Marina Daunia

Marina Daunia


Marina Daunia


Бывшая красотка и певичка Вильма вместе со своей молодой подругой Нинеттой по прозвищу «Кузнечик» колесит по Италии в поисках работы. В дороге они знакомятся с владельцем небольшого кафе-мотеля, который влюбляется в Вильму, предлагает ей выйти за него замуж и стать владелицей всего его имущества. Они женятся, а подруга Нинетта остается жить вместе с молодоженами и помогать по хозяйству. Но жизнь круто меняется для всех участников этой драмы, когда неожиданно появляется Саверия, юная сексапильная дочь Вильмы.
Fever of 40!
Ring of Darkness
Once a Satanist who surrendered her soul and body to the devil himself, Carlotta Rhodes begins to regret her tryst with Lucifer when her teenage daughter, Daria, starts showing the evil influence of dear old Dad. Convinced that she can stop the devil's power on earth, Carlotta calls upon an exorcist for help.
Love Hotel - Full Service
Helen, sorella di Paolo (as Marina D'Aunia)
A very hot young man is discovered by his father in very compromising circumstances with the servant and decides send him to spend a vacation with his mother. The boy, against his will, obeys and stays at the hotel that runs his progenitor and that is really a brothel. The son starts there a true love marathon because it is so well endowed sexually that it is a phenomenon. The usual hotel guests fall as you show before their rare and unstoppable abilities. His performances will be prodigious.
A sexually adventurous couple finds their sordid affairs may ultimately be their undoing in director Jones Brown’s lurid thriller. Emotionally starved and desperate to experience new thrills, a bored housewife gets what she asked for when her bored husband begins pimping her out to the wealthy and powerful. But when the seeds of deceit are planted, paranoia takes hold and plunges their fantasy world of pleasure into a bottomless pit of darkness.
Very Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind
Three nerdy students who have the hots for their sexy astronomy teacher hit upon the idea of pretending to be outer-space aliens, in the hopes of tricking her into going to bed with them.
Four female convicts break out of prison, and during their escape they take hostage a bus full of young female tennis players. They drive the bus to the house of the judge who originally sent them to prison, where--since this is after all a women-in-prison picture--the hostages undergo various forms of physical and sexual abuse in various degrees of nudity.
Forbidden Erotica
Mondo style fake documentary, revolving around the antics of comedian and voyeur Domenico.
Women's Camp 119
Jewish prisoner (as Marina D'Aunia)
A prisoner is forced to serve as a doctor's assistant, giving her a front row seat for the horrible goings-on. There's the experiment to revive Nazi soldiers who have frozen to death by having nude women rub their bodies all over the corpse (that one works), and the experiment tries to "cure" homosexual men by having nude women dance for them. This is only some of the horrors that are going on there.
The Three Superboys in the Snow
Cafer, bored with his marriage, works as a cashier. One day he is caught embezzling a large sum of money and ends up in prison. Piraeus Mehmet, Fırıldak Ömer and Cin Ali go to prison to ask him where the money is..
Частные владения СС
Frau Inge
Сотрудники СС создают частный публичный дом СС, девочки которого должны выведывать секреты и выявлять предателей Рейха. Готовят из них и убийц, что могут ликвидировать неугодных… Тех из девушек, кто отказывается от такой благородной роли, ждут пытки и казнь. Несогласных зверски насилуют. И фильм этот вовсе не заканчивается традиционным "хэппи-эндом", после бурной оргии в "частном доме" остаются только трупы. Тайна должна уйти вместе с ее носителями…
Vinella e Don Pezzotta
Maria 'la brutalona'