Jérôme Bouvier

Jérôme Bouvier


Jérôme Bouvier
Jérôme Bouvier


A Wolf's Journey
Camera Operator
Cast out by his pack, a young wolf has to face his destiny alone and try to survive in a world reigned over by Man. From the forests of Romania to the coastline of the Atlantic Ocean, he heads off in search of a new territory, a new pack and a new family.
Man's First Friend
Director of Photography
He has shared our lives for 20,000 years. Along the way, he has helped us find food, kept our livestock, protected us from our enemies, guided us in extreme conditions, and saved us from peril. Now, he comforts us, relieving loneliness and helping us cope with old age. How did dogs come about?
March of the Penguins 2: The Next Step
Director of Photography
A young penguin, driven by his instinct, embarks on his first major trip to an unknown destination.
Антарктика. Живущие на грани
В месте, где температура понижается до — 40, а ветер способен развивать скорость до 55 м/с — обитают удивительные животные. Большинство из них невозможно встретить в других точках планеты. Как им живется в суровой Антарктике? В чём секрет их невероятной силы, помогающей выжить в условиях вечной мерзлоты? Чтобы продолжить род, они должны вырастить потомство как можно быстрее, до прихода страшной зимней полярной ночи.
Les Secrets des Animaux des Glaces
Les Secrets des Animaux des Glaces
Antarctica, in the footsteps of the Emperor
Protected by an international treaty Antarctica has been spared the effects of hunting and fishing. But signs in ice’s cyclical patterns and its biodiversity have become worrying. Connected to the planet’s global ecosystem via atmospheric circulation and ocean currents, this white haven is suffering the effects of human activities. To document and explain what is unfolding in Antarctica, photographer, diver, and marine biologist Laurent Ballesta and photographer of extreme environments Vincent Munier will be blending their artistic perspectives of a rapidly changing continent. Laurent will tackle technical and human prowess below the ice to bear witness to its remarkable underwater life. His photographs will advance knowledge on Antarctica’s unique and little-known biodiversity. On land, his eye riveted to the lens of his camera, Vincent captures snapshots of life in an Emperor Penguin colony.
Antarctica, in the footsteps of the Emperor
Protected by an international treaty Antarctica has been spared the effects of hunting and fishing. But signs in ice’s cyclical patterns and its biodiversity have become worrying. Connected to the planet’s global ecosystem via atmospheric circulation and ocean currents, this white haven is suffering the effects of human activities. To document and explain what is unfolding in Antarctica, photographer, diver, and marine biologist Laurent Ballesta and photographer of extreme environments Vincent Munier will be blending their artistic perspectives of a rapidly changing continent. Laurent will tackle technical and human prowess below the ice to bear witness to its remarkable underwater life. His photographs will advance knowledge on Antarctica’s unique and little-known biodiversity. On land, his eye riveted to the lens of his camera, Vincent captures snapshots of life in an Emperor Penguin colony.
Antarctica, in the footsteps of the Emperor
Protected by an international treaty Antarctica has been spared the effects of hunting and fishing. But signs in ice’s cyclical patterns and its biodiversity have become worrying. Connected to the planet’s global ecosystem via atmospheric circulation and ocean currents, this white haven is suffering the effects of human activities. To document and explain what is unfolding in Antarctica, photographer, diver, and marine biologist Laurent Ballesta and photographer of extreme environments Vincent Munier will be blending their artistic perspectives of a rapidly changing continent. Laurent will tackle technical and human prowess below the ice to bear witness to its remarkable underwater life. His photographs will advance knowledge on Antarctica’s unique and little-known biodiversity. On land, his eye riveted to the lens of his camera, Vincent captures snapshots of life in an Emperor Penguin colony.
Camera Operator
Secrets of the Moon: Sous la Lumière de la Lune
Photoscience Manager
Девочка и лисенок
Camera Operator
Одним прекрасным осенним утром на лесной тропинке девочка заметила лисичку. Она не испугалась зверька и подошла к нему. Так начинается самая удивительная история их дружбы. Благодаря своему новому другу, девочка открывает для себя таинственный мир дикой природы. Ребенка ждут невероятные приключения, которые изменят ее жизнь.
Face to Face with the Polar Bear
Filmmaker Jerome Bouvier spent a year in Spitzberg following the incredible destiny of a polar bear family in a rapidly changing environment. Casting brother and sister twin cubs, this tale focuses on their education and reveals their individual characters.
Leopard Seals: Lords of the Ice
Amidst the pristine but freezing waters surrounding the white continent, a unique insight into the mysterious daily lives of Leopard Seals and discover some never-before-filmed behaviors of these highly intelligent predators. "Killer Seals" will reveal how Leopard Seals hunt penguins underwater or on land, charging unwary trespassers on the ice, be they penguin or human!