Daijirô Harada

Рождение : 1944-04-05, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan


Performing Kaoru's Funeral
When a screenwriter named KAORU dies suddenly, she leaves behind a tangle of relations who are all pulled together for the final act in her life: performing her funeral. The chief mourner is her ex-husband, Jun. A failed actor, he drifts around Tokyo as a driver for callgirls. He has to clean himself up to lead the ceremony down in the small village in Okayama that KAORU came from. There, he meets a host of eccentric characters, TV people, and KAORU ’s daughter, all of whom have complicated feelings for the recently departed. As can be guessed, the funeral becomes chaotic as people quarrel and fight but the fact that KAORU was loved is not in doubt as nostalgia, bitterness, and affection for the woman come out from each mourner in comic confrontations.
Hoshi 35
Hoshi 35 (HOSHI 35 Hoshi Sanjūgo) is an upcoming crowdfunded tokusatsu kaiju film which will be written and directed by Hiroto Yokokawa and co-directed by Kazuma Yoneyama and Daisuke Sato, with effects by Sato. Presented by MRTS Co., Ltd. and produced by 3Y Co., Ltd., it will star Megumi Odaka, Daijiro Harada, Jun Hashizume, Hiroshi Miyasaka, and Yumiko Tanaka. The project, whose name is derived from the Japanese word for "star" (hoshi), will celebrate Odaka's 35th anniversary as an actress and will be her first film role in close to 30 years. It is to be tentatively released to Japanese theaters in October 2023. (Wikizilla:https://wikizilla.org/wiki/Hoshi_35)
The Pledge to Megumi
Shigeru Yokota
A film depicting the story of Yokota Megumi who was abducted by North Korean agents in 1977.
All the Kindness of a Man is a Motive
Moosic Lab 2019 film.
Sabu and Ichi's Detective Stories
Bunsei era, at a time when Edo culture is at its peak, and barely 50 years before the arrival of the Meiji Restoration in 1868. Sabu is a cheerful, honest young man who left his hometown with the dream of becoming a policeman. He is an informant to the policeman Saheiji of Asakusa in Edo and stays with him and his daughter Midori. One day, Sabu encounters the cool master swordsman Ichi, who makes a living giving massages, and they become partners in an unexpected way. Although Sabu is still an informant, he and the blind Ichi collaborate in a way that compensates for each other’s shortcomings. Sabu becomes Ichi’s eyes while Ichi becomes Sabu’s right-hand man and solves cases with his well-honed skills of deduction as they search for the truth in difficult cases in Edo. One case starts with the discovery of two dead bodies in the Sumida River. The bodies have diagonal slashes and were left in boxes.
Winter Ghost Stories ~I and Me and Grandma's Story
A horror movie with zombies towards the end
Yagyu Conspiracy RETOLD
The classic tale retold. This is one of Japan’s most popular stories in a brand new version starring the great Matsukata Hiroki following in the footsteps of Yorozuya Kinnosuke as Yagyu Tajima, the grandmaster swordsman whose plot to maintain the succession of Iemitsu as shogun encounters obstacles on all sides. Loaded with action and featuring many of Japan’s new up and coming sword stars this exciting movie brings back the feelings of the golden age of motion pictures. Stunning cinematography brings 17th Century Japan to life in this exciting tale of loyalty and betrayal, leading up to an ending that won’t be found in any history book.
Даже если цветы помяты...
Учитель Ёсио Итикава отдал школе всю свою жизнь. Ученики помнят его уpoки и через 30 лет после окончания школы встречаются вновь. Позади годы войны и разрухи. Смогли ли они воплотить в жизнь то, о чем мечтали? Смогут ли они исправить ошибки, которые совершили?
Chosyu Five
Fictionalised account of the story of the he Chōshū Five (長州五傑 Chōshū Goketsu) who travelled to and studied in Britain in 1863 while Japan was still under sakoku (鎖国 "locked country").
Cherry Blossom Blood Reward
The battle for life begins now, which one will survive? A clash that transcends the boundaries between police and the Yakuza.
Ходячий замок
Heen (voice)
Злая ведьма заточила 18-летнюю Софи в тело старухи. Девушка-бабушка бежит из города куда глаза глядят и встречает удивительный дом на ножках, где знакомится с могущественным волшебником Хаулом и демоном Кальцифером. Кальцифер должен служить Хаулу по договору, условия которого он не может разглашать. Девушка и демон решают помочь друг другу избавиться от злых чар.
Izo is an assassin in the service of a Tosa lord and Imperial supporter. After killing dozens of the Shogun's men, Izo is captured and crucified. Instead of being extinguished, his rage propels him through the space-time continuum to present-day Tokyo. Here Izo transforms himself into a new, improved killing machine.
В опустевшем горном поселке остались жить только 37-летняя Юмико и её 17-летняя дочь Эмико. Они умирают от голода. Когда-то государственная программа помощи переселенцам стала причиной всех их несчастий. Они пытаются выжить и находят не вполне законный способ раздобыть деньги на безбедное существование. Жанр фильма трудно определить точно: черная комедия, социальная драма, фарс, триллер, мистическая сказка – все эти определения подходят для него.
Парящий на ветру
Tarbal (voice)
В незапамятные времена в этом удивительном мире существовал народ, повелевающий силой ветра. Минули эпохи, и предания о людях с этим великим даром превратились в сказки… Никто даже не думал, что подобное возможно и сейчас, но, неожиданно для всех, такую же способность открыл в себе мальчик Амон. Теперь в свои руки его мечтает заполучить могущественный диктатор Браних, ведь этот дар можно превратить в страшное оружие…
Yakuza Ladies 9
In Search of a Lost Writer: Wandering in the World of the Seventh Sense
Takeo Takahashi
A drama depicting the world of the female writer Midori Osaki in three parts: the dramatic creation of her masterpiece, "Wanderings in the Realm of the Seventh Sense," her unknown years spent in poor health and poverty, and the present-day world from which we see her work.
Home of Acorns
Slice of life drama about a couple and their young disabled daughter.
Modern-Era Shameless School
The hot-blooded manga of love and excitement is revived in the Heisei era!
Date Masamune: The One-Eyed Dragon's Love and Ambition
Yagyū Munenori
The live of the daimyo Date Masamune
Kachô Shima Kôsaku
Based on the comic book by Kenshi Hirokane
I Am Sukeban
Странная история, произошедшая к востоку от одной реки
Свободолюбивый эстет Нагаи не смог создать прочной семьи, его шокирующие связи с гейшами и проститутками стали причиной разрыва с его аристократической родней. В довоенное время его разгульная жизнь позволила ему отгородиться от революционного движения и остросоциальной прозы его современников. А в период войны его свободомыслие помогало ему отстраниться от националистических и милитаристских настроений, царивших в то время в стране. Главным своим пристанищем он выбрал веселые кварталы Токио, самые дешевые публичные дома, которые без разрешения властей выросли на восточном берегу реки Сумида.
Shin Kamen Rider: Prologue
Iwao Himuro
Doctors Kazamatsuri and Onizuka are geneticists researching cures on diseases such as AIDS and cancer by performing experiments to strengthen the human body. The test subject is Shin Kazamatsuri, motorcycle racer son of Doctor Kazamatsuri. Unknown to them, their operation is funded by a syndicate group, who plan to use this research to have the bodies of men strengthened for their own gain—they have already been experimenting in the field of cyborg soldiers, to a less-than-successful attempt. However, they did not count on Onizuka's own secret ambitions; the mad Onizuka wanted to create a new species, by fusing a grasshopper's DNA with the test subject's, in order to start a new civilization and be their god. He has tested on himself, but seems to be having greater success with Shin.
Playtime Never Ends
Remade in Korea as Going by the Book.
Zato Schoolgirl Nami
Film about a schoolgirl and what not.
Inaba Masanari
The rise to power of the famed Lady Kasuga no Tsubone, who established the 'Ooku' (the women's quarters at Edo castle) and acted as nursemaid to Tokugawa Iemitsu, the future 3rd Shogun is chronicled in this historical drama. Intrigue and suspicion abound as the two brothers Iemitsu and Tadanaga vie for the post of Shogun, while behind the scenes the remnants of the defeated Toyotomi faction, lead by Lord Ishida Mitsunari attempt to discredit the Tokugawa Shogunate and regain their former position as rulers of the nation. The hidden battles between Shogun Hidetada's wife and mistresses of the 'Ooku' come to light as they force the two brothers into a life or death struggle.
The Silk Road
Weichi Kuang
In 1026, students in western China are shanghaied into the forces of crown prince Li Yuanhao of Xi Xia, who wants to control the length of the Silk Road. One student is Zhao Xingde, who becomes the favorite of his commander, Zhu Wangli. While sacking a fortress, Xingde discovers Tsurpia, princess of the Uighur. He hides her; they fall in love. When he's sent away to study Xixian, he leaves Tsurpia in Zhu's care, but returns to find her engaged to Li. Tragedy follows, and he and Zhu enter a pact to take revenge when Li arrives at Dun-Huang, the region's seat of learning and culture. Against overwhelming odds, they find a surprising way to leave a monument to their life and love.
Kyofu no Yacchan
MacArthur's Children—Part II
A continuation of the story of the postwar years in the Japanese Inland Sea. Now a decade has passed. Two friends meet and decide to look for the beautiful girl with whom they went to school as children.
Wandering -SASURAI-
A high school girl becomes convinced that her mother, who was said to have died fourteen years ago, is alive and residing in Hokkaido.
Bakumatsu seishun graffiti: Ronin Sakamoto Ryoma
Aritomo Yamagata
I Want To Live Once More: Shinjuku Bus Fire Incident
On the night of August 19, 1980, a bus was set on fire by the vagrant Hirofumi Maruyama at the Shinjuku West Exit Bus Terminal. In the burning flames, Mitsuko, who was exhausted by her affair, suddenly thought of suicide. As a result, she escaped too late from the bus and suffered a serious injury. From there, she was hospitalized for a long time. As she gradually recovered, the wife of her affair partner, Soroku Sugihara, died of cancer. Soroku proposed to Mitsuko again, and they lived together. Due to Soroku's mounting debt, they decided to flee to Tojinbo. With the desperate persuasion of her acquaintances, Mitsuko regained her desire to "live again."
Detective Kyosuke Kozu's Murder Reasoning II
Reportage writer Kenzo has made an interview appointment with Morishima, the mastermind behind the political and business world. On that day, Morishima is killed and a 200 million yen diamond is stolen. The diamond was brought by jeweler Kuhara to sell to Morishima. A woman named Maki who was present and disappeared immediately after the incident is suspicious. However, the site is a completely closed room. Kenzo's older brother, Matsushita, the chief of the investigation section, also shook his head...
The Wangan Highway
Based on the novel of the same name by Yoshio Kataoka.
The Man from Shimizu
On the day his mother dies, young gambler Jirocho swears in front of her grave that he'll never gamble again. But, that night, Jirocho heads to a gambling den, where he bets the condolence money for his mother's funeral. No surprise to learn he loses the lot. Not the hard-boiled yakuza story it seems, this is a comedy featuring many new artists who were making a name for themselves at the time.
Yami no Kairaishi
Козёл отпущения
Главный герой фильма актёр второго плана Ясу. Он снимается вместе со своим другом Гинсиро, очень известным и популярным актёром. Однажды Гинсиро приходит к Ясу домой вместе с актрисой Конацу, которая беременна от Гинсиро, и, чтобы избежать скандала, они просят Ясу жениться на Конацу и стать отцом её ребёнка. Конацу тяжело переносит беременность, и её каждый день навещает Ясу. В это время, чтобы заработать больше денег, он соглашается на опасную роль с трюками. Когда Конацу выходит из больницы, она начинает открывать для себя настоящего Ясу и решает выйти за него замуж. Как-то раз появляется Гинсиро и жалуется на то, что у него наступила чёрная полоса в жизни и Ясу, чтобы поддержать друга соглашается, снятся в одном с ним фильме со сложным трюком. В день съёмок между друзьями происходит неожиданная ссора. Конацу очень переживает за Ясу, и в момент трюка она теряет сознание, но когда приходит в себя, она видит Ясу обнимающего их дочку.
The Moon Mask Rider
The Moon Mask Rider is a tokusatsu movie produced by Purumie International/Herald Enterprises and distributed by Nippon Herald Pictures, was released theatrically on March 14, 1981. Considered Japan's answer to the American box-office fiasco, The Legend of the Lone Ranger (released the same year), this updated version of the Moonlight Mask legend bombed at the Japanese box-office. Daisuke Kuwahara (who, like Klinton Spilsbury , disappeared from doing films) plays George Owara (Moon Mask Rider's new alter-ego), and the rest of the cast made up of veteran action starlets: Sue Shihomi, Daijiro Harada and Takayuki Godai.
Truck Rascals X: Hometown Express
Momojiro and Jonathan go to Kochi on a ferry. On the ferry a singer called Yuka dropped her sheet music into the ocean. Momojiro helps her by diving in to collect the sheets for her and ends up falling in love.
Love and Faith
Sen Rikyu is a ceremonial tea master who advises warlord Hideyoshi in sixteenth-century feudal Japan. His daughter, the beautiful Lady Ogin, has an unrequited love for Lord Ukon, who has angered Hideyoshi by becoming a Christian convert. Ogin's father Rikyu also displeases Hideyoshi by opposing the warlord's plan to invade China and Korea. When the animalistic Hideyoshi is rejected by Ogin, he threatens her and her father with arrest and worse.
По мотивам повести классика японской литературы Дзюнъитиро Танидзаки "История Сюнкин" (1933). Слепая Сюнкин достигла мастерства в игре на музыкальных инструментах. Саскэ поклоняется ей, как богине, и готов терпеть любые испытания, чтобы быть возле неё. Открытая эротичность сюжета рождает фильм, наполненный психоаналитическими символами и фантазиями.
Железный треножник
Bel Boy
Сюжет классической пьесы рассказывает о женщине, которая превратилась в демона, чтобы отомстить мужу, оставившему её ради молодой возлюбленной. Сила женской ревности так сильна, что даже величайший заклинатель Сэймэй Абэ не может победить проклятие. Чтобы спасти жизнь обреченных, он изготавливает их куклы в человеческий рост. Сбившийся с пути демон отступает, но обещает вернуться при первой возможности.
Kigeki: Hanayome sensô
Akira Satomi
Сегодня жить, умереть завтра
Michio Yamada
В основу фильма была положена книга Но-рио Нагаяма, совершившего серию преступлений, среди которых четыре убийства. Опираясь на нее, создатели картины исследуют причины, которые толкают девятнадцатилетних на путь преступлений, анализируют их психологию. Характер главного героя сформировался под влиянием воспоминаний о несчастном детстве. Чувство одиночества ожесточило его, он проходит через обиды, жестокость, безразличие и, доведенный до отчаяния, становится убийцей.
Эрос + Убийство
В центре событий анархист Сакаэ Осуги и его возлюбленная Ноэ Ито, которые были задушены 16 сентября 1923 года по приказу лейтенанта военнной полиции Амакасу. Вместе с ними был убит 6-летний племянник Осуги. По задумке режиссера молодые студенты реконструируют шаг за шагом взаимотношения между Осуги и тремя женщинами, с которыми он открыто поддерживал связь.