Further investigation, however, reveals the crime was a well-planned statement against the section of Japan's criminal code granting diminished responsibility to the mentally impaired.
Doraemon: Nobita's Great Adventure in the South Seas
Captain Kid (voice)
The search for documentation about the sea for a school work will make the magic door of Doraemon open and take Nobita to Shizuka, Gian and Sueno in the deep ocean. This time our friends embark on a huge and unique boat in order to learn about the mysteries of the sea and look for treasures. What nobody imagines is that a distortion in the line of space-time will lead them to the seventeenth century amid a great storm that will make them wreck and where Doraemon loses its magic pocket. No time to lose, our friends must find a way out. Will they succeed?
Woman in Witness Protection
Biwako is a vain, middle-aged actress who witnesses a brutal murder. Realizing that the very public life of the woman makes their sole witness vulnerable to the killers, the police assign two officers to safeguard her until the trial. In the interim, the lives of Biwako and everyone around her are changed in unexpected ways.
Самое короткое письмо матери
«Ты счастлива с ним, мама? Отец умер, ничего не сказав» - это письмо, победившее на конкурсе самых коротких писем матери в стране. Маки написала эти строки после смерти отца и адресовала матери, бросившей её в детстве. Брат Хироси, случайно увидев письмо, отправил его на конкурс, где оно победило. После смерти отца Хироси нашел мать Таэ, которая заведует баром в Токио. Она очень хочет увидеть Маки...
Menkyo ga nai!
A popular movie star named Hiroshi Nanjo faces a huge problem in filming his new action flick when they find out he hasn't got a license to drive. He is sent to a driving school and...
Araki Mataemon: Duel at Kagiya Corners
Watanabe Kazuma's younger brother is brutally murdered by Kawai Matagoro. However, Kazuma's vendetta is denied since the Japanese law in the 17th Century only allowed a samurai to avenge his father or older brother, but not a younger brother. This incident makes his family member Araki Mataemon face his best friend in order to clear path for Kazuma. The tension mounts as they must carry out the vengeance before the murderer Kawai Matagoro reaches the safety of a direct retainer of the Shogun.
Nurse Call
Shunsuke Oiwa
A drama about a nurse starring Hiroko Yakushimaru
Сны о России
Sadanobu Matsudaira
Исторический фильм по роману Ясуси Иноуэ. Потерпев кораблекрушение у берегов Сибири, японский капитан с шестнадцатью матросами пускаются в удивительные приключения, полные переживаний, любви, отчаянья и чудес длиною в девять лет.
Jubei is a Japanese merchant who learns tricks from Western merchants to get ahead in the game.
Company Executives
A fierce succession battle ignites at a newspaper company when the president passes away.
Vega (voice)
Задолго до начала времен, когда Солнечная система была лишь облаком межзвездной пыли среди ледяного безмолвия хаоса, Великий Генма, чудовищное воплощение вселенского зла, вел яростную битву против всего сущего, поклявшись превратить космос в мертвое Ничто. Миллиарды лет, порабощая тела невинных и подчиняя себе стихии, бесформенный ужас пожирал галактики и созвездия, и теперь на его пути стоит хрупкая и одинокая планета Земля, чья единственная надежда — горстка загадочных сверхлюдей. Эти бесстрашные и мудрые воины способны одним усилием воли воздействовать на предметы с сокрушительной силой, и скоро их ряды пополнят новички, еще не подозревающие о своих способностях — прекрасная и грозная трансильванская принцесса Луна и простой японский школьник Джо. Когда Нью-Йорк будет лежать в руинах, а Токио превратится в песчаную пустыню, они, познав всё могущество своих удивительных сил, вместе с древним боевым роботом Вегой и собратьями воинами выйдут на решающую битву с Великим Генмой.
Прощай, Галактический Экспресс 999: Терминал Андромеды
Faust (voice)
В мультфильме показаны приключения мальчика Тэцуро, который уничтожает механических людей, желая отомстить за смерть родителей. Механические люди овладели Вселенной и насильно правят ею. Тэцуро, мальчик из захолустного городка, попадает в центр ультрасовременного города, где находится планетарная станция «Мегаполис». От этой станции отходит «Экспресс-Галактика-999», на который пытается попасть Тэцуро. Он крадет билет и его пытается поймать полиция механических людей. Тэцуро неожиданно спасает таинственная Мейтел, с которой он будет вместе путешествовать в «Экспресс-Галактике-999». Мальчик хочет отомстить механическим людям, в частности графу Мекке, за смерть матери, убитой во время охоты на людей. Ему удаётся убить Графа Мекку, но Тэцуро принимает решение поехать на планету Андромеду, где находится фабрика по производству человекоподобных механических людей. По приезду на Адромеду их с Мейтел ожидают еще более захватывающие приключения...
The Phoenix
This extraordinarily complex film is not only a send-up of every samurai film ever made, it is also an extrapolation of the value of life. The Yamatai, represented by Prince Susano-O and elderly advisor Sumuke, hire Yumihiko of Matsuro to hunt the phoenix so that Queen Himiko, sister of Susano-O can have eteranal life.
Festival Champ
A man working in a fish market is crazy about festivals.
Touch of Love
Goichi Terada
Quarreling with Yakuza
Set loose in a postwar world with no rules, an ex-juvenile delinquent begins building the most powerful gang in Tokyo's glittering Shibuya ward.
The Pirates of Buban
By going to the Philippines, Imamura comes to meet people living in an extreme poverty. He discovers very quickly that some communities are under the control of cruel & armed pirates. Imamura will come to meet those men in order to understand their position.
Evil Spirits in the Darkness
The film depicts the youth of Kinzo, a heretic painter who worked in Tosa during the late Edo period, and the hurricane-like inner side of his life.
Dangerous Games
Tetsuo Tsukada
Drama is afoot at Shirobara Middle School when the bold Henmi Ryoko transfers into Class A, 9th Grade. She immediately picks a fight with, Masuda, the head of the preparation committee. The girls' battle for control of the gang soon grows out of control as it sweeps up the entire school. Brawls. Seduction. Yazuka. And more!
Young People
"Young People" is a story about the lives of four brothers and a sister, Sato. After the death of his parents, the older brother, Taro, who works in construction, decides to replace them. The second brother, Jiro, is a truck driver. The third, Saburo, is a student, dreams of a better future for the whole family are connected with him, with his career. Brothers and sisters are fighting to give him a higher education. And, finally, the youngest of the brothers, Suekichi, is also going to enter the university after graduation. The life of the Sato family is complicated. Taro is kind, but limited, not always able to find a common language with his brothers and sister Orie. The girl cannot stand the despotism of her brother, leaves her home and goes to work at the factory. With her departure, everything in the house goes upside down. Suekichi fails her university entrance exams, Orie is forced to return to her family.
Любовная связь
История взаимоотношений молодой красивой женщины, несчастливой в браке, её мужа – владельца компании, матери и любовника.
Трагическая любовь на фоне знаменитого военного переворота 26 февраля 1936 года, который неоднократно привлекал внимание кинематографистов Японии. В этой версии лирические и эротические переживания затмевают политические дискуссии и философские идеи.
Pleasures of the Flesh
A corrupt businessman blackmails the lovelorn reprobate Atsushi into watching over his suitcase full of embezzled cash while he serves a jail sentence. Rather than wait for the man to retrieve his money, however, Atsushi decides to spend it all in one libidinous rush—fully expecting to be tracked down and killed.
The Two Musashis
Hirate Musashi
Toru Emori leads the cast as Hirate Musashi while a Hiroshi Fujioka competes with him as Okamoto Musashi. They must not only contend with the Yoshioka and Yagyu fencing schools, but have to take on Chiyonosuke Azuma as Sasaki Kojiro, and deal with the women who pursue them for love. Unlike the Yoshikawa Eiji novel which is not historically accurate, this film offers a new view of Japan’s greatest hero! The film is based on the novel by Kosuke Gomi!