Birgitt Kilian


Рабие Курназ против Джорджа Буша
Costume Design
Рабие Курназ - обычная бременская домохозяйка турецкого происхождения. После 11 сентября 2001 года ее сына обвиняют в подготовке теракта и отправляют в лагерь Гуантанамо. Это знаменует начало путешествия решительной женщины на пару со своим адвокатом в сердце мировой политики – вплоть до Верховного суда в Вашингтоне.
Weißbier im Blut
Costume Design
Kreuzeder was once a successful commissioner, but now he rarely solves a case. After more than 20 years in the service, he just wants to retire as quickly as possible and leave everyday life in the homicide squad in Lower Bavaria behind. Kreuzeder is of the opinion that humanity is coming to an end anyway, so he prefers to get drunk in the tavern and flirt with the waitress Gerda Bichler there instead of going about his work.
Волонтерский год
Costume Designer
Одинокий врач Урс вынужден присматривать за своим пьющим братом. Чтобы уберечь дочь от дурного влияния, он решает отправить ее в Южную Америку.
Я была дома, но...
Costume Design
Cын Астрид исчез. Cпустя неделю подросток вернулся домой безо всяких объяснений. И она сама, и учителя подозревают, что это может быть связано с потерей отца. Очень медленно жизнь возвращается в нормальное русло. Изменились представления Астрид об искусстве. Дома матери-одиночке всё труднее мириться с тем, что сын ведёт самостоятельную жизнь. А потом он попадает в больницу с заражением крови. Астрид переживает нервный срыв, её мучают угрызения совести, беспокойство за сына, сознание собственной никчёмности.
Costume Design
До начала съёмок ремейка знаменитого фильма Райнера Вернера Фассбиндера «Горькие слёзы Петры фон Кант» остаются считанные дни, а исполнительница главной роли до сих пор не найдена. Вера, режиссёр картины, устраивает одно прослушивание за другим. Партнёром звёздных претенденток на роль выступает Гервин — неудачливый актёр, который так и не смог начать карьеру и теперь подрабатывает на кастингах…
The Dreamed Path
Costume Design
Theres and Kenneth are both young when they first meet whilst on holiday. They fall in love but are unable to prevent themselves from losing each other. Thirty years later, in another country, another couple: Ariane leaves her husband David because she no longer loves him. The paths they both take lead them to Kenneth and Theres.
Costume Design
Agnes, a teacher from the Hessian provinces, has come to Berlin to identify a dead girl who might be Lydia, her runaway daughter. It turns out not to be Lydia, but Agnes stays in the city anyway. Still frantically looking, she comes a young stray called Ines who no longer leaves her side...
Sleeping Sickness
Costume Design
Ebbo and Vera Velten have spent the better part of the past twenty years living in different African countries. Ebbo is the manager of a sleeping sickness programme. His work is fulfilling. Vera, however, feels increasingly lost in Yaounde’s ex-pat community. She can’t bear the separation from her 14-year-old daughter, Helen, who is attending boarding school in Germany. Ebbo must give up his life in Africa or he risks losing the woman he loves. But his fear of returning to a land now remote to him increases with each passing day. Years later. Alex Nzila, a young French doctor of Congolese origin, travels to Cameroon to evaluate a development project. It’s been a long time since he set foot on this continent, but, instead of finding new prospects, he encounters a destructive, lost man. Like a phantom, Ebbo slips away from his evaluator.
Costume Design
A portrait of Rita, who claims that her mother was never a mother for her. Rita gives birth to her own five children and forces her mother to take the role of a mother.
Windows on Monday
Costume Design
A new house in a new town could mean the beginning of a phase of domestic bliss for a small family. Nina, a doctor, has taken a few days off. Her husband Frieder is busy laying tiles, while their daughter Charlotte plays in her new room. But Nina is having her doubts; she stands about in the half-empty rooms, feeling thoroughly alienated. Suddenly, without saying a word, she decides to leave...
Costume Design
A major work of the celebrated Berlin School, the debut of Ulrich Köhler (In My Room) is a mesmerizing portrait of a young German soldier named Paul who goes AWOL and returns to his childhood home in the countryside. Over a few summer days, Paul evades the responsibilities of everyday life and falls in love with his brother’s girlfriend, disrupting the lives of everyone in his circle. With Köhler’s penchant for deadpan humor and subtle performances, Bungalow becomes a quiet mockery of militarism, familial estrangement, and youthful ennui.