After years of mass tourism in the Alps, a rethinking is slowly taking place. Whether researchers, artists or philosophers, many are trying to approach the essence of the mountains in new ways.
Cheaters and cheated, wage dumping and moonlighting – up close and personal with the labor market inspectors Frédy, Regula, Marcos, Stefan and Chrümu.
Evžen lives a bohemian life in Prague. An unexpected trip back to his homeland Switzerland confronts him with the smuggled crocodile Karlchen, his father’s sustained delusion and the grotesque charm of the bourgeoisie.
Late at night, the psychologist Eliane Hess is called to the hospital to take care of Yves, an eight-year-old boy, who just has lost his parents and siblings in a car accident. Eliane is both shocked and curiously drawn to the traumatized boy. As time goes by, she loses the professional distance to the patient, and when Yves' relatives begin a heavy dispute about the boy's future, Eliane makes an unorthodox decision, that throws her life off track.
Страшное в своей жестокости документальное изобличение охотников-туристов, убивающих ради "спортивного интереса". Цивилизованные европейцы целыми семьями приезжают в Африку, чтобы пострелять в красивейших животных, сфотографироваться рядом с их трупами, а после их разделывания украсить добытыми трофеями свои интерьеры.
Fifteen-year-old Matteo is attractive, albeit somewhat effeminate. The whole world is against him. He has no friends and his parents seem to live in a different universe. The pressure increases as his awkward attempts to win his father’s respect fail. One night two men carry him off: his parents send him to a remote alp, where he is forced to spend the summer working hard on a family farm. When Matteo arrives on the alp, a surprise awaits him.
When Hans looks back, he must say: That was a good life! He saw the world, loved his wife Martha and yes, two, three things went wrong. But that doesn't need to be talked about. And now? Two years ago Martha died, Hans can barely manage his daily routine anymore, and after a visit to the vet his beloved dog Miller doesn't return home. Hans is tired. Basically he can't be bothered anymore. He wants to die. But one doesn't talk about this. At best maybe with Willi, his friend. He trusts in him, he considers him as his ally, who should help him implement his plan...
Filmmaker Ulrich Seidl explores of the dark underside of the human psyche by entering Austrian basements fitted out as private domains for secrets and fetishes.
Её мать уезжает в Кению в поисках мальчиков, готовых предоставить ей любовные услуги. Её тетя — католик, с головой поглощённая проповедованием Евангелия. А 13-летняя Мелани проводит свои каникулы в диетическом лагере в Австрийских горах. В перерывах между физическими упражнениями и консультациями по вопросам питания, ночными боями подушками и тайными соревнованиями «кто больше выпьет» на местной дискотеке она влюбляется в доктора и по совместительству директора лагеря, который старше её на сорок лет…
Анна-Мария, по профессии рентгенотехник, уверена, что рай — там, где Иисус. Она посвящает весь свой отпуск миссионерской работе, чтобы Австрию можно было вернуть на путь добродетели. Ежедневно она совершает паломничество по Вене,: ходит от дома к дому с полуметровой статуей девы Марии. В один прекрасный день после многих лет отсутствия домой возвращается ее муж, мусульманин из Египта, прикованный к инвалидному креслу.
Gaudi's Sagrada Familia has been continuously under construction since 1882.
Если даме слегка за пятьдесят, означает ли, что её сексуальная жизнь закончилась?! В строгой, флегматичной Австрии, откуда родом наша героиня Тереза, — вполне вероятно. Но в жаркой, чувственной Кении, куда она собралась в отпуск, секс только начинается! Ведь здесь к услугам любой белой женщины десятки черных жрецов любви с белозубой улыбкой и отменной эрекцией. Проблема «активного» отдыха для дам пост-бальзаковского возраста лишь в одном: вулкан доступной эротики детонирует невостребованный запас нежных чувств, которые безжалостно разбиваются о неприступную меркантильность местных альфонсов.
Иран 1953. На фоне военного путча, спровоцированного активными действиями агентов ЦРУ США и британской разведки, четыре женщины — богатая домохозяйка, проститутка, старая дева и молодая женщина, которая хочет выйти замуж, пытаются изменить свои судьбы.
Две отдельные судьбы. Два разных вектора. Ольга, медсестра с Украины, бросает свою семью, чтобы искать лучшую жизнь на Западе и в итоге работает уборщицей в доме престарелых в Австрии. Пауль, безработный охранник из Вены, ищет причину вставать по утрам, отправляется вместе с отчимом на Восток и в итоге оказывается на Украине. Двое молодых людей, жаждущие начать новую жизнь, столкнулись с суровой реальностью. Две истории о поисках счастья и материальной выгоды, о темных сторонах сексуальности и смерти и о том, как трудно чистить зубы чучелу лисы.
Истории жителей Лос-Анджелеса, чьи судьбы пересеклись благодаря их любимым собакам.
A revealing and devastating portrait of a trio of aspiring real-life Viennese models. Vivian will stop at nothing to be a magazine cover girl. Lisa fills her time with routine plastic surgery and cocaine binges, while innocent Tanja focuses on the mystical through tarot cards, yoga, and raw animal energy.
Ever had an idea for a film? Ever actually visualised this film in your mind? Or even sketched out scenes and camera angles? Plenty of film buffs have. Michael Glawogger invited 12 people to talk about their ideas for a film and then shot short fragments for them. The result is a crime-story-erotic-lyrical-experimental-vampire-fantasy-horror-soap-opera-splatter-trash-road-movie-melodrama posing as a documentary!
In conurbations where hundreds of thousands live alongside one another, in the era of a highly technological society, in which communication has never played such a significant role, man has become lonely. Disappointed by his fellow human beings, he turns to animals. Dogs and other domestic animals serve him as companions, life partners, cuddly objects and bedfellows.
Successful actress returns to her family home in rural Austria to visit her ailing father and her sister who spent her whole life taking care of him and her family. The reunion is marked by jealousy, introspection and a secret.
Successful actress returns to her family home in rural Austria to visit her ailing father and her sister who spent her whole life taking care of him and her family. The reunion is marked by jealousy, introspection and a secret.
Looks at two communities on either side of the Czech-Austrian border. There's an elderly man in Austria looking for a new wife, and he meets a lone single woman on the Czech side of the border.
Two women in two different countries leading different lives. One lives in Austria, one in Yugoslavia, yet their lives become strangely entangled for a moment in time. What if you wake up in somebody else's head and the city around you isn't the one you used to know?
Pictures of everyday life of an old woman: During the week she waits for one event, the visit of her daughter on Sunday.
A man reads a book. Ordinary enough, except that he is sentenced to death and scheduled to be shot in ten minutes. Obviously, he will not get to the end of the story. Based on an unfinished short story by Arthur Schnitzler.
Margreet Honig, eighty-four years old, is an internationally sought-after Dutch singing teacher. She teaches all over Europe and works with world-famous singers. She has developed her very own way of working.