Mia Lyhne

Mia Lyhne

Рождение : 1971-07-06, Copenhagen, Denmark


​Lyhne er som skuespiller autodidakt efter flere forgæves forsøg på at blive optaget på Statens Teaterskole. Hun har en baggrund i teater- og sanggruppen på Vesterbro Ungdomsgård. Siden 1996 tilknyttet Teater Grob, hvor hun har medvirket i flere forestillinger. På Bellevue Teatret har Mia Lyhne 1995-2000 kunnet ses som Kamomilla i Folk og røvere i Kardemomme by. Har desuden arbejdet med radio, bl.a. som studievært i Børneradio og for Radioteatret. Hun spiller rollen som Mia i TV2 zulus "Klovn". Har også optrådt i "Krøniken". Hun blev for alvor landskendt i TV2-programmet Vild med dans, hvor hun vandt finalen med sin partner Thomas Evers Poulsen den 4. juni 2005. En musikgruppe ved navn M.I.A. Lyhne udgav i 2006 et nummer kaldet "Mia Lyhne", som var en form for hyldest til Mia Lyhne. Nummeret blev fremført live ved Zulu Awards 2007. Da der blev udskrevet folketingsvalg i 2007 meldte hun sig ind i Socialistisk Folkeparti og hun var med til Villy Søvndals tale på valgaftenen. I 2002 modtog hun en talentpris ved Årets Reumert for sin præstation i Udvidelsen af kampzonen på Det Kongelige Teater.  


Mia Lyhne
Mia Lyhne


Магическая машина времени
Школа Санта-Клаусов готовится к важному событию — все в предвкушении праздника и веселья. Но неожиданно директор школы устраивает собрание, на котором сообщает, что Рождество в этом году отменяется. Ученица Люсия не согласна с таким решением, поэтому с помощью другого ученика и машины времени путешествует в 1897 год, чтобы узнать, что же случилось с их директором в детстве. Люсию и зрителей вместе с ней ждёт увлекательное путешествие в старинный Выборг.
Mugge & hans mærkelige hjerne
Britta (voice)
Take My Hand
The comfort-seeking Maja tries to regain control over her life following her recent divorce. 'Take My Hand' is a romantic comedy with all the drama that follows when our perceptions of love are turned upside down.
The Butterfly Swing
The story is centered on the stubborn farmer Ernst and his wife Louise who are celebrating their 50th anniversary with a traditional Danish gold wedding for friends and family. However, the family carries several secrets and Ernest holds on to the biggest one of them all. Through one long joyous, intoxicating, surprising, gripping and melancholic night, the truths creep out and the family is put to the ultimate test.
Все ждут Рождество 2: Люси и магический кристалл
Друга двенадцатилетней Люсии обвиняют в похищении волшебного кристалла. Рождество под угрозой. Но храбрая дочь Санты не верит лжи и всеми силами пытается помочь мальчику. Перед ней внезапно открываются чужие темные тайны, угрожает неизвестное братство, не верит собственная мать, а кроме того, опасность несет Вечная буря.
The Food Club
Three longtime girlfriends from elementary school, very different women, have one thing in common: they are in the fall of their lives and they all feel how ruthless old age can be. Marie is abandoned by her husband on Christmas Eve, and her entire identity as part of a happy family crumbles. Berling is the eternal "bachelor" who outwardly denies her age and lives the sweet life, but in the backdrop she is affected by a complicated relationship with her daughter. Vanja lives in the memories of her late husband and has difficulty moving on. The three travel to Italy together to attend a food course in Puglia, where they each have an opportunity to redefine themselves.
Klovn the Final
The third feature based on the Danish tv-series finds Frank and Casper in evermore cringeworthy situations.
Monty and the Street Party
Britta Skovlykke (voice)
'The Street Party' is an animated comedy for the whole family. The story is about the 10 year old kid, Mugge, who's parents are about to get a divorce. To recreate the balance and harmony that the adults are about to smash, the always optimistic and indomitable Mugge decides to put together the best street party ever - and in that way bring his mom and dad together again.
Все ждут Рождество: Люси против Крампуса
Julemandens kone
Чтобы стать первой девочкой, принятой в школу Санта-Клауса, двенадцатилетняя Люсия должна найти лекарство от загадочной болезни, вызванной дьявольским Крампусом.
Dan Dream
Kit Andersen
A small group of eccentric pioneers join forces, in order to do the impossible and create world history in the early 1980s of Denmark
Small Town Killers
The two tradesmen Ib and Edward are tired of their lifeless marriages and dream of living the good life from the stash of money they've earned moonlighting for years. After a huge fight with their wives the two men get drunk and hire a Russian contract killer to do a hit on their spouses. But they have badly underestimated their wives, and this becomes the start of an absurd journey where Ib and Edward to their own horror end at the top of a kill list.
In the comedy ' undercover ' is to be Denmark's worst police officer Muhammed on his first undercover mission. The only problem is that it is small and Rikke love the Thursday before Christmas. But instead of Christmas tree and gifts to Rikke transport Crown witness Mick to Funen persecuted to a notorious gangster boss, which will have a hold of Mick and the 900,000 crowns, he is over with. Linda p. gives the gas as a Danish response to Melissa McCarthy in the grove Christmas comedy, which is written by Casper Christensen and directed by former East Coast Hustler, Nikolaj Peyk.
Finding Home
Muffin (voice)
The 8 year-old bear Bertram goes on a journey with his best friend Muffin, to find out where he really belongs.
Klown Forever
Frank and Casper's friendship is put to a test, when Casper decides to leave Denmark to pursue a solo career in Los Angeles. Determined to win his best friend back Frank chooses to follow Casper insuring an eventful trip.
All Inclusive
After finding out that her husband cheated on her, Lise and her two daughters Ditte and Sigrid decides to go on vacation to Malta. The two sisters are very different and tries to cheer the mother up in very different ways. All inclusive is a movie about love and figuring out how to be a family.
Krummerne - alt på spil
Mads "Crumb" Krumborg need a new bike so he can take part in an important race against a neighboring school. But it will be difficult to afford to buy a new printer, since the boy's father suddenly decides to terminate his job to invent a machine that according to him will change the world. At the same time a couple of crooks wind of his father's invention, and when the family Krum Borg's future is in problems, Crumb and his siblings to the occasion and save the day.
Anette, oversygeplejerske
When Acacia, an alternative treatment therapist, is sentenced to a mental examination on a psychiatric ward, she's looking forward to the opportunity to help a lot of new people. She's convinced that she can give her fellow patients more quality of life with clairvoyance, hypnosis and coffee readings than strong medication can. Her new methods quickly spread joy on the ward, but the medication-happy Dr. Bergstroem refuses to surrender to Acacia's strange, new-age methods. According to him she is very ill and the only solution is heavy medication.
Almost Perfect
Anne has given up trying to find a man who will fit into her sensible and controlled life. Therefore she has chosen to become pregnant with an anonymous sperm donor who has been carefully chosen. But as her hormones get the better of her she realizes that the child may come to resemble the father and possibly get his less flattering characteristics. Anne feels compelled to find the sperm donor and ensure that he is as perfect as she imagines.
Park Road - the Movie
When Elisabeth dramatically collapses at her own party, secrets are revealed and new desires spring to life for the residents of Park Road. The signal has been given for anything from swinger sex to family rows to organ theft. "Park Road – The Movie" is a comedy that celebrates life and reveals till now unknown sides of the residents on the popular road.
Клоун: Фильм
Двое друзей на время отпуска собираются в поход на каноэ. У Каспера большие планы - побывать на рок-фестивале, покурить марихуаны, навестить элитный бордель. Но вся затея может сорваться, потому что Франку внезапно взбрело в голову взять в этот «турпоход» своего племянника. Эта идея приходит к нему после ссоры с женой, которая считает, что у Франка отсутствуют отцовские качества, теперь у него есть шанс доказать, что это не так.
Nothing's All Bad
Follows the lives of four longing souls. Ingeborg who feels unattractive and young Jonas who is so attractive that he can literally sell some of what he's got. Anna, a young beautiful woman with a physical disability, and Anders, a tender man with a psychological disability. Four people yearning for love, four people, each hoping for a better tomorrow.
Connie Nielsen
A grief-stricken dysfunctional family goes camping.
Take the Trash
Karen - AF dame
Jesper Jensen is a successful IT salesman who stops at nothing, even if it means backstabbing his best friend. Being number one in the company and having a beautiful wife and a lovely home, Jesper seems to lead a perfect life, but one day his arrogance and self confidence hits him in the face like a boomerang and he loses everything overnight. Jesper is sentenced to do community service at a recycling center with the odd and funny characters Dion, Theodor, and Lotte. At first he looks down on these people and doesn't want to be associated with them. When he begins to loosen up, however, he discovers that he can learn a lot from their straight forward and honest approach to life.
Just Like Home
The tale of a troubled small town, and the brave few who made it their mission to keep the community together. As the citizens of a secluded Danish town gradually lose their trust in one and other, the sight of a naked man walking through town in the early hours of the morning sets off an unsettling wave of paranoia.
The Black Madonna
The Black Madonna is a 2007 action comedy film written by Nikolaj Peyk and Lasse Spang Olsen and directed by Lasse Spang Olsen.
Kalles søster Sidse
Kalle, a nice middleclass kid, who because of a debt and old friendship ends up as a 'fidibus', a gofer, for the hash baron Paten. But only until Paten is anything but innocently jailed and asks Kalle to mind the store while he is gone. No one touches Paten's money, Paten's car or, least of all, Paten's girl, Saby, who is dumber than water.
Самый главный босс
Heidi A.
Владелец IT-компании хочет продать бизнес. Есть только одна проблема: когда-то он придумал фиктивного руководителя, чтобы не быть ответственным за непопулярные решения. Покупатели настаивают на личной встрече, и владельцу приходится нанять актера-неудачника, который мог бы исполнить роль босса. К своему удивлению актер обнаруживает, что новая роль рискует стать серьезным испытанием для его моральных убеждений.
В твоих руках
Анна, недавно окончившая богословский факультет является женой Франка. В последние годы все попытки завести ребенка оказались безуспешными. Жизнь Анны меняется кардинально после того, как она начинает работать в тюрьме в женском отделении тюремным капелланом. В роли духовного наставника для нее выступает Кейт, переведенная из другой тюрьмы. Она является обладательницей особого дара и избавляет Марион от наркотической зависимости. Анне становится известно о том, что она беременна, но радость омрачает известие о болезни еще не родившегося ребенка, который имеет хромосомный дефект, который может привести к непредсказуемым последствиям. Теперь Анне предстоит сделать нелегкий выбор и принять решение. Врачи советуют сделать аборт. Но можно положиться и на волю Бога. А, может, стоит подумать о том, чтобы обратиться за помощью к Кейт, которая сумеет помочь при помощи своих волшебных рук?