David Rose

Рождение : 1910-06-15, London, England, UK

Смерть : 1990-08-23


David Rose was a British music composer for film and television productions who worked in Hollywood. He was married to actress Judy Garland from 1941 to 1944.


Sound Effects Editor
В недалёком будущем, где фанатизм, направленный в сторону поп-кумиров, дошёл до такой степени, что поклонники с радостью приобретают вирусные заболевания своих идолов в специальных инфекционных лабораториях, которые с такой же радостью их продают.
Little House: Bless All the Dear Children
Original Music Composer
During preparation for Christmas baby Rose Wilder is kidnapped by the woman who recently lost her child. Looking for her Laura, Almanzo and Mr Edwards meet lonely orphan boy, who finally stays with that woman.
Suddenly, Love
Original Music Composer
Despite their different backgrounds working class Regina Malloy and wealthy Jack Graham fall in love leading to marriage and the birth of a son. All is bliss until tragedy strikes.
Killing Stone
Returning from prison after serving ten years on trumped-up charges, a freelance writer tries to uncover the truth behind a homicide involving the son of a U.S. senator in this pilot for a prospective series.
Ransom for Alice!
Original Music Composer
In 1890s Seattle, a deputy marshal and his female partner set out to bust up a ring that kidnaps teenage girls and sells them into prostitution.
Mosquito the Rapist
Original Music Composer
A deaf and dumb accountant suffers from a psychic trauma in his childhood. He is collecting puppets and mutilates female bodies in the mortuary. After his secret love died by an accident he starts to kill.
The Loneliest Runner
Original Music Composer
A young boy who still wets the bed finds escapism from his abusive mother and his own embarrassment by going running after school.
A Dream for Christmas
A Southern minister is assigned to a poor church in California where the congregation is drifting away and the church itself is scheduled for demolition.
You and Me and Him
A man has a three-way conversation between himself, his inner thoughts and as a psychiatrist. Part of the BBC Thirty Minute Theatre strand.
Along Came a Spider
Original Music Composer
Dr. Janet Furie comes to believe that her husband and fellow scientist were set up to die in a lab accident. She blames another scientist, not only for the murder but also for taking credit for her husband's groundbreaking work. When she can't prove her husband was murdered, she spins a web of intrigue and deceit that results in the suspected scientist being framed for another murder that never actually happened.
Омбре: Отважный стрелок
Original Music Composer
Когда Джон Рассел — белый американец, воспитанный в Аризоне индейским племенем, продает небольшую гостиницу, доставшуюся от отца, он вынужден вступить в конфликт с обществом, которое сам презирает. Джон покидает город в дилижансе, и настроенные против него пассажиры заставляют его ехать вместе с кучером. Но на обоз нападают разбойники, бросают пассажиров в пустыне — и Джон Рассел становится единственной надеждой этих людей на спасение и выживание!
Never Too Late
Original Music Composer
A 60-year-old lumber supply businessman is dismayed to learn his 50-year-old wife is pregnant. A film adaptation of the hit Broadway comedy, with Paul Ford repeating his stage role as the flabbergasted papa-to-be.
Пожалуйста, не ешь маргаритки
Лэрри Маккей, профессор колумбийского университета, становится ведущим театральным критиком Нью-Йорка и постепенно приобретает репутацию беспристрастного и порой безжалостного рецензента. Его жена Кейт мечтает о переезде в загородный дом, более подходящий для них и их четырёх сыновей, чем тесная нью-йоркская квартира. После переезда в деревню Кейт начинает принимать активное участие в постановке спектакля местными энтузиастами и совершенно довольна загородной жизнью. Лэрри же всё больше и больше погружается в театральную среду Нью-Йорка и вынужден разрываться между работой и семьёй.
Операция «Нижняя юбка»
Вторая мировая война позади. Контр-адмирал Мэтт Шерман прощается с подводной лодкой «Морской Тигр», на которой служил капитаном. Шерман читает бортовой журнал и вспоминает события давно минувших дней. Шел 1941 год. Спустя три дня после Перл-Харбора, его лодка получила серьезные повреждения во время воздушного налета в Манильском заливе. Тогда он принял решение поднять лодку в самый разгар вражеской атаки. Это была рискованная операция.
Public Pigeon No. 1
Swindlers con a lunchroom clerk into doing them a favor, supposedly on behalf of the FBI.
Jupiter's Darling
Rome is on the verge of being conquered by Hannibal. While Rome's ruler, Fabius Maximus, plots a defense against Hannibal's armies, Fabius' fiancée, Amytis, is curious about the fearless conqueror. Amytis travels to Hannibal's camp just to get a look at him, but she ends up being captured. However, she is instantly smitten by the Carthaginian commander, so she tries to shift his attentions away from Rome -- and to her instead.
Jupiter's Darling
Music Arranger
Rome is on the verge of being conquered by Hannibal. While Rome's ruler, Fabius Maximus, plots a defense against Hannibal's armies, Fabius' fiancée, Amytis, is curious about the fearless conqueror. Amytis travels to Hannibal's camp just to get a look at him, but she ends up being captured. However, she is instantly smitten by the Carthaginian commander, so she tries to shift his attentions away from Rome -- and to her instead.
Bright Road
Teachers at an all-black school fight to save a problem child.
Confidentially Connie
Texas cattleman Opie Bedloe comes to Maine to visit his son Joe, a college instructor, and his wife Connie in the hopes of persuading Joe to give up his teaching career and come back to Texas and take over the ranch. When Opie finds out that Connie, who is expecting a baby, can not afford the steaks she yearns for on Joe's salary, Opie, who believes that pregnant women gotta have meat, arranges for the local butcher, Spangenberg to cut his prices in half (with Opie paying the difference) so that Connie can have the meat she desires.
Everything I Have Is Yours
Music Director
A husband and wife act are hoping to find success on Broadway.
Everything I Have Is Yours
Original Music Composer
A husband and wife act are hoping to find success on Broadway.
Young Man with Ideas
A Montana lawyer gets distracted after moving to California with his wife and children.
The Underworld Story
A blacklisted reporter brings his shady ways to a small-town newspaper after being fired from a big city daily.
The Underworld Story
Original Music Composer
A blacklisted reporter brings his shady ways to a small-town newspaper after being fired from a big city daily.
Баззи Белью становится свидетелем убийства, совершенного гангстером Джексоном. Люди Джексона убивают Баззи, который уже в виде привидения решает помочь полиции посадить гангстера.
Крылатая победа
Pinky Scariano, Allan Ross, and Frankie Davis all join the Army Air Forces with hopes of becoming pilots. In training, they meet and become pals with Bobby Grills and Irving Miller, and the five struggle through the rigid training and grueling tests involved in becoming pilots. Not all of them succeed, and tragedy awaits for some.
Принцесса и пират
На одном и том же фрегате Британского Королевского флота плыли неудачливый бродячий актер Сильвестр (Боб Хоуп) и скрывавшаяся от своей королевской семьи принцесса Маргарет, но ужасный пират по кличке Хук, имеющий вместо руки металлический крюк, захватывает корабль и требует у королевской семьи выкуп за принцессу. Между тем, переодетый в цыганку Сильвестр, демонстрируя тупость, трусость и плоское чувство юмора, но все-таки, устраивает побег с пиратского парусника и спасает принцессу, надеясь на ее взаимное чувство к нему.
Resisting Enemy Interrogation
A downed American bomber crew quickly falls prey to the clever interrogation techniques of the Germans in this dramatic training film.
My Gal Salome
Soundie with a circus setting featuring the David Rose Orchestra.