Kristian Halken

Kristian Halken

Рождение : 1955-04-03,


Kristian Halken


Магическая машина времени
Школа Санта-Клаусов готовится к важному событию — все в предвкушении праздника и веселья. Но неожиданно директор школы устраивает собрание, на котором сообщает, что Рождество в этом году отменяется. Ученица Люсия не согласна с таким решением, поэтому с помощью другого ученика и машины времени путешествует в 1897 год, чтобы узнать, что же случилось с их директором в детстве. Люсию и зрителей вместе с ней ждёт увлекательное путешествие в старинный Выборг.
Lykkelige omstændigheder
When Karoline has an unwanted pregnancy, she makes a plan to give the baby to her childless sister – for a large amount of money in return.
Miss Viborg
Preben Elkjær
In a small Danish town, we meet two generations of women. 61-year-old Solvej and the 17-year-old Kate. Their meeting kickstarts an unlikely friendship, as the wounds of the past are revealed and the seeds of hope are sown.
Все ждут Рождество 2: Люси и магический кристалл
Друга двенадцатилетней Люсии обвиняют в похищении волшебного кристалла. Рождество под угрозой. Но храбрая дочь Санты не верит лжи и всеми силами пытается помочь мальчику. Перед ней внезапно открываются чужие темные тайны, угрожает неизвестное братство, не верит собственная мать, а кроме того, опасность несет Вечная буря.
Grøn Ford Taunus
Bjørn (voice)
Grøn Ford Taunus
Совершенно нормальная семья
У Эммы была нормальная семья, пока её отец Томас не стал трансгендером. Теперь его зовут Агнита. Но младшая дочь не хочет с этим мириться.
The comedy 'Ninna' is about the title character, who lives with her son Dennis in Præstø, where she also works at the local takeaway. When Dennis announces that he wants to move away from home after his 18th birthday, Ninna's world collapses. She therefore sets out a plan to get him back home. But along the way, Ninna must also revisit her own life and settle on the past. 'Ninna' is a comedy that addresses serious topics and treats them in a humorous light.
Сезон охоты
Eva, a recently divorced, single mom, goes away for a weekend at a spa with her childhood friend Marlene to help her get through her midlife crisis. Isabella, the new girlfriend of Eva's ex-husband, has also joined the trip and is trying hard to become Marlene's new best friend. Eva's friendship with Marlene is at risk, as the women reveal their worst sides during an unfortunate Brazilian wax, a failed pheasant hunt and other trials. The question is: Can Eva fix things between her and Marlene, build a healthy relationship with Isabella and still save her son's birthday?
Пока не наступили холода
Сельская Дания середины XIX века. Большинство местных фермеров на грани разорения; кажется, только у шведов карманы полнятся деньгами. Старик Йенс за бесценок продаёт корову — но и это не гарантия от голода и бесчестья: и вот уже в церкви Йенса оттесняют с «престижных» мест вблизи пасторской кафедры. Когда исчезает последняя надежда на урожай, Йенс решает «продать» дочь — в смысле, выторговать ей выгодную партию, вопреки чувствам девушки; иначе не прокормить взятых на воспитание племянников и не выжить самим.
Все ждут Рождество: Люси против Крампуса
Чтобы стать первой девочкой, принятой в школу Санта-Клауса, двенадцатилетняя Люсия должна найти лекарство от загадочной болезни, вызванной дьявольским Крампусом.
Labans Jul - The Movie
Doctor Harvig
Doctor Harvig
Чем мы становимся
Christian Hall
Спокойная семейная жизнь Йоханссенов заканчивается, когда в пригороде Копенгагена — Соргенфри — вспыхивает эпидемия неизвестной болезни, превращающей людей в ходячих мертвецов. Пернилла и Дино, а также их сын Густаф и дочь Май оказываются вместе с остальными жителями в карантинной зоне, и никто не знает, откуда взялась эта страшная болезнь и чем же люди становятся…
Спортивная ходьба
В провинциальном датском городке живёт Мартин Эстергорд, ему четырнадцать лет, он одарённый спортсмен и вскоре его ждёт конфирмация - впереди взрослая жизнь. Однако, повзрослеть ему пришлось раньше: внезапно умирает его мать, брат и отец убиты горем и де-факто старшим в семье становится Мартин. На его плечи сваливается забота о доме, об отце и брате, о предстоящей конфирмации. У Мартина лишь два близких друга - Ким и Кристина - у которых он ищет утешение и поддержку. Когда дружба перерастает в любовь, Мартину предстоит сделать непростой выбор.
The decline of a young self-destructive woman on her path to liberation, as she is confronted with her past.
Father of Four: Onkel Sofus Returns
Hans Peter
Father and his family comes to visit onkel Anders' twin brother, Sofus, who comes all the way from Australia with a cow in tow. Unfortunately, Sofus equally surly and grumpy, as Anders is good and kind. Sofus takes his cow with Herefords to win milking competition. But when the cow refuses to give milk may Lille Per, Mie, Ole and Seas learn Sofus that words are leading the way to be good to others.
Sorrow and Joy
Filmmaker Johannes and his wife, schoolteacher Signe, experience the biggest sorrow and misfortune one can ever imagine. Nevertheless, in all the hopelessness they must try to reach for mutual and mature love in order to continue life after death.
Steffen Husfeldt
События фильма разворачиваются в Копенгагене в течение пяти дней. Население возмущено тем, что новое правительство нарушило обещания, которые они давали перед выборами. И теперь датские компании совместно с Соединенными Штатами начинают разработку нефтяных скважин в Гренландии. В центре событий оказывается олимпийский стрелок, ныне работающий геофизиком, который рассказывает общественным массам о небезопасности данного решения правительства.
A family is on the brink of dissolution. The parents relationship has run awry for many years and their two little girls are suffering as a result of their bitter arguments. It is as if a miracle is needed in order to save the marriage. The miracle occurs when a violent event takes place in the girls' lives forcing the parents to stick together and be there for the kids. The couple's love blossoms anew but what about the girls, how are they coping?
A Funny Man
Lommers assistent
Opening in the seductive style of the sixties, »A Funny Man« uncovers the perennial loneliness that comedian Dirch Passer (Nikolaj Lie Kaas) has found himself in after a fast-tracked rise to fame. He struggles between his own desire to gain critical respect and servicing the audience¿s needs. Costing his kindred friendship to on-stage partner Kjeld Petersen (Lars Ranthe) Dirch takes on Steinbeck's classic »Of Mice and Men«, only for the audience to break out in laughter at his first line. Dirch's Lennie becomes a running joke, and so has, Dirch believes, his own life.
Hr. Svendsen
Vagn Bendtsen
Now in his fifties, Vagn leads a solitary life and plays football with a group of similarly aged men, some even older. After being left behind at a petrol station by his teammates on their way to a match in Sweden, he encounters a young habitual offender and together they set off in hot pursuit of Vagn's buddies. A Nordic road movie taking in a whole series of comic, serious and, above all, well-written scenarios.
When Heaven Falls
Sara was placed in care aged 11. Now 28 she hears her mother has died. She goes to the funeral and realises her brother and father don't recognise her so keeps quiet about her identity. When watching her father's house, she finds out she has two younger sisters, and realises that what's going on connects to her childhood...
Aching Hearts
Jonas' father
Set in the early 1960s, the story revolves around high school sweethearts Jonas and Agnete, their friendships and families, trials and tribulations.
Jens, politimand
16-year-old schoolgirl Molly contacts the authorities and claims she has been raped by her boyfriend Sako and some of his friends. But as the policeman Jens questions her, he finds that Molly is vague about what has happened. Molly, who has been filming her everyday life, has also documented her relationship with Sako. Jens confiscates the film material as part of the investigation and, slowly becoming a voyeur of Molly's life, he feels a growing attraction to her.
Talented 16-year-old Ruben gets the chance to have what most teenagers want - fame and success. But what are the costs?
Karla's World
Karla's Game is a comedy family film that deals with problems of a very modern family. The story is seen through the eyes of the 10-year-old Karla, who struggles to keep her family together at Christmas. This is however not easy when your parents are divorced and you have a new step dad, irritating brother as well as a father who doesn't always keep his promises.
The Gold of Valhalla
Three siblings, Sofie, Jonas and Emma, move to Copenhagen when their father is appointed a job at the National Museum. One day, the ancient Norse gods, Loki, Thor and Heimdal, materialize to prevent the museum's legendary golden horns from falling into the wrong hands and threatening the human race with extinction. Because the divine powers of the gods aren't too efficient in a modern, hi-tech world, the kids step in and come to their rescue.
With Your Permission
Ordinary Jan has no easy life. He is by far the most unpopular employee at work. At home it's even worse. His marriage with the not so ordinary Bente is on the verge of a breakdown. Jan's boss finally sends him into group therapy where an unlikely friendship emerges between Jan and the two mechanics Rudy and Alf.
Anja & Viktor - Flaming Love
Finally, Viktor becomes a fireman, while Anja still do not have the great success of the advertising agency. Fortunately, they have each other and everything is bright as Anja gets a great opportunity at the office while being pregnant. Then Viktor just figure out how to be soft father, understanding man and tough firefighter at once. But how hard can it be?
Clash of Egos
Tony has recently been released from a sentence for violent behaviour. He promises to improve his ways and is finally granted a few hours alone with his two children. They celebrate the reunion by going to the movies to see a new film by the famous, critically acclaimed Danish director Claus Volter. But the film is not the masterpiece it is said to be on the poster; the children are crying and Tony cannot get the money back he spent on tickets and candy. Tony does not give up; he seeks out Claus Volter in order to get an explanation and a refund. It is however easier said than done to get money out of a world-renowned filmmaker.
Dark Horse
Allan Simonsen
A young man spurs romance and helps his friend and himself go through the struggles of their ordinary life in Denmark.
We Are the Champions
Divorced father without custody Torben, a former pro soccer player, concentrates on his talented son David's juniors poorly performing team. When the coach suddenly accepts another position, Torben gets his change 'for the time being'. He becomes a substitute father for several of the boys. He's opposed by many parents, but finds love again with one player's single mother. Yet the greatest reward comes from David, in a twisted way.
The Sun King
While changing the pipes in the tanningbeds at Golden Sun, Tommy meets the owner. A middleaged former Miss Fyn called Susse. Slowly an unusual love affair begins. Tommy's two friends Ole & Flemming give him tips on how to give Golden Sun some masculine appeal. Susse just happens to have a sleazy lawyer that does not appreciate the new look.
On the surface Henrik and Nina Christofferson are an ordinary family living happily. But they have a problem. Their daughter, Stine, a difficult 14 year old, has a habit of telling lies in class. When Stine accuses her father of sexual abuse, and is believed by seemingly eager social workers, their family is thrust into crisis. Could Henrik have done it? And when Stine prepares to return home, the ugly side of family life is exposed.
Panda Syndrome
A young boy, Bjørn, discovers on his 17th birthday that his problems with the girls might not be self-inflicted.
Взгляни налево – увидишь шведа
Трагикомическая картина, в которой есть один жених, одна невеста, один бывший, но нашедшийся швед-любовь-всей-жизни и одна младшая сестра, сошедшая из-за шведа с ума (и это не считая хора воображаемых певцов).
My Sister's Kids in the Snow
Hele familien skal på skiferie i Norge, da far brækker benet. Derfor tager onkel Erik af sted med de fem ældste børn. På færgen møder Amalie skiinstruktøren Dan og onkel Erik bliver meget søsyg. Det viser sig far har lejet en meget lille utæt hytte, men Jan og Michael får det ordnet så de flytter ind i en stor suite. Det viser sig at den er udlejet til fru Flinth og hendes veninder og hun laver meget vrøvl. Familien smides ud, men igen ordner Jan og Michael situationen. De påstår at Erik Lund er en berømt sanger. Erik har travlt med at passe på Amalie, men da hun opdager Dans luskeri med en anden pige får hun drengene til at hjælpe sig. I mellemtiden får Erik også tid til at stå på skøjter sammen med fru Flint.
Банда Ольсена в юности
Банда Ольсена в деле! Или, точнее, как всё начиналось... Далёкий 1958 год... СССР запустил "Спутник-2", который доставил на околоземную орбиту первое живое существо - собаку по кличке Лайка. Но на лавры в запуске первого в мире человека в космос претендует скандинавская компания во главе с Халландсеном. Они решают послать в полёт никому не нужного детдомовского мальчика, Эгона Ольсена, выкупив его у директора детдома за миллион крон. Но Эгон Ольсен далеко не так прост, у него всегда есть план! И к тому же, имеются верные друзья! Невероятная и совершенно фантастическая история приключений подростков интересна прежде всего тем, что рассказывает историю детства и взросления главных героев, раскрывает тайны дружбы и любви. Вы узнаете, откуда у Эгона страсть к котелку и сигаре, и почему Ивонна осталась с Кельдом...
Two Penny Dance
The story of Juliane, a young woman who learns how to take her fate in her own hands and to trust nobody but herself. The plot is set in the Copenhagen tenements of the 1880s. Juliane is trapped in an unhappy marriage to a man who suffers extended periods of insanity. They have two children. She struggles to improve her social status, however, striving to attain the level of her two elder sisters is not easy. The great upheaval comes when she meets Otto, a smith, younger than Juliane, and in many ways her opposite. He is an ardent socialist, whereas she believes in herself. It is love at first sight when they meet and waltz on the pavement, but their passion really bursts into flame as time goes by. At last Juliane has found a man as strong-willed as she is.
Love at First Hiccough
Willy, Anjas far
Anja is a beautiful and very well proportioned high school senior... and still a virgin. She insists that she wants her first time to be with a guy, who knows what it's about. Her rich (and arrogant, pretentious and obnoxious) boyfriend Peter serves the purpose, and he's more than willing. In fact, he's pushing forward as much as he can, but Victor, a freshman who has a serious crush on Anja, has other plans. Her first time should definitely not be with this buffoon, and he's ready to take it VERY far!
Eye of the Eagle
In 1218 Danish king Valdemar sends his homonymous young son and heir in safety, as war is at the borders, to Erskil, the bishop of Ravensburg, who is instructed to see to the prince's education. Alas the bishop is the brain of a conspiracy to seize the crown for himself, as most of the nobles are dissatisfied with the endless wars that bring them no profit. The prince and kitchen-boy Aske accidentally fall out of the castle and overhear the conspirators, but are seen and pursued by the men of the One-eyed Man, a feared mercenary who is in the conspiracy to take mortal revenge on the king for leaving him behind on a battlefield where he lost an eye which was eaten by an eagle, which he tamed and now shares his sight with. Written by KGF Vissers
Just a Girl
PUK SCHARBAU plays Lise Nørgaard in the epic film adaptation of her fascinating life story. In a chronicle of both love and war, masterfully directed by Peter Schroeder, we follow the woman who would later give us 'Matador', from her early childhood to her controversial career as a journalist with a Denmark of yesterday, and a Europe in flames as convincing backdrop.
Body Switch
A dying elderly scientist proposes love-sick Jonas a cure that will improve the youngster's physical skills and general sex-appeal. What the scientist really aims to accomplish is a body switch: he wants to survive in a young man's body and gladly leaves Jonas to wake up in his own wasted frame. Jonas must somehow signal his predicament to his friends. Both men rev up for a survival-of-the-fittest chase.
Eddie Holm's Second Life
Eddie Holm
Eddie Holm, a sensitive, unusual musician, decides to give up his craft.
The Circus Casablanca
Film about a pair of traveling entertainers and con-men and their problems with jobs, money and women. We follow them in a period there it goes downhill with engagements. It's hard for them to realize that entertainers of their kind are about to become extinct.