Chiara Schoras
Рождение : 1975-09-26, Elmshorn, Germany
Nada Lichter
Based on the bestselling biography: Entertainer Horst Lichter has barely had time to relax on his holiday when his mother calls him. In her own dry way, she tells him that she has been diagnosed with cancer and that things are not going well for her. Immediately Horst returns to his hometown with his wife Nada. Returning home brings back childhood memories - of a loving father and a mother who held the reins firmly in difficult situations. Horst tries his best to support his mother Margret - he organises doctor's appointments and tries to provide a little variety into her daily life, even though the relationship between mother and son has been strained for a long time: he counters his mother's edgy, frosty manner as he had learned to do when he was young. He emphasises the positive side of any situation and is always ready to respond with a snappy retort. When Margret learns how serious her illness really is, Horst begins to rethink his own life as well.
Tilda Jakob
Grandpa Oskar takes neither the truth nor himself very seriously. The rascal has just been released from prison, where he was serving a sentence for imposture. Since the ex-con needs a place to stay, he quartered himself in the old construction trailer in the farthest corner of the garden of his daughter Tilda, who is still mad at him. The senior soon meets his autistic granddaughter Fanny, whose antics and peculiarities threaten to break the family under. In contrast to the old man, the 8-year-old takes the truth very seriously. In order to gain their trust, Oskar does not introduce himself to the comic-loving girl as the criminal grandpa, who has been missing for years, but as Professor Krypton. For Fanny, who prefers to wear a brightly colored superhero costume and is teased at school for it, the omniscient mentor from the Superman planet comes along just at the right time, because she has a dream: To win the talent competition at school!
Nora Jacob
Margret Tilney (archive footage)
Что делать, если твое сердце разбито, а чувства растоптаны? Часами болтать по телефону с лучшей подругой? Есть шоколад и валяться в кровати, обливаясь слезами? Как жаль, что у Гвендолин совершенно нет на это времени. А все потому, что на семнадцатом году жизни у нее совершенно случайно обнаружился ген путешественника во времени. Голова идет кругом: хронограф, круг крови, Тайна Двенадцати, все эти балы, суаре, схватки и путешествия по темным лабиринтам прошлого, а теперь еще кто-то за ней охотится, и единственное, о чем ей действительно стоит думать, так это о том, чтобы выжить! Все нити ведут в прошлое, к таинственному графу Сен-Жермену, который ведет опасную игру, чтобы заполучить источник вечной жизни. А тут разбитое сердце! Гидеон, кто же ты — друг или враг? Что значат твои признания в любви — шутка, разыгранный как по нотам план графа или все же настоящее чувство? Разгадать все тайны Гвендолин помогут ее верные друзья.
Frauke Werner-Kröllmann
Cathérine Daeron
A journalist bites off more than she can chew investigating a deadly secret.
Margret Tilney
Приключения юной Гвендолин Шеферд продолжаются. Она начинает все больше узнавать о тайнах мира путешественников во времени. Ей предстоит разгадать больше загадок и научиться быть светской леди для приемов в 18 веке. Гвендолин узнает больше о своей семье, в первую очередь о ее дедушке Лукасе. Также Гвен подозревает, что Гидеон скрывает что-то от нее, возможно какую-то сокровенную страшную тайну… Но с появлением нового, слегка надоедливого друга Ксемериуса, девушке становится легче преодолевать все препятствия на пути.
Lissy is looking forward to her big day. Her wedding with Robert is actually perfectly organized - the icing on the cake would be the presence of her father, Valentin. For such romantic fits her big sister Bernadette has no understanding. Her producer left early and never looked after his daughters again. Instead, he was thundering through the world as a musician. If it were up to Bernadette, then her father could stay where the pepper grows. As the charming Chaot emerges surprisingly, he brings the wedding and some present quite confused.
Frauke Werner-Kröllmann
A mother is good. Several mothers at once are hell! Conny is 37 years old and has so far let her life being arranged by others - especially by her husband Lawrence. Lorenz has made the previous gray mouse, a trophy wife and offers her a carefree life. And so Conny falls from the clouds, when her husband announced her at dinner that he wants a divorce. Of necessity Conny pulls together the two children in the ancient house of Lorenz deceased mother and realized with horror that from now on everything will be different. Since it holds its own for non-viable, she clings to a clique of high-society mothers...
Margret Tilney
Живущая в Лондоне шестнадцатилетняя Гвендолин Шеферд случайно узнает, что обладает уникальным геном путешественника во времени, который унаследовала от прапрабабушки. Теперь девушка может ежедневно переноситься в прошлое, и с каждым днем загадок становится все больше. Что такое «Тайна Двенадцати»? Кто охотится на путешественников во времени в прошлом? И почему все вокруг думают, что она обладает какой-то «магией ворона»?
Lisa Lüttmer
Lilli Lechner
Anna Lechner loves her work as a flower wholesaler in Amsterdam and has found her dream husband, Ed Verkerk, an ambitious tulip grower. But when her father dies, he makes her promise to take care of her younger sister Lilli. Since a serious childhood car accident, in which the mother died, Lilli is handicapped and full of complexes. Anna stays in Munich for the time being to help Lilli and thus puts her luck to risk with Ed. Lilli, however, gets to know the doctor Lorenz and hovers in the seventh heaven. But Anna is suspicious. which Lilli completely misinterprets.
Lotta Basalle
Giulia Trapani
Episodes about different stages of relationships: from flirtation to falling out of love.
Lea Lorentz
Ruth is an attractive, independent woman in her early 50s who has always lived for her daughter. But Lea, now in her mid-20s, is starting to break away from her dominant mother. In this difficult and conflicting time between mother and daughter, Lea suddenly falls ill with multiple sclerosis. In Ruth, a terrible suspicion begins to germinate: Lea may have been poisoned by intensive contact with solvents in the printing house where she has a student job. When Ruth voices her fear, the company turns on the works attorney Robert. He turns out to be Ruth's old childhood sweetheart.
Maja Deutz
Christina 'Tina' Lenz
As a rule, the right son-in-law still has to be baked - especially if he takes half of the family business with the marriage. This is exactly the last will of Charlotte Hansen's just deceased uncle, owner of a thriving Hanseatic tea account. Unfortunately, the heir, Charlotte's daughter Sandra, often makes a bad choice in terms of relationships, according to her mother. So also fits the current friend of her daughter, a windy nightclub owner, so not in Charlotte's scheme.
Непростые времена наступили для древнего монашеского ордена канторов — аббат скончался, монастырь разваливается, да и платить аренду нечем, так как нет доходов. К счастью в Италии осталась последняя обитель ордена, и теперь трем монахам — Бэнно, Тассило и Арбо — предстоит нелегкий путь. Сумеют ли они противостоять соблазнительным искушениям ужасного мира грешников, и в первую очередь — симпатичный Арбо, всю жизнь проведший в монастырских стенах?
Lena Resky
В ноябре 1924 года произошло странное событие, шокировавшее знаменитую «фабрику грез». Во время круиза на яхте всемогущего медиа-магната Хёрста был убит знаменитый продюсер и режиссер Томас Инс. Однако об этом не писала пресса, не было проведено расследование, и только невероятные слухи о тайном заговоре и паутине безумных страстей и беззастенчивой лжи, опутавшей неподражаемого Чарли Чаплина, легендарного Уильяма Хёрста, его очаровательную юную любовницу Мэрион Дэвис и несчастную жертву, помогли спустя много лет нарисовать картину загадочного происшествия, правда о котором умерла вместе с «золотой эпохой» сказочного Голливуда…
Produced and directed by seven Munich Film School students, Honolulu takes place not in Hawaii, but inside of a rural town just outside of Munich, Germany. Several vignettes, lasting approximately 10 to 15 minutes each, are connected by one of the town’s public bus routes, outside of which two men booze the night away while waiting for the bus to make its rounds.
6 Friends, 1 Killer, No Mercy! Slow moving thriller that builds up towards a nerve wrecking end.
Julia Kaufmann
Six students go to the Baltic island of Nordström with their archeology professor. The island has it all: after the geologist Berger has sunk into the moor with her only cell phone, one after the other blesses the temporal. What's going on here? Everyone suspects everyone ...
A new case for the energetic criminal investigation officer Beate Stein: The half-undressed corpse of a subway driver is found in a subway tunnel. It soon seems as if the perpetrator has been found in a convicted female murderer. But after his death, the murders continue ...
A convicted murderer holds the world hostage with a year 2000 virus in all the world's major computer systems.
Johannes Breutigam, a successful architect, is confronted with his real life on a New Year's Eve. His wife is cheating on him, his partner Losfeld has betrayed him and his company is on the verge of bankruptcy. Deeply depressed and desperate, he rents a hotel room on the 32nd floor. He writes a farewell letter to his wife and opens the window to jump into the depths. A young woman is standing on the window sill next door, apparently up to the same thing. With the promise to spend the last evening of the year with her, he manages to save her and himself for the time being. This is the beginning of a strange, romantic, comical story that takes place on a single New Year's Eve and in which two people change their lives