Christopher Atkins

Christopher Atkins

Рождение : 1961-02-21, Rye, New York, USA


Christopher Atkins (born Christopher Atkins Bomann on February 21, 1961) is an American actor, who became famous with his costarring debut role in the 1980 film The Blue Lagoon. Description above from the Wikipedia article Christopher Atkins, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Christopher Atkins


Ladies of the '80s: A Divas Christmas
Five soap opera divas as they reunite to shoot the final Christmas episode of their long-running sudser. The producer, Alex and director Nell, who happen to be old college friends, do their best to keep things on the rails but as the ladies come together, old rivalries resurface that threaten to tear the production apart.
Attraction to Paris
A college girl, studying abroad in Europe, stumbles upon a murder in progress, orchestrated by a terror cell, putting her life in danger as the main witness.
One Remains
Samuel Mahoney
When a group of filmmakers trek deep into the woods to investigate a missing persons case, they inadvertently start a chain of events that lead to horrific consequences.
Эльдорадо. Затерянный рай
Richard Davenport
Преследуемый необъяснимыми демонами, Давенпорт ищет убежища от мира. Он связывается со своей бывшей любовницей Элизабет Карлайл, которая готовится уехать в джунгли Перу на поиски художника-затворника Хорхе Эскамильи. Полагая, что поездка даст ему столь необходимое успокоение, Давенпорт присоединяется к Элизабет. Но в джунглях Амазонки его подстерегает целый набор опасностей: коллекционер картин оказывается воротилой смертоносного рынка, художник прячется в глуши мятежной территории, а в джунглях скрываются темные сверхъестественные силы, полные решимости сохранить древние секреты легендарного города Эльдорадо...
Gathering of Heroes: Legend of the Seven Swords
Garrik Grayraven
In the mystical realm of Ryntia, the forces of the underworld are aligning to unleash a plague of evil upon the surface. The deadly bat-like Blood Reavers, the Saurian Maurauders, the Orcish Warmongers and the feline Shadow-cat mercenaries have pledged their respective clans to the service of Bre'Gwen, queen of the deep elves. Together they seek to destroy the human and Elven kingdoms and rule all of Ryntia in the name of evil.
The Sparrows Nesting
Mike Sparrow
From very different backgrounds, the two women bond over their shared love for their families. As the women grow closer, Maria reveals her concern for her precocious, but lonely daughter Bella, who she fears is being bullied at school. At Anna's urging, her teenage daughter Emily takes Bella under her wings. Maria's husband, Hector, loses his job, and his ability to provide for his family. He falls into despair as he's unable to find work, and turns back to drinking. When he finds Maria at the Sparrow's house, he assumes she is cleaning houses. His pride overcomes him and demands she leave with him. Anna agrees to watch Bella as Maria leaves with Hector, hoping to reason with him, make him understand how much she loves him, and that she knows he is always there for his family. As they weigh the impact on young Bella, Anna and Mike face one of the most important decisions of their lives.
A Horse for Summer
Pastor Bob
When a family emergency forces a troubled teen to do the wrong thing for the right reason, a community discovers the meaning of forgiveness.
Kids vs Monsters
The six richest people in the world each have one thing still dragging them down.. their intolerable kids. Luckily, there is a mysterious entity that is happy to help. See, he has some monsters of his own and they are just dying to test out their skills.. One house. Six kids. Seven monsters. Who will be left standing? It's time for a showdown.. it's Kids Vs Monsters!
Guardian Angel
John Robertson
After the tragic death of his wife, Ray, a veteran security specialist, must protect the daughter of a businessman who embezzled millions from a crime boss in Los Angeles. Uncovering much more than he bargained for, Ray takes matters into his own...
Waiting in the Wings: The Musical
Two entertainers destined for the big time are mismatched in a casting office from two very different online contests. Tony, a stripper from New York, is cast in an Off-Broadway musical and needs to trade in his tear-away trunks for tap shoes and tights. Anthony, a naive musical theatre enthusiast from Montana, needs to decide if he can strip all the way down just to stay in town. Hilarity ensues as they realize that "to make it" they're gonna have to learn some new tricks.
With the psychic power of clairvoyance, an extra-sensory perception, Amy starts witnessing haunting visions as her entire Amish village begins to fall into demonic control. An ominous funeral director, Christopher, uses Amy's special abilities to seek out the covert leader behind the possession. Amy and Christopher must stop the fall of their village before the Devil takes over Amy's soul-forcing them to perform a controversial exorcism
Сумасшедший вид любви
Mr. Jeffries
Семья Августы разваливается после того, как она выгнала мужа из дома за интрижку на стороне. Однако вскоре в жизнь семьи врывается Бетти, подружка одного из сыновей, и переворачивает их жизнь с ног на голову, выводя семью из коматозного состояния
Голубая лагуна
Mr. Christiansen
В фокусе сюжетной линии двое подростков Эмма и Дин, которые оказались на необитаемом острове в Карибском море. Во время морской прогулки Эмма упала за борт корабля, и только Дин увидел это и прыгнул за ней в море. Проходят недели и молодые люди влюбляются, узнают многое о друг друге, а также познают себя.
A soul-searching comedic adventure set among famous red rocks and vortexes of Sedona, Arizona, visitors to the mystical town encounter eccentric characters and a series of calamities that lead them to unexpected miracles.
Assassins' Code
Daniel Dodd
A corporate assassination forces opportunistic double agents from three nations to fight to retrieve a high-tech computer disk containing schematics for a deadly weapon.
Harley's Hill
Mr. Miller
Harley, a runaway thoroughbred, is found by a rancher and his daughter. Unable to find the owner, they nurture him back to health, and the girl includes Harley as her partner in her horse club competitions.
Stained Glass Windows
Detective Marshall
A darkly intelligent teenage girl struggles to overcome her past and the restraints of suburban society while trying to come to terms with the present.
Не забывай меня
Mr. Channing
Сэнди Чэннинг пользуется успехом в школе своего маленького городка, ее выбрали президентом класса. Она намерена с удовольствием провести выходные, о неожиданно один за другим начинают исчезать ее друзья. Оказывается, все вместе они ненароком «разбудили» мстительный дух некоей погибшей много лет назад девочки. Сэнди придется раскрыть мрачную тайну своего прошлого… пока еще не поздно.
100 миллионов лет до нашей эры
Erik Reno
Во время испытаний машины времени в сверхсекретной правительственной лаборатории неожиданно происходит сбой аппаратуры. Это приводит к тому, что отправленную на 100 000 000 лет назад экспедицию не удается вернуть обратно. Для спасательной операции был срочно привлечен отряд специального назначения, который под руководством профессора Рено отправляется в далекое прошлое. Ведь каждая минута нахождения в древнем мире может стоить пропавшей группе исследователей жизни! Однако, вооруженные сверхсовременным оружием и обладающие профессиональными навыками, солдаты спецназа оказываются бессильными против динозавров…
Spiritual Warriors
King of Sparta
Finn trying to make it in Hollywood. Throughout the movie Finn meets with an elderly man, Roger, who helps Finn learn how to awaken to the insights of his soul.
Railroad to Hell: A Chinaman's Chance
1870's America. A Chinese immigrant falsely accused of murdering a white woman is viciously hunted down; he'll have to prove his innocence in a time when people of color had "no legal rights" and could be bought and sold for a profit. Railroad to Hell: A Chinaman's Chance explores the exploitation of Chinese workers during the building of American railroads. The workers not only spent long hours, but the work was often dangerous and fatal. The Chinaman is a fugitive on the run, and all odds are against him. While stealing a horse was a hanging offense in the Old West, our fugitive knows that killing a Chinaman is not a crime.
Sean Walker
Десять лет назад полицейский Шон Уокер потерял своего напарника. Во время ареста опасного рецидивиста — полного отморозка Билли, он замешкался, и это стоило другу жизни. Его смерть потрясла Уокера. Он едва не прикончил убийцу, и только подоспевшие коллеги сумели остановить его. Преступника осудили на пожизненное заключение, а Шон ушел из полиции и поселился на ранчо. Вдали от городской суеты бывший полицейский надеялся забыть тяготившее его прошлое… Но в планы Билли вовсе не входило сгнить за решеткой. Отсидев 10 лет, он совершает дерзкий побег. Теперь его путь будет отмечен многочисленными трупами. Но главный, кто ему нужен — это Уокер…
Caved In: Prehistoric Terror
John Palmer
An extreme adventure tour group headed by deep caving expert John Palmer descends into a 2000 Ft abandoned salt mine , that was mysteriously closed down years ago after an unexplained disaster trapped all of the miners . They prepare for rock slides , blackouts , cave-ins - whatever might threaten their journey and commence their descent into the depths.
The Librarians
An exotic dancer enters a world of kidnapping and ransom when she tries to track down her missing sister. Soon, she's on the trail of a cruel gang that specializes in white slavery, and she's not the only person trying to bring them down.
Woodward Channing
When a rich practical joker dies, he's reborn as a dog, which he uses as another chance to right the wrongs he never did as a human.
The Little Unicorn
PC Sid Edwards
Polly Regan has a good life on the farm with her grandfather. Unfortunately, one day Polly learns that her favorite mare is suffering with a difficult pregnancy and soon dies giving birth. Heartbroken, Polly comes around when she sees the new foal, who incredibly is born a real live unicorn, and soon earns the love of Polly and her grandfather.
Peter and Shannon are at home alone. When they stumble across a truck full of stolen gold the adventure begins. Held captive by three incompetent bank robbers, they have to come up with a plan to escape.
Peter and Shannon are at home alone. When they stumble across a truck full of stolen gold the adventure begins. Held captive by three incompetent bank robbers, they have to come up with a plan to escape.
13th Child
People are being killed by someone or something using superhuman strength. A clever DA Assistant is sent to investigate. Is this just a way to commit the perfect murder or will the legend of the Jersey Devil prove to be true?
The Stoneman
Kip Hollings
A mysterious mummy is discovered. Dr. Stevens brings the suspected missing link's remains back to the United States. The creature's body goes missing and people are suddenly being brutally murdered.
Under the Gun
Dan Swift (Jesse Bean) has a perfect life: a successful career, the cozy suburban home and the lovely pregnant wife. When Dan loses a promotion to co-worker Bill (Christopher Atkins), tension mounts in the normally sedate office, and Dan's only refuge becomes Herb (John Doe), the coffee-shop owner. When Dan loses his baby, wife and job all in the same week, his perfect life takes a fast, downward spiral' Overwhelmed with stress and hallucinations, he blames work for his problems and targets his fellow workers for death.
Title to Murder
Paul Shaughnessy
While researching an ordinary real estate transaction, title examiner Leah Farrell uncovers the mystery of a missing woman. When she is threatened by hoods for snooping around, she turns for help to Assistant District Attorney Paul Shaughnessy. As Paul tries to protect Leah from danger that looms from all sides, romance blooms.
Malicious Intent
Alfred Russo
In order to receive $3 million, a man must avenge his father's death.
Matthew Bronson
A group of people are trapped inside a stagecoach station under attack by spirits.
Lima: Breaking the Silence
An intense drama based on the true story of Peruvian rebels who in 1997 kidnapped several hundred high-ranking diplomats and government officials in an attempt to force the release of 400 political prisoners.
The Fairy King
When Kyle (Jameson Baltes) and Evie (Brittney Bowman) Preston start exploring the grounds of their late grandmother's house they discover an old, abandoned mine shaft and soon find that the old lady's stories about fairies trapped underground were true. Imprisoned many years ago by two battling giants, the fairies now risk being lost forever unless Kyle and Evie can find a way to help them. The task becomes even more urgent when the children's father (Corbin Bernsen) is taken ill, and they need the fairies to cure him with their magic
The Fairy King
When Kyle (Jameson Baltes) and Evie (Brittney Bowman) Preston start exploring the grounds of their late grandmother's house they discover an old, abandoned mine shaft and soon find that the old lady's stories about fairies trapped underground were true. Imprisoned many years ago by two battling giants, the fairies now risk being lost forever unless Kyle and Evie can find a way to help them. The task becomes even more urgent when the children's father (Corbin Bernsen) is taken ill, and they need the fairies to cure him with their magic
Mutual Needs
A man who hires a sexy escort to play his wife at his high school reunion gets more than he bargains for, especially when she takes him for everything he's got.
Angel Flight Down
Jack Bahr
Это моя вечеринка
Jack Allen
Ник Старк гомосексуалист, заболевший СПИДом. От него уходит любовник, а через год врач сообщает, что жить в здравом уме (опухоль мозга) ему осталось дней десять. Тогда Эрик собирает всех друзей на прощальную вечеринку, собираясь уйти из жизни человеком, а не «овощем».
Остров мертвеца
Roger Prescott
На таинственный, удаленный остров Чейза Прескотта, называемый местными индейцами «Остров Мертвеца», приезжает известная журналистка, автор многочисленных книг Генриетта Коллинз, известная просто как «Henrie О.». Они не виделись более 20 лет, за это время Чейз стал успешным бизнесменом. Его неожиданный звонок с просьбой провести неделю в доме старого друга, озадачил Генри О. Но, подумав, она принимает приглашение... По роману Кэролайн Дж.Харт.
Smoke N Lightnin
Two Miami car mechanics borrow a luxury car for a night, unaware that it contains classified documents
Проект «Охотник за тенью» 3
It has been 25 years since the ore spaceship Siberia was last heard from. Unfortunately, it is now on a collision course with the communications station Comstat 5 which is orbiting Mars. After one successful maneuver to avoid the Siberia, it rams Comstat 5 and the crew soon finds that the Siberia crew is dead and the reason that it has been missing for 25 years. But that reason is trying to destroy them all as it destroyed the Siberia crew.
Guns of Honor
Dusty Fog
In 1867, an ex-Confederate general, Jackson Hardin, still holds a grudge against the Union. He and his legendary "Floating Outfit" refuse to let the ravages of war dictate how they'll live in the impoverished South. Across the Rio Grande, a French army divides the occupied Mexican nation and casts an avaricious glance on the weakened American states. It's up to Hardin and his "guns of honor" to stave off these would-be occupiers.
Signal One
Martin Bullet
Emotional detective Martin Bullet has shot up a kid in a drug bust gone rotten. Now he must come to terms with his haunted feelings. He starts a new life in sunny yet scummy Sydney, Australia. But his life 'Downunder' soon turns more rotten. Paired with a screaming undercover cop, Jack Moran (described by his colleagues as a 'turd'), Bullet gets caught up in a lousy drug ring involving an 'odd' killer named Mr Earring and an intellectually disabled drug dealer.
Trigger Fast
Dusty Fog
A feisty woman struggles to keep her ranch from being stolen by a greedy and unscrupulous land-baron named Malick. A trio of young men comes to her aid Dusty Fog, the "Kid," and Miguel. They are later joined by a fourth man named Mark, who switches allegiance away from Malick, and then by the local Sheriff who's finally forced to stand up to the local tyrant.
Bandit Goes Country
Johnny Bruce
Bandit returns home for a family reunion. Mel Tillis, forced to make an emergency landing when his plane malfunctions, joins in on the fun
Умереть перед видеокамерой
Michael Terrence
В советской прессе 70-начала 80-х годов можно было встретить обличительные заметки об очередном извращении буржуазных обывателей — об их увлечении снафф-фильмами. Наши журналисты с негодованием и со смаком писали о «кинолюбителях», зазывавших в съемочные павильоны наивных американцев и убивавших их перед объективом (эти кинопленки каким-то образом якобы проникали потом в прокат). Начитавшийся подобных заметок герой «Смертельного видео» Майкл Терренс не тратил много времени на поиски жертв: они сами плыли в его сети. Майкл сначала снимал на видео то, что девушки ему показывали (обычно — голое тело), а потом демонстрировал им на мониторе то последнее, что они видели в своей жизни (их собственную смерть).
Dracula Rising
Witness the romance and tragedy of one man's undying passion that led him to sell his soul. In this epic horror, Vlad Dracula exchanges salvation for immortality so that he may avenge the brutal death of his true love. Now he journeys to the twentieth century to lay claim to the woman he so desperately loves.
Влажное и дикое лето!
Bobby McCain
Молодой американец Бобби Маккейн едет в Австралию, чтобы построить современный курорт. Местные жители против строительства, а Бобби познакомившись с ними поближе принимает их сторону. Его отца пытаются обьявить сумасшедшим чтобы завладеть компанией, австралийцы помогают ему не допустить этого.
King's Ransom
A photographer (Katherine) is asked to spy on a crook who runs an illegal casino and is arranging an auction of a precious pearl.
A murderous baboon escapes from a laboratory and roams the research building, and begins to kill some teenagers who are also in the building playing a Dungeons-and-Dragons type game.
Fatal Charm
Adam Brenner
Valerie's (Amanda Peterson) prosecutor mom is trying to put away Adam (Christopher Atkins), an alleged serial killer on trial for murdering six women. But he's so charming that the teenage Valerie just can't believe he really did it, and soon they begin sending each other letters. Adam is caught up in a jailbreak and ends up on the run.
Listen to Me
Bruce Arlington
It was the best time of their lives. A kid from Oklahoma. An immigrant's daughter. A senator's son, a society girl, and a college professor with a dream. They had one thing in common...the will to win. A group of college debaters learn about the world, friendships, love, dreams and family.
Mortuary Academy
Max Grimm
"Police Academy" clone, about some nerds who inherit an academy for morticians, which is run by a corrupt closet necropheliac. Of course, the most incompetent students possible are accepted, so that the academy will fail, and all sorts of wacky hijinks ensue.
Birds of Prey
Vanessa, a television reporter covering a story of a farmer attacked by his chickens, discovers that this is not an isolated incident. Travelling to Spain with her cameraman Peter, the two discover the survivors of a town wiped out by the birds thirty years ago. Meanwhile, attacks continue as a child's birthday party ends in tragedy and doves devour a poultry farmer and his wife. Vanessa soon comes to the conclusion that the birds are organizing themselves against the ecological ravages of man, but time is running out as thousands of birds launch an attack against a train Vanessa is traveling on.
Secret Weapons
Allen Collier
Soviet high school girls are sent to the U.S. where they are taught to become secret agents and use sex to find information.
Ночь в раю
Фэй - профессор колледжа, много лет счастлива в браке, но в её семейных отношениях возник кризис, её муж впал в депрессию и перестал уделять ей внимание. Но всё еще сильнее усложняется, после того как из Чикаго приезжает её сестра и затаскивает её в стриптиз клуб...
The Pirate Movie
A comedy/musical utilizing both new songs and parodies from the original (Gilbert and Sullivan's Pirates of Penzance), as well as references to popular films of the time, including Star Wars and Raiders of the Lost Ark. In your typical boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy fights girl with swords plot, the story revolves around Mabel ...
Ночь сотни звёзд
Самая блестящая, дорогая и утомительная видеосъемка в истории телевидения состоялась в пятницу, 19 февраля 1982 года, в нью-йоркском Radio City Music Hall. Мероприятие, за которое покупатели билетов платили до 1000 долларов за место (без учета налогов как взнос в Фонд актеров), было объявлено «Ночь сотни звёзд», но на самом деле в нем приняли участие около 230 звезд. И большая часть аудитории из 5800 человек заранее не подозревала, что они платят за просмотр телевизионной записи, сопровождающейся долгим ожиданием смены декораций и костюмов, перемоткой ленты и тому подобным. Исполнительный продюсер Александр Коэн подсчитал, что 5800 мест в Radio City Music Hall были распроданы по цене от 25 до 1000 долларов. Производство самого шоу стоило около 4 миллионов долларов, и ожидалось, что оно принесет около 2 миллионов долларов за новое дополнение к дому престарелых Актерского фонда в Энглвуде, штат Нью-Джерси. Считается, что ABC заплатила более 5 миллионов долларов за телевизионные права.
Child Bride of Short Creek
Isaac King
A dramatization of the true account of a fundamentalist sect in Arizona that practices polygamy, and a returning Korean War veteran's rebellion against his father when he learns that the latter plans to increase his stable of wives by adding the 15-year-old girl with whom his son is romantically involved.
Swan Lake
Prince Siegfried (English version)
The hero, Prince Siegfried, is out riding one day with his friends when he spies amidst swans on a lake a particularly eye-catching one with a crown on its head, the familiar Princess ...
Голубая лагуна
Страшное кораблекрушение, счастливое спасение и необитаемый остров положили начало одной из самых красивых и трогательных историй о любви. Долгие годы юная пара живет на прекрасном тропическом острове. Но по мере того, как они взрослеют, в их сердцах зарождается возвышенная, красивая, как окружающий мир, любовь.
Payback II