Buzz Kulik

Buzz Kulik

Рождение : 1922-07-23,

Смерть : 1999-01-13


Buzz Kulik


Too Young The Hero
TV movie based upon the true story of Calvin Graham, who, as a 12 year old boy, enlisted in the US Navy during WWII.
По прозвищу «Танцор»
Энни — учительница, работающая в школе в пригороде Лос-Анджелеса. Она уже шесть лет замужем, счастлива и любит своего мужа. Но раньше она была спецагнтом ЦРУ и работала на Кубе. Об этом не знает практически никто, даже её муж Пол Гудвин. Энни же отлично владеет испанским и обладает всеми качествами, нужными секретному агенту. Неожиданно спокойная жизнь Энни нарушается — ей кто-то звонит и сообщает, что бывший её возлюбленный по прозвищу «Танцор», которого она когда-то спасла от верной гибели, снова в беде и нуждается в её помощи. Теперь Энни отправляется на Кубу, в одну из тюрьм, чтобы спасти «танцора» и ещё одного агента Мэлэрина.
По прозвищу «Танцор»
Энни — учительница, работающая в школе в пригороде Лос-Анджелеса. Она уже шесть лет замужем, счастлива и любит своего мужа. Но раньше она была спецагнтом ЦРУ и работала на Кубе. Об этом не знает практически никто, даже её муж Пол Гудвин. Энни же отлично владеет испанским и обладает всеми качествами, нужными секретному агенту. Неожиданно спокойная жизнь Энни нарушается — ей кто-то звонит и сообщает, что бывший её возлюбленный по прозвищу «Танцор», которого она когда-то спасла от верной гибели, снова в беде и нуждается в её помощи. Теперь Энни отправляется на Кубу, в одну из тюрьм, чтобы спасти «танцора» и ещё одного агента Мэлэрина.
Отвага женщин
Фильм посвящен американским медсестрам, служившим в районах боевых действий во время второй мировой войны. Драматический рассказ о группе девушек, оставшихся на Филиппинах во время общего отступления, чтобы позаботиться о раненом генерале Дагласе.
Отвага женщин
Фильм посвящен американским медсестрам, служившим в районах боевых действий во время второй мировой войны. Драматический рассказ о группе девушек, оставшихся на Филиппинах во время общего отступления, чтобы позаботиться о раненом генерале Дагласе.
Гнев ангелов
Дженнифер - талантливый молодой адвокат и красивая женщина. Она заняла достойное место в высших слоях общества, несмотря на все препятствия, которые воздвигли перед ней судьба и люди. И теперь она должна сделать свой самый главный жизненныйвыбор - выбор между двумя мужчинами. Один из них - мужчина ее мечты, серьезный и ответственный. Другой - мужчина ее желаний, сильный и обворожительный. Они стоят по разные стороны закона, и оба готовы сражаться из всех сил за ее любовь.
МакКуин играет профессионального охотника за головами Ральфа "Папу" Торсона, занимающегося "отловом" беглых преступников и подследственных, выпущенных "под залог". "Папа" — опытный специалист в своем опасном и трудном "бизнесе", и, несмотря на то, что герой уже не так быстр, как в старые добрые времена, рука его все еще тверда, а воля несгибаема. Новая "добыча" охотника — мстительный и кровожадный психопат!
Ziegfeld: The Man and His Women
Four women intimate with the showman tell his life story.
Ziegfeld: The Man and His Women
Four women intimate with the showman tell his life story.
Kill Me If You Can
The story of Caryl Chessman, a convicted California rapist who spent 12 years on death row before finally being executed.
Corey: For the People
A wealthy socialite is accused of killing her husband. She claims self-defense as a battered wife, and the district attorney plans to go along with that. However, an assistant district attorney files capital murder charges against her, as he believes she's not quite the innocent, abused wife she portrays herself to be. This was a pilot film for a proposed series that did not get picked up.
Corey: For the People
Executive Producer
A wealthy socialite is accused of killing her husband. She claims self-defense as a battered wife, and the district attorney plans to go along with that. However, an assistant district attorney files capital murder charges against her, as he believes she's not quite the innocent, abused wife she portrays herself to be. This was a pilot film for a proposed series that did not get picked up.
Never Con a Killer
Pilot to the short-lived TV series "The Feather and Father Gang" has Detective Feather Danton and her con-man father Harry teaming up to outwit Runyonesque horseplayer E.J. Valerian.
Never Con a Killer
Pilot to the short-lived TV series "The Feather and Father Gang" has Detective Feather Danton and her con-man father Harry teaming up to outwit Runyonesque horseplayer E.J. Valerian.
The Lindbergh Kidnapping Case
Fact-based story of the kidnapping of Charles Lindbergh Jr., son and namesake of the famed pilot, and ensuing trial of accused and convicted killer, Bruno Hauptmann.
This is the life story of Babe Didrikson Zaharias, one of the greatest athletes of the 20th century, from her early Texas tomboy days to her Gold Medal triumphs at the 1932 Olympics, her remarkable career as a champion golfer, her fulfilling marriage to wrestler George Zaharias, and the final battle with the only thing tougher than she was.
Matt Helm
In this pilot film for the later series, a former secret agent, now a private investigator, is hired to protect a beautiful film star and gets involved with black marketeers and gun runners.
Matt Helm
In this pilot film for the later series, a former secret agent, now a private investigator, is hired to protect a beautiful film star and gets involved with black marketeers and gun runners.
Cage Without a Key
A high school girl who needs a ride accepts one from a boy she doesn't know. He then forces her to participate in a robbery, in which a clerk is killed. They are soon caught, and the girl, despite her protestations of innocence, is convicted of first-degree murder and sent to prison. Once she gets there, she finds out that her troubles are just beginning.
Cage Without a Key
A high school girl who needs a ride accepts one from a boy she doesn't know. He then forces her to participate in a robbery, in which a clerk is killed. They are soon caught, and the girl, despite her protestations of innocence, is convicted of first-degree murder and sent to prison. Once she gets there, she finds out that her troubles are just beginning.
Плохой Рональд
16-летний Рональд Уилби случайно убивает свою свертницу и его мать решает спрятать сына от полиции в тайном помещении дома. Полиция и соседи продолжают поиски Рональда. Так проходит много времени, но однажды его мать не возвращается домой и у парня начинаются серьезные психические отклонения...
Remember When
An uncle's (Jack Warden) memories give strength to a New England family with four sons fighting in World War II.
Pioneer Woman
A homesteading family in 1867 Wyoming faces a crisis when the husband is killed and the wife must decide whether to remain or take her son and daughter back East.
Portrait: A Man Whose Name Was John
During World War II, Archbishop Angelo Roncalli attempts to save Jews in Italy from Nazi exterminators.
New York private eye Shamus McCoy likes girls, drink and gambling, but by the look of his flat business can't be too hot. So an offer of $10,000 to finds some diamonds stolen in a daring raid with a flame-thrower is too good to miss. His investigations soon get pretty complicated and rather too dangerous. At least along the way he does get to meet Alexis.
Incident on a Dark Street
A small-time hood is murdered just as he is about to blow the whistle on an organized crime ring.
The Man Who Came to Dinner
Lecturer and broadcaster Sheridan Whiteside has been invited to dinner at the home of a pompous small-town bigwig. But he stays rather longer than anyone expects.
A childless middle-age couple adopt a troubled youth they find living in their crawlspace and attempt to get him to rejoin society with tragic results.
To Find a Man
A boarding-school girl asks the boy next door for help getting an abortion.
Brian's Song
Based on the real-life relationship between teammates Brian Piccolo and Gale Sayers and the bond established when Piccolo discovers that he is dying.
A Storm in Summer
A story of the friendship between an elderly Jewish man and a young African-American boy set during the Vietnam War.
A riot in a state prison is staged to cover up an escape attempt, during which many inmates and guards are killed. Shot on location at Arizona State Prison.
Вилья в седле
Панчо Вилья и его правая рука Фьерро сражаются бок о бок с мексиканскими правительственными войсками на стороне «истинного» президента Мадеро. Один из офицеров Вильи, корыстолюбивый Хуэрто, прибегнув к хитрости, убивает президента Мадеро и занимает место лидера Мексики. Но вскоре в сторону Мехико выдвигается пятидесятитысячная армия, во главе которой идет Панчо Вилья, требующий справедливости.
Sergeant Ryker
During the Korean War Sergeant Paul Ryker is accused of defecting to Communist China and then returning to his unit as a spy. He's court-martialed and sentenced to death but his attorney believes Ryker's innocent and asks for a new trial.
Warning Shot
Hounded by the press for shooting a doctor, an ousted Los Angeles policeman (David Janssen) works his own case.
Warning Shot
Hounded by the press for shooting a doctor, an ousted Los Angeles policeman (David Janssen) works his own case.
Ready for the People
In a barroom fight over Connie Zelenko, Eddie Dickinson is badly wounded and Connie's boyfriend is killed. Witnesses claim Dickinson is the killer, but he maintains his innocence despite public prosecutor Murray Brock's advice that he plead guilty and take a life-imprisonment sentence rather than risk capital punishment. When Connie comes out of hiding, she confirms the other witnesses' stories, but Brock believes Dickinson is innocent. Dickinson sticks to his story at his trial but receives the death sentence. In the death house, Dickinson continues to maintain his innocence, but after the execution of the sentence, Brock receives a letter from Dickinson confessing to the murder.
The Yellow Canary
Andy is an arrogant pop singer about to be divorced by his wife who treats his staff badly. On the same night he starts a job at a theater in Los Angeles his infant son is kidnapped. Despite requests from the lead police officer on the case, Lieutenant Bonner, Paxton plays along with the kidnappers as they string him along even though they are willing to kill.
The Explosive Generation
Peter Gifford is a likable, dedicated schoolteacher that teaches a senior life skills class. When student Janet Sommers brings up the topic of sex and dating, he asks students to write questions on the topic, and will cover them in the next class. The parents get wind of what Gifford is about to do, notify the principal, and he warns Peter not to read the questions in class. Gifford decides to go against this and is suspended. The whole student body protests, and the administration gets worried on what to do.
The Killers of Mussolini
As the Salo Republic crumbles around him, Mussolini, along with his mistress and several of his ministers flee with retreating Nazi soldiers, but are caught at the town of Dongo by red partisans. All are brutally executed without trial.
Collector’s Item
Mr. Prentiss is an appraiser at his firm, the House of Prentiss. He is about to go to Florida to appraise a vast collection of a recently deceased collector, Van der Locken, when he receives an unwanted visit from Ivor Hager, who informs him of "The Left Fist of David," a valuable but mysterious art object that was stolen from a Mexican church. An unsold TV Pilot
No Right to Kill
This is a special series of lost classic programs from the Golden Age of TV. The series has been restored by SabuCat Productions from the best archival film elements available in high definition, some of the programs have not been seen since they were originally broadcast. Volume One features 2 one-hour dramatic programs that feature John Cassavetes. Climax! ran for four years - This was an anthology series that presented a different story and different set of characters on each episode. It ran from 1954 to 1958 and featured Casino Royale of James Bond fame that lead to a feature film of the same titles. On August 9th, 1956 - they showed No Right to Kill directed by Buzz Kulik and starring John Cassavetes, Robert H. Harris, Joe Mantell and Terry Moore.