Executive Producer
In the darkness of a gothic night, two knights engage in a deadly duel, illuminated only by the mysterious light of a lantern. A noble lady, confined in a castle, has woven a mysterious connection with the contenders. Supernatural forces and inexplicable events will determine the fate of the duelists in a night of horror.
Condesa Corbos
Иcтория Жизни монашки Петры из Сан-Хосе. Основательницы конгрегации Мадресдедесампарадос и Сан-Хосе-де-ла-Монтана. Жизнь, полная усилий и религии, ради спасения бездомных людей.
Señora Sandoval
The compelling story of Saint Anthony Mary Claret, a Spanish Roman Catholic Archbishop, writer and publisher, missionary, and confessor to Queen Isabella II of Spain. Declared a saint in 1950, Claret is the founder of the religious congregation of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, known as the Claretians.
Two sisters marked by their mother’s murder years before find the murder weapon and the clues that lead her to the perpetrator.
An aspiring actor, Juan Luis, suffers an incalculable pain by becoming the laughing stock of his class due to the close relationship he has with his mother. He will learn that pain is a fundamental tool to become a better actor, but at what price?
Self - Actress (Manuela)
Forty years later, Guillermo Montesinos, the actor who played José María el Cepa in The Cuenca Crime (1980), directed by Pilar Miró, returns to the various locations where the shooting of the mythical film, narrating the infamous Grimaldos case (1910), took place.
Bernarda is a loose adaptation of the play La casa de Bernarda Alba by Federico García Lorca . Five women are kidnapped and locked in a strange factory and forced to work as prostitutes.
A desperate woman accidentally murders her unfaithful husband the morning of a big party honoring his recent Pritzker Prize, now she must survive the pain of heartbreak and a night of celebration, without being found out.
Sœur Hélène Studler
France, beginning of World War II. Hélène Studler is a nun who has been dedicated to the care of orphans and the abandoned people. But the times have changed, the people are living a whole revolt, the Germansoldiers have entered their city and the reality that now faces far exceeds the harshness to which they are accustomed: Hélène discovers that near her locality, the Nazis have installed a concentration camp. Along with some people of the city, several of her Sisters Daughters of Charity plot a whole plan to free the captives from their tragic end.
Documentary about Cecilia Gimenez, the Spanish lady who ruined a fresco of Jesus but in turn restored her home town.
A modern fairytale based on the true story of an elderly Spanish cleaner's infamous attempt to restore a fresco.
During one night at the end of the summer, in a random plaza in the centre of Madrid there is room for anything to happen - even turtles.
Sra. Kaplan
Sylvia Montero
Бобби находит телефон и сообщает об этом в телефонную компанию. Через 5 минут раздается звонок, и незнакомец, представившись Дмитрием, говорит, что это его телефон, и просит отдать его. Бобби и Дмитрий договариваются о встрече около ресторана. Телефон опять звонит, и уже другой голос в трубке заявляет, что это его телефон, и он хочет его забрать…
Duchess Radalì
История семейного клана Удзеда, поданная зрителю вместе с историей Италии... XIX век. Пожилой сицилиец, деспот и тиран, запрещает своей дочери даже думать о любви. В то же самое время в монастыре, что находится неподалеку от имения, где томится девушка, монахи позволяют себе устраивать оргии. Об этом узнает глава римской католической церкви...
Dark fairytale about a demonic doctor who abducts a beautiful opera singer with designs on transforming her into a mechanical nightingale.
Presentadora TV
Marga, a well-known television presenter, organizes a dinner with old friends from boarding school to which he has not seen for 30 years. But the meeting hidden other motives. Marga projects an old super 8 film shot where they can guess the murderer of a friend by one of the dinner guests. After a night of surprises and serious accusations, the truth comes out.
In the Wild West at the turn of the century, two young brothers watch as their Grandpa is gunned down in cold blood. The desperados kidnap the older boy while a priest takes in the younger one. Thirteen years later these two brothers will cross paths again as they both seek revenge, each in their own way.
Sabine Muffat
Victim of a rape, Nadia Coupeau decides to keep the child despite her precarious personal situation. But her child is soon taken away from her and placed in public care. Desperate, but ready to do anything to get him back, she decides to join her friend Zoé in the capital... In this version freely inspired by Emile Zola's work, Nana's trajectory is a cross-section of contemporary society, from the jungle of the suburbs to the golden world of business.
Ahandra / Allison
Jack is a wanderer whose aimless roaming leads him to a number of interesting locations and into the company of many interesting people, and despite his fascination with bullfighting he leads a largely peaceful existence. When a crime boss' daughter is accidentally gored to death, Jack is implicated in the unfortunate event and singled out for termination by a seemingly unending army of lethal hitmen. As Jack wages an uphill battle for survival against the harsh desert terrain and a hail of gun smoke and lead, his will to live depends on his ability to exercise his demons and come to terms with the fact that he may not live to see another sunrise.
Камилла, Ева, Ариана и Николя имеют много общего. Все четверо занимаются издательским бизнесом в Барселоне, обожают Глорию Гейнор и предпочитают однополую любовь. Хотя в повседневной жизни друзья не скрывают своей гомосексуальности, их родители ничего не подозревают. Только мать Камиллы, женщина из высшего общества, знает правду о своей дочери. Чтобы окончательно прояснить ситуацию, Камилла решает устроить вечеринку, пригласив на нее друзей и их родителей. Но в этот необычный уик-энд события выходят из предначертанной им колеи. Начинается типично французский фарс: драмы, погони, секреты, безумные шутки и пикантные ситуации…
1947, in Patagonia, in a little village on the seaside. An abandoned house on the beach shelters Letty's dreams, her loneliness that only Miguel, a very young pianist, may share with her. Tomas, her husband, loves Letty and eagerly defends her against all the village, while she keeps playing her part of a 'femme fatale' with a romantic past and a very adventurous file. But on a windy day, a handsome and strange foreigner appears, coming from the sea, a man just as those Bette Davis used to fall in love with. For Letty, reality begins to look like the most incredible dreams of her. But this will call the police inspector's attention. With that mysterious spy, Letty will be involved in a story that will end as those stories she was so fond of when she was going to the movie theater of her little willage.
Dr. Monica DeBirdy
A performance artist turns up dead with a carrot up her butt by LAX. Three detectives interview her friends to find out who killed her and why.
Miguel Hermoso's Like Lightning offers a fresh take on a familiar scenario, the teenaged boy searching for his unknown father. Pablo is a typical teen, with a fondness for football and sneaking beers with his buddies. He enjoys a comfortable upper-middle class life with his mother (Assumpta Serna), a successful lawyer and former feminist rabble-rouser, but has a gaping hole at the core of his identity: he has no idea who his father is. Preoccupied with the question to the point of obsession, he sets out in search of answers, and finds himself on a trail that leads to the Canary Islands.
Три молодых ведьмочки, которых никто не переносит в собственной школе, в один прекрасный день вдруг интуитивно почувствовали, что вот-вот к ним присоединится четвёртая.
И действительно, в классе появляется новенькая, и теперь их четверо, как и сказано в заклинании, и они могут расквитаться со всеми обидчиками. Заклинания, змеи, крысы, пауки — колдовская четвёрка не даёт проходу половине города, и сами, судя по всему, получают от этого немалое удовольствие.
Но игра зашла слишком далеко — они разбудили колдовские силы, которые теперь не в силах остановить, даже когда гибнут ни в чём не повинные люди.
When a fellow Vietnam veteran is alleged to have thrown his lot in with the cocaine cartels, special commando Paul Gleason is dispatched to Nicaragua to sort out the mess.
После того, как в Нью-Йорке был убит кубинский посол, отношения между Штатами и Островом Свободы сильно напряглись. В предельно недружелюбной атмосфере шла подготовка кубинско-американского саммита, который должен состояться в Праге. Получив информацию о возможном покушении на глав двух государств, ЦРУ направило в столицу Чехии одного из своих лучших агентов — Майкла Дэйна. Ему удалось нейтрализовать Симону Россе, специалистку в области наемных убийств и хозяйку пражского ночного клуба. Именно ее почерк явственно прослеживался в убийстве кубинского посла. Однако когда Симона уже находилась в руках Майкла, он с удивлением обнаружил, что существует и другой, неизвестный киллер, "работающий под Симону"…
Mendizábal, a reputed hitman, is commissioned to eliminate Rodolfo Kulpe, a small-time criminal.
Une actrice muette à Hollywood
Главный герой фильма носит имя Симон Синема. Симону около ста лет, и он является фанатично преданным синематографу веселым стариканом-бонвиваном. Он живет в старинном шато, доверху наполненном всем, что имеет отношение к кино - старыми фотографиями актеров, журналами, афишами, пленками. К ста годам память его начинает слабеть, и он нанимает хорошенькую студенточку Камиллу, чтобы она рассказывала ему разные истории про кино: и пересказывала фильмы в течение сто и одной ночи. Но это только начало истории. Шехерезада оказывается, как ей и положено, коварной. Вместе с дружком Микой, начинающим режиссером, который считает себя талантливее всех, но не имеет денег снимать фильм, она решает выкрасть у старика его кинематографические сокровища, продать их, а на вырученные деньги запустить Микино кино.
During a marriage crisis, unhappy Leo has to go to another town for work. There he meets his long-lost cousin Giulio, who has become... Giulia, a very charming girl.
«Моему сыну Цезарю Нострадамусу с пожеланием долгой жизни и счастья. Твое запоздалое появление, сын мой, заставило меня записать все, что я накопил за многие бессонные ночи». «После того, как мое тело покинет этот мир, пусть все то, что открылось мне в божественном воплощении, станет твоим наследством и послужит на благо человечеству. Я собирался хранить молчание, но поскольку грядущие события коснутся всех людей, я решил раскрыть эти события, представив их в закодированной, обманывающей ум форме…» — Мишель Нострадамус.
Quinn shows up at an apartment building in Paradise, a small backwoods community in Puerto Rico, purporting to be the new caretaker the owner has been expecting. He gets right to work, making a good impression on everybody, except Gus, the reclusive teenage gas station attendant. Soon, sinister things come to pass
Португалия, 1813 год. Банда французских, английских и португальских дезертиров, обосновавшаяся в деревушке Адрадос, взяла в заложники Леди Изабеллу, жену Сэра Артура Фатиндэйла. Шарпа направляют к ним с выкупом..
Испания, 1812 год. Осада Бадахоса. Шарп узнаёт, что он теперь отец, и дочь находится в городе. Также в составе подкреплений прибывает его заклятый враг ещё по службе в Индии — сержант Обадайя Хэксвилл…
Action-adventure following a onetime Special Forces Captain in Vietnam turned tour guide in remote parts of Asia, who, while on a trek with two researchers in the Burmese jungle, meets up with a wartime enemy intent on settling an old score.
It is carnival time in Munich and participants are overindulging in alcohol and sensual pleasures. "Follow us into madness" beckons Lys who is drunk on life, but the sensitive Henry does not follow him. Lys has betrayed his fiancé, as Henry once betrayed his lost love Anna. In memory of Anna and his cruel Dickensian childhood, Henry challenges Lys to a duel to try to appease his guilt.
Yvonne Duchamp
The year is 1820, and trade between Cuba and Catalonia is a booming business, although the goods that arrive to Cuba are not always the products that were shipped, in some cases, they simply arrive "lumps" or "coal". As it appears in the logbooks of the ships. 'Havanera 1820' is a film that tells stories of love and adventure in a time when Cuba confronts the Spanish colonizers.
Comandante Teresa Moreno
1809 год. Английская армия выдвигается в Испанию. В лагерь прибывает пополнение — Южный Эссекс — ни разу не бывавшие в бою новички под командованием некомпетентного, но богатого сэра Генри Симмерсона. Им поручается простое задание — взорвать мост в Валделакаса. Шарпа, повышенного до звания капитана, приставляют к ним…
Comandante Teresa Moreno
1809 год. Ричард Шарп, сержант 2-го батальона 95-го стрелкового полка, за спасение жизни сэру Артуру Уэйсли получает звание лейтенанта. Вскоре выясняется, что отданные ему под командование солдаты — это недисциплинированная банда отбросов общества, не собирающаяся его принимать в качестве офицера. Первое его задание — найти Джеймса Ротшильда, пропавшего в Каса Антигуа агента с ценными бумагами. Тут же Шарп влюбляется в лидера испанских партизан — Терезу Морено…
Adela de Otero
A fencing master in pre-revolution Spain is hired to teach fencing to a beautiful young woman. Although he has never taught a woman before he is fascinated by her and agrees. She wishes to learn a particular thrust which he is famous for. When a local nobleman becomes involved with her the intrigue begins.
After the disappearance at sea of a young fisherman, his childhood friend and his mother begin an ambiguous relationship.
A series of unrelated amorous lovers are connected by a chain of desire.
Countess Angela Rossetti
Nick Suster, a secret intelligence agent paralyzed by an assassin's bullet, sets out to track down his assailant and in the process, uncovers a major arms-smuggling operation that threatens international security.
Because he only thinks about Karine, the wife of his best friend André, Pierre, a writer, can no longer write. The situation is all the more complex as Pierre lives with André's first wife, Mireille, whom he took from her five years ago. He confuses his computer and Karine, and talks to her. Karine's spirit is with him. André and Mireille go to a congress of surgeons in Florida, Pierre and Karine, alone, spend delicious moments together.
Judge Cristina Soto
This follow-up to "Drug Wars: The Camarena Story" chronicles the fact-based fight by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency and the Colombian government to bring down billionaire drug lords Don Pablo Escobar Gaviria and José Rodriguez Gacha, leaders of the infamous Medellin Cartel.
Maria Marcolini
An funny, witty and bright biopic by the master of italian comedy Mario Monicelli about the famed italian composer Gioacchino Rossini, here portrayed in a wonderful way by famed actor and later director Sergio Castellitto.
A poor man who scrapes by installing neon advertisements gets a better-paying offer from a pair of journalists who simply want him to receive a package. Instead, he ends up being pursued by thugs.
Juana Inés de la Cruz
A viceroy and an archbishop take their posts in Mexico. A local nun, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1651-1695), intrigues them. The viceroy and his wife find her brilliant and fascinating. The prelate finds her a symbol of European laxity. He engineers the election of a new abbess, severe and ascetic. The virreina visits Sor Juana often and inspires her to write passionate poetry that the archbishop finds scandalous. The viceroy protects her. After he is replaced and returns to Spain with his wife, Sor Juana faces envy and retribution. A bishop betrays her, her confessor humbles her. Plague, a tribunal, and her confession as "the worst of all" end the great poet's life.
Hanna Munch
Поступив на работу в юридическую фирму, Эмили (Кэрри Отис) — молодая красивая девушка — отправляется в Бразилию помочь завершить крупную сделку с недвижимостью.
В Рио-де-Жанейро она встречается с Джеймсом Виллером (Микки Рурк) — загадочным и очень сексуальным миллионером, который, используя свое колдовское очарование, пытается соблазнить невинную красотку.
Под сумасшедшие ритмы и краски карнавала он распаляет в девушке вулкан неведомых ей ранее чувств и эротических фантазий, так и не решаясь на активные действия. Эмили потрясена и заинтригована сексуальными выходками, в которых она невольно задействована. Но, спровоцировав девушку на связь с другими мужчинами, а сам выступая в качестве наблюдателя за чужими эротическими сценами, Джеймс с удивлением обнаруживает, что всё-таки по-настоящему влюбился в Эмили. Для него это привычная игра в любовь, но Эмили не хочет и не может играть, она искренна, и это заставляет Виллера открыть ей свое сердце.
Baba Yaga
Italian erotic thriller television series that originally aired on Italia 1 from September 29 to December 22, 1989. It is based on the Valentina comics series by Italian artist Guido Crepax. The series follows a Milanese fashion photographer, Valentina Rosselli, and her supernatural encounters and investigations.
On the beach lies the body of Claudio O'Riley, heir to a monopoly shrimp, and his voice recounts his rise to power: the incestuous relationship with his sister, the degrading treatment to their partners and so on.
Agnes von Kurowsky
Larger-than-life American author Ernest Hemingway is the subject of this biopic that chronicles the famous writer's life from childhood to his suicide at age 61. Haunted by various inner demons -- including his father's suicide -- Hemingway serves in World War I, marries four times, and finds creative support from Ezra Pound, Gertrude Stein and other expatriates living in 1920s Paris.
Solange Vauthier
Jacques Vauthier, a blind, deaf and mute writer is accused of a crime he quickly confesses to having committed. Jacques refuses to explain himself to his wife. His lawyer, Mr. Deliot, however, will try to discover the truth, because he is convinced that his client is innocent.
After a long and turbulent time in America at the beginning of the century, Adrian Massaguer returns to his birthplace on the Mediterranean coast, become one of the richest men in the world.
Miss Côte d'Azur
In Portugal, in the 60s, the corpse of a man appears on Dog's Beach. The corpse is identified as the major Dantas, a man wanted by authorities after his escape from a military prison where he was awaiting trial for insurrection.
Blanca Bassegoda
A woman is found dead on the shores of a tourist beach in Vendrell; one of her breasts amputated. The bust appears, soon after, on the work table of Judge Olvido. The old inspector Méndez then begins a laborious investigation that will take him from the slums of Barcelona to the richest areas of the city...
Матадор Диего жестоко ранен быком и более не имеет возможности убивать на арене…
German, a young theater director, tries to organize a theater play about Lulu, a prostitute that was killed in London by Jack the ripper. While looking for the protagonist, Rufo appears, an introvert jazz musician. He could play Jack the ripper.
Lola is a young woman who works in a factory. She lives a violent and tormented love with Mario. To get away from him, Lola moved to Barcelona. There he met Robert, CEO of a major company, with whom she starts a relationship.
Erotic drama from France featuring beautiful Florence Guerin as a teenager who is switched in by a writer her mom allow us to move around in with them for the summer. The mom would love to get it on because of the writer not comprehending that he's being seduced by her child.
The new coach of the basketball team of Lugo arrives from Uruguay. He really knows nothing about training a basketball team so he keeps the previous coach on and in the meantime tries to learn from videos and books, but his real reason for coming to Spain was to find out about an old lost love.
La Huéspeda
This 1985 Spanish film reveals one of the many terrible aspects of 16th century Spain, still plagued by the radical Christian Inquisition, one of a plethora of difficulties Spaniards faced at the time. Spanish super star Carmen Maura plays a nun who agrees to a selfless scam, a fake stigmata, only to avoid separation from her lover, another nun. It's a serious and passionate work, highlighting the theme of outspoken women-against-repression, seen in other good gay and lesbian films. This is not a lesbian "Nun sense" or another "Dark Habits" (by Almodovar, which also starred Carmen Maura, and also set in a Spanish convent, with some lesbian nuns). Perhaps, best of all, 'Extramuros' is realistic and frank. It isn't shy about its characters' sexuality. Their sexuality, and the film as a whole are genuine.
A few days ago, Lucia (Assumpta Serna) receives anonymous letters in which he is forced to perform certain actions that she accepts without question. Her current boyfriend, Arthur (Xabier Elorriaga), suspects the mysterious sender can be Lucia's former lover, whose strange death never reached clarified. Now it's time it's Arthur who put the cards on the table to get to the bottom of it.
A film buff can't watch his videos in peace as he is disturbed by his clingy girlfriend and noisy neighbours. He will take drastic measures to get them to shut up for once and for all.
Andrew returns to his hometown after a long absence. His father was a military high society who abandoned his wife to join the mother of Andrew, one cupletista second row. The reason for his return is to take over an old inheritance left him by his father: A semirruinoso house that is about to be declared a historic monument. But his desire to settle the matter soon are broken by the intrusion of his brother Ramon in buying the house. Andrés relationships with his family and with old attorney Don Dimas and her daughter Whitey complicated.
Elisa di Villafratti
An aristocratic Sicilian family living in the 1950s. Count Villafratti has sex one night with his nymphomaniac daughter because he thinks she is his wife.
A female lawyer passionately defends criminals, believing that everyone deserves a second chance. But her latest defendants though have no qualms about making her their next victim. They steal her car, find the keys to her country villa and decide to rob the place. Unfortunately, the lawyer's family turns up at the villa mid-burglary, and her husband is killed. But that is only the beginning of the nightmare...
Berta, the actress / Teresa, Juan's mother
Juan Sahagún, since childhood, feels passion for his mother. One day in the street he sees a woman identical to her. He follows her and finds out that she works as an actress in a theater company, so Juan decides to hire the whole company to represent the people who have influenced him in his past. They recreate the same situations of yesteryear and Juan acts as the child he was, to relive the memories already forgotten.
Isabel Peraplana
A patient is released from a mental hospital to help the police find a student who disappeared a few days ago.
Giuliano Gemma stars in this love story in a dystopian future for a movie ahead of its time... After committing a murder, an ordinary man escapes from the police with the help of his ex-wife. A vigilante state will not allow them to relive their love story.
Osa de la Vega, Cuenca, Spain, 1913. Gregorio and León, employees on the estate of the village's mayor, a powerful landowner, are arrested and accused of the murder of José María el Cepa, a shepherd who mysteriously disappeared three years earlier.
Luis and Aurora live in the outskirts of Madrid, his life is quiet and peaceful until it reaches Antonio, her new neighbor. Luis says that neighbors are classic bores who put loud music, no wave and always call at inopportune to ask for something. But Aurora considers friendly, helpful and willing to help where needed. Things get complicated when Antonio Aurora and strike up a friendly relationship.
The monarchy has returned. The Leguineche, too.
Пепи изнасилована полицейским, который поймал ее за выращивание марихуаны в квартире. Теперь Пепи намеревается отомстить ему, сделав так, чтобы от него ушла его жена-мазохистка.
Estela (as Assumpta Rodes)
Comedy about a marriage guidance counselor whose own marriage is on the rocks.
Пако в сопровождении своего друга Артуро направляется в старинный горный замок, где его ждет очаровательная невеста Сульфурина. Правда, семейное гнездышко красавицы на поверку оказывается мрачноватым местом, где гостей встречают разлегшиеся в тени виселицы скелеты, но мало ли какие странности бывают у хозяев. Впрочем, оказавшись в самом замке молодые люди обнаруживают еще много необычного. Для начала, хозяин поместья и отец невесты оказывается мертв и лежит в гробу, окруженном черными свечами. Священник отчего-то носит на груди перевернутое распятие, а в доме шагу некуда ступить, чтобы не наткнуться на статую некоего козлоподобного существа. Слегка растерявшись от такой обстановки Пако и Артуро не заметили, как поменялись ролями.
A group of boys and girls are locked up a weekend in a friends house in which they do a party that little to little is converted in an orgy. But not everything is sex, there are also cinematographic digressions, chocolate and churros, and good humor.