Henriette Heinze
Рождение : 1973-01-01, Zittau, Germany
In 1986, Anna from West Germany and the GDR citizen Philipp meet at a church youth exchange in East Berlin. It's love at first sight. But it is also an impossible love, because between them stands the wall.
Helene Wiese
Frau Tyarks
In einem kleinen Dorf an der Küste, wo sich Robbe und Hering Gute Nacht sagen, geht alles seinen friesischen Gang: Der Himmel hängt tief, die Träume hoch, und das Leben schippert irgendwo dazwischen. Bis die örtliche Tippgemeinschaft den 50 Millionen-Jackpot im Lotto knackt. Genug Geld für alle, sollte man meinen. Doch weit gefehlt! Es beginnt das große Hauen und Stechen um die Beute: zwischen der alleinerziehenden und trickreichen Schichtarbeiterin Mirabel, dem Fischfabrikanten Klaas Jonkers, dem Bademeister und der Surflegende Menno, Mennos Freundin Gloria, dem Busfahrer Bruno, Mirabels Brüdern Jimmy und Piet, dem Bürgermeister Zotebier und dem Lottoladen-Chef Arie Tammen. Raffiniert weiß die kluge Mirabel ihre Gewinnteilhaber zu überlisten und sich ihr Stück vom Glück zu sichern. Doch auch ihre Brüder verschaffen sich, ebenso planlos wie effektiv, ihren Platz an der Sonne – in einem friesisch-herben Showdown.
Brita Kirsch
Having just landed a gig with a trendy magazine, young photographer Nadja celebrates at the local disco, where she bumps into Darius, a 20-year-old skateboarder. Although her frankness at first scares him, the two quickly become a couple, and as their intoxicating affair takes off, they seem like passionate soul mates. Soon, however, career demands and emotional intensity gradually put a strain on their rapport, and things turn even more complicated...
Rita Hansen
Tina Winter
The firefighter Erik wants to make a proposal to his girlfriend Sofie, but at the crucial moment sparkles the attractive Melissa in between. When Sofie learns that Erik had a fleeting affair with Melissa on Carnival, a world collapses for her. But the two gather again, as Erik promises high and holy that such a thing will never happen again. To underline the seriousness of his intentions, he makes her an unconventional offer: he "gives" her an infidelity. He should not have done that, because suddenly he threatens to lose Sofie to his best friend.
Evi, a young single mother, works as a seasonal waitress in a winter sports village. She is young and wants to live on the edge and get all the enjoyment she can out of life. When she drinks, Evi feels completely herself, free and inhibited. But her excesses reveal themselves to be the ticking of a time bomb.
Nina Hoffmann
Rosi Bockhorn
With 1970s Germany in the background, this film depicts the story of a family from the “R.A.F. Terrorist” group and their search for a normal life and their inner self.
Set against the backdrop of post-unification Germany, the film explores the breakdown of relations in a decaying social structure.