Elina Madison

Elina Madison

Рождение : , Cheyenne, Wyoming, USA


Elina Madison is from Cheyenne, Wyoming and lives in Los Angeles. She has a successful career in film and television and has worked with incredible directors such as David Lynch on "Mulholland Drive" and Tom Hanks on "That Thing You Do". Recent work includes feature films "Huff", "Chop" and the ensemble character study "Small Town Saturday Night" starring Chris Pine and John Hawkes. She also co-starred in the Award winning feature film "Barracuda". She has starred in numerous horror genre films such as the classic "Miners Massacre", "Creepshow 3", "Petrified" and the remake of "The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" as well as producing and starring in "Corporate Cut Throat Massacre". Elina has also starred in her share of comedies such as award winning "Kissing Cousins" and "Stand Up", as well as taking a dramatic turn in independent films as the lead heroine Minty in "Minty: The Assassin". In television, she has guest-starred on Emmy nominated "Brothers & Sisters" and NBC’s "Las Vegas" as well as working on shows such as "Mystery ER", reoccurring on "Untold Stories of the ER", National Geographic, Nickelodeon and The Discovery Channel as well as numerous other films and television programs and several local and national commercials.


Elina Madison


Evil Bong 888: Infinity High
Rhonda Vu
When he's finally given a chance to go legit by opening a restaurant, Rabbit can't stop himself from sliding back to his old ways. With EeBee as his Master Chef, weed is definitely on the menu and this high-end joint is the toke of the town. Staffed with tons of familiar faces and fan favorite buds, will Rabbit end on a high note? Or will he be chopped by the cops in a kitchen nightmare that goes up in smoke.
Obsessed With the Babysitter
Sofia Cartwright
Elaine, an injured dancer, catches the eye of a deranged psychologist who believes her to be the perfect woman. Realizing he is manipulating her mind and using her injury against her; Elaine must escape with the children before she becomes another casualty in his psychotic study.
Café owner Peter, leaves his disgruntled manager Henry, to take care of business, and he instead hires a crew of misfits. Peter returns to an unrecognizable business but soon learns the value of camaraderie with the new team.
Strippers Exposed
(archive footage)
See all the Hollywood groping you’ve only read about in the tabloids! Find out what it really takes to get ahead in the adult film business! Follow hot young hopefuls from the casting couch to the wrap party, and witness every wild twist on the way. Sex sells, and these sassy sisters are slinging it saucy. But will they get the part, or will they end up another face on the cutting room floor? Or worse: will they bare body and soul, only to be sent back to Kansas with nothing but a faux-pearl necklace from the Casting Agent as a souvenir? In this time of showbiz shenanigans, we present this film as a cautionary tale, lest the supple flesh of any young ingénue fall prey to the advances of an unscrupulous Agent or Producer as chum to sharks. So heed this warning should ever you hear the siren song of the silver screen, and don’t let the fate of these girls befall you. A kiss is not a contract. Before you give it up, get it in writing!
Evil Bong 777
Rhonda Vu
EVIL BONG 777 leaves off where last year's EVIL BONG 666 left off. Our scowling weed-spewing Eebee is out of "Sexy Hell" and heading to Sin City with danger on her tail. She's joined by her whack pack of fabulous freaks: Faux Batty, Rabbit, Misty and The Gingerweed Man. Get ready for a tidal wave of smutty, skunky, surreal insanity as the gang gets into all manner of misadventures. Can Vegas handle this gaggle of ganja-fied weirdos?
Summer, a phone sex operator, is at the end of her emotional rope. She begins recording her callers as proof of how normal, professional men can also be pedophiles and rapists. When no one will believe or listen to the taped phone conversations with these otherwise ordinary men, Summer take matters into her own hands and drives her vintage Plymouth Barracuda across the country, surprising and exposing these deviants in their homes.
A woman steals her abusive boyfriend's drug money for her three teenage daughters to seek better lives for themselves and a bloody pursuit ensues.
The Brides of Sodom
In a post apocalyptic world where vampires and witches rule, a male vampire falls in love with a human man, and wants to make him immortal.
The Girl with No Number
Connie Mallory
Phuong Ly, a poor, beautiful Vietnamese woman, falls in love with an attractive, kind and wealthy man who wants to take her hand in marriage. Her life is seemingly perfect until her boyfriend's mother purposefully sabotages their relationship. Heartbroken and fragile, Phuong Ly travels to Ho Chi Minh City to work as a cleaner at a marriage agency. There she meets Mitch, one of the men seeking an arranged marriage. He takes a strong interest in her, and coerces her to marry him with the promise that he'll support her family in Vietnam and that she'll receive a better life. However as soon as she arrives in America, Phuong Ly realizes she has been brought as a slave. She is violated and abused with no hope of escape. The only ray of light is the bond she develops with the American's young, autistic niece; both of them prisoners needing to escape.
The Corporate Cutthroat Massacre
Brandi Babcock
Brandi (Elina Madison) has until the end of the day to fire two employees, then someone decides to up their chances of remaining employed by making people disappear.
Где-то за городом у паренька по имени Ланс сломалась машина. Ситуация, знакомая многим, но к счастью рядом тут же оказался добрый самаритянин на пикапе, который согласился подбросить бедолагу до города. Все бы ничего, но водитель ведет себя странно… так Ланс попадает в дичайший переплет при котором начинает терять некоторые части своего тела.
Ding Dong Dead
A gang of lovely young ladies known as the Ding Dong Ditchers terrorize a sleepy suburban town by ringing peoples' doorbells and then running away. Crazed and pathetic loser Doug has just been fired from his job, so he decides to make a stand against the Ding Dong Ditchers in order to impress Claudia, who's the attractive woman who lives right across the street. However, Doug's initially minor dispute with the Ding Dong Ditchers eventually escalates into an all-out no-holds-barred war.
Orgy of the Damned
The Woman Who Isn't Her Mother
Fosco, a 300 year old vampire, lives in a beautiful mansion with his wife Sabina and their son Dimitri. Their lives are a non-stop lust orgy where anything goes and always does! Until, Fauna, a naive young woman, and her boyfriend, Micah, show up and turn the ecstasy-driven clan into murderous back-stabbers, hell-bent on revenge and power.
Ripped Memories
Memories can be lost just like pages from a diary but what happens when they are brought to the surface? Will the truth come out?
Small Town Saturday Night
Angie Francis
Just days before Rhett (Chris Pine) is leaving for Nashville to pursue a lifelong dream of being a singer/songwriter, his girlfriend Samantha (Bre Blair) realizes that "his" future may not be "their" future. This news comes as a shock to Rhett, and he is faced with having to choose between following his dream and staying in his hometown in order to be with the woman he loves.
Чей-то стук в дверь
Wilma Hopper
Группа учащихся мединститута, пытаясь побороть скуку и хоть как-то себя развлечь, начинает активно экспериментировать со всевозможными наркотическими средствами. В процессе эксперимента студенты натыкаются на некий таинственный препарат «Талдон». Желая испытать новый кайф, молодые люди не раздумывая вкалывают себе этот новый наркотик.К сожалению, «Талдон» обладает довольно отвратительными побочными эффектами, из-за которых студентам приходится решать целую кучу свалившихся на них проблем. Некоторые из этих проблем вполне реальны, другие же существуют только лишь в воспаленном воображении начинающих медиков. В то же время из 70-х годов прошлого века в настоящее время странным образом переносится пара серийных насильников-убийц. Будущие врачи начинают один за другим умирать самым жутким и кошмарным образом…
Непристойное кино
Когда на носу выпускной, а ты еще девственник — тут не до шуток. Надо срочно что-то предпринять, чтобы стать крутым перцем! Двое закадычных друзей Мерт и Джош решают лишиться девственности за один день. Но как это сделать неопытным и малопривлекательным школьникам? Остается одно — прибегнуть к помощи старших товарищей. Друзей ждет целый набор приключений — угон автомобиля, встреча с психованными подружками братца Мерта и отвязная вечеринка, где парни оторвутся по полной!!!
Minty the Assassin
MINTY is a youthful, raven haired, punk rock, feminist, female super heroine, that gets her super powers from eating chocolate (which is a good source of antioxidants). One day Minty's agent, BIG BOSS, an older and honorable gentlemen, is taken hostage by DOCTOR BRAIN BENDER, the evil neuro-scientist. Minty then fights her way up various perverse floors of Doctor Brain Bender's paranormal building to rescue Big Boss. Several unusual villains stand in her way: CAPTAIN CAPABILITY, a freak of nature; SENSATIONAL NINJA, an effeminate assassin; RAT MONSTER, a depressed mutant; BRUCE ZEE, a psycho martial artist; MOLLY LEVIATHAN, a sensual super vixen; ZEN COWBOY, a blindfolded gunslinger; and DOUBLE DELICIOUS, an intellectual lesbian vampire. Throughout this wild odyssey, Minty educates her adversaries on the fascinating world of natural science and then uses her beauty, her brains, and pure brutality to demonstrate the biological theory of the survival of the fittest
As our world suffers the ravages of humankind, scientists look for ways to sustain life. When one of them falls ill and a chrysalis forms around him, a tug of war ensues about the future of the stricken scientist.
Смертельные гонки
Грандиозный проект «Смертельные гонки» — шанс поднять рейтинг частного телеканала. Главная задача — все должно быть по-настоящему. Для осуществления задуманного, продюсеры нанимают ученых, занимающихся незаконными исследованиями по оживлению людей. В результате на старт выходят… зомби! Но не успев начаться, шоу выходит из-под контроля — покинув закрытую территорию, безумные гонщики врываются в город. Камеры, вмонтированные в их автомобили, продолжают работать, и «Смертельные гонки» превращаются в настоящий кровавый кошмар в прямом эфире!
From a Place of Darkness
Tall Hooker
Miles Kody, is a documentary filmmaker. As Miles tapes his interviews with Vic he becomes aware of the appearance of "ghosts" captured on his video monitor. He realizes that the faint energy fields of these ghosts, past victims of the snuff films, are picked up more readily on video...
Devil Girl
Fay is a small town girl on a cross country road trip, trying to escape her own reality after the death of her father. When her muscle car breaks down during a drag race she finds herself stranded along route 66 in an isolated desert town. Short on cash, she makes a series of choices to make enough money to repair her car. After encountering a neurotic, drug abusing clown she finds herself sliding down a dark spiral. Soon thereafter, her road trip starts to devolve into a living nightmare. Trapped and desperate, she fights to regain her identity while navigating through a host of locals; a creepy motel clerk, an overzealous preacher, and a sexy temptress with horns and a tail.
Deadly Culture
A dying woman participates in an experiment which makes unexpected changes to her body.
When a black market antiques deal is botched by a goon and his girlfriend, the mummified remains of an alien they were selling is revived by the blood of the murdered dealer. The blood-hungry mummy is on the run, and stumbles upon an in-patient psychiatric facility that is home to dozens of beautiful, voluptuous nymphomaniacs.
Look @ Me
Tina has been using the internet and her perfect body to achieve financial success. After being kidnapped and imprisoned by her biggest and most twisted web fan, she must use both like never before to escape.
Формула рая
«Формула рая» — это название компании, которая занимается генетическими исследованиями. Им удалось клонировать тираннозавра! Это кровожадное чудище живет в очень прочной клетке прямо в лаборатории. Взаперти оно не представляет никакой опасности. Но в здание вламываются грабители и ломают систему безопасности. Из-за этого автоматически открываются все двери. В том числе и та, за которой сидит хищник!
Калейдоскоп ужасов 3
Антология включает в себя пять эпизодов: «Жена профессора Дэйтона», «Элис», «Рэйчел, девушка по вызову», «Радио», «Одержимый пес».
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Cindy Shivers
Tony Todd (Clive Barker's Candyman, Final Destination 2) is Dr. Henry Jekyll in this blood-drenched, modern adaptation of the macabre classic. Part crime thriller, part psychological horror, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde takes Robert Louis Stevenson's sinister story to chilling new depths as Mr. Hyde leaves a grisly trail while terrorizing local college co-eds. With the police bearing down on him, Mr. Hyde attacks Henry's fiancee in the demented denouement of this twisted tale that must be seen to be believed!
Silent Screamplay II
Pamela Martin
Royce Dudley's directing style in this film brings back the old campy style films of the past. He doesn't rely on special effects or flashbacks to move the film along. Elina Madison & Chris Blacksmith carry this movie all the way to the end. Chris brings unexpected comedy laughter to the screen. Elina with over 40 movies to her credit delivers a solid professional performance. Watch after credits!
Psychon Invaders
Jenny McKinnis
Sarah McKinnis, a software engineer at a weapons factory, is accidentally shot in the head by a new type of riot control pistol. From that moment, her life becomes a nightmare. People appear to her as hideous aliens but she's the only one that can see these creatures. She tries to warn her normal looking supervisor, Ed Devon, but the evil space creatures massacre everyone at her laboratory. Sarah escapes with the pistol. The aliens kill her sister in retaliation. She wages a lone war against the extra-terrestrial menace, shooting and killing the army of hideous, green skinned monsters from space. But, how can one woman stop this hidden invasion from the stars?
Bloody Tease
Vampire strippers terrorize a college town.
The Erotic Misadventures of the Invisible Man
Rachel Stevens
When Norman, an aspiring actor, can't find an open door in Hollywood he gets rather dispirited. But he gets a new lease on life when he discovers an invisibility formula and learns that women don't really care whether they can see him or not! This erotic comedy is based on the comic books by Milo Manera.
El Chupacabra
After his capture in the wilderness, the legendary, bloodthirsty creature 'Chupacabra' escapes into the city creating mayhem and panic. As they pursue the deadly beast, an animal control officer and scientist realize that a vigilante with his own suspicious motive is also tracking the elusive killer for a mysterious research facility run by Dr. Goodspeed...
Поцелуй мумии
Профессор Мур помогает одной из своих студенток раскрыть тайну древних артефактов, которые её родственник привёз из Египта. Одной из находок является мумия египетской колдуньи, дух которой возвращается на землю, чтобы найти современную реинкарнацию своей старой любовницы.
Sorority girls initiate new members by making them stay in a haunted funhouse. But it turns out there is a real killer on the loose.
Проклятие золотой шахты
Rox Ann
Легенда гласит, что Джеремайя Стоун был самым страшным злодеем, когда-либо жившим в этих краях. Но и сейчас, через 150 лет после смерти, его дух продолжает терроризировать жителей графства. Поэтому, когда шестеро молодых людей отправились в путешествие по горам Саттерсвилла, они явно напрашивались на приключения. И ведь нельзя сказать, что их не предупреждали. Разыскивая пропавшее золото в заброшенной шахте, друзья добились лишь одного: пробудили к жизни дух Джеремайи Стоуна. Легендарный призрак вновь стал кошмарной реальностью, неостановимой машиной для убийств, жаждущей человеческой крови.
Криминальные сцены
A homicide detective investigating a series of sex murders in L.A receives help on the case from a well-known sex therapist with a dark secret.
Butterscotch: Lost But Found
While working as a waiter at an exclusive Hollywood party, aspiring actor Norman has a strange accident with a pot of butterscotch that makes him invisible.
Lip Service
After a long absence, Kat returns to the life of her old college roommate, Allison. The trouble is, Allison is a successful furniture designer and Kat is a strung-out nymphomaniac with no apparent means of support. Allison takes her in and before long, Kat has ruined the business...
Shame, Shame, Shame
A woman, carrying out a project about the sexuality of males and females, is forced to confront a secret from her childhood.
Illusions of Sin
When a mysterious incident nearly claims the life of a beautiful actress during rehearsals for her upcoming play, everyone deduces that her ambitious understudy, Elizabeth (Mellara Gold), is the guilty party. But when Elizabeth discovers that she's become the object of a secret admirer's obsession, she begins to suspect that the murder attempt was a twisted effort to win her heart. Eric Gibson directs this erotic mystery.