Michael Conrad

Michael Conrad

Рождение : 1925-10-16, New York City, New York, USA

Смерть : 1983-11-22


Michael Conrad (October 16, 1925 – November 22, 1983) was an American actor, primarily on television. Conrad had a long acting career in television from the 1950s to the 1980s. In 1963 he played Felton Grimes, the title character and murder victim in the Perry Mason episode, "The Case of the Bigamous Spouse." He played far left-wingMichael Stivic's, Uncle Casimir on All in the Family, and gave bigoted Archie Bunker as good as he got. He had a memorable role in the 1974 film, The Longest Yard, playing Nate Scarboro, a retired NFL tight end (New York Giants) who was also the head coach for the Mean Machine, the team of prisoners put together by Burt Reynolds' character Paul Crewe to play the team of guards (Reynolds himself would later play the role of Scarboro in the 2005 remake starring Adam Sandler.) During the 1976-1977 season of Delvecchio, Conrad was a regular, as he played the role of Lt. Macavan. Conrad may be best known for his portrayal of veteran cop Sgt. Phil Esterhaus on Hill Street Blues, in which he ended the introductory roll call to each week's show with "Let's be careful out there". He won two Emmy Awards for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series in Hill Street Blues in 1981 and 1982.


Michael Conrad


Fire on the Mountain
Col. Desalius
A young real estate developer returns to his hometown to make a land killing but soon takes up the cause of a crusty old-timer in his struggles with the government which wants his ranch for an Army missile base.
Cattle Annie and Little Britches
In nineteenth century Oklahoma, two teen girls, fans of stories about outlaws, are on a quest to meet and join up with them. They find a shadow of a former gang and although disappointed, still try to help them escape from a vigorous Marshal.
Minister with four virgin daughters inherits a bordello. The land contains a silver mine and the corrupt sheriff tries to force them to leave.
Treachery and Greed on the Planet of the Apes
The fugitives Burke, Virdon and Galen try to save the life of a human blacksmith and his son, whome gorilla leader Urko has threatened with death should his horse lose another race. The trio also attempt to expose a crooked gorilla by framing him in a plot to kill Urko. [The third of five telefilms edited from episodes of the 1974 TV series; this film combines the episodes "The Horse Race" and "The Tyrant"]
A Cry For Justice
Johnny Badchuik
Due to hasty investigations and questionable methods of two police sergeants, two hoodlums are convicted for a robbery in which a patrolman was seriously injured. Years later, one of the two cops gets on the trail of the real culprits. To enforce justice, he makes himself unpopular with his department and his colleague, who want to cover up the embarrassing mistake
Satan’s Triangle
Lt. Cmdr. Pagnolini
The female survivor of a shipwreck and two Coast Guard helicopter pilots sent to rescue her find themselves trapped in a mysterious part of the ocean known as Satan's Triangle.
Donovan's Kid
Silas Rumford
Timothy Donovan, a con-man, returns to San Francisco to see his wife and daughter. Realizing his family is under the control of his wife's domineering uncle, Timothy Donovan teams up with a fellow con-man to free them.
Гарри и Уолтер следуют в Нью-Йорк
Billy Gallagher
Два провинциальных актёра, Гарри Дайби и Уолтер Хилл, приезжают в Нью-Йорк попытать счастья, устраивают представление с надувательством и по глупости оказываются за решёткой, где знакомятся с матёрым «медвежатником», имеющим на счету не один выпотрошенный крупный банк, Адамом Уорсом. Ворс как раз задумывает очередное ограбление века. Узнав об этом, Гарри и Уолтер не придумывают ничего лучше, как опередить его, воспользовавшись его же планом. К охотникам за удачей присоединяется Лисса Чеснат, репортерша из газеты, также узнавшая о дерзком замысле во время посещения тюрьмы.
Baby Blue Marine
Drill Instructor
A would-be Marine fails basic training, and is sent home wearing the "baby blue" fatigues of a washout. En route, he is mugged by a battle-fatigued Marine Raider, who leaves him to hitch-hike home in an undeserved hero's uniform. A small Colorado town takes him in, treating him like the hero he appears to be.
Long Way Home
The Holvak family house the escaped convict named Craw that the son befriends. Reverend Holvak's faith is tested and young Ramey faces a choice between a friendship and his family.
The First 36 Hours of Dr. Durant
A young doctor fresh out of medical school takes a job at a big-city hospital, and on his first day finds himself making life-and-death decisions.
Starsky and Hutch
A young couple in a car exactly like Starsky's is killed by hitmen and word is out on the street that there's a contract out on Starsky and Hutch. This is a TV-pilot that was an ABC Movie of the Week and later turned into the TV-series.
Delancey Street: The Crisis Within
Robert John Holtzman
The story of Delancey Street Foundation, a self-help group devoted to reclaiming ex-junkies, ex-convicts, and others.
The Rangers
The adventures of a group of rangers that are tasked with saving a couple of alpinists and a young lady with a broken leg, while also dealing with a hungry bear.
Самый длинный ярд
Nate Scarboro
Главный герой — бывший профессиональный футболист Пол Круи, оказывается за решеткой. Амбициозный и жестокий комендант тюрьмы мечтает «протолкнуть» полупрофессиональную футбольную команду своих охранников на национальный чемпионат. Он предлагает Полу сделку — устроить необычный футбольный матч между командой отбывающих наказание и сборной охранников с одним немаловажным условием: заключенные должны проиграть… в обмен на досрочное освобождение Круи. Итак, игра без правил началась.
Lt. Whitfield
Is a young woman being stalked by her ex, or is she imagining things?
The Third Girl from the Left
A chorus girl comes to the realization that she is not getting any younger and that her longtime relationship with a nightclub singer is going nowhere. She finds herself attracted to an unassuming but attentive--and much younger--delivery boy.
Scream Blacula Scream
Sheriff Harley Dunlop
After an aging voodoo priestess dies, her arrogant son Willis Daniel's believes he is next in line to lead. He is outraged when Lisa, his mother's adopted apprentice is chosen as the leader. Willis seeks revenge by reviving the African prince Blacula — but soon finds that he cannot control him.
Thumb Tripping
Gary and Shay are two happy-go-lucky flower children who hitchhike in the beautiful Big Sur-Monterey area of California.
Louis Costa
В маленьком городке Сен-Жан-де-Мон происходит ограбление банка. Один из грабителей ранен. Выясняется, что деньги, похищенные налетчиками, предназначались для закупки крупной партии наркотиков. Таким образом, одни воры помешали другим провернуть выгодное дело. Расследование поручено комиссару Кольману. Он уверен в себе. Он знает преступный мир Франции, как свои пять пальцев. Но выясняется, что он совсем не знает тех, кого считал друзьями.
The Todd Killings
Detective Shaw
Based on the true story of '60s thrill-killer Charles Schmidt ("The Pied Piper of Tucson"), Skipper Todd (Robert F. Lyons) is a charismatic 23-year old who charms his way into the lives of high school kids in a small California town. Girls find him attractive and are only too willing to accompany him to a nearby desert area to be his "girl for the night." Not all of them return, however. Featuring Richard Thomas as his loyal hanger-on and a colorful assortment of familiar actors in vivid character roles including Barbara Bel Geddes, Gloria Grahame, Edward Asner, Fay Spain, James Broderick and Michael Conrad.
Monte Walsh
Dally Johnson
Monte Walsh is an aging cowboy facing the ending days of the Wild West era. As barbed wire and railways steadily eliminate the need for the cowboy, Monte and his friends are left with fewer and fewer options. New work opportunities are available to them, but the freedom of the open prarie is what they long for. Eventually, they all must say goodbye to the lives they knew, and try to make a new start.
Загнанных лошадей пристреливают, не правда ли?
Америка в тяжелые годы Великой депрессии. Всюду безработица и бедность. Люди берутся за любую работу, чтобы заработать на кусок хлеба и крышу над головой. Поэтому не удивительно, что танцевальный марафон с призом в 1500 долларов легко собрал в мрачном ангаре на побережье несколько десятков участников со всей страны. Все они такие разные, но каждый готов на все ради выигрыша...
Охрана замка
Sgt. DeVaca
Фильм является экранизацией романа Уильяма Истлэйка. Самый конец Второй мировой войны, семеро американских солдат расположившиеся в замке на бельгийско-немецкой границе ведут его оборону, дабы защитить произведения искусства принадлежащие хозяину замка.
Three Guns for Texas
Ranger Willy G. Tinney
A man searching for a stolen army payroll is joined by several men after the reward money.
Призрак Черной Бороды
Pinetop Purvis
Однажды страшный и бессердечный пират «Черная борода» материализовался в маленьком городке Новой Англии, он принужден путешествовать внутри времени до тех пор, пока не станет делать добрые дела. Он получает шанс вырваться, когда решает помочь спортивной команде колледжа, у которой нет ни малейшего шанса выиграть матч…
Sol Madrid
Government agent Sol Madrid travels to Mexico with hooker Stacey to bring mobster Villanova and drug kingpin Dietrich to justice.
The Desperate Hours
Sam Robish
The Hilliards are a middle class family whose lives are put in danger when escaped convict Glenn Griffin invades their home. Griffin is crazed, tormenting the Hilliards with his meek brother Hank and sadistic Robish.
Властелин войны
В 11 веке могущественный герцог Вильгельм отправляет своего доверенного рыцаря Крисагона с отрядом воинов защищать Нормандское побережье от грабежей и налётов фризов. Попав в деревню, тот хочет забрать в наложницы на правах феодального владыки приёмную дочь деревенского старосты, но неожиданно влюбляется в неё.
Реквием по тяжеловесу
Ma Greeny's Thug
Проигрыш Кассиусу Клею приближает конец боксерской карьеры Луиса Риверы. Врачи рекомендуют ему завязать с профессиональным спортом, менеджер пытается использовать Луиса и заставить его провести еще один бой, а социальная работница мисс Миллер призывает боксера найти новую жизнь вне ринга.