Milton Gonçalves

Milton Gonçalves

Рождение : 1933-12-09, Monte Santo de Minas, Brazil

Смерть : 2022-05-30


Milton Gonçalves (December 9, 1933 – May 30, 2022) was a Brazilian actor. He's one of the most famous black actors in Brazil, having collaborated twice with acclaimed director Hector Babenco. Gonçalves started his career in São Paulo, in an amateur group. As he moved to a professional group, he met Augusto Boal, who was looking for an actor to play an old black man. Joining Boal's Teatro de Arena, Milton Gonçalves found an open environment for political, philosophical and artistic discussion, where he was not discriminated for his race. Gonçalves wrote four plays, one of which was staged by the Teatro Experimental do Negro and directed by Dalmo Ferreira. "There I learnt everything I know about Theater. It was fundamental for my comprehension of the world." A Black Movement activist, Milton Gonçalves tried a political career, in the 1990s, as a candidate to Rio de Janeiro state governorship. Father of actor Maurício Gonçalves, he is married to Oda Gonçalves since 1966.


Milton Gonçalves
Milton Gonçalves
Milton Gonçalves
Milton Gonçalves
Milton Gonçalves


Juntos A Magia Acontece 2
Hermanoteu na Terra de Godah: O Filme
Hermanoteu is a young shepherd boy who, enlightened by the "Divine Light", travels to the land of Godah to free the people from the oppressive hands of cruel tyrants. A comedy based on the hugely successful play "Hermanoteu in the Land of Godah" by the Brazilian theater company "The Best of the World".
Pixinguinha: Um Homem Carinhoso
Alfredo Vianna
The life of legendary Brazilian musician Alfredo da Rocha Vianna Filho, better known as Pixinguinha.
Candango: Memoirs from a Festival
In 1965, a year after the military coup in Brazil, an oasis of freedom opened in the country's capital. The Brasília Film Festival: a landmark of cultural and political resistance. Its story is that of Brazilian cinema itself.
Juntos a Magia Acontece
The death of the matriarch on Christmas eve provokes a crisis that makes the family review attitudes and give a new meaning to the date.
Carcereiros: O Filme
Dr. Louveira
Pressed, Ripped Apart
What does Brazilian cinema tell us? What does Brazilian cinema tell us about black actresses and actors? ‘Pressed, Ripped Apart’ makes use of archival sources to retrieve the trajectory of black actresses and actors who, between absences and delimited presences, between the fallacy of a racial democracy – based on the harmony among Brazil’s diverse identities – and erasure of identity, strain the history of Brazilian audiovisual and above all, our own history.
Mussum: Um Filme do Cacildis
Ele mesmo
The trajectory of musician and comedian Mussum as vocalist of the group "Os Originais do Samba" and later in cinema and TV as a member of "Os Trapalhões", a group that revolutionized the way of making humor on Brazilian television.
All Paulos in the World - Paulo José
"All Paulos in the World" is a cinematographic essay about Paulo José, one of the greatest artists in Brazil, in the year in which he turns 80 years-old.
Jovem aos 50 - A História de Meio Século da Jovem Guarda
This documentary investigates the aesthetic, political and existential trajectory of emblematic Black Brazilian actor Antônio Pitanga. He career spans over five decades, and he has worked with iconic Brazilian filmmakers Glauber Rocha, Cacá Diegues and Walter Lima Jr. He was a prominent figurehead and outspoken activist during the Brazilian dictatorship, a period of unrest in Brazilian cinema. Pitanga deep dives into the world of Antônio and the history of Brazil. The documentary was directed by his daughter Camila Pitanga, one of widely recognised faces in Brazilian television and cinema right now. The film is also a poem, and a tender ode to fatherhood.
Пеле: Рождение легенды
Waldemar de Brito
Биографическая драма расскажет о закулисье спорта, в частности о жизни величайшего игрока в истории футбола — Пеле. Зрители станут свидетелями непростой жизни бразильской легенды спорта. Сколько преград тому удалось преодолеть на своем пути, чтобы добиться мировой популярности? Это сейчас он демонстрирует невероятные профессиональные достижения и вдобавок ко всему не забывает о благородных делах, но раньше все было по-другому. С ранних лет Пеле жаждал получить признание, неустанно шел к своей мечте, преодолевая препятствия, тем самым закаляя свой характер. Картина охватывает детство футболиста, вплоть до победы на первом этапе Кубка мира в Швеции, когда Пеле было семнадцать лет. Судьба не всегда была благосклонна к спортсмену, однако за каждой успешной личности стоит огромный труд, железная воля и твердая уверенность в собственных силах.
Meus Dois Amores
Monsenhor Fidélis
Manuel is a crafty cowboy and swindler who lives to serve his two great loves – his fiancée Das Dô, and his mule Beija-fulô – and his business of selling unsound horses to suckers. The killer Targino arrives in town looking for a horse. Thinking that he is being clever, Manuel sells a sick horse to the assassin. Targino swears that he is going to kill Manuel, and dishonor Das Dô’s reputation after he’s dead. Under pressure, Manuel calls on the magic of Toniquinho das Pedras to protect his body. However, the witchdoctor demands the mule Beija-fulô as payment. Manuel, sees himself in the dilemma between having to choose between his fiancée Das Dô, and the mule, Beija-fulô.
Приключения красного самолетика
Озорному и непослушному Фернандо 8 лет, у него нет друзей и даже со своим отцом он не ладит. Не зная, как справиться с ребенком отец пытается завоевать его внимание подарками. Но ничего не работает до тех пор, пока старая книга не возвращает им обоим радость. Фернандо с головой ныряет в книжную вселенную и решает, что ему необходим самолет, чтобы освободить капитана Шторма — персонажа книги, который потерялся где-то на далекой Камчатке. В этом путешествии Фернандо понимает важность чтения и любви.
The Duel: A Story Where Truth Is Mere Detail
Commander Vasco Moscoso de Aragão entertains the small town of Periperi with the stories of his many adventures travelling around the world as a captain of the merchant navy. Stubborn Chico Pacheco is the only one in town who doesn't believe his tales.
Giovanni Improtta
Giovanni Improtta is a criminal who wants to climb the social ladder and become a law-abiding citizen. To achieve it, he commits some more crimes He is betrayed, and ends up under the spotlight of the media and the radar of the police, falsely charged for murder.
Dossiê 50: Comício a Favor dos Náufragos
Journalist Geneton Moraes Neto interviews Brazilian international players who lost to Uruguayan national team in the finals of the World Cup 1950 in Maracanã stadium.
Billi Pig
The aspiring actress Marivalda, her husband Wanderley, a bankrupt insurance broker and a false priest do their best to get along in life. But they end up in the hands of a drug boss, whose daughter they promised to save the life of, hit in a shooting at a party in São Cristóvão. A huge cash reward is at stake and now all three have to chase the promised miracle.
Нападение на центральный банк
"Барон" хочет провернуть грандиозный грабеж- украcть огромное количество денег и без какого-либо насилия....
The Silver Cliff
Violeta is a married dentist on a normal working day. While listening to a message left on the cell she enters in despair. The message of her husband, Djalma, says he is leaving her and going to another city.
The Two Deaths of Quincas Wateryell
Delegado Morais
Friends of the recently deceased Quincas take their pal's body on one last tour of his favorite spots in Brazil's Bahia.
Segurança Nacional
Presidente Dantas
This short film portrays the last hours of a young man before assuming homosexuality. He struggles to tell his father that he is gay, but gets inspired from a conversation with friends.
Chico e Amigos
Flávio Rangel - O Teatro na Palma da Mão
Paulo Gracindo - O Bem Amado
The life of a famous Brazilian film and television actor, including testimonials from people who knew him and worked with him, as well as excerpts from films and videos in which he acted.
Em Quadro: A História de 4 Negros nas Telas
A Ilha dos Escravos
After a violent civil war, D. Miguel, the last Portuguese absolutist king, is defeated by the liberals, led by his brother D. Pedro. In 1834 D. Miguel left for exile. His supporters don't give up on returning him to the throne. Willing to do anything they even try to use the slaves of the colonies. A mysterious emissary is sent to Cape Verde to prepare an uprising. But other reasons were behind his visit to the archipelago ....
Xuxa: a Girl's Dream
Diretor Severo
Kika, a math teacher, accidentaly becomes a child again after eating a magic cupcake. This leads her in a journey of self-discovery, while also helping Juju, a 10-year old girl chasing her dreams.
Долги: В Бога Верую
В очень неоднозначной криминальной драме мексиканского режиссёра Поля Ледюка Питер Фонда играет роль миллионера-социопата по имени мистер Икс, живущего в Майами и получающего странное удовольствие, преследуя гуляющих женщин на своём огромном внедорожнике. Тем временем Кобрадор, бразильский шахтёр, направляется в Нью-Йорк, убивая попутно всех, кого встречает на пути.
A Meeting with Milton Santos
The film deals with the process of globalization based on the thought of geographer Milton Santos, who through his ideas and practices, inspires the debate about Brazilian society and the construction of a new world. Santos discusses his views on the importance of respecting difference and his belief that an alternative globalisation model could wholly enfranchise all citizens of the world. An illustrious presence in 20th century social sciences, the man dubbed as ‘geography’s philosopher’ eloquently elucidates a developing world perspective on the global age.
Stay with Me Tonight
The musician and writer of the comic book "Ghost with Heart of Stone" Eduardo meets the gorgeous Laura, who is engaged and close to her marriage, in a bookstore and immediately they fall in love for each other. Sooner they get married, and one night, Eduardo unexpectedly dies, but his soul does not move to the Third World. He meets the Ghost with Heart of Stone stranded in his house, stalking his beloved next door neighbor D. Mariana and he asks to the ghost how he can communicate and say farewell to Laura.
A re-imagining of the myth of Yansan, Shango and Ogum in a luminous, futuristic Japan.
Xuxinha and Guto Against the Space Monsters
Euclides Arquimedes (voice)
With the help from his little guardian angel, Xuxinha, a 7-year old boy called Guto faces the terrible garbage eating monsters from the planet XYZ in the first-ever animated Xuxa film.
Daughters of the Wind
Zé das Bicicletas
É uma lírica história de redenção amorosa entre irmãs, mães e filhas, em uma pequena cidade do interior de Minas Gerais, onde os fantasmas da escravidão e do racismo acentuam os dramas de forma sutil e poderosa.
What Is It Worth?
Free adaptation of Machado de Assis's short story "Pai Contra Mãe", having some of Nireu Cavalcanti's 18th Century chronicles as inspiration, the film traces parallels between life in during the slavery period and in modern Brazil.
História de Amor
Xuxa and The Treasure of the Lost City
Hélio Hipólito
Deep in the Amazon rain forest, there is a lost subterranean city. The place was built by Vikings who crossed the Atlantic Ocean and ventured up the Amazon River, and shelters a mysterious treasure. In order to find the secret location, Bárbara and the children Riacho and Manhã will have to face many challenges. Vicious snakes and dangerous pendulum blades are only the beginning of our heroes' adventures.
The planet Earth is devastated by the lack of water. Desert and arid, left this place few living beings , who had to adapt to the new bioma.2 Isolated in small communities , living separated...
Garrincha: Lonely Star
The life of Brazilian soccer player, Garrincha, considered to be one of the greatest players of all time, with his uniquely original style. He had arched legs, a passion for women and booze. Also had a much talked extramarital affair with singer Elza Soares and died in relative decadence. The movie focuses on his zenith, from 1953 until the World Championship and the Rio Regional Championship, in 1962.
Если бы Сатана искал местечко для филиала ада на Земле, ему не пришлось бы долго возиться. Наверняка им стала бы тюрьма Карандиру, самое жуткое исправительное заведение в Бразилии. Фантастическая антисанитария, отвратительная еда, охранники-садисты и нарушения всех мыслимых прав человека сделали ее печально знаменитой задолго до того, как однажды в 1992 году доведенные до отчаяния заключенные Карандиру подняли мятеж. Полиция с огромным трудом потопила восстание в крови, убив 111 человек. В итоге, из-за разразившегося международного скандала властям пришлось разрушить тюрьму до основания как символ национального позора.
As Alegres Comadres
Padre Arnaldo
Scoundrel João Fausto, a former Portuguese officer, arrives in Tiradentes,in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Using his status of former Imperial Court member, he tries to become lover of both ms. Lima and ms. Rocha, with the intention of taking their money.
Bufo & Spallanzani
Delegado Ferreira
Ivan Canabrava is a writer, turned insurance ivestigator who investigates mysterious deaths involving Bufo Marinus. Bufo Marinus is a frog poison causing catalepsy in humans, simulating death, enabling grand insurance fraud and other crimes. Ten years later, now as a successful writer, similar characters possibly using Bufo Marinus reappear and create an intricate plot full of surprises.
Denying Brazil
A documentary film about the taboos, stereotypes, and struggles of black actors in Brazilian television "soaps". Based on his own memories and on a sturdy body of research evidence, the director analyses race relations in Brazilian soap operas, calling attention to their likely influence on Brazilian African-Americans' identity-forming processes.
Villa-Lobos: A Life of Passion
Saxofonista (voz)
The film tells the story of an intuitive, adventurous man who loved his country and being Brazilian. This man fought to be loyal to himself. His music is a transparent portrait of his genius, intuition, freedom, adventure and passion for Brazil.
Orfeu is a popular composer from a samba school. He lives in the favela and falls madly in love when he meets Euridice, a newcomer to the neighborhood. But the local drug boss Lucinho stands between them and will drastically change both their lives.
Дона Флор и два ее мужа
Padre Clemente
The 20 episode miniseries edited into a 141 minute TV film. The beautiful Flor marries Vadinho and soon finds out he's spending all their money on gambles and has mistresses all over the city. Vadinho suddenly dies while partying during Carnival, and Flor, left helpless and full of debts, ends up marrying Teodoro, who's the exact opposite of her late husband.
Четыре дня в сентябре
Друг Фернандо присоединился к террористической группировке. Он что считал лишь их способными к противостоянию с установившимся в Бразилии диктаторским режимом. Фернандо, как журналист, имел доступ к некоторой засекреченной информации. Благодаря его знаниям, группировка смогла захватить в плен посла США. Главным требованием террористов было освобождение 15 политзаключенных.
Celebração - 100 Anos do Cinema Nacional
"Portraits and excerpts from Brazilian films from all times. Actors, directors and images that affirm cinema."
Napomuceno's Will
Nopumoceno, the most successful businessman in the Cabo Verde archipelogo, is an ambitious, clever opportunist, known during his lifetime as "eternity single". However, he is then discovered by his illegitimate daughter to have gotten his fortune and his women in unorthodox and incredible ways
O Homem Nu
Writer Sílvio Proença needs to travel to São Paulo in order to promote his new book. At the airport, he meets a group of old mates. With the boarding canceled due to a strong storm, the group goes to the apartment of Marialva, daughter of one of Proença's friends. Seduced by Marialva's music and charms, Proença spends the night there, where he wakes up the next day, completely naked. Still groggy from his hangover, he goes to pick up the bread left outside the apartment; that's when the wind closes the door and leaves him naked outside.
O Alienista
Кикбоксер 3: Искусство войны
Американский чемпион по кикбоксингу Дэвид Слоун приглашен в экзотический Рио-де-Жанейро для участия в благотворительном соревновании. Там он подружился с уличной девчонкой Ларой, которую — с целью шантажа — похитил менеджер соперника Дэвида. Сможет ли он спасти Лару и стать победителем? Или ему придется сделать другой выбор?
As Noivas de Copacabana - O Filme
Adaptation of the series shown in 1992. A sequence of crimes in the same style intrigue: a man walks with a woman on the beach; she dresses as a bride and is brutally strangled in the middle of the act of love. To prove the authorship of the crimes is the great challenge of detective France. Written by: Dias Gomes, Ferreira Gullar and Marcílio Moraes.
The Memory Thread
A panorama of the Brazilian black experience, starting with the figure of the semi-illiterate popular artist and employee of a salt mine Gabriel Joaquim dos Santos.
Only One Survived
Four buddies set out on a three-week deep-sea fishing holiday in the Amazon and run into trouble.
The Fifth Monkey
When Cunda, a man living deep in the Brazilian rainforest, is bitten by a snake, he has a hallucination of four chimpanzees. Once he recovers, he is shocked to find the four chimpanzees waiting for him at home, and, believing them to be special, decides to take them to the city in order to sell them.
Дикая орхидея
Поступив на работу в юридическую фирму, Эмили (Кэрри Отис) — молодая красивая девушка — отправляется в Бразилию помочь завершить крупную сделку с недвижимостью. В Рио-де-Жанейро она встречается с Джеймсом Виллером (Микки Рурк) — загадочным и очень сексуальным миллионером, который, используя свое колдовское очарование, пытается соблазнить невинную красотку. Под сумасшедшие ритмы и краски карнавала он распаляет в девушке вулкан неведомых ей ранее чувств и эротических фантазий, так и не решаясь на активные действия. Эмили потрясена и заинтригована сексуальными выходками, в которых она невольно задействована. Но, спровоцировав девушку на связь с другими мужчинами, а сам выступая в качестве наблюдателя за чужими эротическими сценами, Джеймс с удивлением обнаруживает, что всё-таки по-настоящему влюбился в Эмили. Для него это привычная игра в любовь, но Эмили не хочет и не может играть, она искренна, и это заставляет Виллера открыть ей свое сердце.
Луна над Парадором
Среднестатистический нью-йоркский актер Джек Ноа волею судеб оказывается в диктаторском государстве Парадор, где ему предстоит сыграть самую главную роль в актерской карьере — партию самого президента и диктатора Альфонса Симмса. Ведь когда тот внезапно покидает сей бренный мир прямо накануне выборов, начальнику тайной полиции, хитроумному и властолюбивому Роберто Страусманну, ничего не остается, как режиссировать спектакль общенационального масштаба, в приказном порядке назначив на главную роль Джека! Но Роберто даже предположить не мог, что неожиданно для себя, Джек обнаружит в себе истинного лидера народа!
Natal da Portela
Natal da Portela
Biography of one of the legendary names in the Samba genre of Brazilian music. Although he could hardly dance or play an instrument, he became one of the main composers of Portela, an important Samba "school" in Rio de Janeiro.
Subway to the Stars
In this highly stylized Brazilian drama a sax player fondly remembers one wonderful night spent with his life's love and decides to find her again. He embarks upon a quest through the wild streets of Rio to find her. Along the way he meets an assortment of odd urban underworld characters.
Italiani a Rio
A bank sends three prize-winning employees on a vacation to Rio.
Pedro Mico
Поцелуй женщины-паука
Двое в южноамериканской тюрьме делят одну камеру, один — гомосексуалист — за недостойное поведение, другой по политическим мотивам. Пока первый пытается убежать от реальности, другой думает о причинах сложившейся ситуации. Им придётся научиться понимать и уважать друг друга.
Rei do Rio
Two friends get rich running an illegal gambling business. But soon they start to compete, and become rivals.
Quilombo dos Palmares was a real-life democratic society, created in Brazil in the 17th century. This incredibly elaborate (and surprisingly little-known) film traces the origins of Quilombo, which began as a community of freed slaves. The colony becomes a safe harbor for other outcasts of the world, including Indians and Jews. Ganga Zumba (Toni Tornado) becomes president of Quilombo, the first freely elected leader in the Western Hemisphere. Naturally, the ruling Portuguese want to subjugate Zumba and his followers, but the Quilombians are ready for their would-be oppressors. The end of this Brave New World is not pleasant, but the followers of Zumba and his ideals take to the hills, where they honor his memory to this day. Writer/director Carlos Diegues takes every available opportunity to compare the rise and fall of Quilombo with the state of affairs in modern-day Brazil.
They Don't Wear Black Tie
Otavio is an idealistic union leader trying to organize workers at a factory to resist the company's exploitative practices. His son, Tião, one of the employees, is more of a realist and doesn't want to risk losing his job by striking. This clash of perspectives puts the father and son at odds. Fortunately, Tião's mother, Romana, is on hand to act as a moderator between the two opinionated men.
O Sol dos Amantes
Parceiros da Aventura
Na Boca do Mundo
Ladrões de Cinema
After assaulting a Hollywood film crew, a group of residents of a community in Rio de Janeiro decided to produce a film that would express the reality of Brazil - with the theme of Inconfidência Mineira.
Lúcio Flávio, the Passenger of the Agony
History of a famous Brazilian bandit of the early seventies and his fight against a death squad.
Carioca Tigre
Ipanema, Adeus
Young and rich executive living in Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro, leaves his wife and kids behind and goes to Porto Seguro, Bahia, to try and live as a fisherman with his mistress.
Дьявольская королева
Rainha Diaba
Главный герой криминальной драмы — жестокий наркоделец, не скрывающий своих гомосексуальных пристрастий, одна из самых ярких фигур преступного мира Рио-де-Жанейро, известен окрестным бандам под именем «Дьявольская королева».
As Quatro Chaves Mágicas
Ladrão 1
Sad with her grandfather's death, Maria goes on vacation with her friend João on board a jeep. After being threatened by three thieves and helped by a Japanese traveler who opens their eyes to the mysteries of love, a pair gets lost in the forest and ends up at the home of a strange woman, who turns out to be a powerful witch Astarte. Realizing the danger they are in, Maria asks for help from the forest beings who teach her the secrets of the four magic keys: earth, air, fire and water. With these teachings, Maria leaves for the final confrontation against Astarte.
É Simonal
A Cama ao Alcance de Todos
Макунаима — ленивый антигерой, афроамериканец, рожденный в Амазонии. Повзрослев, он осознает цель своей жизни, которая ведет его в Большой Город. После смерти матери он с двумя своими братьями едет в Рио-де-Жанейро. В пути с ним происходят большие чудеса. Встав под поток воды, он становится белым и фантатически красивым. Макунаима упивается своим новым цветом кожи, который изменяет его жизнь и открывает двери разных карьерных возможностей в столичном Сан-Пауло. Оставаясь большим ребенком, Макунаима влюбляется в девушку-революционерку, которая участвует в герилье с оружием в руках, борясь против военной диктатуры. У них рождается черный ребенок. После того, как девушка и ребенок будут убиты, Макунаима будет мстить, но, в конце концов, возвратится обратно в джунгли.
Máscara da Traição
Couple of lovers want to steal the income of a popular soccer game, at Maracanã Stadium, in Rio de Janeiro.
Os Raptores
Bruno is a physician whose license had been revoked, due to some ethical problems in the past. He gathers some criminals to kidnap the children of two powerful bankers. While the police faces contradictory evidence and clues, Bruno starts killing the other criminals, to keep the ransom for himself.
The Angel Was Born
Santamaria and Urtigo are two bandits on the run, one is white, the other black. Santamaria is a mystical visionary and believes in the imminent coming of a purifying angel. Urtiga, his inseparable companion, is a simple-minded and ingenious man who follows Santamaria around and participates in the crimes he commits. The two bandits take over a house after kidnapping its owner and his girlfriend.
Pedro Diabo Ama Rosa Meia Noite
Sete Homens Vivos ou Mortos
The Brave Warrior
Young congressman Miguel Horta represents a party that is directly opposed to the present government. He slyly switches parties in order to gain favor with those in power, seriously compromising his own ideals and ethics in the process.
The Man Who Bought the World
In a fictitious country, civil servant receives the greatest inheritance in history (ten trillion dollars) and is confined by authorities because he could break world economics. But he manages to escape.
Mineirinho, Vivo ou Morto
Based on real-life Brazilian bandit "Mineirinho", the film follows the story of Zezé, a man falsely accused by sensasionalist press of being a high-caliber criminal who suddenly becomes one of the most wanted men of Rio de Janeiro.
Em Busca do Tesouro
Jerry is a tutor at an orphanage. On the first day of vacation, the boys go to the beach with Professor Teobaldo and find a skeleton and a treasure map. Word spreads and a rush for gold begins. On the one hand, Jerry and Neyde, television colleagues; on the other, the director of the station, Indalécio, and his lover Aphrodite; finally, the evil Rock Trombada, in the company of scientist Bertini and Daniel. On Treasure Island, the three camps promote mutual sabotage. After many confusions, Trombada flees with the treasure to the ship's cemetery but they are surrounded by the boys and Indalécio. It's the final war. But it is Jerry who will take the wealth in order to improve the situation at the orphanage.
Jerry - A Grande Parada
Na Mira do Assassino
Cuidado! Espião Brasileiro em Ação!
Toda Donzela Tem Um Pai Que é Uma Fera
General's daughter, who lives with her boyfriend without being married, gets in trouble when her conservative father decides to visit her. A friend decides to help them, but things only get worse.
Paraíba, Vida e Morte de um Bandido
True story of a famous and violent Brazilian outlaw nicknamed "Paraíba". After being shot, Paraíba tries to hide inside a church, where he starts remembering episodes of his criminal life.
História de Um Crápula
Grande Sertão
Cowboy Riobaldo is attracted to same sex Diadorim, not knowing that "he" is a girl dressed in man's clothes. After Diadorim's father is killed, she swears revenge, being joined by Riobaldo in this mission.
Procura-se Uma Rosa
That World and Mine
The film follows two men living in a Rio de Janeiro slum: a black shoe-shiner and a white mill worker.
Gimba, Presidente dos Valentes
Cinco Vezes Favela
(segment "Couro de Gato")
Five segments about the hardships faced by people living in slums on hills in Rio de Janeiro.
Cat Skin
Black man working
A few weeks before Carnival, slum boys organize huntings for stray cats, whose leather can be used in Samba percussion instruments, like the Tamborim, a small drum.
Cidade Ameaçada
Based on true events, the film tells the story of Brazilian outlaw Promessinha, one of the most famous and feared criminals of his time, depicting his crimes and cruelty, until his death confronting the police.
The Grand Moment
On the day of his wedding, young man from a family of immigrants faces some problems to get the money needed for the last arrangements. The family do what they can in order to honour the great event, selling personal belongings and buying enough supplies for a decent party.