Audie England

Audie England

Рождение : 1972-10-09, Los Angeles, California, USA


Adrienne Marie "Audie" England (born July 12, 1967) is an American actress and professional photographer. England was born in Los Angeles, California, and graduated from UCLA with a concentration in cinematography. When she was 26, England was asked by Zalman King to star in his film version of Anaïs Nin's Delta of Venus. Since then, England has appeared in several Zalman King productions, including guest appearances on the film series Red Shoe Diaries. Audie also appeared in the music video of Don Henley's The Boys of Summer, which won the MTV Video Music Award for Video of the Year at the 1985 MTV Video Music Awards. Besides being a regular in King's movies, England is best known for her role as Claire in Free Enterprise. She has appeared in 14 movies and has made several guest appearances on various television shows. In 1998, England was voted one of People's "Most Beautiful Stars."


Audie England
Audie England


Shame, Shame, Shame
A woman, carrying out a project about the sexuality of males and females, is forced to confront a secret from her childhood.
Red Shoe Diaries 8: Night of Abandon
The Call Girl (segment "Liar's Tale")
Night of Abandon: A wild blissful night in Brazil during Carnival. Liar's Tale: A burned out photojournalist's obsession with a high-class call girl awakens her ability to feel again. In the Blink of an Eye: A passionate boxer seduces a happily married woman.
Mortal Kombat: Final Battle
Princess Kitana
After the whole North of the Equator freezes below zero, a group of people in Los Angeles risk their lives while trying to "escape" from the city's hostile conditions, in order to take a ship to a hotter place on Earth.
Озеро любви 2
Юная Лиззи помолвлена с молодым человеком из богатой семьи. В честь помолвки родители подарили ей восхитительный красный автомобиль «Корвет». Но к огорчению отца она влюбляется в работающего на отцовском ранчо простого ковбоя Кайла. Отец запрещает молодому ковбою даже близко подходить к своей дочери. Но Лиззи тайком от родителей проводит с Кайлом романтическую страстную ночь любви. Узнав об этом, отец приходит в ярость, и Кайл бесследно исчезает. Но Лиззи не может смириться с потерей любви…
Young filmmakers trying to hawk a movie titled "Bradykillers" about a serial killer who goes after victims Marcia, Jan, and Cindy meet their screen idol, William Shatner. The two young men, who idolize him and in their fantasies have seen him as a shadowy fairy godfather figure, are alarmed at the reality of the middle-aged non-Captain Kirk man that they meet.
Dr Jones
Бесстрашный «взвод самоубийц», сформированный из заключенных, высаживается на далекой планете для захвата вражеской военной базы. Однако вскоре бойцы обнаруживают, что их опередил более сильный противник — невидимый хищник, оставивший после себя горы трупов. Напряжение возрастает, когда они начинают догадываться, что ужасный убийца скрывается под обличием одного из них. Теперь, в обстановке ненависти и подозрений, паранойи и страха они должны сплотиться, чтобы вместе противостоять неведомому врагу, который коварно и беспощадно устраняет одного члена группы за другим.
Miami Hustle
Jean Ivers
Marsha, a con artist with a conscience, has agreed to take on an unusual scheme in order to pay off a debt to a lawyer who helped out her brother. An elderly millionaire is about to die, and the entire fortune has been willed to a stripper named Jean, who is unaware of the windfall awaiting her. Marsha's task is to get to know Jean well enough that she can impersonate her at the reading of the will and take the inheritance for herself. Taking a job at the same strip club, the pair soon bond, but will Marsha's feelings for her new friend outweigh her need to help pay off her brother's debt?
One Good Turn
Matt, a home arcade games programmer runs into an old acquaintance who saved his life years earlier from a burning automobile. The rescuer, Simon, is down on his luck, living like a bum. The grateful Matt feels obligated to help Simon, so he takes him into his home and gets him a job in the mail room of his company. However, what Matt doesn't know is it was no accident running into Simon, and Simon has an old score to settle with Matt, going all the way back to the night Simon saved Matt's life.
Venus Rising
A couple escapes an island prison and are chased through the real world where drugs and artificial reality are used to create emotions.
W.E.I.R.D. World
Greed, murder, sex - all appear to thrive at the Wilson Emery Institute for Research and Development, aka W.E.I.R.D., where brilliant, young, but emotionally unstable scientific geniuses are recruited to develop cutting-edge projects in such fields as virology, time-travel, rejuvenation and robotics.
Дельта Венеры
Elena Martin
Предвоенный Париж января 1940 года… В богемной «тусовке» встречаются двое — успешный молодой писатель Лоренс Уолтерс и очаровательная Элена Мартин, тоже «пробующая перо», но пока безуспешно. Между ними вспыхивает сильное чувство, особую остроту которому придает обстановка истерического веселья перед наступающим всемирным хаосом. Случайно Элена видит Лоренса в объятиях дамы легкого поведения. Она не может простить ему измены, и они расстаются. Одиночество и бытовая неустроенность заставляют Элену принять предложение неизвестного писать для него за приличный гонорар эротические рассказы. И она с головой окунается в мир эротических грез, черпая вдохновение в собственных сексуальных переживаниях…
Red Shoe Diaries 4: Auto Erotica
A sultry Italian maid unlocks a couple's (Ally Sheedy, Scott Plank) secret chamber and unleashes a private fantasy. An architect (David Duchovny) is lured by a mysterious beauty (Sheryl Lee) into a torrid game of temptation and seduction. And a hot-motored woman races a hard-driving man (Nick Chinlund) from the edge of passion to the depths of obsession in a detour to the back roads of destiny and desire in this Red Shoe Diaries collection from master sensualist Zalman King.
Mortal Kombat: Conquest
Kitana / Mileena
In a world scarred by destruction and violence, three fierce warriors face the wrath of an evil empire as they strive to protect the Earth Realm from the forces of darkness.