Habib Shadah


Да будет утро
Original Music Composer
История палестинского бухгалтера с израильским гражданством, много лет назад уехавшего из родной арабской деревни в Иерусалим.
Personal Affairs
In Nazareth, an old couple lives wearily to the rhythm of the daily routine. On the other side of the border, in Ramallah, their son Tarek wishes to remain an eternal bachelor, their daughter is about to give birth while her husband lands a movie role and the grandmother loses her head... Between check-points and dreams, frivolity and politics, some want to leave, others want to stay but all have personal affairs to resolve.
Women of Hamas
Original Music Composer
Everyone was surprised at the triumph of Hamas in the last Palestinian elelctions, but the bigger surprise was that the women were behind that victory. We follow three Hamas women to try and understand why an Islamist political party, operating in a very conservative society, allows its women to become political, social and even military leaders.
Lemon Tree
Salma Zidane, a widow, lives simply from her grove of lemon trees in the West Bank's occupied territory. The Israeli defence minister and his wife move next door, forcing the Secret Service to order the trees' removal for security. The stoic Salma seeks assistance from the Palestinian Authority, Israeli army, and a young attorney, Ziad Daud, who takes the case. In this allegory, does David stand a chance against Goliath?
Визит оркестра
Александрийский церемониальный полицейский оркестр в составе восьми человек прилетает в Израиль, где должен играть на открытии нового Арабского культурного центра. Музыкантов никто не встречает, и они пытаются добраться до нужного города самостоятельно. И оказываются буквально посреди пустыни, в маленьком и не очень дружелюбном на вид городке…