Jean Galland

Jean Galland

Рождение : 1887-05-28, Laval, Mayenne, France

Смерть : 1967-07-18


Jean Galland


Docteur Glass
Le Docteur Glass
The Black Indies
Sir Elphiston
In 1870s Scotland mining engineer James Starr is asked by former colleague Simon Ford, who's living inside the abandoned Aberfoyle mine, to help solve mysterious occurrences taking place inside the mine.
The Adventures of Salavin
Le patron
Finding himself unemployed overnight, Louis Salavin lets himself go into an incurable laziness despite the support of his friends and his mother...
Jeff Gordon, Secret Agent
Le commissaire
Jeff Gordon, FBI agent, infiltrates a gang and finds himself in the midst of a gang war.
Благородный Станислас, секретный агент
Colonel Derblay
По воле случая, Станислас Эварист Дюбуа, скромный сотрудник рекламного агентства, вовлекается в опасные игры разведок и контрразведок. Ему приходится, против воли, привыкать к необычному ритму жизни, запоминать пароли и явки, стремительно поедать записки, которые не должны попасть в руки врагов.
Странный прихожанин
Жорж Лашанэй — старший сын в известном аристократическом семействе, ныне разорённом, но свято соблюдающем праздный образ жизни. Однажды его посещает озарение: он решает обеспечить семье привычный образ жизни и даже вновь разбогатеть при помощи краж из церковных кружек и ящиков для пожертвований.
The Doll
An avant-garde political satire that takes place in a mythical country in South America. The dictator has been replaced by a look-alike revolutionary, and the dictator's wife has been replaced by a robot.
Monseigneur de Larigaudie
Les Trois Chapeaux claques
le militaire en retraite
For 7 years Don Dionisio has been engaged to Marguerite, a young girl from a good family. Every year he comes from the distant village where he is a civil servant to spend a day with his beloved. But that evening is the last time he moves in with Don Rosario, the innkeeper: the next day he marries Marguerite. But the arrival of a troupe of music hall artists who settle in the neighboring rooms and the meeting with the pretty Paula, will disturb his projects ...
A Swelled Head
A man inherits an old house in a very bad condition. With the help of a young mechanic, he begins to renovate this house.
Wise Guys
l' Oncle Arthur
In Paris in the early 1960s, Ronald is a son of a good family, with a carefree, pleasure-oriented life. He is one of the leading figures in the small world of Saint-Germain-des-Prés. Following a trivial parking incident, he meets Arthur, a young man with a straight face who hurts his pride. It is at this moment that Ambroisine, a beautiful young woman, appears... she will be the instrument of Ronald's revenge.
Le rendez-vous de minuit
Le médecin
A woman becomes distressed by the resemblance between the plot of a film and the reality of her own life. But what is reality: life or film?
Head Against the Wall
Maître Gérane
An aimless young man is committed to a psychiatric hospital by his father in an attempt to cure him of his delinquent tendencies.
Baron Eggersdorf
Трогательная мелодрама, снятая по роману популярного в начале века Артура Шницлера, повествующая о трагической любви молодой девушки к красавцу-драгуну, снятая в Техноколоре, почему-то достучалась до моего сердца. Возможно, в этом виновата Шнайдер, невероятно милая и обаятельная, немного похожая на Ингрид Бергман. Делон и Шнайдер, впервые встретились и полюбили друг друга на съемках именно этого фильма, и химия любви вспыхнувшей так явственно, бурлит в каждом кадре картины, что чуственная магия захлестывает и самого зрителя. На пробах к фильму все шло как-то не так… У Алена ничего не получалось, он чувствовал себя слоном в посудной лавке. «Что сегодня с парнем? Чем вы его напугали? — кричал режиссер. — Куда делась его наглость? Он же зажат! И костюм велик, надо поменять. Ален, давай еще раз попробуем. Помни, что это совершенно другое время, надо быть легче, изысканнее!»
Пешком, верхом и на машине
M. Cordier
Сказка о любви богатого парня и девушки из простой семьи бухгалтера со счастливым концом…
Здравствуй, доктор
The first specialist
О трудной, утомительной, но благородной и гуманной профессии — профессии участкового врача — рассказывает фильм. Кто в этом парижском квартале не знает доктора Форже? В любое время дня и ночи, в любую непогоду ходит доктор по лестницам и квартирам своего квартала. Везде его встречают по-разному: кто с надеждой, кто с радостью, кто с тревогой, но все ждут от него облегчения, совета, помощи, и не только в медицинских вопросах, но часто и в житейских делах. Он нигде не чужой, он все знает о своих пациентах, и они любят его, веря этому доброму, немного ворчливому человеку, для которого его незаметная, обыденная работа — самое высокое призвание, главное дело всей его жизни. Поэтому так приветливо и тепло звучат слова «Здравствуй, доктор!», которыми встречают его все жители этого большого парижского квартала.
Foreign Intrigue
Victor Danemore
Millionaire Victor Danemore, living on the French Riviera, dies suddenly of a heart attack. His secretary, Dave Bishop, wants to know more about his employer's life. Surprisingly, not even his young wife knows anything about her husband's background or how he earned his fortune. Clues lead Bishop to Vienna and Stockholm, where he learns that Danemore was blackmailing people who cooperated with the Nazis during World War II.
Лола Монтес
Private Secretary
Немолодая уже, но всё ещё очаровательная танцовщица и авантюристка Лола Монтес даёт последнее представление в цирке, отвечая на глупые вопросы публики. В цветном и хаотичном водовороте перед зрителями пролетает её жизнь. Серьезный взгляд на европейскую культуру через призму романсов Лолы Ментес, хитрой куртизанки и сообразительной танцовщицы из цирка. Красивый, изысканный и прописанный до деталей фильм Макса Офюльса удивляет своей эстетической глубиной.
Marianne of My Youth
le capitaine
In a Bavarian forest, the pupils of a boarding school are about to have their lives changed by the arrival of Vincent, a young man who can charm wild animals with his guitar. One day Vincent ventures across the lake and meets the mysterious Marianne...
Сын Каролины Шери
Marquis de Villa-Campo
В поисках романтики и славы молодой Жуан Арандо отправляется в испанскую армию, выступающую против Наполеона. С тех пор, как благородный искатель приключений покинул родной замок, судьба закружила его в невероятном круговороте событий. Доблесть, приключения, женщины.. Все, что Жуан мечтал получить от жизни сбылось, но только старая семейная тайна укажет ему путь к настоящей любви.
The Adventurer of Seville
Don Bartolo
Bandits kidnap Figaro, the famous barber of Seville, and use his wonderful voice to attract travelers and rob stagecoaches. Because of this, the police chases him as an accomplice of the bandits. Then Figaro decides to join the army as a volunteer to fight in Puerto Rico. He returns covered with glory and his faults are condoned. However, the adventures of Figaro continue in Seville in the false scene of the aristocracy
Michel Boëldieu
На фоне множества целителей, практикующих по городам и весям Бретани, месье Лоран из Динана стоит особняком. Его диагнозы всегда точны, стол ломится от писем благодарных пациентов и имеется в активе настоящее чудо – оживление Луизы Мерьядек, пережившей клиническую смерть после сердечного приступа. Это событие до глубины души потрясло крестницу Луизы Изабель – она влюбилась в наделенного необычным даром человека и согласилась стать его женой. Черная кошка пробежала между влюбленными, когда Изабель узнала, что знаменитый целитель – на самом деле бывший врач Пьер Лашо, прежние коллеги которого готовы привлечь его к суду за незаконную медицинскую практику и злоупотребление доверием.
Мадам де…
Monsieur de Bernac
Франция конца 19-го — начала 20-го века. Жена состоятельного генерала, графиня Луиза, продает серьги, которые подарил ей супруг в день свадьбы, чтобы расплатиться с долгами. С этого начинается череда трагических недоразумений…
Бегство месье Перля
Docteur Briquet
Провинциальный булочник Бернар Перль, женатый на сварливой Жюльетт, едет в Париж для получения наследства. На Эйфелевой башне он встречает Мод, разыгрывающую самоубийство, влюбляется в неё и едет с ней в курортный город Дювиль, где проматывает все деньги. Мод исчезает с остатком наследства, а Перль симулирует амнезию, чтобы избежать объяснений с Жюльетт…
Три истории об удовольствии. Первая — о скрывающем свой возраст за маской мужчине, который во время бала пытается ухлестывать за женщинами. Вторая — об управляющей публичного дома, которая везет своих работниц на причастие к племяннице. Третья — о художнике, который влюбляется в свою натурщицу.
Эдуард и Каролина
Claude "Uncle" Mortier
Молодожены Эдуард и Каролина отправляются на вечеринку. Бедный пианист Эдуард должен сыграть перед знакомыми дяди Каролины. Но ссора из-за пустяка приводит к серьезному конфликту, грозящему закончиться разводом…
L'homme sans nom
Vincent Berteaux aka Monsieur Vincent
Monsieur Vincent is the respected healer of a Basque village. But nobody knows that Vincent Berteaux used to be a surgeon in Paris. When Assomption, a young holidaymaker, arrives in the village in the company of her mother, little does Vincent know that the past returns to his life.
The Lost Woman
Marie, a young bourgeois and Jean, a cargo sailor have an affair, she becomes pregnant but he has to go back to the sea. Marie leaves for Paris where she meets Pierre and marries him. War breaks out, Jean and Pierre will befriend each other on the front.
Andorra or The Bronze Men
A man is killed smuggling contraband through the Pyrenees Alps. He leaves behind a pregnant woman who must go on.
Vie privée
Jean Dorcier
Beautiful and adored by the public, the great actress Florence once faulted with Remi, a disreputable individual. A little girl was born who lives in the countryside. Dorcier, the director, would like to marry Florence and wonders about her private life and her past existence. A jealous rival unleashes slander.
Those of the Sky
An airplane manufacturer asks his son-in-law to try out the prototypes he builds. This one ends up having an accident because of fatigue, and pushes the sacrifice to help his rival.
Nadia la femme traquée
Serge Vrony
A group of political exiles conspire in France against their government. They are pursued by Daminoff, head of the intelligence service of the country of origin of the conspirators, who uses Nadia, a singer who soon betrays him by taking up the cause of his compatriots. Dramatic chases ensue until Daminoff, having tracked down Nadia and her friends, fires on Chief André and seizes the secret plans. But these are false. André, injured, is stricken with amnesia. Seeing Nadia again, he will become himself again and marry her.
Le Danube bleu
Anika is the most beautiful girl of her clan and has for pretenders the gypsy Sandor and the rich Féry. When Féry is assassinated, Sandor is accused of the murder. Anika, with the help of a fortune teller decides to find out what happened.
Brazza, or The Epic of the Congo
Léopold II
The voyages of Pierre Savorgnan de Brassa through Africa. This great explorer, the founder of Brazzaville (Congo), was born in Italy but chose France as his motherland.
"Menaces" deals with the months before WW2 in a hotel :t he fear of the impending war never leaves the guests of an hotel in Paris.
Savage Brigade
The duel between a Czarist general and a lieutenant, over the general's wife, is postponed with war approaching. Years later, the rivals meet again but the general realizes his wife has been faithful to him after all.
Cordial Agreement
Le général Kitchener
The film depicts events between the Fashoda crisis in 1898 and the 1904 signing of the Entente Cordiale creating an alliance between Britain and France and ending their historic rivalry. It was based on the book King Edward VII and His Times by André Maurois. It was made with an eye to its propaganda value, following the Munich Agreement of September 1938 and in anticipation of the outbreak of a Second World War which would test the bonds between Britain and France in a conflict with Nazi Germany.
The Novel of Werther
Albert Hochstätter
Herr Werther, a new magistrate to the Grand Duchy of Walheim who is a violinist and poet, seems to have fate on his side as he meets and pursues a beautiful local woman, Charlotte. But as Werther sets to propose marriage, Charlotte reluctantly tells him she has been promised to another, Werther's superior, Judge Hochstätten. Werther and Charlotte decide to keep their romance from the judge and each descends into depression. Will they be able to keep their feelings a secret?
Southern Bar
Le baron Arnold
Baron Arnold, a businessman, takes his young wife to Africa where he instructs her to seduce Captain Olivier, an intelligence officer. But Olivier illuminates the baroness on the unsavory activities of her husband as a weapons dealer and entrepreneur of revolutions.
Human Freight
Captain Rose
1915, in invaded Belgium, the Germans seek in vain to dismantle the organization of the smugglers of men who help volunteers to cross the Dutch border.
Les hommes de proie
Marice Vauzelle
A blackmailer is murdered. Vauzelle, the lover of the beautiful Michelle Korany, is suspected because he was the one who was being blackmailed.
La danseuse rouge
Doctor Karl
Tania, a young girl from Central Europe, leaves her home because of her abusive father. Trained, in spite of herself, in the nets of the secret services, she becomes a renowned dancer who travels the major capitals, in search of military information. In 1917, in Paris, she was arrested and sentenced to death. She will be executed despite the fervent defense of her lawyer who has fallen in love with her.
Marthe Richard
Von Falken
Fictionalized reconstruction of the life of the French spy Marthe Richard who decided to contact the secret services during the First World War.
The Unknown
Thomas Bentick
The body of an unknown beautiful woman is fished out of the river and leaves the policemen wondering what drove the girl to such a grisly fate. The film then flashes back to months before, showing the torrid love affair between a young cabaret singer and a rich playboy that ultimately results in tragedy for the girl.
27, rue de la Paix
Maître Jean Bernard
A young woman wishing to divorce, promises money to her husband's ex-mistress to obtain her testimony on her behalf. But the same evening, the corpse of the young woman is found in the Seine. Everything seems to confirm the husband's guilt, however a journalist disappears with the evidence.
The House of the Spaniard
A man ignores a warning to stay away from a sinister house on marshland near Liverpool; when someone drowns close by, he finds the evidence doesn’t add up…
Disk 413
Count Goldi Illeano
A secret message is on a recording, a man who had disappeared for a while may be trying to steal it.His wife, a singer, teams up with a spy chief she has met to confront her husband.
Princess Tam Tam
Maharajah of Datane
A French novelist passes off an African shepherdess as a princess.
Second Bureau
Lieutenant Van Strammer
Captain Benoît manages to take possession of the plans of a new German airplane. The German counter-espionage assigns one of their agents, beautiful Erna Fiedler, to seduce Benoît and to eliminate him. But the two spies fall in love.
Le mystère Imberger
Inspector Barfin
For sentimental reasons, Monsieur Imberger, a fifty-year-old, disappears. Everyone thinks he was murdered but repeatedly he reappears. Inspector Barfin takes care of this mystery...
Henry Saint-Clair
The happiness of a newly-married couple, Henry and Jeannie Saint Clair, is shattered when the husband is made a paralytic in an automobile accident. The wife still loves him, although he is incapable of any physical love. She is slowly drawn into a short-lived affair with a handsome athlete, Robert Vanier. When the husband learns of the affair, he commits suicide. But the wife cannot forget him and she sends her lover away.
Marchand d'amour
Jack Stephen
A genius director whose daring and sensual films have earned him the nickname "The Merchant of Love", claims to escape commercial contingencies and direct the film of his life on his own. It is a resounding failure that leads him to the forfeiture from which the fate of a woman's love.
Cease Firing
When the war is over, a captain finds it very difficult to reintegrate into civilian life. Nothing happens, neither in journalism nor in insurance.
Monsieur Haviland
Dr. Holk leads an isolated and lonely existence in a small, Dutch colony in the tropics. Having fled from love and civilization, his only companions now are alcohol and his work, which takes him to villages ravaged by dirt, fever and a strange illness which turns innocent people into madmen: Amok. One day, he is called on by Helene Haviland, who asks him to abort her lover's child before her husband returns from abroad. Even though Holk is enchanted by her seductive beauty, he haughtily refuses her request. Rejected, the woman turns to a Chinese practitioner. When Holk tracks her down in a dirty dive, it's already too late for the two of them.
Le Scandale
Comte Artanezzo
A woman suffers ill repute when she deserts her husband for a fling with an adventurer and gives the lover jewelry to pay the hotel bill. Will the husband be understanding and forgive her?
The Barber of Seville
Count Almaviva
Based on an opera by Rossini and an opera by Mozart, taken from the work of Beaumarchais.
Un certain monsieur Grant
Le capitaine Gordon
The Oil Sharks
Pierre Ugron
The plot revolves around an oil swindle in a South American country.
Le jugement de minuit
Lawyer Maurice Meister
The mysterious vigilante Milton has warned Scotland-Yard of his intention to kill the lawyer Maurice Meister who is the cause of his sister's suicide. Police and detectives watch over the lawyer's home, but on the day and at the appointed time Meister is murdered.
Mater Dolorosa
One of the most popular melodrama films directed by Abel Gance. A paranoide, fanatical and obsessively jealous husband obducts his own son to bully his wife.
Un client de province
Doctor Planturel
Doctor Planturel who is leaving for a vacation, hires a new servant too hastily. Now, Victor, the alleged domestic, is in fact a robber whose only aim is to burglar the doctor's house. But when a client comes to consult Planturel, he must keep up the appearances. That is why he asks his accomplice Fanchonnet to play the role of the doctor.
Fantômas le prince du mal / Görn / Etienne Rambert
Неуловимый грабитель здесь жесток, как никогда. Он первым делом сообщает собравшимся в особняке знатным людям, что в полночь один из них умрёт.
Деревянные кресты
Capitaine Cruchet
Франция 1914 года, окопная война. Перед нами разворачиваются судьбы Жильбера Демаши, студента юрфака, ушедшего добровольцем на фронт; Сюльфара, заводского рабочего, взявшего над ним шефство сразу после его прибытия на передовую; капрала Бреваля, который был пекарем "на гражданке", а теперь безуспешно ждёт письма от жены. Фильм описывает безнадёжность и ужасы Первой мировой войны — мрачно, бескомпромиссно и правдиво.